The preworkout thread


Registered User
Feb 26, 2019
I used Dymatize's Pre tonight. I haven't marked it officially yet as I have only used it a couple of times. I wasn't sure about it in the past but it felt great tonight. I know one of the main reasons for that and let me explain...

I have been using a lot of stronger stimulant based preworkouts recently and they feel amazing in the gym but many times I finish my workout and I always feel destroyed. I train hard but I know that's just a small factor as I trained brutally hard tonight and felt great afterwards. A lot of times I literally struggle to walk home after the gym as I am that out of it. They can also elevate your heart rate so much your breathing is effected. A few times I have wanted to get a sauna post workout recently and it would be horrible due to me being so out of breath. I love the focus DMHA gives but it can have these negatives. Amp citrate is another great one but it can do the same. I have never really responded that well to DMAA and it would make me feel sick very often. DHMA is generally much more smoother for me than the others and my fav out of the 3. Although on all of them I can have good/bad days depending upon dose, diet and training etc.

The likes of Excelsior makes me feel so euphoric so it's amazing I just have to be careful with my dose. The bad thing is I only get that crazy euphoric feeling at higher doses so it's a win/lose situation. Many of the others I have used recently bring great focus/energy but it's not usually without negatives. Anyway tonight it felt good and I had nice energy, great pumps and no negatives.

I personally like the beta alanine tingles and this preworkout hits you hard as it's dosed at 3.2g. So many products claim 2-3.2g on their label but I never feel a thing. But within 5 mins of dosing my whole face was tingling. It also contains a lot of ingredients that assist pumps/fullness. My intra shake covers that but the addition only adds to things. Here are the full ingredients...


I could never handle 300mg of caffeine 100mg and I’m twitching all over the gym :action-smiley-030:


Registered User
Apr 1, 2013
this may sound crazy but for me insulin and carbs... know what your doing ofcourse!!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I took Driven Sports RIZE yesterday. Just over 2 scoops (label recommends 1-2 scoops). It's almost frustrating because like other times for the first 30 mins I felt euphoric and on top of the world. I take preworkouts before leaving and walked to the gym with my gf and felt incredible. Then it soon faded away and I felt wired but not in a great way. You have to play about with this one a bit. Still a good product you just have find your right dose with it (heard anything from 1-3 scoops from people). With all the competition out there though I don't recommend this one especially due to the high price.

Tonight I tried one of my all time favs. That was just over 1 scoop of 5%'s 5150. I felt great this time and had an amazing workout. Solid energy, focus and pumps with no crash. Contains a lot of caffeine but no DMHA/DMAA which is good for me. It's been 2 hours since I got back and I feel good and relaxed. I rate this higher than 5%'s newest preworkout Kill It Reloaded.


Donating Member
Jun 16, 2015
I don't get why some of these companies are putting that much in their products. I've seen some with 350 and maybe more.

Yeah some of these companies are definitely taking it too far with the caffeine. I see it often around here, kids (or just newbies to lifting) buy their first pre-workout supps containing like 3-400 mg of caffeine and use that stuff 4-5 times a week.. I know AAS isn't the best thing for your body, but I can't imagine that amount of caffeine (and most of them still consume coffee or energy drinks other times of the day) being good for you over the long haul either.


Registered User
Mar 19, 2019
I used to wake up and drink a bang, have an energy drink midday, and then two scoop a Preworkout. Felt like shit nonstop and always wanted to sleep. Lately I skip all energy drinks and do one scoop of a Preworkout before I train with no more than 200mg caffeine. More concerned with the other no stim ingredients. Currently using PreKaged and used ghost before hand. Always switch it up after a tub to keep it fresh.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Today I used 1.5 scoops of Nutrabio's Pre so a big dose of caffeine. It felt good and I had a great workout. My 5% Nutrition's 5150 has about 1 serving left and that is one of my favs. Dymatize's preworkout doesn't have the same kick it once had but still a solid product.

I used Goku Gain's again and it definitely drives down my blood glucose. I crashed hard from it and went to bed after eating cereal. Literally 3 hours after taking 350mg caffeine plus all it's other stims (including DMHA) I was exhausted. I woke up in the middle of the night going hypo. It's only ever DMHA preworkouts that do this to me.

I am definitely in need of some new products and I plan to order a few very soon. I will try some brand new products and will update the thread with which ones I pick.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been using My Protein's caffeinated EAA's recently. It's a very old tub and I believe they have changed the formula. I use 4 scoops intra which is 300mg caffeine and it works great. I haven't tried a big serving pre workout but it could be used as one if needed. Just straight caffeine but it feels strong. Drinking it intra is a great way to keep energy levels high even after your workout. So ideal for guys who go to work afterwards or just need the energy. Sometimes if I take a pre workout and train really hard my energy levels crash post workout and not because of the crash from the stimulants but a combination of factors. I have to be careful not taking these EAA's too late as the energy really stays with me and one night I couldn't sleep.

Tomorrow I will go over all the new products I have ordered and plan to try out soon. It's a combination of pump only, nootropics and high stimulant so a good mix of different things.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Has anyone used Prepare by JP Nutrition?

I was going to order it but it went out of stock. It looks really good but more of a pump formula. I know one person who has used it and he didn't rate it. Although guys taking it expecting some major energy/focus are going to be disappointed. For pumps it should be great. I will try it in the next few months and review it in this thread.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Here is a list of the products I will be trying out in the near future with the ingredient panels listed.

Alpha Lion Komodo Pump


Stimumax Black Edition

6000mg Citrulline malate

3200mg beta alanine

1000mg nac l tyrosine

250mg caffeine

200mg juglans Regis whole fruit extract - 10-1 water extract

200mg Keiglia African (Sausage Tree Extract)

De Novo Utopia


Olympus Labs I Am Suprem3


Innovapharm MVPre2.0

Citrulline Malate – 8000mg
Beta Alanine – 3200mg
GlycerPump – 2000mg
S7 – 50mg
Choline Bitartrate – 1000mg
N-acetyle L Tyrosine – 500mg
Caffeine Anhydrous – 350mg
BioPhytum Extract – 150mg
Eria Jarensis – 100mg
Huperzine A – 150mcg


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Komodo pump looks good. When will you try it?

Sorry I missed this. There has been a problem with my delivery (long story). Not gonna have it for another 2 weeks or so. Not sure what I will try first but perhaps the low-no stim products. So if I do Komodo will be first and I will update this thread when I do.

One ingredient to look out for and the main reason I bought Komodo is S7. It's supposed to be amazing for pumps.


Feb 2, 2007
Sorry I missed this. There has been a problem with my delivery (long story). Not gonna have it for another 2 weeks or so. Not sure what I will try first but perhaps the low-no stim products. So if I do Komodo will be first and I will update this thread when I do.

One ingredient to look out for and the main reason I bought Komodo is S7. It's supposed to be amazing for pumps.

Have you tried it now? I am also in look for a good pump product.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have some Scivation Quake from ages ago. The tub is nearly empty and I figured lets get rid of it. So I dosed just over 2 scoops which contains some great ingredients at good doses. It contains some BCAA's which is the reason I dosed it as I am waiting on my amino order so figured anything is a bonus around training. This is a prime example of a product that looks much better on paper and it doesn't really shine in anyway. It's not bad but has no wow factor especially when you only get 10 servings per tub at that dose.
