It's time to get HUGE!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
What a difference a week makes :D I decided to blast again. I figured why wait until the new year. Long story short I added in NPP and upped my test e dose. I am 2 injs in and I started with 0.6ml NPP then 0.7ml and now I will carry on with 0.5ml test e and 1ml NPP EOD. That makes 525mg test e and 350mg npp per week. As posted many times in the past I am not a fan of high test doses so I would rather add in low-moderate doses of other injectables. Although I will see how I go but I may up the test to 750mg max dose. NPP will probably stay the same. I may add in eq and if I do it will start at around 300mg but I could move that up to a similar amount as my test dose (525-700mg). Now I also have some DHB to add in and it's the first time I have ever used the compound. By reason of that and how I can be I will start with a few low dose injs then I will gradually move up to 50mg EOD. If I feel good at that dose I will gradually move up to 100mg EOD. I will add the DHB in very soon.

All in all I have a decent mix planned and will be pushing things a bit higher than usual. I am going to just stick to injectables this time round but I may finish with an oral depending upon blood work. I also have slin I will be adding in around training but just standard doses. I will probably drop HGH soon as for me personally it's not worth it. I state that and I get hgh for free so it's not a price thing I just don't like what it does to me.

My training has been great recently. I am having more off days from the gym which is hard for me. Today was an off day but I nearly went because I love the gym but it's a good thing I didn't and my body did need the day off. On the forums I often see guys state how you can't possibly train really hard for a few days running. Acting like if you truly train hard you wouldn't want to go the gym again and it's complete nonsense. The last 2 days I have literally pushed my body to the max. Yesterday I woke up feeling destroyed but by the evening I was ready to go again. Today I strangely woke up feeling great and wanted to train again but it's a good thing I didn't. My last 2 trainings days consisted of...

Warm Up with DB's.
Pec Deck... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Unilateral Chest Press... 2 working sets for each arm.
Standing DB Lateral Raises... 1 working drop set.
Incline Bench Y Raises... 1 working set.
Smith Incline Press... 1 working set.
Lying EZ Bar Skullcrushers... 1 working set with 30kg per side.
Unilateral Machine Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set with each arm.
Leg Press... 2 working sets.
Leg Extensions... 2 working sets.

I only done the chest press one arm at a time because the machine is designed very poorly. It starts far too back and is bad for the shoulders and extremely awkward to get into position especially with a heavy load. So I used the other hand to help get the machine into position and it felt so much better. Yes I could get someone to help me but there wasn't anyone suitable. The machine feels very heavy so I was pleased with my 4pps and 4.5pps.

Warm up with DB's.
Reverse Pec Deck... 1 working set.
Nautilius Pullover... 1 working set.
Nautilus Leverage Lat Pulldown... 1 working set for each side.
Nautilus Leverage Row... 1 working set.
Unilateral Seated Cable Row... 1 working set for each side.
Nautilus Instinct Glute Press... 1 working set for each side (full weight rack).
Lying Leg Curls... 2 working sets (full weight rack then about 80% of the stack).
Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 1 working set.
Deadlifts... 1 working set.
Standing Calf Raises... 2 working sets.
Stretches and Massage Gun.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have had some big meals today. My first 3 meals contained approx 150g carbs each. All my usual meals but I had more oats, rice and bread for each meal. I have also just had a 1500 calorie bowl of granola.

Oats, whey protein (sticky toffee pudding flavour), peanut butter powder, banana and oat milk.
Chicken soup (barley, noodles, chickpeas, carrots and cabbage) with a baguette.

30mg DHB, 2ml synthetine and 1.5ml syntheselen.
INTRA (2 scoops of EAA's, 30g honey, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
Chicken breast, basmati rice and honey.
Sirloin steak, cherry tomatoes and wholegrain rice.
Granola with blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.

I have had about 800g carbs today. I felt like a machine in the gym. I only had 1 hour to train but I was that amped up I went through all movements fairly quickly because I wanted to make sure I had enough time to slowly warm up my legs and go up to my max weight 1pps at a time. My legs are destroyed (struggling to move around) and that's all from 2 sets of hack squats. As you can see I have also started DHB and dosed that preworkout. I am going to continue with 30mg EOD and move up 10mg every week or so.

Cable Lateral Raises... 1 working set for each side.
Cable Rope Front Raises... 1 working set.
Machine Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Machine Shoulder Press... 1 working set.
Pec Deck... 1 working set.
Chest Press... 2 working sets.
Machine Tri-cep Dips... 1 working set.
Machine Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.
Hack Squats... 2 working sets.
Leg Press... 1 working set.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been rotating stiff leg deadlifts with the glute drive (hip thrust) machine but I went against my "rule" the other day and ended up doing stiff leg deadlifts, deadlifts and hip thrusts all in one session. I really pushed the weight so no doubt my back felt completely off the next day so I had 2 days off. On Tuesday I felt ok so done PUSH and today (Thursday) I done another PULL day but kept the lower portion to just hamstring curls and calf raises and I feel great now. Today I also decided to keep the weight moderate and do higher reps. Many movements were in the 12-15 rep range but others for 15-20 reps and for calves mainly over 25 reps. I really concentrated on execution and feeling the muscle and contracting hard on every rep and getting the best pump possible. I will do the same tomorrow for PUSH and then go back to normal. I have been pushing the weight in lower rep ranges recently so it's always good to have a break from that even if it's just for 1 rotation.

The 30mg EOD of DHB has made me feel a little off so I have kept it to 30mg but next week I will move it up to 35mg then 40mg etc. I have been dosing the other stuff E3D's but I will be more consistent and go back to EOD for that. I dose them separately because I use a slin pin for the DHB. Everything else is gtg. I will add some preworkout slin tomorrow with more intra carbs. I wanted to start upping things but my supplement order didn't show up and the company has fucked up again so I have been waiting ages for a new preworkout, hbcd's and eaa's. They should be coming tomorrow so I will swop honey for hbcd's. I usually do about 60g HBCD's but if I ever go higher I will do a combo of that and honey.

This is the first day I haven't had a giant bowl of granola this week but I still have another hour or so left :D

Oats, whey protein (sticky toffee pudding flavour), peanut butter powder, banana and oat milk.
Roast lamb, roast potatoes, carrots, broccoli, green beans, beetroot and mint sauce.

2ml synthetine and 1.5ml syntheselen.
INTRA (2 scoops of EAA's, 60g honey, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
Special (beef, chicken, char sui and king prawn) with pineapple and boiled rice (takeaway).
Chicken, jasmine rice and blueberries.
0% FAGE Yoghurt, raspberries and walnuts.

I have also snacked on melon throughout the day. By snacked I mean I have ate an entire melon.

I am going out on Sat for my birthday so Sunday will be a complete write off but I will be back on plan on Monday. I will try and limit my drinking to an excessive amount and not a ridiculous amount :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I haven't updated this thread since last year. I wanted to start when I knew I could give 100%. For months I said to myself I will update my log tonight and I never did. Now it's time :D

Over the last 6 months I had various things to deal with. I haven't missed a single workout in all this time. I have missed plenty of shots and I have had days of minimal food but training is always on point for me because it's my passion.

I will go over a few things I think are important. I had issues with injuries so I basically changed my training for a couple of months. Instead of my usual warm ups and 1 heavy working set I lowered the weights and increased my volume. My new working sets were essentially my old last warm up sets but I would usually do 3 working sets with that weight. I stopped going to complete failure and basically stopped going too crazy. It resulted in some minor injuries improving and me having more energy away from the gym. In addition to that I also incorporated some BPC-157 and TB-500 and it has helped a lot.

Moving forward I am pushing everything again so I am back to my hard and heavy lifting. This time I am using heavy working sets and certain techniques to create more effective reps in a short time period so basically more drop sets and supersets.

I write detailed posts but my ways couldn't be more simple. I don't get lost in the details but I am too carefree so if I want to really transform over the next few months I need to be more regimented. I said to myself inject EOD but that changed to E3D's then it was twice per week then I wouldn't inject for 2 weeks at a time but now I am back on plan. I was using 300mg test e and 270mg deca twice weekly but I have changed things. I have just started 1.5ml (450mg test e) and 0.5ml (150mg deca every 3 days. I wasn't using any AI's for months on blast and cruise so I am now using 20mg every injection day but that will be increased over time.

I probably shouldn't have but I wanted to add something that would give an instant impact so I went with sdrol. I dosed 10mg twice preworkout then had an off day and tried 20mg pre workout. The pumps were as good as the very first time I used insulin. I did feel like crap when I woke up the next day but I have used 20mg 3 days running now (training days) and I feel much better. Moving forward I will take 10mg on off days and 20mg pre workout.

Synthetine and syntheselen are being dosed at 2.5ml and 1ml preworkout so it fits in a 3ml syringe and I love that combo. If I am going to use insulin it will be 5iu humalog preworkout or 15iu humalog post workout because of my current macros at those times. I don't like to use much slin preworkout but post I am fine pushing the dose higher as I have 150g carbs in my post workout meal so it's easily covered. I have only injected insulin once recently but will add it in more moving forward.

My food is usually clean it's just in my bad periods I don't eat much. I want to start dieting on the most calories possible so I am actively pushing calories up over the next few weeks. Granted it's not ideal but I go away in July so I want to look good for that because I am single. I am not bothered about being ripped I just don't want to be loaded up with food so I will come back down slightly to tighten up. I do this for fun so don't usually have dates to aim towards so that can give me something to aim at.

The plan is just to mutate over the next few weeks. Get as big and full as possible so quite simple then I will come back down so I don't have a giant gut on the beach :D

Today was PUSH day and looked like...

DB Lateral Raises... 1 working drop set with 3 drops in weight.
Machine Shoulder Press... 2 working sets.
Pec Deck... 1 working drop set with 3 drops in weight.
DB Chest Press... 2 working sets.
Close Grip Bench Press... 1 working set.
Skull Crushers... 1 working set.
Unilateral Tri-cep Pushdowns... 1 working set for each side.

85% dark chocolate, walnuts and raspberries with coffee.
5% beef mince, mixed peppers and jasmine rice.
Synthepure, dragon fruit, pineapple, blueberries, chia seeds, oats, spinach and almond milk.

2.5ml synthetine and 1 syntheselen.
INTRA (3 scoops of EAA's, 80g HBCD's and 10g glutamine).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and honey.
5% beef mince, mixed peppers and wholegrain rice.
Cottage Cheese and 10 Ryvita crispbreads with cream cheese :eek:

That last meal is definitely not the norm but it tasted great :D The 1st "meal" was just a snack because I wasn't hungry due to the sdrol the night before. I have been having dark chocolate and coffee most mornings for awhile now. I will continue that but will try and get that 1st meal in soon after (within 30 mins) moving forward to allow more time for more meals. Let the fun begin :)
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are going good. Let's forget not being able to lift my left arm after my last push day. That was just a one off and my fault. I was using a seated shoulder press and my left shoulder felt off but I carried on. I won't do that again but I knew it would be back to normal within a short time. The 2.5mg TB-500 and 200mcg BPC-157 I put in it that night probably helped as well.

I will keep this brief as it's very late and I am going to bed. 3 meals were lean beef mince and jasmine rice today. My breakfast was 5 whole eggs, 3 pieces of toast with butter and blueberries. I ended the night with a protein yoghurt and giant bowl of protein weetabix. I am going to stop having that cereal because I bloat badly from it. Tomorrow night it will probably be replaced with beef mince, rice and avocado. I used to have 1 avocado everyday but I haven't been eating them recently so I will bring them back in.

I took 20mg sdrol and 10mg MK-677 2 days ago and yesterday I had the energy of a snail. As a result just 10mg sdrol today and definitely no MK-677. I was just adding it in because of the sdrol but it's not needed and in addition to the HGH just completely destroys my energy levels.

The plan for tomorrow is a 1 hour walk with Flex in the sun. A high rep leg workout with sled pushes and lot's of beef, rice and fruit.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
It's about time I start updating this again. I was going to start a new thread but I will do that for the New Year when I turn 40. I will go over what I have been going through and I am 95% sure it was caused by the statin but things are confusing. Looking back I mentioned it but I basically started experiencing joint pain all over my body. My hips were the worst and the pain remained there long after disappearing from everywhere else. I had severe pain in my right hip for about 6 weeks then suddenly 1 day I woke up and it was gone and my left hip was in the same pain. About 4 weeks later it swopped again and since it has started changing almost daily from each hip and my lower back. If it's in my hip it's really bad but I can walk and walking even helps. If it's my lower back I can barely move and walking is impossible.

I came off everything for a short time and even took away all supplements and had some off time but now I am back on everything and trying to get on with things. Some days I can barely move and in a lot of pain and 1 hour later I am in the gym training hard. It's very up/down and whilst I do push things when I probably shouldn't if I don't train for an extended time the pain can get worse. I have physio and I will get an MRI scan so I can see what the damage is. It has to be my lower back and the nerves are causing hip pain because of the way it jumps from each side and goes from severe to zero pain.

For approx 1 month my calories were fairly low and all my food was clean but I was averaging 100-150g protein so that needed to be increased. Considering everything I maintained fairly well. Now I have increased everything and my diet is very good and I will be making more changes/improvements. My goal now is to just sharpen up for my holiday and lose a little bodyfat and look and feel good.

Nutrition now will be mainly beef and greens/veg twice daily. Pre and post chicken, rice and fruit. Morning is a shake with a variety of fruit, synthepure and some oats. Basically lot's of meat and berries and around training some rice etc. I started insulin today and just 6iu pre workout and my approach with that is very simple. 5 mins after I eat a banana and drink my preworkout with 1 scoops of EAA's and 25g carbs added. Intra is 2 scoops of EAA's and 50g carbs and 10g glutamine. I will probably add in some slin post workout and that will be a standard dose before my post workout meal of meat, rice and pineapple or honey.

Supplements are very basic and include a heart formula, joint formula and some liquid fish oil.

Training has been really good. Push, pull, legs and just having fun but obviously working around my injury. Usually very basic and standard sets but some days because volume has been on the lower side for me I have been finishing many body parts with a drop set. I have actually been doing some lower rep stuff as well which is more risky but fun at times. Things like failing on 3-5 reps with very heavy presses. I am changing that now simply to avoid injury because I go away soon and I have been lifting heavy for a couple of months and feel like a change. I will still lift heavy but for the next few weeks it's going to be a lot of super sets and pumping up my muscles as hard as possible.

Gear is test and mast and tren. I have had issues with tren in the past as many know so I was actually expecting them this time but weirdly I have been fine. It's actually making me feel better. I feel like a machine in the gym. I started at 10mg per day and gradually moved up to 20mg and stayed there for a few days then bumped it up to 25mg and now I am at 30mg and feel fine. I will probably keep it at this dose but I may up more as I only have 2 weeks left. I want to come off tren before I go just incase because of the issues I have had in the past (confined spaces can trigger things so travelling on a plane etc).

For the test and mast I wanted to take more but I had to play about with the dose and ratio. I have found a perfect fit and I feel great on this dose so I don't want to change it. I settled on 1ml test so 300mg because I am now using test e. I gradually upped the mast and I was feeling off when I got to 0.8-0.9ml so I have settled at 0.7ml (140mg). I am dosing that combo every 3 days. I was going to do it EOD but again just going on everything I settled with every 3 days. So it's 300mg test and 210mg mast every 3 days with 30mg tren daily. Not exactly big doses but all I need right now is to look and feel good so that is plenty. I am using no AI on this cycle. I am tempted to add in an oral for 2 weeks so I might do that but I will be drinking daily on holiday so I have tried to avoid anything overly toxic in recent times. Maybe I will add 40mg avar or 50mg winny. Below is what I done today and I will continue on this path moving forward.

Synthepure, apple, blueberries, cherries, kale, spinach, oats and almond milk.
5% beef mince, mixed peppers, onions and green beans.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and 2 whole eggs.

6IU Humalog, 30mg tren a, 2.5ml synthetine, 1.5ml syntheselen and 1 banana.
1 scoop of Total War, 1 scoop of EAA's and 25g Dextrose.
INTRA (2 scoops of EAA's, 50g Dextrose and 10g glutamine).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and pineapple.
Sirloin steak, raspberries and 1 spoon of peanut butter.

This diet is perfect for me and the added fruits always increase my well being. I will stick with this plan and just increase my activity levels over the next few weeks. If needed I will add in some low days which will basically consist of beef, berries and greens. I do those to really bring in my waist but that is happening anyway because of the lower calories/carbs. Nothing needs to be extreme because I just want to look and feel good but you know how it is and we always want more. Whenever I want my waist to come in as much as possible food volume can be extremely important so I may have some very restrictive days to finish this diet.

I am looking fairly lean now it's just been a nightmare with my hips and it's starting to get to me but I know I will find a solution soon. I should add funds have been limited and if they weren't I would have just booked an MRI ages ago and had loads of massage work and adjustments but that hasn't been an option. I will get pics done soon. I was never gone but it feels good to be back :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
A very interesting update. As I posted last I have had severe hip pain for the last few months. When it first happened I thought HGH may have contributed because it has caused me joint pain in the past so I stopped it. I was confident it was due to the statin but I just stopped both to be sure as I had been using both the prior few months. I have always posted I thought HGH can be amazing for many but for me it didn't really do a great deal. On top of that I am very sensitive to HGH's side effects so I have never been a massive fan of it so wasn't bothered about using it every again.

Anyway I have been in that much pain recently I figured shall I add it in to see if it helps. I figured it should only help my hips due to what I was feeling and my logic was it couldn't really get much worse. So the other night I decided to add in 3IU HGH pre bed and it's crazy because within 2 days my hip pain is literally nearly gone. My lower back still isn't great but a big difference overall so I am happy. I was probably a little too happy because I overdone things in the gym yesterday but with the fact I was not in pain and I had taken 2 scoops of preworkout you can forgive me for getting a little too excited :D My last 2 training sessions...

Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses supersetted with Standing Calf Raises... 3 working sets.
Seated Calf Raises... 2 working sets.
Hip Abductors... 3 pump sets.
Hip Adductors... 1 working drop set.
Seated Leg Curls... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight.
Nautilus Glute Drive... 2 working sets of 15 reps with static hold (as long as possible) to finish.
Leg Press... 3 working sets.
Leg Extensions... 2 working sets.

Most movements were heavy but others were all about connection and getting as good a pump as possible. I have had to modify my leg training due to my recent hip and lower back issues but I find this way of training superior anyway. I only had 5PPS on the leg press but my muscles felt every part of the movement and I kept all the tension on my quads and away from my joints. They felt so pumped and my knees felt great. My calves have been killing me since though and I can barely walk today. For abductors I just keep the weight in the middle because of my hip issues and there is no need to push things. I took humalog pre workout and that really helped the pump and my legs felt like they doubled in size whilst training. The next day was PUSH and no slin for that.

Warm Up with DB's.
DB Chest Press... 1 working set.
Pec Deck... 1 working drop set with 3 drops in weight.
Smith Incline Press supersetted with Barbell Front Raises... 2 working sets.
DB Lateral Raises... 2 working sets.
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 2 working sets.
Machine Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.

I had a day off today because my body definitely needed it. I also feel tired from the HGH which is only dosed at 3iu. Well I have black tops and count them as 15IU and inject 1/5th of a vial so it's about that. I only had about 5 vials left so I picked them because the box was open but also because they fill you with so much water and I thought that should help. The problem is even at 3IU I get headaches from them (never get headaches ever). I have a kit of Endogenic Oxytropin I will be using next and they are much more user friendly for me.

Tomorrow will be PULL and I will likely stick to chest supported movements. I have been going really heavy recently but I will probably change my approach for the next 2 weeks which will be more moderate (still heavy) weight but increased effective reps in a short time period (supersetting movements and cluster sets etc).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
The addition of HGH has really helped my hips. It's a night and day difference but I will still be going to physio and doing anything else I can to get fixed. I am only using HGH for that reason so I have been dosing it at 3IU EOD. Even at that dose I notice I am really tired especially the day of dosing (I dose it prebed). I plan to stay on that dose and as I have posted many times I get a lot of side effects from HGH so prefer keeping it low and EOD just to help with my injuries.

The other day I trained legs and because of my back/hips I done an unusual workout but it was great. I usually do the same sort of split but this is was just something a bit different going on what my body was telling me. It was basically 7 working sets of calf raises, 7 working sets of lying leg curls and 7 working sets of leg extensions. Everything was great and I finished the workout with sled pushes. In my head I figured not super heavy like usual and more cardio based but still decent weight to get everything firing. Some guy left about 120kg on there so I figured that was ideal so I sprinted with that up and down 3 times. I was destroyed and I rested and repeated.

My legs were super pumped and it felt great but on the 2nd go I done it and when I finished I was so out of breath I had a fucking panic attack in the gym. So annoying and there was nothing I could do just wait for my breath to come back. Many people think they can't breathe during a panic attack but mine was created because I was so out of breath. It's like my mind just freaks out and I can't take anything because I knew it was happening solely due to my breathing so I was a bit of a mess and I just had to wait and after 5 mins I was fine again. I have felt great this time on tren but this is the first time I have been so out of breath but still I haven't injected tren since that day. I was going to stop it about 5 days after anyway so nothing major. I have felt great since and I will just be careful with getting too out of breath for the next few weeks.

I have been using 200mg dnp daily this week and tonight will be my last dose. It's really helped bring my waist in and I have been feeling heat in the night from that dose. I always sweat a lot during training from synthetine/syntheselen/preworkout so I haven't really noticed any difference at that time. Every time I go the gym it looks like I have showered in my clothes dnp or not :D On top of that my usual 300mg test e and 210mg mast e every 3 days. Because I had to stop tren early I added in 40mg avar preworkout just to give me a boost. Nothing exciting but it's enough for what I need.

I have been using 20mg accutane as well but I have just stopped that as well because I go on holiday soon and I will be partying a lot so I don't want to be on that and my course was nearly over anyway so I figured just stop it 2 weeks early. I started using melanotan 2 but I have been terrible with the dosing and started it too late but I will dose it daily until I go. I am really pale now and the accutane makes your skin really sensitive to sunlight so it will help in that regard. I will probably just take it over with me because I started it too late.

The rest of my training has been the usual and really pushing the weight. Although this week I incorporated more supersets and it's felt really good. I just got back from training legs and definitely no sled pushes today :D

Hip Adductors and Hip Abductors... 3 easy sets of each to warm things up.
Standing Calf Raises... 2 working sets.
Seated Calf Raises... 2 working drop sets. Crazy drop sets with the last having my mate push down as hard as possible on the negative stretch. I told him to try and hurt me but he gave out before I did :eek:
Seated Leg Curls... 3 working sets with the full weight rack with 20 secs rest between each.
Leg Press... 4 working sets (different foot positions).
Leg Extensions... 3 working sets with the full weight rack with 20 secs rest between each.
Ab Rope Crunches... 3 working sets.
Lying Leg Raises... 1 working set.
Reverse Crunches... 1 working set.

I will start shaving my body tomorrow and get some updated pics done in the next few days.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
It was my friends bday on Sat so I went out for that. I had planned to come home for 2am but that turned out to be 8am. Trust me it could have been much worse but still not great. My mate was actually trying to get me to come and see 2 girls at 10am because he was still out but I said no. Sunday was a day of laying about and trying to drink lot's of water. I thought about fasting for 24 hours but got hungry so had 2 meals of chicken, rice and fruit.

Today has all been about getting back to normal ASAP. I don't want to be hungover for my flight so I took all my vits. I added in some synthelamin (vit b12) and some inj vit c. I drank green shakes, ate lot's of clean food and took about 20ml synthergine. I trained really hard and made sure to get a sauna and a cold shower afterwards. I feel good now. Tomorrow will be the same as today. In the gym I didn't have anyone to take an updated pic of me so asked some random lad but the 2 he took look terrible so I will ask someone else tomorrow.

The hotel we booked is nice and it has a gym so I plan to train light most days. My body will be a mess but I will try and fit some good with all the bad. It has a spa so I will be going to that for saunas, steam room etc. I will get a massage as well because my body definitely needs it. It's all inclusive so I will probably eat a lot per meal but probably only 2 meals per day. No chance for breakfast unless I am walking in at that time so it will be lunch and dinner and I will try and fit in loads of meat and fruit. I just ate half a large watermelon after my post workout meal and will finish off the other half tomorrow. I am definitely going to be more sensible this year but it's worth noting I said this last year and I went to Benidorm and went missing for 2 days and ended up partying with a crazy group of girls from Manchester :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
It's time to start updating this log again :)

After I turned 40 I decided to downsize. It wasn't hard because I just ate what I wanted so all the same foods just less of them. Whilst I never really forcefed when consuming 5-6 decent meals per day I would have to tell my self to eat a meal every 2-3 hours. Otherwise I could happily go another 2 hours on my computer etc and not think about eating and before I realize I am at 3 meals for the day and it's bedtime.

I have the bug again though after travelling and meeting some great bodybuilders. Things will be slightly different as my aim is to look fantastic but also be able to perform at a high level as well. I will get fitter as I improve my physique so it's not just about the inside. My diet is similar but just more nutrient dense foods and less rice than before. More healthy fats and less starchy carbs as a result.

I went off gear then I done all different things. I was using test and deca recently but for some reason I am not responding well to deca like I have in the past. I started getting acne (back and shoulders) after adding it in so I am dropped it. Now I am going to just use test at 1ml (300mg) EOD for now and go from there. Before this it was literally 2 injs per week. So starting a few days ago I will be at 1.05g test per week which is plenty for me. I will definitely add something else in when I feel like it.

I am still training PPL excluding a few full body workouts recently. My training has been very intense recently and I plan to keep it that way. A mixture of rep ranges as usual but using the PPL framework to work from. I have been having issues when I push the cardio output (weight training) which is annoying because I wanted to do more training that gets my heart rate high. My anxiety was kicking off and another reason why I dropped the deca. Basically anytime I got really out of breath my mind/body would go into panic. It happened after an intense sled push set and after 2 intense hack squatting sets. As a result I have recently been doing more lower rep sets and trying to really control my breathing. I need to et blood work done and will see how everything is including prolactin and cortisol.

Tomorrow I will be training legs which should be fun. Today was an off day. I will start posting about my training from now on.

I am starting 2.5ml synthetine and 1ml syntheselen preworkout tomorrow. I will also add in insulin in 2 weeks and will start at 5iu preworkout and 10iu post workout. I will get some new pics posted soon. I am building the food up and today I ate...

5 whole eggs cooked in coconut oil, 2 pieces of toasted tiger bread with extra virgin olive oil, blueberries, 1 clementine, 85% dark chocolate and a black coffee.

Sirloin steak, sweet potatoe, 1/2 avocado, 1 banana and strawberries.

Chicken Breast, brazil nuts, walnuts, black grapes and 1 pink lady apple.

Rump steak, red/yellow peppers, extra mature cheddar cheese, raspberries and 1 actimel yoghurt.

Tomorrow will be similar but on workout days I will add in jasmine/wild rice (or oats) pre and post workout. My intra shake also contains EAA's and honey at the moment. So overall less carbs than normal but more fats. I will increase things as I move along but I am most happy when eating like this.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
5 whole eggs cooked in coconut oil, 2 pieces of toasted tiger bread with extra virgin olive oil, blueberries, 1 clementine, 85% dark chocolate and a black coffee.
800ug L-methylfolate, 56mg oregano oil and 2g fish oil.
Sirloin steak, 2 sweet potatoes, 1 avocado and black grapes.
2.5ml synthetine, 1ml syntheselen and 50mg proviron.
INTRA- EAA's, glycerol (etc) and honey.
Chicken Breast, jasmine rice and 2 bananas.
Wagyu steak, red/yellow peppers, extra mature cheddar cheese, raspberries and 1 actimel yoghurt.

1ml (300mg) Sustanon, 4000FU nattokinase, 6000IU vitamin d, 2g fish oil, 56mg oregano oil, 800mg boswellia serrata and 1000mg vitamin c.

Smith Machine Standing Calf Raises... 2 working sets (the last being a drop set).
Seated Calf Raises... 2 working sets (the last being a drop set).
Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
Lying Leg Curls... 2 working sets.
Leg Press... 2 working sets.
DB Squats... 2 working sets.
Seated Leg Curls supersetted with Leg Extensions... 2 working sets.

The plan was to just do seated leg curls but there was a couple on the machine so I done lying leg curls thinking I will swop over when they are done. I don't like to go very heavy when lying and that was my plan today. The couple took so long I just went over to the leg press. At the end I figured instead of just leg extensions I would superset the seated leg curls I didn't do earlier. The machines are next to each other so it's ideal and it finished things off nicely.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had a great PUSH workout yesterday. I am getting stronger and will slowly push that over the following months. Things are really building up nicely and I have added a little size back recently. Today was PULL day and that looked like...

Rear Delt Flyes... 2 working sets.
Chest Supported High Row... 2 working sets.
Cable Straight Arm Pulldown... 2 working sets.
Machine Lat Row... 2 working sets.
Zercher Shrugs... 2 working sets.
Machine Bi-cep Curls... 1 working set.
Reverse Curls... 1 working set.
DB Hammer Curls... 1 working set.
1 Tri-set of DB Curls, Reverse Barbell Curls and DB Hammer Curls.

5 whole eggs cooked in coconut oil, 2 pieces of toasted tiger bread with extra virgin olive oil, blueberries, 1 mango, 85% dark chocolate and a black coffee.
800ug L-methylfolate, 56mg oregano oil and 2g fish oil.
12x 3% Beef meatballs, brown rice, 1 avocado and red grapes.
2.5ml synthetine, 1ml syntheselen and 50mg proviron.
INTRA- EAA's, glycerol (etc) and honey.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and 2 bananas.
12 x 3% Beef meatballs, red/yellow peppers, walnuts, brazil nuts and 1 actimel yoghurt.

4000FU nattokinase, 6000IU vitamin d, 2g fish oil, 56mg oregano oil, 800mg boswellia serrata and 1000mg vitamin c.

I couldn't think of the name but just checked. When I write in my intra shake "glycerol (etc)" I mean the product called FSU Serum by Inspired Nutraceuticals. I was taking 2 tablespoons but now I just pour it in my intra shake...

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am feeling much better now and things are building up nicely. I had trained a few days in a row so after training legs I said to myself to have the weekend off. My legs are sore today so I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow.

I am not using orals now but when getting ready to train legs I said to myself a big session and get a crazy pump so I decided to take 40mg dbol to help matters :D The pump was crazy and my legs felt like they had doubled in size. I have such long legs though it probably didn't translate in real life but it still felt great :D

Smith Machine Standing Calf Raises... 2 working sets (the last being a drop set).
Seated Calf Raises... 3 working sets (the last being a drop set).
Unilateral Seated Leg Curls... 3 working sets for each side .
Weighted Step Ups... 2 working sets for each side.
Leg Press... 4 working sets.
Zercher Squats... 3 working sets.

5 whole eggs cooked in coconut oil, 2 pieces of sourdough bread with extra virgin olive oil, blueberries, 85% dark chocolate and a black coffee.
800ug L-methylfolate, 56mg oregano oil and 2g fish oil.
Rump steak, jasmine rice and cinnamon pineapple.
2.5ml synthetine, 1ml syntheselen, 40mg dbol and 50mg proviron.
INTRA- EAA's, FSU serum and honey.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice, 1 green apple and 2 bananas.
5% Beef meatballs, extra mature cheddar cheese, 1 avocado and 1 actimel yoghurt.

4000FU nattokinase, 6000IU vitamin d, 2g fish oil, 56mg oregano oil, 800mg boswellia serrata and 1000mg vitamin c.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
5 whole eggs cooked in coconut oil, 2 pieces of olive bread with extra virgin olive oil, blueberries, 85% dark chocolate and a black coffee.
800ug L-methylfolate, 56mg oregano oil and 2g fish oil.
Sirloin steak, garden peas and sweetcorn, 1 avocado and 1 banana.
50mg modafinil, 50mg proviron, 2 scoops of Inspired DVST8 Dark, 2ml synthetine and 1.5ml syntheselen.
INTRA- EAA's and FSU serum.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and honey.
5% Beef meatballs, broccoli, extra mature cheddar cheese, blueberries, and 1 actimel yoghurt.

4000FU nattokinase, 6000IU vitamin d, 2g fish oil, 56mg oregano oil, 800mg boswellia serrata and 1000mg vitamin c.

Cable Lateral Raises... 2 working sets.
DB Lateral Raises... 2 working sets the last being a drop set.
Standing Unilateral Cable Shoulder Press... 2 working sets for each side.
Pec Deck... 2 working sets.
Incline DB Press... 2 working sets.
Unilateral Chest Press... 1 working drop set for each side.
SkullCrushers... 2 working sets.
1 Giant set of Tri-Cep Pushdowns, Machine Extensions, Machine Dips (using the Assisted Pull Up machine), Rope Pushdowns, Lat Pulldown Pushdowns and Close Grip Press Ups.

I went heavy with the unilateral chest presses and my left side just collapsed which has never happened. It felt weaker so I will monitor things but I am sure it will be a very temporary thing. The machine is super heavy and not like most presses. I had 4pps (feels like 6pps) and on my right I got 5 reps and on my left it collapsed on the 1st rep. I wasn't going to risk it so moved down to 3pps and repped that and then dropped down to 2pps to finish off. Earlier on I struggled with my left side on the cable shoulder presses as well which by the way feel amazing. I can position the cables perfectly so I can press in the scapular plane whilst I use my other arm for support and it has a nice feel to it.

Tomorrow will be PULL day and I will use the same preworkout cocktail that I used today. When I tried 100mg+ of modafinil in the past it made me feel off so I left it for awhile. Now with approx 1/4 tab (50mg) the added focus is great and when I combine that with my preworkout synergistic affect is amazing. The 50mg proviron, 2ml synthetine and 1.5ml syntheselen just add to things even more so a great mix if you want to take something to give you a massive boost before training.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I'm still here man.
Thank you for posting your log

Thank you.

The reason I haven't posted is because I have a trapped nerve in my back and it's been horrible. The pain is bad but the location makes it 10x worse. I can't sit up without crazy pain so I can't work on my computer. If I lie down on my side the pain goes away completely. It's by my shoulder blade on the right side and it's starting to affect my right arm but only slightly. I figured it would go away but it hasn't. The strongest painkillers do nothing for it so it's been very annoying. I tried training through it and that didn't help or make it worse so now I have done nothing for approx 5 days and it's actually got worse. So from tomorrow I am going to try and move around more and be active and hopefully it goes away. I have also booked in with a physio so hopefully that can help as well. I will shave and get some updated pics done in the next week. Times like this really make you appreciate being pain free and healthy so I plan to make the most of things once this issue is sorted.


Mar 27, 2014
Hope you feel better man.
That sucks.
My hip i got replaced December 2022 is hurting me for some reason, also my muscles feel like there ripping of the bone. No clue what it is
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
This year has been a really weird one so far because it seems to be one thing after another. For the first time in my life I really thought my body was falling apart. The upper back issue has completely gone which is great. My lower back has always been bad and I started having issues with my hips to the point I could barely walk some days. It all stems from my lower back and I think I will always have these issues so I just have to be mindful of what not to do. Anyway I pushed through but it started getting to me so I relaxed everything for a bit and starting having more fun. Besides that everything else has been good :D

Over the last few months I have barely ate but my plan has still been decent it's just a terrible starting point to diet from because calories were already low. I have increased my protein and cleaned up my diet. I go away in less than 2 weeks so I am going to try and transform myself for that. I am always lean so never too bothered about peaking for a holiday but this time after all the crap having the date has done me good. I am not bothered about being huge so I didn't mind getting smaller because I am 40. I have a big frame and still push training and eat a good diet so I will always be "big" but being as big as possible is no longer my aim. To me someone like Mike O'Hearn has the ideal physique and whilst I would never try to look like someone as we are all different I think I can have a similar look.

I have been training really hard recently and lifting very heavy. I have dried out a bit and in my head I thought lower the weight and do more reps but I have just been pushing it to the max. Although I will definitely be more sensible now because I don't want to injure myself before I go away.

Test C 250mg and Mast E at 200mg EOD.
Winny 50mg and Proviron at 50mg per day.
SR9009 15mg and GW501516 15mg daily... This combo has been incredible for my cardiovascular endurance.
Synthetine at 3ml (600mg) per day but I am upping it to 5ml (1000mg) from tomorrow because I want to really sharpen up before I go away.

I am going to lower my test to 200mg EOD so I am at 700mg test c and 700mg mast e per week.

Recently I have mainly been eating protein (beef and chicken) and fruit. I am going to have 1 week of lower carb days then fill back out before I go away. Even on my lower carb days I might add in 5iu slin with my synthetine preworkout and 40g honey and 40g HBCD's intra workout.

I trained legs earlier and it felt great. I have to be careful with certain movements due to my hips and today I completely missed out any heavy leg press or squat variations which is definitely not the norm.

Smith Machine Standing Calf Raises... 2 working sets (5pps and 4pps).
Seated Calf Raises... 1 working drop set.
Unilateral Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets with each leg.
Unilateral Leg Extensions... 2 working sets for each leg (the full weight rack and about 3/4 of it).
Weighted Step Ups... 1 working set for each side.
Sled Pushes... Started at 20kg and added a plate all the way up to 300kg. This was heavy and completely destroyed me. Since I added in GW501516 this has become much easier for me and I am no longer panicking on the floor because I can't breathe :eek:

I will see how I feel tomorrow but it should be business as normal so PUSH day. I have made a slight change just because I have been doing PPL for so long. Now it's chest, shoulder and bi-ceps and back and tri-ceps literally just for something different. I hope everyone has been well.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have decided to lower my test down faster than planned. I will do 0.6ml test c with 1ml mast e EOD from now on. So that works out at 525mg test c and 700mg mast e per week. I could add in things to increase anabolic load and still feel good but I am not bothered and that is plenty for me. I just need enough to maintain muscle and help me look sharp and most importantly feel good. I am also dropping the 50mg winny because my left hip is only getting worse and that isn't helping matters. That was getting dropped anyway to give myself a very short break before I go to Ibiza. Doing what I do is not smart anyway but having a 1 week break from orals only helps because I will be drinking everyday in Ibiza.

Everything has been good and I have been training hard most days. I trained legs today and kept it very basic. Standing then seated calf raises, leg curls, leg press, leg extensions and sled pushes. My body definitely needs a rest so tomorrow I will probably just take Flex on a long walk but stay out of the gym.

My vascularity has started to come out a lot since I added in 5ml synthetine. It always does that but I expected it to come out more when I added in winny and cialis a few weeks ago but it didn't but it really is now. Obviously it's mainly a body fat thing but I am always relatively lean and it's something I always notice when adding in synthetine especially at higher doses.

I mentioned how my appetite has been very low (obviously not good) but I forgot to mention whilst it was already low beforehand I also added in melanotan 2 the other week and that all but killed it. I am literally waking up and don't want to eat for hours. I could happily eat 1000 calories per day which is not good at all. I started very low and I am up to approx 300mcg per day now and I will stay there as that is plenty for me. Even at that dose I am getting darker and loads of new freckles have appeared and it's crushed my appetite. The way I run it means minimal nausea and side effects but even so I can't prevent the appetite suppression and the only way to aid that is with something that increases appetite but there is no need for that at this time.

Considering how little I am eating my waist is very bloated because I am dealing with a few issues but I know why that is. When my appetite is low I rely on protein sources I can get down easily but that don't suit my gut. Not ideal but it is what it is and I will improve matters. I will carry on pushing hard in the gym and I know how to manipulate my body to make fast changes. I will get shaved and post some updated pics in a few days time.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Current drugs...

Test C 100mg EOD
Test P 50mg EOD
Bold 120mg EOD
Mast E 80mg EOD
Primo A 50mg (oral) daily
DNP 400-200mg daily
HGH 3.33IU daily
Pramipexole 0.125mg daily
Loratadine 10mg daily

Most of the above have been run for a very short time. At most 4 weeks but the primo tabs 2 weeks in total for example. When I get back I will run 200mg test c for a bit then I will start a basic blast of something like Test and Deca.