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    Supersize She

    There's a show on TLC about a female bodybuilder named joanna something. She was competing for the GNC show of strength to qualify for the olympia. My friend was asking is she on steroids. LOL what an understatement.

    Funny phone #

    my friend told me something was wrong with her phone and asked me to call this number 1-(248) 262-6861. Don't worry it won't charge you anything. it's pretty funny


    Ok i've posted how i accidentally did 1 gram of test cyp last week but for some reason i've been having starving pains. In the middle of the night i feel like i'm starving. I eat alot but for some reason my body feels like it's starving especially throughout the night. Could it be because of...

    oh shit

    Ok for the first 3 weeks i was doing 1 shot of testosterone @ 600mgs. I did it because my body reacts well with 1 shot compared to 2. Anyways last week i changed up and split the shots. I was so used to filling a little past the 2cc mark for the first 2 weeks so i didn't realize that i was...

    Movies for Sale

    Ok if your interested in "Great Quality DVD Movies" ;) PM me.

    Update on my cycle improvements

    Ok I'm in the 5th week of my cycle and here's what i'm currently doing as far as biggest strength gains. Deadlift week 1 = 315lbs / currently 405lbs Incline Bench week 1 = 275lbs / currently back to 315lbs Incline skull crushers week 1 = 115lbs / currently 165lbs Straight bar curls week 1 =...

    ah..thought it was funny

    The Things Your Mom Never Told You About Being Big. By Jason Meuller. So, you wanna be a bodybuilder, huh? Stand up on stage next to the big boys, get all the ladies, never have that sand kicked in your face again, I hear ya. There's one little problem though. Walking around with all that extra...

    Xbox Games

    If you have an xbox and looking for some new or old games PM me. You have to have a "special" ;) xbox. If your's ain't "special" ;) let me know that also. ;)

    Talk about a great deal

    Ok for those who remember the saga of Oracle and for those who don't my wifey went to Iraq...Military messed up her pay for about 3 months....so i pawned my last computer. It was a ok computer system. It wasn't fast but i built it in a all blue acrylic case, iceberg water cooled, modified...
  10. ORACLE

    Doctor Visit

    Ok fellas i went to the doctor today to get a checkup and get a referral to the dermatologist. He said that he can take care of it for me. He said that the one's i have will eventually fade, however he did give me another medicine to take that will help with the outbreak of new acne called...
  11. ORACLE

    Sore Groin

    I'm pretty sure i hurt my left groin friday when i was working legs. I get a stinging pain when i lift it up. Anyone know of any good stretches that can help it or remedies?
  12. ORACLE

    Arnold Classic 2005

    Just got done watching it and Dexter Jackson won...which he deserved but i thought lee priest should have at least taken 2nd compared to his 4th place finish. Chris Cormier....poor guy his 6th time placing second. When Jay Cutler came out to give an award he was fricken massive! Amazing.
  13. ORACLE

    Gotta love the legs

    As some of you may know i havent' worked legs until this year. I actually enjoy working them. It takes nothing but raw power to squat the weight. I thought i'd see what i was up to today on the smith machine so as a final set i put 8 x 45lb plates on and did 7 reps. I'm gonna push myself...
  14. ORACLE

    Hit me baby one more time

    Theirs a show on right now on NBC called hit me baby one more time and it has the old old groups playing one of their old songs. Loverboy is on right now...lol...they were great. They can still play and sing....they have alot of rock and rnb oldie groups on tonight
  15. ORACLE

    8 simple rules

    Ok i was reading some stuff and ran into this and thought it was interesting. Eight Rules to Live by when Training with Anabolic Steroids By Paul, SE Eight common sense steroid "rules"... are you using them? Before you even think about using anabolic steroids make sure you are fully...
  16. ORACLE


    Ok i'm an expert at IRC but i'm trying out bittorrent to see how it works. I've figured out most of it but still have some questions. If you have any advice PM me thanks
  17. ORACLE

    Good Food...Small packages

    I'm eating Breyers Fruit on the Bottom yogurt and it tastes great. But not only that but it has 7 grams of protein, 230 calories, and 46grams of carbs. Amazing how something so small can have some great benefits.
  18. ORACLE


    O's Pics Ok here's the photo's of me 1 1/2 weeks into my cycle. I'm running GEN-PHARMA GEAR Anadrol 100mgs ED and Testosterone Enanthate switching to Cypionate 500mgs ED upping to 600mgs next week. I even included my legs for wolfy ... and i have never worked my legs until recently so i have...
  19. ORACLE

    When you want to quit

    21 Ways to Stick to a Workout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No-bull motivators for all occasions By: Scott Quill Photograph by: Richard Corman More on this in Health & Fitness Shape up! Subscribe to Men's Health today! Drink Yourself Skinny...
  20. ORACLE


    Watch Your BMI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weight loss is a numbers game By: Dave Zinczenko More on this in Health & Fitness Build your body with MH Personal Trainer! Get the Six-Pack You've Always Wanted Shape up! Subscribe to Men's Health...