The preworkout thread


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I really want to try that BSN based on this review. I need something with a little less caffeine as I drink a ton of coffee throughout the day. Just wish it had more carnosyn.

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I recommend it but try and get the one I used with that formula. It only has 2g's of BA but I felt it a lot. You could always buy some BA powder and add extra but I don't think it is needed but always worth having to add to pre workouts or intra drinks. I have used products that contained more BA on the label but I never felt them as much. I could really feel the BA tingles with the BSN product.

El Hereje

Registered User
Oct 3, 2017
So I swung by vitamin shop tonight with the intention of buying that BSN. The only had the no xplode so I picked up the nutrex outlift instead. I thought it was pretty well outstanding, damn good pump and no lightheaded “cracky” feeling

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New member
Mar 20, 2013
Firstly I regretted doing this as it took my ages (hours) :eek::D I have compiled a complete list of everything I have used during this thread including a rating and brief review. Please note my stimulant tolerance has changed during this thread so some products from the past may not have the same effect as they once did. The same could be said for recent products that may not have scored highly but perhaps earlier may have felt better to me. Although I like to keep small amounts of many powders so I can reuse in the future and see if they passed the test of time. Below are all the products from start to finish starting from the best to the worst.

GSN's NitroNOX Pro- Probably the pre workout I have ever taken. This is amazing for energy, pumps, mood etc. It has everything and I recommend it to anyone. I would give it a 10/10.

Kali Muscle's Hyphy Mud 2.0- I simply love this product. On paper it looks crap but it makes me feel like a machine. The energy and focus and overall feeling on this product is amazing. I want to give it a 10 but I guess it lacks in pumps so I will give it a 9.5/10.

Matrix Nutrition NO Pump Xtreme- Amazing. This only has 80mg caffeine per scoop and is more a pump product. Incredible pumps and feel with a nice boost in energy. 2 scoops of this will give you ridiculous pumps and great energy. One of the best I have ever used. 2 scoops is a 9.5/10.

5% Nutrition 5150- This gets mixed reviews but I love it. It's not as strong as many may think but I get great energy, pumps and a euphoric feeling shortly after dosing. It's also one of the nicest pre workouts I have ever tasted ( (pomegranate flavour). Overall an easy 9/10.

PRE JYM- This didn't impress me at first but the more I used it the more I liked it. I call it a complete pre workout and it performs in every sense (pumps, energy, focus, feel) and contains some useful ingredients. I would give it a 9/10.

Dynamik's Savage Roar- An excellent pre workout that delivers in every way. Overall a 9/10.

Musclerage's Limitless- One of the nicest tasting pre workouts I have tried (Cotton Candy). Nice clean energy with no crash afterwards. One of the best products I have ever used for pumps. Overall 9/10.

RedCon1 Total War- A fantastic product and I can tell most would love this. Great for energy, pumps and focus. You can't really go wrong and it's a 9/10.

Ronnie Coleman Yeah Buddy- This to me is very similar to HYDE (on paper and in effect) but without any negatives. A very strong product I recommend to anyone who is fine with stimulants. Overall an easy 9/10.

5% Nutrition's Full as Fuck- Techinally not really a pre workout but many use it for that so it's worth mentioning. This contains no stimulants so if you want that it is ideal. I used this through the day (perhaps going the beach) or pre workout with caffeine. The pumps and vascularity from this are insane for me. It's much better used on an empty stomach and takes time to build up. An excellent stimulant free pre workout. You could also add a good stimulant like teacrine to it to make a fantastic complete preworkout too. For what it is I give it a 9/10.

Musclemeds NO BULL- Great product. Amazing for pumps and good energy. Feel very different but in a good way. Some of the best pumps ever but they fade away after 2 weeks or so. Overall a 8.5/10.

Cobra Labs The Curse- Fantastic product. On paper this doesn't look good at all... very basic etc. I think it contains 125mg caffeine and 5mg olive leaf extract per scoop. However I feel this a lot and it seems to get great reviews by most. Very cheap too. 2 scoops of this should make you a machine in the gym. Definitely recommend if you want something simple but effective. Rating changes with scoops but overall a 8.5/10.

Ergogenix's Ergoblast- A great pre workout and felt very different to most. Nothing too powerful but the focus was great. The pumps were incredible on this product. Overall I give it a 8.5/10.

Muscle Chemistry's Pump Juice Extreme- Great product and provides clean energy and incredible pumps. If you need a pump product try this one (10/10 for pumps). Overall I rate it an 8.5/10.

BSN's NO-XPLODE XE EDGE- It contains a lot of useful ingredients. Whilst some may not be dosed high enough the final effect is a very good one. It performs in all areas and I felt great on it. This was just a sachet so could be better at a higher dose. Overall an 8.5/10.

Dorian Yates NOX Pump- Decent. I used this years ago and it was incredible. This time nowhere as good so the formula must be different (something got banned). Maybe better than decent as with an espresso I am an animal in the gym. This an a single espresso was a fav of mine for a while. With an extra kick this product can score a 9.5/10 but alone it's a solid 8/10.

Chaos and Pain’s Cannibal Ferox Amped- Probably the strongest pre workout I have ever taken in regards to stimulants. I really enjoyed this and if you like your stimulants definitely try it out. The one area this really stands out in is the added mental focus. Overall I give it an 8/10.

Run Everything Lab's EWP- This is a very good product but it's effectiveness lowered fairly quickly. It gives me a good boost in energy and pumps. Overall a 8/10.

ProSupps Mr Hyde Zero- Everyone rates this very highly but it's nowhere near my favourite products. It's strong and great for energy but this left me breathless and I have used stronger products without that side effect. Although it still scores fairly highly at 8/10.

Gaspari SP250- Very good. Better for energy and focus than pumps bit overall a great pre workout. It did make me crash a bit later on though. I would get the shakes too. Ver strong even at just 1 scoop and it is not a 1 scoop formula so be careful when upping the dose. I would give it an 8/10.

Universal's Fury- A very basic but solid product. Contains everything you need in a pre workout though. Green apple flavour is the sweetest pre workout I have ever tried. I like that but many won't. Solid product and scores an 8/10.

Brawn Nutrition's Venom 2.0-Not for the stimulant sensitive. Although this didn't feel as strong as I intially thougth it would be. Overall a very good product and I rate it an 8/10.

BSN's NO Xplode 3.0- Good product and well worth a try. Very long lasting energy with this one. Overall an 8/10.

Betancourt's D-Stunner Alpha- My latest pre workout and a solid product. Great initial surge of energy that lowers quickly but still stays. Nothing spectacular but many should enjoy this product. So far an 8/10.

Grenade's .50 Caliber- It comes in fireball flavour and this is unique to any bb products. Some will love the taste and many will hate it. I quite like it but chilli flavour is unusual. This delivers in all areas and most should enjoy it. Overall I give it an 8/10.

Nutrex Hemo Rage The Underground- Very similar to Hemo Rage black and gives great energy. Nothing incredible but a solid product. I rate it 7.5/10.

GAT PMP- A similar but improved version of Nitraflex. This really grew on me but nothing spectacular. Overall a good product though and I give it a 7.5/10.

Nutrex Outlift- Very good product but not as good as the label suggests. It's similar to PRE JYM in many ways but not as effective. I would give it a 7.5/10.

Nutrex's Hemo Rage Black- This is all about energy and a decent product but not as good as many others I have tried. Although I feel really good on this one. Overall I give it a 7.5/10.

Lee Lebrada Super Charge Xtreme 4.0- Initially I was not impressed at all but it did improve over time. Not a cheap pre workout either. It's meant to have a lot of caffeine in but I feel a single espresso more than 1 scoop. Might be ok for some but definitely not for me. 1 scop would be 5/10 and 2 scoops 7.5/10.

Blackstone Labs Dust v2- Nice flow of energy and great pumps. Not as strong as I thought it would be. Overall a decent preworkout and 7.5/10.

Beast Yourself Raging Bull- Very good. On paper it is incredible but doesn't live on to that. Really good pumps and combined with an espresso it comes alive even more. I would give it a 7.5/10.

PRE-KAGED by Kaged Muscle- An excellent ingredient list and as a result a very expensive pre workout. Similar to PRE JYM in many ways. Overall a good product but doesn't have the wow factor. Overall I give it an 7.5/10.

Dynamik's Gamma Ray- This is more of a compliment product in my eyes. It's the pump product for Savage Roar. If you are judging it solely it's nothing spectacular but when added to a traditonal pre workout it can be really special. Not as effective as Full as Fuck but a very good product. Judging it solely as a pump product I would give it a 7.5/10.

Universal's Shock Therapy- A good pre workout in every sense. I would recommend this one for beginners. Performs in all areas and at 2 scoops an 7.5/10.

USN 3XT Pump- The only thing this does for pumps is the name of the product. It's all energy and very good at that. Some may liek this but I would run out to buy it. Overall a 7/10.

MHP's Reckless- This was a 2 serving sachet so my review is limited to just 1 usage. The initial energy surge was great but it faded really quickly and overall this product is lacking. I can imagine 1 serving would be a waste for me. 2 servings scores a 7/10.

Scivation Quake 10.0- What a disappointment. Looks really good on paper but doesn't perform. The pumps are good but no real energy or focus for me. Overall a 6.5/10.

5% Nutrition KILL IT- This one I only tried a sample so take this review with a pinch of salt. I wasn't impressed and expected/hoped for better as I like 5%. Didn't notice too much but again only a sample. Overall a 6/10 but with more scoops could be much better.

GAT Nitraflex- Not impressed at all. I just had a 2 weeks break from caffeine too. Need to give it another week but so far doesn't do much. It's meant to have 325mg caffeine and 1.5g beta alanine per scoop but I don't feel either. Taste means nothing for pre workout's but I will say the pina colada is nice. I would give it a 5/10.

MAN Sports NOOPump- This is another stimulant free pre workout. I was disappointed using this and it's nowhere as effective as Full as Fuck. It's not a bad product but there are much better out there. Overall I rate it a 5/10.

Warrior Rage- Marketed as one of the strongest pre workouts but didn't do much. I would not recommend it. I give it a 3/10

MRI Black Powder- Crap. Not even worth writing more about. How can you fuck up a pre workout so much. 2 pro plus would be better. Rating is the worst in my list and 1/1.

Hi mate
Great reviews! May You tell me where to but gsn nitronox in europe?


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
So I swung by vitamin shop tonight with the intention of buying that BSN. The only had the no xplode so I picked up the nutrex outlift instead. I thought it was pretty well outstanding, damn good pump and no lightheaded “cracky” feeling

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Did you get Outlift Amped like elvia? Or is it the older version?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Hi mate
Great reviews! May You tell me where to but gsn nitronox in europe?

Unfortunately I don't think they are no longer in business :(

Did you get Outlift Amped like elvia? Or is it the older version?

I have actually used both versions.

Just the regular outlift. I think it’s pretty good.

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Reading back I gave it a 7.5/10 stating it was very good. I remember it was one of the first (if not the first) to come out with the clinical dose of 6g citrulline malate. At the time it sounded amazing and I recall it never performed like I expected but still very good. The Amped version for me is better but feels similar and again not as good as I expected it to be. It's basically exactly how it states and an amped version of the original so similar but a bit stronger. I would give the Amped version 8-8.5/10.

Has anyone tried mutant mayhem or madness?

I am a big fan of Mutant products but have never tried either. I have come close to ordering both on numerous occasions. I always figured there are better alternatives. They both get rated well with Mayhem coming out slightly on top. They are fairly cheap so I will have to try out Mayhem one day. I haven't basically because I am 99% certain it will be good but nothing special but for someone with higher sensitivity it could be great. Although as I always state the only way to know is to try it so I will have to one day.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have this thread on another forum and some recently asked me about supplements that can help make you feel euphoric as I mentioned certain pre workouts can do that. I will put what I told him in this thread too. There are certain nootropics such as Flmodafinil, Sunifiram, Aniracetam, Noopept and Phenibut etc. In the same brackets there are also herbs such as kratom, nutmeg and kava kava. Then there are supplements such as St John's Wort, 5-HTP, GABA etc. But in regards to what is fairly common in pre workouts all the following can assist in improving your mood or making you feel happy:

Choline Bitartrate
Mucuna pruriens
Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL
Ginko Biloba
Huperzine A

Some products simply make me feel euproric but you can't always go by the label. Although definitely look out for things such as caffeine, choline, theanine and tyrosine as they are very common and useful additions to any pre workout.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been meaning to update more but below are a few points about the last few weeks. I have been using Mesomorph and some of my older ones.

- My hyphymud 2.0 seems to have lost some of it's potency but I will verify this over the next week.

- I finished my 5150 tub. I had left about 3 servings for awhile and used them recently. This is an outstanding product for me. It gets mixed reviews but this is one of the best I have ever used. Really enjoy it and will likely order it again.

- Nutrex Outlift Amped well nothing much has changed. Very good product but I did expect a little more.

- Enhanced Athlete Rage is a great product as I have mentioned in the past. Subtle in many ways but packed full of clean/smooth energy and focus.

Now on to Mesomorph that is the highest rated product from this thread by others. I have used it about 7 times so far. I have used it on an empty stomach and before different body parts and even after a few days break. Very disappointed with it. It simply doesn't suit my body. It must be the DMAA as many report different findings when using it.

Mesomorph is obviously strong but I don't feel it in a good way. It can make me a bit out of breath but I don't feel insane focus etc. It's not bad but I just don't feel great on it and I have tried 3/4 of a scoop to 1.5 scoops. I also seem to crash from it. My hgh fatigue has added to things but when I use 5150 or others I still have lot's of energy post workout. Everytime I have used Mesomorph I have fallen asleep post workout. Again hgh has added to that but 100% it's the product too. Plus I don't even get much of a high to begin with.

I find DMHA that is in Rage is much cleaner/smoother than DMAA. I would give Mesomorph 8/10 maybe even 7.5/10. I was really hoping it would be great and I even ordered 2 tubs but for me it definitely doesn't treat me like it does for others.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2008
I have been using total war and so far it's great. It can feel quite strong but I never get the shakes like I have with some in the past. I am full of energy for hours but can sleep no problem so very happy. Thanks for the suggestion. I will pick up another one soon but not sure what brand just yet.


Registered User
Jul 12, 2013
AAKG is the main ingredient for me it seams as long as a mix has it I get great pumps most pre workouts just make me too figity


Registered User
Aug 26, 2010
AAKG is the main ingredient for me it seams as long as a mix has it I get great pumps most pre workouts just make me too figity

I have used this with great effect in the past as well. It feels stronger to me than citrulline malate.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been meaning to post in this thread for ages. It's got to the point I have forgotten many things but I will try my best to update my pre workout ratings list with new additions and adjustments.

New additions include:

Dymatize Nutrition's M.P.ACT Energy Ignitor
DS (Driven Sports) Frenzy
Applied Nutrition ABE (All Black Everything)
Nutrex Outlift Amped
Enhanced Athlete's RAGE
BSN's Endo Rush
APS Nutrition Mesomorph

Adjustments include:

Matrix Nutrition NO Pump Xtreme
Betancourt's D-Stunner Alpha

GSN's NitroNOX Pro- Probably the pre workout I have ever taken. This is amazing for energy, pumps, mood etc. It has everything and I recommend it to anyone. I would give it a 10/10. Unfortunately this product is no longer available which is a shame.

Kali Muscle's Hyphy Mud 2.0- I simply love this product. On paper it looks crap but it makes me feel like a machine. The energy and focus and overall feeling on this product is amazing. I want to give it a 10 but I guess it lacks in pumps so I will give it a 9.5/10.

5% Nutrition 5150- This gets mixed reviews but I love it. It's not as strong as many may think but I get great energy, pumps and a euphoric feeling shortly after dosing. It's also one of the nicest pre workouts I have ever tasted ( (pomegranate flavour). Overall an easy 9/10.

PRE JYM- This didn't impress me at first but the more I used it the more I liked it. I call it a complete pre workout and it performs in every sense (pumps, energy, focus, feel) and contains some useful ingredients. I would give it a 9/10.

Dynamik's Savage Roar- An excellent pre workout that delivers in every way. Overall a 9/10.

Musclerage's Limitless- One of the nicest tasting pre workouts I have tried (Cotton Candy). Nice clean energy with no crash afterwards. One of the best products I have ever used for pumps. Overall 9/10.

RedCon1 Total War- A fantastic product and I can tell most would love this. Great for energy, pumps and focus. You can't really go wrong and it's a 9/10.

BSN's Endo Rush- I used just a 1 serving sample for this product. It contains some unusual ingredients in the form of euphoria longana and lindera aggregata and these definitely add to it's mental effects. It contains 3g arginine and 3g citrulline malate. Many would state that is not enough but in my experience a very good mix and if they are high quality should produce excellent muscle pumps. Only 2g beta-alanine as CarnoSyn but it must be a very high purity as I felt it loads. This is why I always state ingredient lists are an indication as who knows what exactly is in a product and what is the purity of those ingredients. Great pumps and a nice boost in energy but great focus. The energy stayed and I felt great for hours after using. No jitters or over stimulanted feeling and lot's of clean energy. Something I noticed is the ingredient profile for my sample is different to the one posted online. The product I used does not contain yohimbe plus uses different doses of other ingredients. I would give this 9/10.

Ronnie Coleman Yeah Buddy- This to me is very similar to HYDE (on paper and in effect) but without any negatives. A very strong product I recommend to anyone who is fine with stimulants. Overall an easy 9/10.

5% Nutrition's Full as Fuck- Techinally not really a pre workout but many use it for that so it's worth mentioning. This contains no stimulants so if you want that it is ideal. I used this through the day (perhaps going the beach) or pre workout with caffeine. The pumps and vascularity from this are insane for me. It's much better used on an empty stomach and takes time to build up. An excellent stimulant free pre workout. You could also add a good stimulant like teacrine to it to make a fantastic complete preworkout too. For what it is I give it a 9/10.

Enhanced Athlete's RAGE-Berry blast flavour tastes like crap which for pre workout is often a good sign (not always). Lot's of clean energy and great pumps. It's nowhere as strong as some of the other products I have used but so much smoother. This is a really good product for me and gives the ideal energy and focus I need for the gym without over stimulating. I think the ratio of caffeine to DMHA is ideal. I find DMHA is much smoother than DMAA but obviously similar in effect. I would give this 9/10.

Musclemeds NO BULL- Great product. Amazing for pumps and good energy. Feel very different but in a good way. Some of the best pumps ever but they fade away after 2 weeks or so. Overall a 8.5/10.

Cobra Labs The Curse- Fantastic product. On paper this doesn't look good at all (very basic). I think it contains 125mg caffeine and 5mg olive leaf extract per scoop. 2 scoops of this should make you a machine in the gym. Definitely recommend if you want something simple but effective. Rating changes with scoops but overall a 8.5/10.

Ergogenix's Ergoblast- A great pre workout and felt very different to most. Nothing too powerful but the focus was great. The pumps were incredible on this product. Overall I give it a 8.5/10.

Muscle Chemistry's Pump Juice Extreme- Great product and provides clean energy and incredible pumps. If you need a pump product try this one (10/10 for pumps). Overall I rate it an 8.5/10.

BSN's NO-XPLODE XE EDGE- It contains a lot of useful ingredients. Whilst some may not be dosed high enough the final effect is a very good one. It performs in all areas and I felt great on it. This was just a sachet so could be better at a higher dose. Overall an 8.5/10.

Betancourt's D-Stunner Alpha- Great initial surge of energy that lowers quickly but still stays. This product simply makes me feel so euphoric. This is quite a rare thing with pre workouts. Many contain ingredients that should make you feel that way but often they don't. Only a handful of products have given me this feeling and this is one of them. Many should enjoy this product. A solid 8/10.

Nutrex Outlift Amped- On paper this looks fantastic but like the original it under performs. It is still very good but I expected more. It's very similar to the original outlift and performs in all areas. I should add the scooper is ridiculous. A perfect example of over designing. They have put a top on it so people can use for water bottles so I get that. But it's so impractical when trying to get powder into the scoop. Not a big deal but worth a mention. I give this 8/10.

Dorian Yates NOX Pump- Decent. I used this years ago and it was incredible. This time nowhere as good so the formula must be different (something got banned). Maybe better than decent as with an espresso I am an animal in the gym. This an a single espresso was a fav of mine for a while. With an extra kick this product can score a 9.5/10 but alone it's a solid 8/10.

Chaos and Pain’s Cannibal Ferox Amped- Probably the strongest pre workout I have ever taken in regards to stimulants. I really enjoyed this and if you like your stimulants definitely try it out. The one area this really stands out in is the added mental focus. Overall I give it an 8/10.

Run Everything Lab's EWP- This is a very good product but it's effectiveness lowered fairly quickly. It gives me a good boost in energy and pumps. Overall a 8/10.

ProSupps Mr Hyde Zero- Everyone rates this very highly but it's nowhere near my favourite products. It's strong and great for energy but this left me breathless and I have used stronger products without that side effect. Although it still scores fairly highly at 8/10.

Gaspari SP250- Very good. Better for energy and focus than pumps bit overall a great pre workout. It did make me crash a bit later on though. I would get the shakes too. Very strong even at just 1 scoop and it is not a 1 scoop formula so be careful when upping the dose. I would give it an 8/10.

Universal's Fury- A very basic but solid product. Contains everything you need in a pre workout though. Green apple flavour is the sweetest pre workout I have ever tried. I like that but many won't. Solid product and scores an 8/10.

Brawn Nutrition's Venom 2.0-Not for the stimulant sensitive. Although this didn't feel as strong as I intially thougth it would be. Overall a very good product and I rate it an 8/10.

BSN's NO Xplode 3.0- Good product and well worth a try. Very long lasting energy with this one. Includes many useful ingredients. Do not shake this one and just stir it. Overall an 8/10.

Grenade's .50 Caliber- It comes in fireball flavour and this is unique to any bb products. Some will love the taste and many will hate it. I quite like it but chilli flavour is unusual. This delivers in all areas and most should enjoy it. Overall I give it an 8/10.

Matrix Nutrition NO Pump Xtreme- I have knocked this down from a 9.5/10. When I used this again it's performance was completely different. The ingredient list is the same but my response completely different. It only contains 80mg caffeine per scoop but this is not a stimulant thing. Even the pump factor is a fraction of the past. I can speculate why but no point as the main factor is how it performs now. Good pumps and energy. 2 scoops is a 7.5/10.

Nutrex Hemo Rage The Underground- Very similar to Hemo Rage black and gives great energy. Nothing incredible but a solid product. I rate it 7.5/10.

GAT PMP- A similar but improved version of Nitraflex. This really grew on me but nothing spectacular. Overall a good product though and I give it a 7.5/10.

Nutrex Outlift- Very good product but not as good as the label suggests. It's similar to PRE JYM in many ways but not as effective. I would give it a 7.5/10.

Nutrex's Hemo Rage Black- This is all about energy and a decent product but not as good as many others I have tried. Although I feel really good on this one. Overall I give it a 7.5/10.

Lee Lebrada Super Charge Xtreme 4.0- Initially I was not impressed at all but it did improve over time. Not a cheap pre workout either. It's meant to have a lot of caffeine in but I feel a single espresso more than 1 scoop. Might be ok for some but definitely not for me. 1 scop would be 5/10 and 2 scoops 7.5/10.

Blackstone Labs Dust v2- Nice flow of energy and great pumps. Not as strong as I thought it would be. Overall a decent preworkout and 7.5/10.

Applied Nutrition ABE (All Black Everything)- this is a good product that performs well but nothing incredible. Good energy, focus and pumps with this one. The flavour is really different in the fact it is energy flavour so tastes just like a red bull. Although I notice they offer many flavours in this product. Nearly all the creatine is CM so obviously the cheaper source so pointless even putting in the 0.25g of other creatines. They do that so they can mention their tri-creatine blend. It contains 100mg teacrine so you really feel that. I used a sample and think if you dosed 1.5 scoops this could be really good. For 1 serving I would give it 7.5/10.

Beast Yourself Raging Bull- Very good. On paper it is incredible but doesn't live on to that. Really good pumps and combined with an espresso it comes alive even more. I would give it a 7.5/10.

PRE-KAGED by Kaged Muscle- An excellent ingredient list and as a result a very expensive pre workout. Similar to PRE JYM in many ways. Overall a good product but doesn't have the wow factor. Overall I give it an 7.5/10.

APS Nutrition Mesomorph- This is literally the highest rated preworkout on the forums. I was very disappointed with it. Some people just don't respond to DMAA like others. Although for me there is more to it than that. Mesomorph is obviously strong but I don't feel it in a good way. It can make me a bit out of breath but I don't feel insane focus etc. It's not bad but I just don't feel great on it and I have tried 1/2 of a scoop to 1.5 scoops. I also seem to crash from it and many times would feel very tired after the gym. I would give it 7.5/10.

Dynamik's Gamma Ray- This is more of a compliment product in my eyes. It's the pump product for Savage Roar. If you are judging it solely it's nothing spectacular but when added to a traditonal pre workout it can be really special. Not as effective as Full as Fuck but a very good product. Judging it solely as a pump product I would give it a 7.5/10.

DS (Driven Sports) Frenzy- much better than I thought it would be from reading the label. Great energy and focus and no crash afterwards. I didn't notice much for the pumps on this one (energy formula) but they are usually good anyway (next to no pump ingredients and inadequate doses). The flavour was really unusual as it was purposely very fizzy (orange pop). They recommend 1-2 servings so this could get better if dosed higher. For 1 serving I give 7/10.

USN 3XT Pump- The only thing this does for pumps is the name of the product. It's all energy and very good at that. Some may like this but I wouldn't run out to buy it. Overall a 7/10.

MHP's Reckless- This was a 2 serving sachet so my review is limited to just 1 usage. The initial energy surge was great but it faded really quickly and overall this product is lacking. I can imagine 1 serving would be a waste for me. 2 servings scores a 7/10.

Universal's Shock Therapy- I have lowered this down after using the full tub. I would recommend this one for beginners. Performs in all areas but I need to use 2 scoops and at that dose rate it 6.5/10.

Scivation Quake 10.0- What a disappointment. Looks really good on paper but doesn't perform. The pumps are good but no real energy or focus for me. Overall a 6.5/10.

5% Nutrition KILL IT- This one I only tried a sample so take this review with a pinch of salt. I wasn't impressed and expected/hoped for better as I like 5%. Didn't notice too much but again only a sample. Overall a 6/10 but with more scoops could be much better.

Dymatize Nutrition's M.P.ACT Energy Ignitor- a pretty standard product and hits you fairly strong but I didn't like the feel from it. There are much better products on the market but still a 6/10.

GAT Nitraflex- Not impressed at all. I just had a 2 weeks break from caffeine too. Need to give it another week but so far doesn't do much. It's meant to have 325mg caffeine and 1.5g beta alanine per scoop but I don't feel either. Taste means nothing for pre workout's but I will say the pina colada is nice. I would give it a 5/10.

MAN Sports NOOPump- This is another stimulant free pre workout. I was disappointed using this and it's nowhere as effective as Full as Fuck. It's not a bad product but there are much better out there. Overall I rate it a 5/10.

Warrior Rage- Marketed as one of the strongest pre workouts but didn't do much. I would not recommend it. I give it a 3/10

MRI Black Powder- Crap. Not even worth writing more about. How can you fuck up a pre workout so much. 2 pro plus would be better. Rating is the worst in my list and 1/1.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have 2 new products and have used them both. I will need more time to fully judge them but so far very good. Both have excellent ingredient profiles.

AllMax Nutrition - Impact Igniter

Some interesting ingredients and a very solid product so far. I use 1 scoop and so far about 8/10.


Muscletech Shatter, SX-7, Black Onyx

I used this for the first time tonight. Very impressed with it. Again some interesting ingredients. The main thing that stands out is the inclusion of adenosine triphosphate. If anyone hasn't used this I fully recommend it. It's a shame the dose isn't higher in this product as I respond great to it. I even rate ATP higher than citrulline malate for pumps. I should add this recommends 2 scoops per serving so 400mg ATP is great.

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Registered User
Oct 26, 2012
Damn Elvia you are the pre-workout king! I don't usually use pre-workouts but picked one up at Walmart today since it was really cheap, it is MuscleTech's Neurocore Pre-Workout. Have you or anyone else tried this one?

2 scoops contains:
3.2g Beta-Alanine
3g Citrulline
3g Creatine HCl
320mg caffeine
150mg l-theanine
100mg Rhodiola extract
40mg Yohimbe extract


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
I just picked up a new one (to me) called stage 1
Seen or tried it Elvia?

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Sorry for the late reply. I saw these last week but totally forgot to reply :eek:

Damn Elvia you are the pre-workout king! I don't usually use pre-workouts but picked one up at Walmart today since it was really cheap, it is MuscleTech's Neurocore Pre-Workout. Have you or anyone else tried this one?

2 scoops contains:
3.2g Beta-Alanine
3g Citrulline
3g Creatine HCl
320mg caffeine
150mg l-theanine
100mg Rhodiola extract
40mg Yohimbe extract

I have never used that one. How is it for you? My newest pre workout is Muscletech's brand new one (shatter sx-7 black onyx) which is really good. Some people feel off from yohimbe but anytime I have used it in a pre workout I have felt good. Although I have never used it as a standalone product. In fact I think the new one contains the same dose of yohimbe per 2 servings (40mg).

I just picked up a new one (to me) called stage 1
Seen or tried it Elvia?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That is a new one for me. I just looked it up and it looks good. I see it has some good pump ingredients and is moderate strength energy wise. It contains 200mcg Huperzine A which is a nice addition. From the doses of everything I assume it's a good product (pumps etc) with good energy but no jitters and good focus with the addition of huperzine. How has it been so far?

Recently I have been rotating products with good effect. I used 1.5 scoops of Nutrex Outlift Amped yesterday before training chest. I had it on a fairly empty stomach as well and have to get the tram to the gym. I was sat there in a crowded tram and it hit hard but in stages and at one point I was thinking maybe that extra 1/2 scoop was too much :eek::D But once I got to the gym I was a machine and went for it. I lifted very heavy and probably looked a bit mental how fast I was moving between sets :D

The workout before the above I used Mesomorph and more of the same. I took a decent amount as well but again don't feel it much. The DMAA makes me feel off and not strong for me. Just a weird feeling and definitely not for me. I will give the tub away as I doubt I will use it again. Maybe 7.5/10 is too generous on my part. Obviously most love it but I simply don't respond well to it.

One day I used 1.5 scoops of Hyphy Mud 2.0 and that was the best workout I have had in awhile. I used slightly more as it seems to have lost it's potency (a little) but that day I felt amazing. I push it in the gym all the time but using something like this just ensures I am at 100% my entire session and I move faster between sets and keep the intensity high the whole way through.

Another day I used EA's Rage and that was great too. That is the most "smooth" pre workout I currently own. My head is very clear and I can focus on what I am doing without that crazy stimed feeling. The energy is clean and very long lasting so a great alternative to my other products. I will have to experiment with DMHA more in the future.


Registered User
Nov 5, 2017
I usually stay away from the stims. Just some Cialis and injectable anadrol and I'm good to go. If I need a pik me up I prefer modafinil.