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    Schedule dosage

    I'm taking my danabol at the following hours: 9:00 am 1:00 pm 6:00 pm (1 hr prior to workout) are the gaps too long. I'm more concerned at the one at 6:00 seems rather long before my next tab in the morning.

    Remember when....

    What is the most memorable thing you remember about your first cycle? I remember not being able to sleep on my side. I literally got so "big" that i couldn't sleep on my side because my arm was too tight or heavy. i had to sleep on my back or stomach.

    How to eat big on a budget

    I know its a proven fact that you have to eat big to get big....however...how does one go about doing it on a budget? chicken breasts aren't exactly cheap. Not only do i have to buy food for the family but also for myself personally. What are some ways that you shop to get the right amounts...

    Dianabol dbol 10mgs

    Danabol dbol hearts 10mgs Ok i got my dbol in and i'm gonna take 3 a day for a total of 30mg ED. However when i thought about the half life of dbol being only but 4-5 hrs i shouldnt have to break up the pill right. just take one in the morning, afternoon and evening and i should be stable...

    Injection fellas

    I'm gonna start to inject myself since my wife is leaving for iraq in a few months. she normally injected me. but i was curious, i can't really get a good shot at my glutes so i was thinking about my thigh. What gauge should i use for that? I'm used to a 22 gauge and also were should i inject...

    Oracle Pre cycle pics

    ok here's some pics of me before my cycle stats 5'3" 170lbs Cycle starts as of Monday maybe Friday

    Oracle Pre cycle pics

    ok here's some pics of me before my cycle stats 5'3" 170lbs Cycle starts as of Monday maybe Friday

    weakest bodypart

    My weakest bodypart is my back. i absolutely hate my back days. i guess it's because i do the same crap all the time. (hint any suggestions)? Alright what's your weakest bodypart and what do you do extra to overcome it. (excercise wise)

    Leg's Leg's Legs'......aaaaggghhh

    Alright here's the deal i know everyone here and their mama knows i'm about to go on cycle on monday. YEAH BABY! And i don't work legs at all because i have a bad back. Injured when i was in the military, my taxi got hit by a humvee....but that aside. I read someone post that Squats help you...
  10. ORACLE

    What's your split?

    I know a thread has already been started on this but i wanted a little more detail on the workout split itself i'm going on my second cycle next week and i'm amped because i was reading some of the old posts especially how most of the mods and forum members here take 1 - 2 min rests between...
  11. ORACLE

    Update: Peterson Gets Death

    What's your reaction?
  12. ORACLE

    scott peterson: verdict today!

    I haven't really been following the trial or anything but the most interesting part of this on going saga happens today. If you were on the sentencing jury what would you vote for. Life in prison or the Death Penalty?
  13. ORACLE

    so much emphasis on protein but what about....

    interesting.... If you're a serious bodybuilder who wants to gain and maintain size, you should consume a variety of fruits and vegetables. While we often push protein because it's the most critical macronutrient category for bodybuilders, regardless of the type of diet, we also emphasize...
  14. ORACLE

    Confidence for the Newbies

    I've researched alot on subjects and through forums but i thought i would post this for the Newbies. Most people go through forums looking for the "right" answers to many of their questions. ANASCI is no different in that aspect however, ANASCI and it's members WILL give you informative...
  15. ORACLE

    Blade Trinity

    I downloaded blade trinity off of the internet yesterday. real decent copy. If you want to know how i get my movies, music, software let me know. depending on how many people want it i'll put something together for the everyone. I attached a sample of the quality.
  16. ORACLE

    M1T whats your opinion

    I'm not starting my cycle for a few more weeks.....thanks to the input by the way guys....but in the meantime i'm taking what is formally known as "winni depot" the name changed to "Methyl Depot" basically it's a Methyl 1-Testosterone Blend. Don't know if it's worth taking. It's not like i'm...
  17. ORACLE

    How many mg to take

    help on dosage Need some help here. I'm gonna do my second cycle of Dbol and Winny. Both in tab form. The Dbol is 50 mg's per tab this one's a no brainer. The one i'm having trouble with is the Winny tabs (50mg per tab). How many of those do i take per day or week and for how long? I read...