thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Chest day and i kinda suxd ..winded , cheesy 285 incline bench with lots a rest between..HS decline and flat bench , straight bar decline, hex / fly db flat bench
Db bench , db pullovers, pec dec and cable flys ..now i got a swollen foot with edema.. dont ask me why.. Hope it goes away on its own because Drs and i dont jive..


Oct 27, 2012
Chest day and i kinda suxd ..winded , cheesy 285 incline bench with lots a rest between..HS decline and flat bench , straight bar decline, hex / fly db flat bench
Db bench , db pullovers, pec dec and cable flys ..now i got a swollen foot with edema.. dont ask me why.. Hope it goes away on its own because Drs and i dont jive..

Get yo'self some diuretics...Probably need minimal just until it clears up

Nice little leg session today. I was feeling really tired this morning despite sleeping pretty good...I pumped the caffeine and got my ass rolling

Leg Press Calves: 4x10
Lying Leg Curls: 4x12 with squeeze at top
Leg press: 1x10, 1x8, 2x6 -> went up in weight on these big time.
Then did a Widowmaker with more than I used last time for a set of 10. Real nice widowmaker too. Deep slow reps
Stiff Legged Deadlifts death set one giant asending set adding 20 lbs and doing sets of 6 after each addition and kept going until I couldn't get another rep
Seated Leg Extensions One giant drop set with going from 170-150-130-110-90-70-50...crazy

Ahhh feel good my friends


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
IB, just gonna take some time. That stuff is stubborn. What's going on with the foot? Any pains?

Hit shoulders and traps today, lots of reps for the shoulders til it burns. Traps get more weight cause they like it lol


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Got some lasix took.80 pissen all night foot went down..just went and had a gooood shoulder session as my wind is coming back slowly but now i have slight edema no pain in foot..i have bunk circulatory system in my legs i think ..I was wondering if the fish cin was doing it cause it kinda came on with it.. only one more day a anti b and will see.. Keep tossin steel no matter what its mind over matter and the benefits outweigh the pain bruthas!!! T where in the heck r u?


Oct 27, 2012
Felt good this morning and had a nice chest, shoulders and tris session. Used a bunch of drop sets in this one and had a wicked pump

Smith Incline Bench (15-20RP): 10+5+2 then dropped off 30lbs and did another full RP set then dropped another 30lbs and did another RP set and then 20lbs and another RP set
Scoop Fly WM

Nautilus Machine Shoulder Press (15-20RP) 11+5+3 then dropped 20lbs and did a full RP set, dropped 30lbs and did a full RP setand dropped 20 and did a full RP set
Side Lateral WM

Deadskulls (15-20RP): 12+5+2 then did a static
O/H triceps extension WM

Nice little pump for a HIT session...


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Ever have one of those workouts where it just all come together unexpectedly. I did today. Hit the guns and got into a groove. Didn't look up until it was time to hit the door. I like that.

T - everything OK bro?


Oct 27, 2012
YEAH BUDDY! Nice one Brick! Seriously, working out in th AM, that seems to be the case more often than not for me. I walk in a little drowsy but once I get warm, just slamming like a banshee! Christ, my numbers have been going up and up like no tomorrow as well. I think it is because training early I am getting in tons of food after training and recovery like a fucking machine.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Atom, that's the progress report we like to hear!!

I used to train early AM years ago. I was at the gym at 6:00 AM deadlifting. Loved it! Had the gym to myself and a great start to the day. By 8:00 in the evening I was ready to crash though. Good schedule.


Feb 7, 2013
YEAH BUDDY! Nice one Brick! Seriously, working out in th AM, that seems to be the case more often than not for me. I walk in a little drowsy but once I get warm, just slamming like a banshee! Christ, my numbers have been going up and up like no tomorrow as well. I think it is because training early I am getting in tons of food after training and recovery like a fucking machine.

I almost won't train if I don't get into the gym by 9am- seems like the best workouts happen first thing in the morning and plus I got all day to eat and recover.


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
I almost won't train if I don't get into the gym by 9am- seems like the best workouts happen first thing in the morning and plus I got all day to eat and recover.

X 2 Went to the gym at 6 am today. Chest day

Bench 5X 12-15 with drop set on set 5. Superset dips 5 X 20
Flat frre weight flys heavy for me 65 lb dumb bells strict form 5 X 12
Super set skull crushers

Free motion incline flys 5 X 20 super set triceps push downs

Finished of with pec deck 5 X 20-30 reps and super set triceps kick backs

Great swole :)


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Hi guys. Everything is ok . Thanks for asking. Was rough. Had a family member prone to depression vanish for 36 hours. I was just trying to hang in there as I feared they had taken thier own life. This was in the middle of about 4-5 really trying hassles that occurred .I'm thankful the person is still with us
here on this earth. My awesome liitle grand daughter had a 2 yr birthday party in my back yard yesterday. I forced myself to maintain smile and play with the little ones.One thing about being "poppop" is maintaining strength and kindness
for the kids. They feel safe around a mans strong presence . The bday party turned out well in spite of our fear /greif / exhaustion. Thanks go out to up above. Ok nuff my drama.. I did manage two little high rep bi tri sessions last week. still a ways out on shoulder rehabb but it's comimg along.
Tomorrow morning will be a leg day. I might step it up a little bit.
Glad to see you guys getting in some good work.
brick IB and others thanks for being some of the good guys in life.
IB thanks for being a great buddy. Sorry bout the 3-4 am phone calls .
Your kindness is really appreciated. . So who's plateued and who's killing in the gains department? Inquiring minds wanna know.....Thanks guys.. T


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Dilly - YouTube

I put this up for you guys. The musicians are a couple of my best friends Bass and vocals D Schaffer. Lead vocals lead guitar.
Mikee Fulton. RIP Michael. Lyrics are about youth and getting older.
If you have a second listen. The lyrics are my young friend talking about his life which ended at age 36 3 weeks ago. At 51 I realliy relate.
Turn it up. . Make life count everyday. Missed missed missed....
Thx T........................................


Oct 27, 2012
Turbo, my heart goes out to you are your family. It is truly an inspiration to hear from your life experiences beyond the gym. For a bodybuilding forum, I've learned so much about myself through reflecting on your words and the words of other members who have been in this game for many many years. I feel like I've matured faster myself and have become a better person for it.

Shit, if I didn't take to heart the things you guys have said about maintaining balance and enjoying life for all it is worth, and understanding that bodybuilding is just part of who we are, it is not WHO we are, I may not have ever had the chance to meet the girl I am with now and enjoying the time of my life with her.

I'll listen to that song when I am out of work later for sure.

As for me, great workouts over the weekend and today was leg day...

Seated calf raises 4x10-12 with the 10 seconds stretch at the bottom
Seated leg Curls: 1x15, 4x12 with pause at the top
2 phase 45 degree GHR (15-20RP): 11+5+3 then dropped weight and hit another RP set. These are an awesome exercise homononculus came up with
Hack Squats: 1x10, 1x8, 2x6 and 1WM after the Wm I dropped the weight and did as many reps as I could. Then racked it for about 15 seconds and did as many partials as I could
Leg Extensions: 1full rep set done very slow then pyramided up the stack doing partials and then all the way down

Stretched and called it a day

Hope you all get off to good start this week


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Very sorry about your friend T... life is full of changes. That much I have learned. With all the bad stuff that can come our way, there are still beautiful things in there too. We just have to try to find a way to remember and put the good things first in our thoughts.

I haven't said anything on this board but years ago, I lost a son. He was very young and had an incurable disease. He put up a good fight but in the end he passed. I stood at his hospital bed on a hot summer afternoon and watched him take his last breath. He didn't suffer and I take much comfort in that. It took me years before I could talk about it without crying. Now I can remember and smile.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
That overwhelmed me when I read that brick. I'm so glad you have found your
peace. I know without a shred of doubt that you have wisdom and strength to look to.Thank you for sharing that brick.You know those who went on to the next thing before us are all around us and waiting to greet us when our time comes to move on. ...... Now I feel more clarity. Big ole tuff heart on ya brick.
Looking for a little more arm work today. Gym has become more important than ever. Family life gym life . a few best buddies. Life is good.. Thx, T.


Dec 14, 2012
Shadow lands
That overwhelmed me when I read that brick. I'm so glad you have found your
peace. I know without a shred of doubt that you have wisdom and strength to look to.Thank you for sharing that brick.You know those who went on to the next thing before us are all around us and waiting to greet us when our time comes to move on. ...... Now I feel more clarity. Big ole tuff heart on ya brick.
Looking for a little more arm work today. Gym has become more important than ever. Family life gym life . a few best buddies. Life is good.. Thx, T.

T with all the things going on in your life you still took time to reach out to me and see how I was doing, your a solid dude in my book my friend hope to one day meet you inperson


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Guys, I had a great chest workout today. Pushed some weight I have not pushed in a while. The shoulder cooperated for the most part. Love sessions like that. T is right, life is good.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
I'm up to3 working sets for bi's 3 for tris after warmup. Slow careful reps .
trying to be oh so careful. Explosive reps are a ways off.
Have a home PT session out in the garage later.Mother in laws bday today my ma's tomorrow... gonna do something nice for both. tomorrow legs
Yes i'm gonna get me a doozy..... cograts ona great chest day Brick.
Get healthy Thunder.... Thx T.. where the heck is IB? I know you are done at the gym by now. Maybe roasting a sweet potato?:D


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Awe man now i feel like dirt not posting for a few days ..i apologize cause ive had a weird health scare but im fine now but thats no excuse..Brick im so sorry you had that happen and it is just not right.. For you to speak about it to us is really something and i know we all feel the same its a crying shame brutha..for real .Now ive already talked to T on his friend Mike cause i think Ts my twin..dont ask..lol..Thunder!! Glad to see you here brutha! I always respect your extreme focus on training and Atom continues to teach me knew ways in simple form training methods so i take my hat off to all you guys..
Ok back to me now..lol
Blasted arms sunday kinda weak from this lung edema crap but sure had a blast as all the younger undr 35 were askin where the loud smartass i was..lol
Today..monday my favorite! Legs! My wind is 85% gtg got up to a low 385 for 11 on squats before i almost blacked out after i did my hammy quad blasts .. better hit the bed .T no sweetpotatoes on a yam week..now im gonna chew grim out and see why hes missing... Tues .Back day / traps.. love that too!.