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    Has anyone heard about this New Supplement at GNC. It runs $69.95 for a months worth but i heard it's really good. Way better than NO2. I heard once you take the first dosage it can take effect in 5 min. It feeds into your muscles and not around it like NO2 and it doesn't cause bloating. I...

    week 1 results anadrol

    Ok today is the end of week 1 of using 100mgs of Anadrol ED. My weight is back up 15 lbs. strength....getting back up. I used 105lb dumbbells for flat bench. it's not all there yet but it's going up pretty quick. I think the quickness is hurting me a little considering when i was benching my...

    Anadrol results day 4

    Well fellas it's the end of day 4 and amazingly i gained 10 lbs in this short time frame. I know some of ya'll are like what the hell ever...but i have no reason to lie. I do look fuller and i get stares at my new gym. And even though i haven't worked out since early february my strength is...

    [dbol] MY 2000th Post whore!

    [clenbuterol] ok guys just celebrating my 2000th post whore and thought i'd go out with a bang with another irrelevant thread...I've done this with no relevant comments whatsoever posted about steroids, diet, or weightlifting in general. First i'd like to thank god...my parents for speaking...

    Worn out Joke

    Ok the joke is all fun and done with whoever the ass is. I would appreciate it if you stop. Mainly because your making me lose where i got my avatar from. It really sucks to have to look for it again. But on a side note you must be a pussy since you decided to change something that we...

    Hey TEE

    Clear your fu*** box

    Ok this might be korny

    Ok so i'm a big viewer of American Idol and next week is the season finale. Anyone watch it and if so who's your bet on.

    Star Wars

    You would think that a high profile movie like Star Wars would be hard to bootleg. But yet i'm going to download the Workprint of it today. Amazing.

    Being CUT, Literally

    Ok i was at the gym yesterday and ran into a guy who bodybuilds. I was talking to him about some supplements that he endorses when i noticed his abs. Fricken Amazing. He was wearing a spandex workout shirt and you can literally see the definition in his abs...they looked like icecubes under...
  10. ORACLE


    My friend asked me tonight "why do you take steroids" , "is it because you have a complex". She said i should seek therapy. A FUCKIN COMPLEX! I told her i don't have a complex and mentioned that i learned that my body can only grow naturally but so much, and that i've always wanted to have a...
  11. ORACLE

    Gym Story

    Ok well i was at the gym tonight (second time since february) and i was working back and bi's. As i was doing bi's a teenager started talking to me and asked how long i've been working out. I told him 3 months. He was like are you kidding me. I told him no i was just playing and i said off...
  12. ORACLE


    I've had a migrain like headache all fricken day. I think it's because of the Anadrol i'm taking at 100mgs. It's suppossed to be a side effect..does anyone know if it's gonna be like this the entire time i'm taking it? I haven't used Anadrol until now it's normally been Dbol
  13. ORACLE


    Well Last night was my first shot. I decided that for the first 2 or 3 weeks i'm gonna do 500mgs of test in one shot then break them up into 2 shots for the week. I also changed over my Anadrol from 50 mgs to 100mgs ED. I got back from the gym today and was lethargic as hell so i took a...
  14. ORACLE

    Very Funny Anasci

    Why you chose my avatar to show your after cycle pics is beyond me
  15. ORACLE

    The Culprit!

    I thought this whole time that kell11 and steve0085 was the one's doing the name changes. It was actually that ass Dink aka Tee.
  16. ORACLE

    Let the Games Begin

    Alright tomorrow is the start of another cycle: Anadrol @ 50mgs ed weeks 1-4 Testosterone enanthate @ 500mgs EW weeks 1-12 Winstrol @ 50mgs ED weeks 8-14 Hell, i might just decide to stick myself tonight.
  17. ORACLE


    I just wanted to welcome him since i think that Dave Chappelle and that joke are funny as hell.
  18. ORACLE

    Visit the BANK!

    Just thought i'd let the newbies know especially to visit the bank and deposit their points if not TEE aka DINK is going to steal them. He took mine today so watch yourselves. Bastard!
  19. ORACLE

    Knock Knock..guess who?

    Guess who's back!
  20. ORACLE

    McGwire on Steroids

    Here's a clip from the hearings today: Choking back tears, his voice cracking, McGwire said he knows that steroid use can be dangerous and will do whatever he can to discourage young athletes from using them. "What I will not do, however, is participate in naming names and implicating my...