thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Oct 27, 2012
I hope you all had a great valentine's day... I know it is silly, but I think that if you are going to do it, do it right. Do something special to show you care... I learned that it pays off :) some sexy lingerie and a girl who wanted to give me the best valentine's day i ever had made for nice night...

Yesterday we had an awesome back and shoulder session. I got my girl to bump up her BB rows to 135lbs for 8... I was hitting 275 for 8... and we did a challenge set and she bet me I couldn't do 225 for 15 times, I got 24 reps

We also started doing more laterals and lateral raise variations for delts. Holy shit were they smoked... Lots of laterals, upright rows, cable laterals, front raises, machine laterals, rear delt raises and rear delt machine flyes... and finished with drop sets on a cable overhead press

Today we added in an extra arm session. It was kind of funny because we were going to take off but some girl my fiance is friends with posted a pics in the gym and my fiance goes to me, she will never be more muscular than me, I want to work on my triceps today lol so of course we trained... Hit some bis and tris but mainly tris...

I wanna say I was pretty impressed with myself close grip bench pressing 225 for 6 after doing pressdowns and extension...

Guys my iphone 5 is dying on me, just won't hold a charge. I am deciding between a samsung galaxy S4 or and iphone 5s... not sure which way to go


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
I hope you all had a great valentine's day... I know it is silly, but I think that if you are going to do it, do it right. Do something special to show you care... I learned that it pays off :) some sexy lingerie and a girl who wanted to give me the best valentine's day i ever had made for nice night...

Yesterday we had an awesome back and shoulder session. I got my girl to bump up her BB rows to 135lbs for 8... I was hitting 275 for 8... and we did a challenge set and she bet me I couldn't do 225 for 15 times, I got 24 reps

We also started doing more laterals and lateral raise variations for delts. Holy shit were they smoked... Lots of laterals, upright rows, cable laterals, front raises, machine laterals, rear delt raises and rear delt machine flyes... and finished with drop sets on a cable overhead press

Today we added in an extra arm session. It was kind of funny because we were going to take off but some girl my fiance is friends with posted a pics in the gym and my fiance goes to me, she will never be more muscular than me, I want to work on my triceps today lol so of course we trained... Hit some bis and tris but mainly tris...

I wanna say I was pretty impressed with myself close grip bench pressing 225 for 6 after doing pressdowns and extension...

Guys my iphone 5 is dying on me, just won't hold a charge. I am deciding between a samsung galaxy S4 or and iphone 5s... not sure which way to go

I have an iphone 5 as well and i am toughing it out till the iphone 6 comes out. Have you went through the phone with a fine tootk comb and turned off any running processes that you do not need draining battery power? Mine makes it almost 2 days even with using the taptalk app for this forum


Oct 27, 2012
I have an iphone 5 as well and i am toughing it out till the iphone 6 comes out. Have you went through the phone with a fine tootk comb and turned off any running processes that you do not need draining battery power? Mine makes it almost 2 days even with using the taptalk app for this forum

Jim, yeah... I even had them run diagnostics at the apple store. They go, oh it looks like your battery is dead, see you are in the red with cycle change. It just lost power....

So apple said it is a bad battery but being honor it. I could get a new battery but if I can get a new phone that might be the best thing


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
Jim, yeah... I even had them run diagnostics at the apple store. They go, oh it looks like your battery is dead, see you are in the red with cycle change. It just lost power....

So apple said it is a bad battery but being honor it. I could get a new battery but if I can get a new phone that might be the best thing

Man the iphone 6 is suppose to come out this year. I guess it just depends if you like the iphone or not? If you really like the iphone then i would look for a used one on craigs list or something rather than burning your upgrade. If you like the droid then by all means burn it. I just hate learning something new if its not needed. I already have an ipad and an iphone :)


Oct 27, 2012
Man the iphone 6 is suppose to come out this year. I guess it just depends if you like the iphone or not? If you really like the iphone then i would look for a used one on craigs list or something rather than burning your upgrade. If you like the droid then by all means burn it. I just hate learning something new if its not needed. I already have an ipad and an iphone :)

I've had an iphone for so long.. I had the first one right from when it came out and it seems things just keep getting worse and worse as samsung keeps getting better. I have had battery issues with my last two iphones and unless you drop $200 on apple care, apple won't help you with shit...

I used to be all about apple, but their level of innovation has really fallen behind as other companies are coming out with new products and technologies.

I serious spend forever making these kind of tech decisions...


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
I've had an iphone for so long.. I had the first one right from when it came out and it seems things just keep getting worse and worse as samsung keeps getting better. I have had battery issues with my last two iphones and unless you drop $200 on apple care, apple won't help you with shit...

I used to be all about apple, but their level of innovation has really fallen behind as other companies are coming out with new products and technologies.

I serious spend forever making these kind of tech decisions...

Well on a good note i know that taptalk works for android as well ;) Thats a real important part of the decision


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
Taking a needed rest day today. Caught a cold!!! Makes me really mad when I get sick so let's hope with some rest I am good as new tomorrow!'


Oct 27, 2012
Make that cold your bitch Jim! lol If you have some time, try hitting some light cardio as that tends to boost immunity and can help kick a cold

As I mentioned a few days ago, I think it is time for me to get back to my roots... It seems the volume training is good, but my training mentality doesn't fit with volume... For example, I feel like I am half assing it if I don't taake every set past filure with a rest-pause, static, negative, drop set...etc. and by the time I finish one or two exercises, I am dead spent tired... So... I figure, why not reduce the volume and up the frequency... My program that I am experimenting with is based loosely off of titan training

Today's session: Heavy base training for legs with chest and back rest-pause training
Seated Leg curls: 4 sets of 12 to failure
Squats: Pyramid up with failure on sets at 11 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps, 5 reps, 4 reps and 4 reps... my last set was 365lbs for 4... I was schedule to hit 3 reps but I had one more in the tank
Lying Leg curls 2 sets of 12, sets of 8 and 1 rest pause set getting 12-4-2 superset with
Seated calf raises done with a 3 second negative and pause for 8-10 seconds at the bottom 6 sets of 10-12
Superset of Incline Nautilus Machine chest 4 sets of 12 and one more rest pause set getting 10-4-2 then a static hold
Two Handle wide pulldowns 4 sets of 12 and the last set was also a rest pause getting 13-5-3 then i dropped the weight and maxed out

Quad finisher: leg Press widowmaker with drop sets Hit a max rep Wm set of 22 reps then rested 15 sec and droped the weigth and did another max rep set. I did two more drops and was completely smoked

This kind of training can get interesting...


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Don't tell my surgeon, but I went to the gym this afternoon and did some VERY light bench and tricep work. I think I did fine. We'll see if I have any bad pains tomorrow. Its either do something or go insane.

Glad to see all you guys... where's IB? Hope he is OK.


Jun 10, 2013
He's busy he'll be back to his usual here later on I do believe. Just be careful brother working out and all


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
He's busy he'll be back to his usual here later on I do believe. Just be careful brother working out and all

thanks Phoe. It wasn't much at all. Few very light sets for each body part. I think it was as much to get out and see some friends in the normal world. That little bit did a world of good for me mentally. I intend to take it easy for a while. I can tell my body is still recovering.


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
Don't tell my surgeon, but I went to the gym this afternoon and did some VERY light bench and tricep work. I think I did fine. We'll see if I have any bad pains tomorrow. Its either do something or go insane.

Glad to see all you guys... where's IB? Hope he is OK.

Just be careful buddy!!


Oct 27, 2012
Don't tell my surgeon, but I went to the gym this afternoon and did some VERY light bench and tricep work. I think I did fine. We'll see if I have any bad pains tomorrow. Its either do something or go insane.

Glad to see all you guys... where's IB? Hope he is OK.

He IS NOT HUMAN!!!!! Franken-Brick!


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
Went to the gym today and trained but still not feeling well. Clearly I have gotten a sinus infection. The workout was ok I didn't go crazy. Kept the weights light and just did more reps. 40 minutes of cardio and hopefully I will be feeling better soon. Happy Tuesday bro's


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Yesterday's workout went fine so I thought I would try for another.
Hit some VERY light back this afternoon. It amazing how much strength I have lost the last couple months. I don't care, just feels good to move some after all this hit the fan.

Good to see you guys. Jim kick that sinus infection and feel better.


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
Yesterday's workout went fine so I thought I would try for another.
Hit some VERY light back this afternoon. It amazing how much strength I have lost the last couple months. I don't care, just feels good to move some after all this hit the fan.

Good to see you guys. Jim kick that sinus infection and feel better.

Thanks brother getting it taken care of this afternoon and I should be better soon. This is miserable :(

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Yesterday's workout went fine so I thought I would try for another.
Hit some VERY light back this afternoon. It amazing how much strength I have lost the last couple months. I don't care, just feels good to move some after all this hit the fan.

Good to see you guys. Jim kick that sinus infection and feel better.

The outward strength you've lost is only temporary. The inner strength and fortitude you've demonstrated is strength many of us can only think about possessing bro.