thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
No gym today though was suppose to do legs. needed an additional rest day.
About to watch willie wonka with my grandaughter. Eat. Watch another movie eat . eat eat. Legs tomorrow WITH A PARTNER! Makes training so much more fun and effective when you can stay in a set longer with no consideration for getting pinned ... Have great day/night. Thanks for the kind words regarding family. I am very thankful... ....T


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Ok my son and I are about to go hit legs . Well at least I am . He is into extreme endurance /conditioning. Great to have a spotter.
I'll see how the w/o will unfold after warmup. Thinking hatfield SB/B squats today.No BB squats as my nerves in my shoulder(s) are getting fucked up again.Then leg presses . See how knee feels and may blow out some high rep hacks. Well better quit speculatin and get my talkative ass to the gym.
Hope all get what you need today. Check back with ya's later... T


Oct 27, 2012
So after being sick for a little while my weight took a major hit and so did my strength. I hit the gym in the AM yesterday for a chest, shoulders and tris workout. I trained hard and pushed it like a mother f'er, but strength just wasn't there.

Today was just some cardio and abs. Cardio does seem a lot easier at a lighter weight lol. Even though I lost strength, I think I look better. I must have dropped some body fat because my abs and back are much tighter and my delt/tri tie in has some nice separation.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Uzi of a doozy! Man just a trippin ass endorphin high after todays leg session.
nothing really heavy yet.. started with 5 sets saftey bar squats . Got impatient
working out of the wrong rack setup(no choice) and switched to regular barbell squats .
went to 405 for just a couple doubles then went 315 for slow deep 10 rep sets
felt strong but back was smoked from the 5 sets of safties first . Probably will need to start belting up in another 75 -100lbs. then went leg press 16 plate 20 plate 24 plate sets. back to 16 plate for 20 reps . Back to hams for another 4heavy sets then done. Started workout with lying hams 5 heavy sets . I started doing some good ham sets at beginning of workout for hips J meadows says best way to lube and ready the hips. Does not seem like it would work but it does . hips getting better and better following his advice.
My son is a major asset for me in the gym. I do know i'll have that hit by a truck feeling tomorrow so now i will try to get into "hyper recovery" mode.
feeling really good. Gonna switch chest shoulders to pre ex/hit style tomorrow.
Great muscle stimulation and gives shoulder joints a mending period. Grills going. Be watching Plattoon on blue ray later....
Thanks, T................
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Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Awesome T... must be in the air because I had a great leg session too. Didn't go quite as heavy as you did. I sorta dragged into the gym, but then I came to life for whatever reason. Love that when that happens!

Atom, be patient. Muscle memory!


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
I should be studying...but you guys are making me want to go pick up heavy shit, especially you, turbo!

Upper back workout yesterday, Deadlifts in a couple hours. Gotta finish a couple more chapters and let the TNE soak in for a bit.

Deadlifting Sundays are back! Gonna put together a crew down here and take over the gym once a week for some iron brotherhood time.

In other news...got the best blowjob of my life last night. It was so intense that my fucking abs cramped up. Holy shit. I know it's kinda fucked to talk about it, but the wife doesn't really want to hear about it, so you guys have to. Lol. Hope y'all are getting plenty!
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Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
WELL THE BITCH IS BACK. YEAH IB. He's on a holy terror of seek and destroy of an unknown enemy. I always get get cut off on interstate phone calls.. Hey T does that happen to you? Lol. Great we got Atom thinking he shrank but it's just temporary.neighborhood disturbances, then brick has kicked Ib to the curb and no longer trains same body part as him cause Ib was on bitchbreak Aka court , and we got hedgehog jr the porn king talking about his ab crampon bj.. Lots a things happen when u go off the grid here. Sheesh.. What next triple a squirter video on a lat pulldown machine?
I just got back into gym with hour a Cardio and forearms so I can flip my toggle back and forth. Monday is leg day. Watch the hell out . Ib


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Fuck it. Shoulder hurt all night. I'm taking a Mobic this AM and hitting chest like a manic this afternoon. I'm going down in flames when that day comes.
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Oct 27, 2012
Fuck it. Shoulder hurt all night. I'm taking a Mobic this AM and hitting chest like a manic this afternoon. I'm going down in flames when that day comes.

Like a man on a mission!

Had a real good bis, forearms and back session tonight. It really feels like the meds my Doc put me on for stomach are working good. I feel like I am holding food and getting something from it.

I added in rack chins for back width and these babies are money. There is something about the angle that just gets a deep, deep stretch and then going from the stretch to a full contraction feels so good.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Lol hey Brick i got pentosan on way so I am going to start it slow .lol
Turbo oh he's out on a mission again guys but this time I can't post it because he's a sensitive spider..
Well I went into gym for shoulders and just couldn't get into the groove . Too many things on my mind and no music so I did two exercises per each shoulder and then did traps. I'm gonna shake these issues but I need to start gym at a different time for a change . Glad u back at it Atom, Brick easy on motes good to change up OTC pain meds monthly ive heard
Holla later. I need a cook. Ib


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Fuck it. Shoulder hurt all night. I'm taking a Mobic this AM and hitting chest like a manic this afternoon. I'm going down in flames when that day comes.

Wow must be something in the air Brick. My"good shoulder is feeling all fucked up. It always comes from some none wt training shit .
Got a spider bite and yes I must have been sensitive to it cuz it looked like little water balloon on my elbow. .I'm switching to pre-ex hit for chest and shoulders tomorrow . Probably 5-6 weeks unless i'm gaining well.Have a good one.T


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Hit back for a good one today.

Pretty stressed right now. My 89 year old dad got dizzy and took a fall. He's OK but he doesn't eat worth a bird anymore and looks like a stick. My mom feels overwhelmed.

IB, keep us posted on Pentosan. I am real interested to see how that goes.
T - I'm right there with ya on the shoulder pains.


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
Brick...sorry to hear that about your dad. Hope things look up for him and the rest of your family.

Atom- maybe I'm just ignorant. OK, we know I'm ignorant. Ill just ask-what are rack chins? Sounds like something I want to do from the way you describe them!

My bad shoulder has been fucked lately, too. I know why...being stupid. I deserve it. Every time with the powerlifting. Get all excited, end up not being able to pick up an apple with my left arm for a month. I've been picking up bits about pentosan here...what's that?

Chest, triceps, and abs today. All bodybuilding style, no power moves. Got a good pump and feel good and the shoulder might even let me sleep tonight. Trying to add abs in more often (more often than never is rather easy.) I've got a strong but poorly defined core. Might as well look the part.


Oct 27, 2012
Brick, take care of your pops. Hope all is well with your family and things return to a sense of normalcy.

Triple, here is Jason Wojo doing rack chins:
Jason Wojo Rack Chins - YouTube

I actually pause for a second at the bottom of the rep and bring my hands in a little closer to accentuate the stretch through the entire lat.

Did some cardio and abs today. Hit a double session. Did HIIT before work and then after work since I didn't have class tonight. I figure, why not?

I also donated blood, which felt pretty good. I can use all the good karma I can get and the other positives of just being a good person and keeping hematocrit in check are cool too.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Wow how'd I guess spider warfare T? U guys jinxed me . My repaired shoulder is acting up but I think it's from gettin yanked up and out of a hole by track hoe bucket.. Lol. Superman no more ..seems today I was either wet, hot, upset, hurt , and topped off by a phone lost in a mudpit while on so i do have general location gps but now battery dead so will see. Triple pentosan is for the elite soldier of mission69..can not discuss further sir.. Atom what is your blood type? I'm A- and donate every 45 or whatever number of days. How fast u fill a pint? I've got one filled 4 min 36seconds one time.
Today I tried to work but mud and mishaps and failed entry to buildings made it tough so in turn made me sour attitude and I can't go to the gym and see my people and act. So I stayed home and grilled chicken in the rain. Here it is 116 am and I can't sleep. Wed will be a doosey as T would say. It will get better as I'm not in oklahoma which is worse. Id love to go and plumb a whole street a homes with some guys but I know it's not possible cause im the only one with zero responsibiltys.lol. Good and bad to that also..ib

Triple, pentosan is a horse product for joints but also used in humans for sore cramped vaginas. So I can cure two things I hope. Google it and tell me your thots as study will take place when it's here this week.


Oct 27, 2012
IB, this was my first time donating and they didn't tell me my blood type. I'm guessing they'll send the donor card in the mail? I am pretty sure I am one of the less common blood types because I needed seven blood tranfusions and remember it being difficult for them to get the blood.

That bag did fill up mighty fast though. It was funny, the chick looked at my arm and was like, damn, this is gonna be easy, look at those veins haha


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
No training for a few days . Did manage a chest w/o yesterday. Chest is sore as hell from very light wt pre-ex with intensity 15 mins start to finish . I never get this sore from the heavy stuff and conventional sets/reps. Brick/IB i'm hanging withe the hit stuff for chest for 4-6 weeks for some shoulder joint rest .
Other training will remain as it was . I have a ton of obligations and work out of town for couple days plus must get my newsletter stuff done . So if i'm absent for a min know all is well. Get some good work and recovery in for your pal here.
Thanks, TTTTTT


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Damn T... we must have the same life curve. Up to my ears in work, so no training today. Feels good to be busy so I'm not bitchin'

Atom, that will be on your card and when you are eligible again, be prepared to get a call. I'm O+ (universal donor) and they love me. I do double red. I like to share :D


Dec 14, 2012
Shadow lands
Had to take a few days off tweak my back sunday, it was probably time for a break been hitting it pretty hard with workouts and cardio, I guess this old body said enough is enough. I should of listen to my body cause it actually started bothering me a week ago I should of taken some time off then before it completely gave out on me


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Yeah Atom blood suckers see no needle tracks. Roadmap veins and they wet their pants. They will email card and u print out also if u want. I take the bar code sticker and stick on back of drivers license for less wallet junk and if cops pull u over they kinda see u help donate. I get calls off the hook when it's been long enuf so always can click on email please no call or email if u want . Wow brick is o+,, he's a wanted arm for sure.
Ok T let's not kiss any spiders or toss a disc out bro. By the time u get back pentosan101 class will start .
Today i blasted legs HIT style and now I'm sore as heck from head to toe. I even got a foot cramp mid lunge on a smith machine. Gettin back in the swing a things so feel pretty good .
Thunder its good u take a day or two ,when u come back you will think man.. I should do that more often.
Had lots a rain today and EPA shut down our site so I left work early so kinda sucks at check time.
Everyone have a great nite , day, or whatever time it is at la càsà .