The preworkout thread


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I tried Blackstone Labs Dust-X the other day. All my pre workouts are full tubs but this was just from a friend. He measures everything and said the scoop was well over 1 serving so just weighed the powder and bought it in a container for me. So I think I had less than 1 scoop. I was very impressed and it gave that very noticeable DMHA feeling. It contains 150mg 2-aminoisoheptane so a decent dose and that is combined with 350mg Caffeine Anhydrous. Another thing that stands out is a fairly large 300mcg Huperzia Serrate dosage. All in all great focus, energy and sense of well being. I can't comment on the pumps as I dosed adrol/dbol pre workout for the first time in my new cycle :p

Tonight I was really tired and wasn't going to train but decided to go. I took 2 scoops of Re1gn and because of my tired state it made me feel amazing. Lot's of clean energy and I simply felt it more as I needed it tonight. I had a great workout and felt good. Without it my workout wouldn't have been half as good as I wasn't very motivated before it kicked in.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been using Excelsior at 1 scoop or 1 scoop and about 1/6 and it's great. Somedays feel better than others though. I tend to get that crazy euphoria when I go closer to 1.5 scoops. I usually add 1/2-1 scoop of Full as Fuck as well for crazy pumps.

I used Nutrex Outlift Amped at 1.5 scoops and that is a solid pre workout and I always feel good on it.

One day I used 1 1/4 scoops of Kill it Reloaded and it didn't feel that good.

A short break from preworkouts over Christmas will do my mind/body good though.

I definitely feel like an alternative to Excelsior so I can rotate them. Instead of something brand new I would rather pick one I know will be great.
Looking back at everything I have used if I had to pick one right now to order again it would be Betancourt's D-Stunner Alpha or Hyphymud 2.0. I will probably pick up a tub of D-Stunner Alpha over the next few weeks. The original was banned but I never got to use that but heard it was amazing. I assume it was because the newer version (Alpha) is a great product.


Registered User
Dec 27, 2018
I have tried TrueNutritions pre-workout and Pump Juice Extreme and MA Supps MA-Pump all were good. MA-Pump sort of clumps but does not have any stimulants.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I originally wrote "Then I tried 2 scoops of Craze (label states 1-2 scoops) and it was surprisingly clean. I was thinking maybe 2 scoops would be too much but not at all. Very clean energy and good focus but nothing spectacular." So for the price and with competitor products I figured it is not worth it.

I used it yesterday but more on that below. First I want to mention even some of the best ones sometimes don't hit the same way. Sometimes I take 1 scoop of Excelsior and it's nothing incredible so finding the right dose for each day can be important. The label states 1-2 scoops but I usually stay on the low side of that. From now on I will go with 1.5 scoops as that hits me very hard and I get all the benefits everytime. I have also taken a lot of DMHA products recently so that is a factor in things but I regularly go days with no stimulants at all so my sensitivity is still ok.

Everything has an ideal dose for everyone and that can change due to diet, tolerance etc. Anyway last night I was gonna try 3 scoops of Rize as 2 was very smooth but last second figured 2.5 scoops would be more sensible. I dosed it and on the way to the gym I felt incredible. That lasted during training but by the end of a hard leg workout (approx 2 hours) I was destroyed. After I ate I felt much better and I was full of energy for the rest of the night. So whilst 2.5 scoops is not cheap the effects were great for me.

In the last week I have used 2 news ones...

Condemned Labz Convict (225mg DMHA etc)
Black Magic BZRK (DMHA etc)


Registered User
Feb 11, 2013
I use right now BAR Nutrition Energize Pre workout:
6g citrulline
small dose caffeine
1g agmatine
1g arginine

Gives a hell of a pump at the gym


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been doing a little reading on DMHA and it's various aliases. You basically have synthetic and natural forms. Some of the terms used on the labels include dimethylhexylamine, octodrine, 2-aminoisoheptane, juglans regia extract, kigelia africana and walnut bark extract (etc).

The reason I started reading up is I was interested in it's possible effects on blood glucose. Fact is when I use it pre workout I have been going hypo post workout if I don't eat straightaway. This is obviously without any insulin usage and even when using a reasonable amount (40-60g) of intra carbs. The fact I train very hard and for long periods is the biggest contributor to me feeling like this post wotkout. It's happened before but with the addition of DMHA it's happening everytime I don't eat straightaway post workout.

Diabetics obviously respond differently to none diabetics. Nevertheless I have found some interesting info. Most notably in studies Juglans regia extract at 200mg daily has been shown to significantly decrease FBG, HbA1c, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels. There is much more info and feel free to check out for yourselves but I figured I would highlight it.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been doing a little reading on DMHA and it's various aliases. You basically have synthetic and natural forms. Some of the terms used on the labels include dimethylhexylamine, octodrine, 2-aminoisoheptane, juglans regia extract, kigelia africana and walnut bark extract (etc).

The reason I started reading up is I was interested in it's possible effects on blood glucose. Fact is when I use it pre workout I have been going hypo post workout if I don't eat straightaway. This is obviously without any insulin usage and even when using a reasonable amount (40-60g) of intra carbs. The fact I train very hard and for long periods is the biggest contributor to me feeling like this post wotkout. It's happened before but with the addition of DMHA it's happening everytime I don't eat straightaway post workout.

Diabetics obviously respond differently to none diabetics. Nevertheless I have found some interesting info. Most notably in studies Juglans regia extract at 200mg daily has been shown to significantly decrease FBG, HbA1c, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels. There is much more info and feel free to check out for yourselves but I figured I would highlight it.

After reading the above I should make it more clear I am not using this has evidence for me going hypo. Those change were over a 3 month period when using 200mg Juglans regia per day. Nevertheless still very interesting data especially if you are using DMHA pre workouts most days per week. I also forgot to mention that there were no adverse effects including any liver or kidney damage. I still think DMHA is definitely having a contributing effect but the main reason are my fairly long and hard workouts that can deplete me. The DHMA products also stay with me a long time which can be positive and negative. I definitely feel shorter cycles are needed for these stronger stimulants so I will probably have a 2 weeks off all DHMA based products soon.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I used Dymatize's Pre tonight. I haven't marked it officially yet as I have only used it a couple of times. I wasn't sure about it in the past but it felt great tonight. I know one of the main reasons for that and let me explain...

I have been using a lot of stronger stimulant based preworkouts recently and they feel amazing in the gym but many times I finish my workout and I always feel destroyed. I train hard but I know that's just a small factor as I trained brutally hard tonight and felt great afterwards. A lot of times I literally struggle to walk home after the gym as I am that out of it. They can also elevate your heart rate so much your breathing is effected. A few times I have wanted to get a sauna post workout recently and it would be horrible due to me being so out of breath. I love the focus DMHA gives but it can have these negatives. Amp citrate is another great one but it can do the same. I have never really responded that well to DMAA and it would make me feel sick very often. DHMA is generally much more smoother for me than the others and my fav out of the 3. Although on all of them I can have good/bad days depending upon dose, diet and training etc.

The likes of Excelsior makes me feel so euphoric so it's amazing I just have to be careful with my dose. The bad thing is I only get that crazy euphoric feeling at higher doses so it's a win/lose situation. Many of the others I have used recently bring great focus/energy but it's not usually without negatives. Anyway tonight it felt good and I had nice energy, great pumps and no negatives.

I personally like the beta alanine tingles and this preworkout hits you hard as it's dosed at 3.2g. So many products claim 2-3.2g on their label but I never feel a thing. But within 5 mins of dosing my whole face was tingling. It also contains a lot of ingredients that assist pumps/fullness. My intra shake covers that but the addition only adds to things. Here are the full ingredients...



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I tried Dymatize's Pre again tonight and it was exactly the same. I recall when I tried 1 scoop the other week I thought it was quite weak. I don't think I posted about it though. It just shows you it's always worth trying again. I dosed 1 1/3 scoops (same as yesterday) and I had nice clean energy, felt good and had a great pump. No breathing issues and was fine doing cardio (rowing machine) and in the shower afterwards. When I got home I felt like training again I felt really good so I am pleased. No heavy crash like some other products. I think it's the high dose of teacrine that is making the difference. I seem to respond well to it. I will try another product next gym day (likely 2moro) to change things up.


Donating Member
Jul 11, 2017
I'm on my 10th tub of Convict.

I'm massively stim-tolerant and 600mg caffeine and/or 75+mg DMAA doesn't even phase me too much.

The two ingredients I love are Noopept (which is hard to find these days - let me know if anyone has a connect!) and DMHA.

I'm not associated with the company in any way, just sharing something that I've found works for me.


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I will second this! Convict is probably one of the strongest preworkouts I have ever used. I actually don’t use it every time I train....I normally save it for leg days! It’s definitely worth giving a try.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
This looks good. High dose of citrulline malate but the caffeine isn't too high which is ideal for me.

I used Dymatize's Pre tonight. I haven't marked it officially yet as I have only used it a couple of times. I wasn't sure about it in the past but it felt great tonight. I know one of the main reasons for that and let me explain...

I have been using a lot of stronger stimulant based preworkouts recently and they feel amazing in the gym but many times I finish my workout and I always feel destroyed. I train hard but I know that's just a small factor as I trained brutally hard tonight and felt great afterwards. A lot of times I literally struggle to walk home after the gym as I am that out of it. They can also elevate your heart rate so much your breathing is effected. A few times I have wanted to get a sauna post workout recently and it would be horrible due to me being so out of breath. I love the focus DMHA gives but it can have these negatives. Amp citrate is another great one but it can do the same. I have never really responded that well to DMAA and it would make me feel sick very often. DHMA is generally much more smoother for me than the others and my fav out of the 3. Although on all of them I can have good/bad days depending upon dose, diet and training etc.

The likes of Excelsior makes me feel so euphoric so it's amazing I just have to be careful with my dose. The bad thing is I only get that crazy euphoric feeling at higher doses so it's a win/lose situation. Many of the others I have used recently bring great focus/energy but it's not usually without negatives. Anyway tonight it felt good and I had nice energy, great pumps and no negatives.

I personally like the beta alanine tingles and this preworkout hits you hard as it's dosed at 3.2g. So many products claim 2-3.2g on their label but I never feel a thing. But within 5 mins of dosing my whole face was tingling. It also contains a lot of ingredients that assist pumps/fullness. My intra shake covers that but the addition only adds to things. Here are the full ingredients...



Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
I'm on my 10th tub of Convict.

I'm massively stim-tolerant and 600mg caffeine and/or 75+mg DMAA doesn't even phase me too much.

The two ingredients I love are Noopept (which is hard to find these days - let me know if anyone has a connect!) and DMHA.

I'm not associated with the company in any way, just sharing something that I've found works for me.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This one looks very strong. That's the problem for some for me. If I 1/2-3/4 scoop I am not getting enough of the non stimulant ingredients.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I haven't updated in awhile but wanted to go over a few things.

- I don't like Condemned Labz Convict. On paper for someone like me it looks incredible. I always feel out of breath on it even with 1 scoop. However it doesn't feel strong to me at the same time and doesn't give the focus and energy other product's do. I have tried it a few times and it actually worsens my workouts which is strange for a pre workout. HYDE was very similar for me but Convict is loaded with stuff not just high caffeine. Most seem to love it though and it's rated very highly.

- I ordered another tub of Dymatize's Pre workout because I love it. It doesn't give the euphoria of Excelsior but it has no negative side effects for me. I feel great on it every time. Great pumps and energy everytime. I have gone up to 1.5 scoops and no crash and just tonnes of long lasting energy.

- Excelsior is great but I have mixed feeling about it now. Sometimes I take it and feel amazing/euphoric and other times the complete opposite. I also tend to crash from it and go hypo post workout if I don't eat carbs straightaway. That's why I stopped doing 1.5 scoops as the crash was worse at that dose. It's feels party drug like to me which is weird to state but very true. When I train I don't have my phone with me and I just get on with it and train hard. However Excelsior often makes me feel so happy and I want to chat to people which is bizarre. If you are ever going out and feel tired excelsior would be worth trying. Maybe I should tell all my coke head mates to try it on the weekend :eek: I used it tonight with great effect and destroyed back.

- Generally I want to stay away from DHMA products for awhile. I will use excelsior every so often but staying away from the others I have. Most days I go with Dymatize's Pre that just uses caffeine and teacrine as it's main stimualnts. I also use 5150 occasional as well and it's always a solid product.


Registered User
Feb 7, 2019
I am interested in finding a pre-workout with some stimulant combination that actually affects me in some way. I feel nothing energy-wise from most pre-workouts. High caffeine doesn't cut it.

Side not - partying in college may have caused me to have a high tolerance to 'stimulants' but that was MANY years ago!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am interested in finding a pre-workout with some stimulant combination that actually affects me in some way. I feel nothing energy-wise from most pre-workouts. High caffeine doesn't cut it.

Side not - partying in college may have caused me to have a high tolerance to 'stimulants' but that was MANY years ago!

What have you tried recently?


Registered User
Feb 7, 2019
What have you tried recently?

Well to be honest I kinda gave up. I have been using the classic caffeine ephedrine and aspirin crushed up in a mortar and pestle. Wal-mart has ephedrine (Bronkaid) in the sulphate form. I mix these with some flavored sugar free drink like those Dasani squeeze bottle water enhancers. I have to be careful at the rate I drink it, If i chug it it will trigger some serious hypoglycemia.

I was just curious if there was something good that hasn't been banned yet


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Well to be honest I kinda gave up. I have been using the classic caffeine ephedrine and aspirin crushed up in a mortar and pestle. Wal-mart has ephedrine (Bronkaid) in the sulphate form. I mix these with some flavored sugar free drink like those Dasani squeeze bottle water enhancers. I have to be careful at the rate I drink it, If i chug it it will trigger some serious hypoglycemia.

I was just curious if there was something good that hasn't been banned yet

I would try Excelsior by Imperial Nutrition. The focus and euphoria you get off that is crazy. It states 1-2 scoops but 1.5 scoops is more than enough for me. I have posted about it in my previous posts. For reference I can take 3-600mg caffeine with no issues so my tolerance is quite high. It's definitely worth trying out if you have a high tolerance to caffeine.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I used Black Magic Bzrk the other day which I was told contains 200mg (may have been just over) of DMHA. I used it a few times over the last few weeks and it's a solid product. Great focus, energy and pumps. It also tastes great which is rare (peach ring flavour). After a few usages I would give it an 8-8.5/10. Here are it's ingredients...



Registered User
Feb 7, 2019
I would try Excelsior by Imperial Nutrition. The focus and euphoria you get off that is crazy. It states 1-2 scoops but 1.5 scoops is more than enough for me. I have posted about it in my previous posts. For reference I can take 3-600mg caffeine with no issues so my tolerance is quite high. It's definitely worth trying out if you have a high tolerance to caffeine.

Awesome thanks for the recommendation! My tolerance to caffeine is also high, it has almost no effect on me. I almost use the ECA stack as a matter of routine rather than actual effect.

Seems like most of the sites with that product are not US, I think I found one US based carrier out of NY


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Awesome thanks for the recommendation! My tolerance to caffeine is also high, it has almost no effect on me. I almost use the ECA stack as a matter of routine rather than actual effect.

Seems like most of the sites with that product are not US, I think I found one US based carrier out of NY

Yes it's a rare one for some unknown reason. The company is American but it's mainly sold in the UK. There is 1 US site I have seen so I imagine you are looking at that. Give it a try and let me know how you find it. Try to have 3 days off stimulants beforehand just to reset you a little. I have taken it most days for 2 weeks and it's effects stay the same. Always good to have a short break before usage though. I use it sparingly now as I am trying to stay away from DMHA products. I would recommend using it just on training days so you have regular breaks. Update me on here if you can.