- Oct 28, 2007
- 5,838
- 22
- 38
What a difference a week makes
I decided to blast again. I figured why wait until the new year. Long story short I added in NPP and upped my test e dose. I am 2 injs in and I started with 0.6ml NPP then 0.7ml and now I will carry on with 0.5ml test e and 1ml NPP EOD. That makes 525mg test e and 350mg npp per week. As posted many times in the past I am not a fan of high test doses so I would rather add in low-moderate doses of other injectables. Although I will see how I go but I may up the test to 750mg max dose. NPP will probably stay the same. I may add in eq and if I do it will start at around 300mg but I could move that up to a similar amount as my test dose (525-700mg). Now I also have some DHB to add in and it's the first time I have ever used the compound. By reason of that and how I can be I will start with a few low dose injs then I will gradually move up to 50mg EOD. If I feel good at that dose I will gradually move up to 100mg EOD. I will add the DHB in very soon.
All in all I have a decent mix planned and will be pushing things a bit higher than usual. I am going to just stick to injectables this time round but I may finish with an oral depending upon blood work. I also have slin I will be adding in around training but just standard doses. I will probably drop HGH soon as for me personally it's not worth it. I state that and I get hgh for free so it's not a price thing I just don't like what it does to me.
My training has been great recently. I am having more off days from the gym which is hard for me. Today was an off day but I nearly went because I love the gym but it's a good thing I didn't and my body did need the day off. On the forums I often see guys state how you can't possibly train really hard for a few days running. Acting like if you truly train hard you wouldn't want to go the gym again and it's complete nonsense. The last 2 days I have literally pushed my body to the max. Yesterday I woke up feeling destroyed but by the evening I was ready to go again. Today I strangely woke up feeling great and wanted to train again but it's a good thing I didn't. My last 2 trainings days consisted of...
Warm Up with DB's.
Pec Deck... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Unilateral Chest Press... 2 working sets for each arm.
Standing DB Lateral Raises... 1 working drop set.
Incline Bench Y Raises... 1 working set.
Smith Incline Press... 1 working set.
Lying EZ Bar Skullcrushers... 1 working set with 30kg per side.
Unilateral Machine Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set with each arm.
Leg Press... 2 working sets.
Leg Extensions... 2 working sets.
I only done the chest press one arm at a time because the machine is designed very poorly. It starts far too back and is bad for the shoulders and extremely awkward to get into position especially with a heavy load. So I used the other hand to help get the machine into position and it felt so much better. Yes I could get someone to help me but there wasn't anyone suitable. The machine feels very heavy so I was pleased with my 4pps and 4.5pps.
Warm up with DB's.
Reverse Pec Deck... 1 working set.
Nautilius Pullover... 1 working set.
Nautilus Leverage Lat Pulldown... 1 working set for each side.
Nautilus Leverage Row... 1 working set.
Unilateral Seated Cable Row... 1 working set for each side.
Nautilus Instinct Glute Press... 1 working set for each side (full weight rack).
Lying Leg Curls... 2 working sets (full weight rack then about 80% of the stack).
Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 1 working set.
Deadlifts... 1 working set.
Standing Calf Raises... 2 working sets.
Stretches and Massage Gun.
All in all I have a decent mix planned and will be pushing things a bit higher than usual. I am going to just stick to injectables this time round but I may finish with an oral depending upon blood work. I also have slin I will be adding in around training but just standard doses. I will probably drop HGH soon as for me personally it's not worth it. I state that and I get hgh for free so it's not a price thing I just don't like what it does to me.
My training has been great recently. I am having more off days from the gym which is hard for me. Today was an off day but I nearly went because I love the gym but it's a good thing I didn't and my body did need the day off. On the forums I often see guys state how you can't possibly train really hard for a few days running. Acting like if you truly train hard you wouldn't want to go the gym again and it's complete nonsense. The last 2 days I have literally pushed my body to the max. Yesterday I woke up feeling destroyed but by the evening I was ready to go again. Today I strangely woke up feeling great and wanted to train again but it's a good thing I didn't. My last 2 trainings days consisted of...
Warm Up with DB's.
Pec Deck... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Unilateral Chest Press... 2 working sets for each arm.
Standing DB Lateral Raises... 1 working drop set.
Incline Bench Y Raises... 1 working set.
Smith Incline Press... 1 working set.
Lying EZ Bar Skullcrushers... 1 working set with 30kg per side.
Unilateral Machine Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set with each arm.
Leg Press... 2 working sets.
Leg Extensions... 2 working sets.
I only done the chest press one arm at a time because the machine is designed very poorly. It starts far too back and is bad for the shoulders and extremely awkward to get into position especially with a heavy load. So I used the other hand to help get the machine into position and it felt so much better. Yes I could get someone to help me but there wasn't anyone suitable. The machine feels very heavy so I was pleased with my 4pps and 4.5pps.
Warm up with DB's.
Reverse Pec Deck... 1 working set.
Nautilius Pullover... 1 working set.
Nautilus Leverage Lat Pulldown... 1 working set for each side.
Nautilus Leverage Row... 1 working set.
Unilateral Seated Cable Row... 1 working set for each side.
Nautilus Instinct Glute Press... 1 working set for each side (full weight rack).
Lying Leg Curls... 2 working sets (full weight rack then about 80% of the stack).
Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 1 working set.
Deadlifts... 1 working set.
Standing Calf Raises... 2 working sets.
Stretches and Massage Gun.