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    I was sitting here reading some of the post's and ran into one that bothered me to write this thread. I'm not going to go into details on what was said you probably read it and just skipped over it like a normal comment. We all make jokes at the expense of one another which is a great thing to...


    I've noticed lately that i'm becoming more vascular. It's somewhat surprising considering that at this point in my cycle (dbol and Test enanthate 4th week) That i'm starting to show more of the tiny blue veins. Because of the retention of water wouldn't it make it more difficult to notice...

    Steroid Calculator

    I ran into this while doing some research. Haven't played with it yet. It's suppossed to calculate the blood plasma level of different steroids. http://powerboard.rockarfett.com/roidcalc/

    Why Tex Why?!!!

    Seniors Beware! Before you go taking grandma to a senior citizen home make sure you make a background check and ask if a TEXASCREED works there. Sick Bastard ... and this is his way of helping the elderly. Makes me disgusted. I was given permission from the Texas State Board to post this...

    Nutrition Facts Weight Gainer

    ok my intake of food is really starting to suck. I just can't seem to get any food down. I went to Burger King today and got a Big Fish and some Chicken nuggets. I could barely get down half the fish and 4 nuggets. So i got completely pissed and went to GNC. Here's the Nutrition Facts on...

    Bulking Cycle changes?

    Ok just to get everyone on the same sheet of music DR follow along.... I'm doing Dbol 30 mg ed / 4 weeks test enanthate / 14 weeks ok here's where my plans begin to change. I was gonna do Stanozolol (winstrol) at weeks 8 - 14 however i'm thinking about changing that to either Boldenone or...

    tired on cycle

    I noticed that for the last 3 weeks that after a workout i'm extremely tired. I'm talking to a point of being lethargic and knocked out in a dead sleep for about 2 - 3 hrs having to force myself to wake up. It's really bad when i work chest. Is that normal? Also i noticed that on my last...

    call me stupid....

    Ok i've been going over this in my head now for the last 2 weeks. Someone help me and myself and I figure this out. I'm injecting twice a week of test enanthate however their are 7 days in a week obviously it's not even. Therefore i'm having a dillemma. Why you ask. Well i was planning no...

    Calculating Calories / Here's Help

    Click on the link below when you get there put in the food item and it will do a search. When it finds the item it will tell you how many calories, protein, etc...per item. It also tells you how much fat is out of those calories. Pretty good if your counting calories or trying to eat healthy...
  10. ORACLE

    Steroid Scale

    For those who wanted to know what does what Sorry about the crude way i made the Scale but you'll figure it out The numbers are reflected in the following order: Strength / Weight Gain / Fat-Water Loss / Anti-Estrogen / Sides / Keep gains Aldactone - / - / 3 / - / 4 / - Anabolicum Vister...
  11. ORACLE

    Flax seed and Gear

    I was told by a nutrionist to take flax seed oil pills in order to help prevent any of the "substance" that i took from being broken down in my liver. Does flax seed actually help that?
  12. ORACLE

    dbol duration and winny

    alright sorry but i can't find any of the old posts about these questions so i'm gonna ask it anyway :) 1st the dbol. I'm thinking about cutting it down from 6 weeks to only 4 at 30mgs ed. I was running it at 40mgs ed but i don't have enough to run it for the complete 4 if i continue to do so...
  13. ORACLE

    Link to bodybuilding videos (check out RC doing squats)

    I just thought this was pretty impressive watching ronnie coleman leg press 55 of the 45 lb plates. There's other pictures and videos as well http://bodybuilding.home.insightbb.com/
  14. ORACLE

    second cycle blues

    I'm at the close of my second week today on my second cycle. I upped my Danabol from 30mgs to 40mgs ed and test E 2 times each week. However i find that i'm not gaining in strength like i did in my first cycle nor size. I gained 13 pounds in these 2 weeks it just seems like it was hard to...
  15. ORACLE

    Food in the morning?

    I'm finding that i have to workout at least for right now early in the morning about 10:00 and i don't want to eat a big meal until afterwards. So i basically drink down a protein shake and that's it. However i find that i have little to no strength in the morning because of the lack of...
  16. ORACLE

    workout twice a week

    Ok i'm used to not working legs so i was working each body part 2 times a week. And i know that on gear your able to do that because of what gear does to help your body recover. But since i started to work legs i only work out 1 body part once per week and by the end of the week i don't feel...
  17. ORACLE

    frozen test

    I just got my other bottle of test E today. When i got to the mail it was frozen. Does that hurt it's consistancy? I ran it under cold water for about 20 seconds and it went back to liquid form pretty quick so i don't think it was frozen for too long.
  18. ORACLE

    Mike Matarazzo

    I thought this was interesting since i'm a fan. MIKE UNDERGOES HEART OP Written by: Peter McGough Bodybuilding great, Mike Matarazzo underwent triple bypass heart surgery on Wednesday, December 8 and is now recovering in his Modesto (Northern California) home. Mike, 39, was admitted to his...
  19. ORACLE

    Dosage reading....

    The half-life of Dianabol is only about 3 to 5 hours, a relatively short time. This means that a single daily dosage schedule will produce a varying blood level, with ups and downs throughout the day. The user likewise has a choice, to either split up the tablets during the day or to take them...
  20. ORACLE

    Danabol sides....

    I started my danabol on Friday and ever since then the left side of my face under my chin and my left arm feel like it flushed. kinda hard to explain the feeling. It feels somewhat tingly like......when your hand goes to sleep and the blood starts to come back to it. What could it be? I also...