thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Hello to bricks regulars and any strays as well. Had surgical consult this morning right in the middle of the black hawks shin dig. What a crowd!
Well here it is: spinitus torn off . Bones rubbing from years of wear.
Bicep tendon got thin where bones are too close. Labrum frayed.
Get this Brick. joint surfaces nice and healthy. So they will reattache the torn off muscle with something he says is really strong. They will remove some bone for clearance for the rubbing issue. They will attach my bicep tendon lower where it is still thick and not worn thin. Doc says it will be working about like new when healed and rehabbed. main thing is holding back and being patient. Told the muscle would pull the tendon through the sutures like a cheese grater if i rush it.
Good thing is he told me my bicep tendon would have failed eventually.
So that will be fixed at same time. Here is some other good news . I can press , hack etc for legs as long as no shoulder involvement. Shit man better than nothing and wheels needed attention from a long lower body healing period (3 yrs). I am really up. Thought it might not be fixable. I am really thankful.Shit is fairly painful . Have not slept well or much for about a month.
Have the preop clearances to take care of then hopefully surgury soon as two weeks. I'm heading to the store for some some food . Carbing up tonight legs Tomorrow! Hell yeah ! That no gym lead me into some really feeling down as I thought it might not get fixed.Thanks for all the cool pick me ups guys.
Huge thanks to my pal Ib. Funny ass dude. One of the coolest guys I can call a great friend. All good friends to me here in bricks spot. Thanks . T


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
I'm here! Just had to finish leading lambs to the slaughter. I mean training clients. Seriously, though, I was in rare form today...left a trail of destruction. I don't think a single client finished their hour standing. But every one thanked me for it.

Life is fucking good. Fantastic back workout today. Just heavy heavy heavy and lots of sets and no isolation work.

And now the weekend is here. Time to make sure Mrs. Triple can't walk right for a couple days.

Glad to hear the super positive prognosis, turbo. IB let's hear some more of that crazy Yetty talk soon.

Kick ass and take names, gentlemen.


Nov 20, 2012
Trained chest, shoulder, triceps, and calves this afternoon before work. On isopress flat bench, I was able to push ten 45 lb plates for a set of 6 reps at the top of that exercise. I know it isn't Olympic flat bench, but I was proud of my old busted up shoulders for taking it with no pain. 10 plates is all the thing will hold. My wife was proud of me. Felt good...
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Oct 27, 2012
Yesterday I got to it with back, tris, shoulders and bis. These were done with the muscle rounds. Those muscle rounds make your tired as hell. So I knew today was going to be rough.

I got to it with some explosive movements for shoulders and chest and then did a mountain dog style arm session. I finished with 20 min of HIIT.

Feelin' good fellas!


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
Legs today. After a thorough foam rolling and body weight warm-up, we thrashed ourselves for an hour with just two movements: leg press and barbell hip thrusts.

Almost passed out after the last set of hip thrusts. Fucking body went numb for ten minutes. Worked out with Mrs. Triple and a couple friends. Was glad to have the extra rest time as the others did their sets.

Kind of afraid of what waking up tomorrow will feel like.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Man T, that's great news. Glad its fixable! Getting sidelined on the upper body for a few always sux but it will be worth it in the end.

Hit shoulders and traps yesterday not feeling 100% and I'll be damned, woke up this AM with a another cold.

Looks like my Sunday is cutting the grass and some rest.

Hello to bricks regulars and any strays as well. Had surgical consult this morning right in the middle of the black hawks shin dig. What a crowd!
Well here it is: spinitus torn off . Bones rubbing from years of wear.
Bicep tendon got thin where bones are too close. Labrum frayed.
Get this Brick. joint surfaces nice and healthy. So they will reattache the torn off muscle with something he says is really strong. They will remove some bone for clearance for the rubbing issue. They will attach my bicep tendon lower where it is still thick and not worn thin. Doc says it will be working about like new when healed and rehabbed. main thing is holding back and being patient. Told the muscle would pull the tendon through the sutures like a cheese grater if i rush it.
Good thing is he told me my bicep tendon would have failed eventually.
So that will be fixed at same time. Here is some other good news . I can press , hack etc for legs as long as no shoulder involvement. Shit man better than nothing and wheels needed attention from a long lower body healing period (3 yrs). I am really up. Thought it might not be fixable. I am really thankful.Shit is fairly painful . Have not slept well or much for about a month.
Have the preop clearances to take care of then hopefully surgury soon as two weeks. I'm heading to the store for some some food . Carbing up tonight legs Tomorrow! Hell yeah ! That no gym lead me into some really feeling down as I thought it might not get fixed.Thanks for all the cool pick me ups guys.
Huge thanks to my pal Ib. Funny ass dude. One of the coolest guys I can call a great friend. All good friends to me here in bricks spot. Thanks . T


Oct 27, 2012
OMG...to comprehend the amount of soreness my bis and tris have today is beyond the scope of worldly knowledge. I knew this program would be brutal... Adapt or die.

Hitting legs in a few then doing a high rep circuit for back, chest and shoulders. Why do i find pleasure in this?


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
OMG...to comprehend the amount of soreness my bis and tris have today is beyond the scope of worldly knowledge. I knew this program would be brutal... Adapt or die.

Hitting legs in a few then doing a high rep circuit for back, chest and shoulders. Why do i find pleasure in this?

Better you than me! My leg day left me sore, but I was able to easily get up this morning and walk around, stairs no problem, etc. What you're up to sounds too much like self abuse for my weak constitution.

Glad you're after it, Atom. Let us know if the progress matches the pain.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
We got some heat and it's no stoke in the park. 95 is odd this time a year and my shadow even pisses and drips.
Went to gym to cool off cause powers off on the street again , did back and walked outside and got woosey I think from mt2 and so I limped It home to clean the dek. Mint Mojitoes on tap.ib


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Looks like I am out for a few. Full blown upper respiratory virus. Cough, congestions not sleeping worth damn... SUX!! You guys get an extra couple reps for me.


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
I've been loving the quick and brutal workouts lately. Legs in an hour, back today in 40 minutes, but still feeling worked and pumped at the end. Ready to get back at it right away.

Brick...hope that virus gives up quick.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Brick u got antibiotics.? Gotta cheap place if u need .Hey triple sounds crippling brutha...Do some outdoor 90 degree training and its breathtaking.. i had day off.had a run to airport for a pickup in heavy hot traffic.my elbows on fire i think from fatgripz training or just the heat.. T im ok.. shadow piss went well so no bail needed......


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Hey IB, no antibiotics. I am interested if you have a link though. Doc said it was a virus and would have to just run its course. I did sleep last light. That helped a hell of a lot. First good sleep in days. I'll be back soon brothers. Ya can't get rid of me that easily.


Oct 27, 2012
Just a little update on how things have been going on this new program I whipped up. So, yeah, I've been getting sore as a motherfucker. And as I noted before, the frequency I am hitting each muscle is a little out there, but you know what, sometimes you just gotta push the limit. When I came back around to do my upper body power day with leg circuit on Monday I was quite impressed with myself. I was pushing heavier weights on my DB inclines presses (got 100s for 5 reps), went up 15 pounds on my lat pulldowns and 10 pounds on shoulder presses. Am I pretty stoked? Fuck yeah I am!

My cardio is minimal right now because I have the circuits in there which act as cardio but on days I can hammer out some sprints, I get to it.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Or Brick..go to place for antibiotics..Cal Vet Supply - your source for Antibiotics, Frontline, Syringes and Veterinary Supplies
Says for fish but anti for fish are same standard and quality purity as human.. world ending preppers go to place ive used over and over..
Atom..u sound like you have hit psycho..PERFECT..thats a quality standard in the gym i like.

Today leg day ..
Busted out some 1050 leg presses after cardio .leg extentions , standing hammys. Bent over iso hammys..
I used to not sweat but the heat .dbol.and my x causing me frustration had me drippen h20 off each acorn which is ok as a new ms ib has been employed at my gym and shes a cute squirrel .. turbo..i feel u hittin a doozey leg day wed? Ib