1-800- turbobusa snow removal is cheap. Just a piecea steak tar-tar and a sista showing ass on the porch is all he charges.
Psych nice work brutha. ..
Psych nice work brutha. ..
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As stated before my right hand is fucked up.
Pissed about my hand but it does feel better I can't hold a squat bar though. I can bench since I don't bend it when I hold the bar. Working around injuries is a sport in itself.
It seams to me that we are always working around something in this sport. You get over one things and training levels out for a short time, but it is not long before something else rears it's ugly head. Really, how could it be any different when we push our bodies beyond where they were designed to go? I went from a pec strain in September, to a shoulder issue 6 months later...who knows what the next injury will be? As long as they are minor I am ok with it I guess.
light incline hammer strength bench....didn't do band presses had no spotters....fuckin snow!
Pin press 285 2x6 right at lock out...these are hard since you have no momentum.
CRazy arm workout, curls galore and tricep push downs, also a shit ton of chin ups. Eating stew, gonna shower, nap and bounce tonight. Wasn't able to stay at my girls since the snow is so bad so stuck on the south side might as well work. If I'm lucky I'll get to stomp some white trash tonight Fuckin whiskey tangos...
DE bench 205+super black band 5x5
315 HIGH pin press 3x3
vbar push downs 3x15
Curl machine 3x15
cannon ball tricep pull downs 3x15
Random curls...lovin the IGF/tren/dbol pump
5x12-15 chin ups (So if I wear a bench shirt it's cheating but "kipping" crossfit chin ups are ok????)
Got my stuff from m4b and IV. It's gonna be a great week. Prayin my boy Derek doesn't tear his lat or bicep at RUM.
DE bench 205+super black band 5x5
315 HIGH pin press 3x3
vbar push downs 3x15
Curl machine 3x15
cannon ball tricep pull downs 3x15
Random curls...lovin the IGF/tren/dbol pump
5x12-15 chin ups (So if I wear a bench shirt it's cheating but "kipping" crossfit chin ups are ok????)
Got my stuff from m4b and IV. It's gonna be a great week. Prayin my boy Derek doesn't tear his lat or bicep at RUM.
Squat 600x5......
De-DEADs 505+band 8x1 with fat bar.
Leg press single leg 300x10, 330x10
Leg extensions 3x15
Hamstring 2x10