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    Schools and steroids

    Teen Athletes Often Ignore Steroid Dangers School District Starts Randomly Testing Student Athletes for Steroid Use March 15, 2005 — Callahan Kuhns of Plano, Texas, was 17 when he started taking steroids. He learned what so many high school students already know — steroids work. "We wanted...

    Props To Newbies

    Just wanted to give some props to the newbies for making the boards alot more interesting nowadays. You guys know who you are. Their helping out with the steroid, workout, diet and whatever else questions as well as keeping things humerous.

    What's on your mind

    I thought i'd start a thread to see what is on everyone's mind that they have been thinking about and need to share. Any thoughts?

    Everyone Read This!

    Don Hooten, I think he's in the senate hearings over the steroid and baseball issue. Look at this article. His son was a pitcher for a baseball team and was "addicted" to steroids. He committed suicide after being depressed for awhile. HIS PARENTS SAY IT WAS BECAUSE OF THE STEROIDS! Taylor...

    I Found The Thief!

    Check this shit out! heavy 03-15-2005 02:35 PM 0% 40 40.00 mojo Failed heavy 03-15-2005 02:34 PM 0% 20 20.00 tee Success! heavy 03-15-2005 02:34 PM 0% 10 10.00 tee Success! heavy 03-15-2005 02:31 PM 0% 30 30.00 pincrusher Failed heavy 03-15-2005 02:30 PM 0% 50 50.00 pincrusher Failed...

    Jose on The Big Idea w/Donny Deutsch

    Ah....Jose is on the big idea talking about ..... you guessed it his steroid usage and others. Looking at him reminds me of one of the barbarian brothers in the face.

    Thieves in the house



    A Florida 19 year old beat Michael Johnsons 400 meter record. Wasn't Johnson using gear when he set the record? I wonder if this kids dabling with a little something something. Here's the story: Fla. Teen Breaks Johnson's 400 Record Sun Mar 13, 5:54 PM ET Sports - AP By BOB BAUM, AP...

    Happy b-day to Fancy Fonz

  10. ORACLE

    Little Hercules

    On 20/20 (don't know the date) their suppossed to have a interview and story about the little 12 year old they call little hercules. That boy is pretty darn cut and big. A judge put a order out saying that he's not allowed to workout anymore until he turns 16. But man can you imagine if he...
  11. ORACLE

    Pajama party in court

    Who else could you think of that can go to court on Molestation charges on little kids and appear in their pajamas and get away with that? You would think that his lawyers or someone would get him an outfit to wear so that he can change in the limo. I just would think that pajamas would be the...
  12. ORACLE

    Jimmie Kimmel

    I was scanning the tv last night and noticed Jose Conseco on Jimmie Kimmel and they were talking about steroid usage and how Jose was alot bigger than what he was last night. Any one watch the whole thing?
  13. ORACLE

    Tee's Personal Time

    I think our beloved Tee has had a little bit of time on his hands to spend quality time with himself. He's acquired too much porn in such little time. :nono:
  14. ORACLE

    I Love this Poster

    I know everyone has seen the poster in their local gym....you know the one with the guy flexing saying what the effects of steroids are on your body. Does anyone know the name of that poster? It's fricken funny i laugh at it evertime i read it. over and over and over and over and over........
  15. ORACLE

    Good things on a sad day

    Well i've been wrestling with my feelings now for the last couple hours trying to get my mind away from my wife deploying today. When i realized that i'm up on my 1000th post here at ANASCI. This place seems to take my mind away when i feel like talking to some good friends. And i consider...
  16. ORACLE

    Movie critiques.

    I thought i'd post this because i download alot of movies for free of course and every now and then i come across a good movie. I watched Hitch last night and it was hillarious. You gotta see it if you like funny flicks. Boogeyman....sucked. Constantine....it was alright. Son of the...
  17. ORACLE

    Wife going to Iraq

    Well my wife is leaving for Iraq Friday for a year. I stopped my cycle early to spend as much time with her as possible. It's gonna be hard watching our 3 sons while she's gone but i guess there's no choice. Don't know how i'm gonna explain to them she's gonna be gone for awhile. Decision's...
  18. ORACLE

    Schwarzenegger: No Regrets About Steroids

    Here's an article on MSN about arnold and steroids. Schwarzenegger: No Regrets About Steroids Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has acknowledged using steroids during his years as a champion body builder, said he doesn't regret using the performance-enhancin g drugs. In an interview to be...
  19. ORACLE

    House MD

    I watched the TV show House last night on Fox. And it was about a baseball player who's liver was messed up and he needed another or he would die. They diagnosed him for using STEROIDS. They asked him how long was he using it and he said he gained 12 pounds in 4 weeks. They never said...
  20. ORACLE

    Hello and welcome Anasci

    :bowdown: Just thought i'd start this thread because our founder is feeling unloved. Everyone please join me in a warm hello and welcome to ANASCI :welcome: