It's time to get HUGE!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I forgot to post I was going to start DNP after breakfast today but I left it but have just dosed my 1st cap. Gonna take it prebed for now. It's only been 30 mins and I can already feel the heat. If I really hated myself I would started mt2 tonight as well but gonna leave that until tomorrow :D Gonna do a quick blast of this just at 1 cap per day for 2 weeks. None of the things I am running are very high dosed but the combination of everything should have a big effect on me. Even the MT2 and cialis I will be using adds to my look so with all the aas, dnp, hgh, synthetine/syntheselen I think I can make very fast and big changes. Just gonna make sure I stay active and put the work in.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
A frustrating update and it just shows how sensitive I am to tren. I wasn't expecting/forcing this either because I felt great last night and got lot's done then I went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night in a panic. I generally get most of my panic attacks in the night like that. The good thing is I didn't actually have a panic attack because whilst I thought I was within 30 secs I knew I could stop it and it just went away and I went back to sleep and have been fine since. When I woke up I was also sweating badly and very hot as well but that will be the dnp. The tren is 100% the cause of the panic but it doesn't help taking something that will make you feel hot and uncomfortable so the combination definitely isn't great. Although on dnp only I would feel hot and uncomfortable but good with no panic.

Taking tren is definitely playing with fire for me but I am going to take it again at around 12mg tonight (long before bedtime) and see how I am. I just hope I quickly adapt like in the past and I am fine. Regardless how good tren is at enhancing your physique it's not worth even a few days of bad panic attacks they are that horrible. In the past when I build up the dose I usually start feeling great so that is the only reason I will carry on with it for now. Other than that everything is good and I decided to have an off day from training. As a result it's been mainly meat, eggs, vegetables and berries today. Tomorrow I will train legs and I look forward to it.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My current health supplements...

Fish Oil (High EPA)- 6g per day.
Vitamin D- 4,000iu per day.
Nattokinase- 8,000FU per day.
Multivitamin- 2 servings per day.
Curcumin (liquid)- 2 servings per day (240mg curcuminoids).
Digestive Enzyme Blend- 2 servings per day.
Synthergine- 4ml per day.

I have added a new product that contains ingredients that are great for cholesterol and heart health. It's called LipidMAX by Strom Sports. I take 2 servings per day so double the below amounts.

1 serving...
Lysine 5000mg
Vitamin C 1000mg
Citrus bergamot 500mg
Grapeseed Extract 500mg
CoQ10 250mg


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I took 12mg tren last night and I was fine. I was still hot from the DNP the day before but nothing too bad. As I just posted I have decided to leave the DNP for now because the combination would be too much for me. I was going to drop the tren instead but looking at my physique and my goals I am not too far off were I need to be body fat wise I just need to harden up and get the freaky look going (vascular, tight, pumped etc) so I figured tren would be better for me in regards to what it will do to my body. When/if I need to get the last bit of fat off and quickly I will add the DNP in. Tonight I am going to dose about 15mg tren and if I am fine tomorrow go with a bit more tomorrow.

5 whole eggs, spinach and blueberries.
Chicken Soup with potatoes, cannellini beans, chickpeas, carrot, celery and spinach.

INTRA (3 scoops of EAA's, 10g glutamine, and honey).
Chicken Soup with potatoes, cannellini beans, chickpeas, carrot, celery and spinach.
Rump steak and Mediterranean vegetables (courgette, red pepper, yellow pepper, cherry tomato, aubergine and red onions).
0% fat yoghurt and EAA's (fizzy watermelon flavour) with blackberries, raspberries and walnuts.

I trained legs and hit a variety of movements so fairly high volume and it felt great...

Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses... 2 working sets.
Squat Machine Calf Raises... 2 working sets.
Seated Calf Raises... 2 working sets.
Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets.
Lying Leg Curls... 2 working sets.
Glute Extension... 1 working set for each side.
Hip Abductors... 1 working set.
Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
Leg Press... 2 working sets.
Unilateral Leg Press... 1 working set for each side.
Unilateral Leg Extensions... 2 working sets for each side.

My back is feeling better now so I will add in a stiff leg deadlift and also some hack squats during my next rotation.


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May 27, 2018


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May 27, 2018


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are really good now. As I posted last week I was using tren and even at tiny doses it caused a few issues. After that first night I moved up to 12mg, 14mg, 16mg and I was feeling fine. Then about 5 days nothing bad happened but I just felt on edge all day. I knew I could carry on and probably be fine but I realized is it really worth feeling like this for a low dose of tren. Nothing is worth feeling off and on edge (anxious) so I stopped the tren and within days I felt instantly better. I received my winny (some proviron as well) so I added them in at 50mg and 25mg preworkout. I occasionally feel off if I stay up really late but nothing really bad and I never feel like I am going to have a panic attack so everything is gtg.

I have changed the dosing of everything slightly and right now I am using test e at 300mg every 4th day and primo at 150 EOD but I will now move that up to 200mg. That will mean from now on every 8 days I am using 600mg test and 800mg primo with 50mg winny and 25mg proviron. I haven't been consistent with my HGH usage due to fatigue but I will try to use that daily as well. I added DNP in at 1 cap per day but my energy was lower before that but sure it's definitely not going to help. The heat has been surprisingly high even on just 1 cap but the hotter weather hasn't helped but I welcomed the rain yesterday :D Training has been great and my strength has increased after adding in the winny. Yesterday was PULL day and for a change during my last leg workout for hams I added some heavy stiff leg deadlifts (with some seated curls) so they were left out this workout...

Warm Up.
Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Raises... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB High Rows... 1 working set.
Machine High Row (medium grip)... 1 working set.
Machine Row (wide grip)... 1 working set.
Unilateral Underhand Pulldowns... 1 working set for each side.
Chest Supported T-Bar Row... 2 working sets (medium and low grips).
Unilateral Seated Cable Row... 1 working set for each side.

Machine Preacher Curls... 1 working set.
DB Curls... 2 working sets (loading and drop off).
DB Hammer Curls... 1 working set drop set (30kg, 24kg, 20kg, 16kg, 10kg).
DB Wrist Curls... 2 working sets (loading and drop off).

Machine AB Crunches... 4 working sets.

5 whole eggs, 2 pieces of toast (extra virgin olive oil) and blueberries.
Sirloin steak, 1 sweet potatoe and green beans.

INTRA (3 scoops of fizzy cherry EAA's, 10g glutamine and 5g creatine).
Chicken breast, green peas and sweetcorn.
Sirloin steak and Mediterranean vegetables (courgette, red pepper, yellow pepper, cherry tomato, aubergine and red onions).
FAGE 0% fat yoghurt with raspberries and walnuts.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I decided to just stick with 150mg primo EOD and everything else will be the same. I have tightened up a lot this week and look a lot drier. My back did nearly go yesterday but I was ok and trained later on without any issues. I got to the gym thinking be careful but I was amped up and ended up really pushing the weight. Since starting winny my knees do feel a lot drier but they are ok even after a big leg session and lifting heavier than I have done for awhile. Training was simple but effective.

Seated Calf Raises... 2 working sets with the last being a drop set (3 drops in weight).
Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses... 2 working sets.
Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Unilateral Lying Leg Curls... 2 working sets with the last being a drop set (2 drops in weight).
Leg Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Unilateral Leg Extensions... 2 working sets with the last being a drop set (2 drops in weight).

My diet has been more restrictive recently but I added some carbs preworkout as I was training legs.

5 whole eggs, 2 pieces of toast (extra virgin olive oil), blueberries and blackberries.
Sirloin steak, jasmine rice and pineapple.

INTRA (3 scoops of fizzy cherry EAA's, 10g glutamine and 5g creatine).
Chicken breast, green peas and sweetcorn.
Sirloin steak and Mediterranean vegetables (courgette, red pepper, yellow pepper, cherry tomato, aubergine and red onions).
FAGE 0% fat yoghurt with raspberries and walnuts.

Today is an off day and mainly just meat and vegetables for most (2-4) meals. Although my first meal was spaghetti with beef mince. My last meal will be cottage cheese with some mixed nuts. Tomorrow I will be training PUSH and I look forward to it. I will sort out some updated pics soon I just need to shave first!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had a big night out on Sat (my first in months) and I went way overboard and regretted it. I woke up looking 5x drier though due to all the alcohol. I didn't get in until 11am so I was a mess and I didn't start feeling normal again until Thurs. I didn't inject/take anything since last week because I felt so toxic. Every cloud has a silver lining and the lack of food meant my waist come in a lot. I joke and obviously it's not ideal but still I am in a good place now. No more nights out for me and I am not going on holiday now so just going to be healthy and continue to improve gradually.

I started my winny/proviron before my 1st workout back which was on Thurs and I injected test/primo last night (Friday) so I am back on plan now. I have trained 3 days in a row and I am happy with how I am looking and I probably needed the blow out but I did go way overboard. Everything is locked in place now. The one supplement I did use this week was synthergine because I felt so toxic and I will carry that on at 4ml per day. My body felt so dry earlier in the week and I felt rough so figured have a break from training and it has done me some good. Now my body has come back to life and fast over the last few days. Yesterday I trained legs and it looked like...

Tri-set of...
(2 working sets)
Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses
Seated Leg Curls
Leg Extensions

Tri-set of...
(2 working sets)
Seated Calf Raises
Unilateral Lying Leg Curls
Leg Press

Squat Machine... 2 working sets.



Today I trained push and it felt great.

Warm Up.

Superset of...
(2 working sets)
Machine Shoulder Press
DB Lateral Raises

Plate loaded Lateral Raise... 2 working sets for each arm separately.

Superset of...
(2 working sets)
Machine Flyes
Seated Chest Press

Superset of...
(1 working set)
DB Flyes
DB Presses

Lying DB Extensions... 2 working sets.
Standing Overhead DB Extensions... 1 working set for each arm.
Tri-cep cable pushdowns... 1 working set.

Calf Extensions... 3 working sets.

5 whole eggs, 2 pieces of toast (grassfed butter) and blueberries.
Chicken Soup with potatoes, cannellini beans, chickpeas, carrot, celery and spinach.

3ml synthetine, 50mg winstrol, 25mg proviron and 5mg cialis.
INTRA (20g grape flavoured EAA's, 10g glutamine and 5g creatine).
Chicken breast, green peas and sweetcorn.
Sirloin steak and Mediterranean vegetables (courgette, red pepper, yellow pepper, cherry tomato, aubergine and red onions).
FAGE 0% fat yoghurt with raspberries and mixed nuts.

3iu HGH.

Tomorrow will likely be a day off but I plan to take Flex out on a big walk for approx 90mins and I will do some stretching at home.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Where do I start. I know I have been bad with this log recently but things are good. No matter what my training is always on point. The things that can move off track are my drug taking and nutrition but it's never overly bad and easy to get back from. Notwithstanding for optimal training/recovery you obviously need every other area working for you. Anyway I relaxed things a little and just went on feel and ate when I was hungry. I still wanted to lose body fat I just didn't worry about having a perfect macro set up and high protein diet so it's far from optimal but will still work.

As long as you have a decent base you are not going to melt away and the same goes for the drugs as well. That's why it's always bizarre to me when guys are worrying about going on holiday for a week or 2 and how are they going to get their drugs over with them. Now if you come off cold turkey for months you will melt away but for me instead of doing my EOD shots I was doing it weekly so for a short time it worked out around 250mg test and 100mg primo per week which is plenty. I should note that is above TRT so I am not looking at it as TRT it was just a low dosed cycle for a short time. When I come off that will be approx 150mg test per week but as I have mentioned I don't mind staying on for longer periods because I always come down very so often.

The main thing that resulted in me losing my look was I started eating low calories and pretty much low protein, low carbs and moderate fats. My body loves carbs so I flattened out a lot and whilst I was losing body fat I didn't look good. On top of that I hadn't shaved for ages so my upper body was smaller/flat and covered in hair so not a good look.

The good news is I transformed quickly by simply lowering fat and upping carbs. I had that planned all a long I just wanted to have a period doing the opposite the only thing that wasn't in my plan was eating so little protein in that time but I had some high days. Now I wouldn't have transformed if I hadn't have done the diet that flattened me out so whilst things were relaxed there was method in my approach. My body loves a higher carb and lower fat diet. Although you often see guys talking about 1000g carbs but for me things were moderate and only 400-500g on my higher days. Moderate days in the 200-300g range and some lower day at 100g carbs as well.

I am still using test and primo but I increased my frequency to twice weekly and I also added in 150mg deca on each of those days. So it's about 500-600mg test, 300mg deca and 200mg primo. I know that dose of primo doesn't make much sense but it's simply 1ml twice weekly. I do 1ml test, 1ml primo and 0.5ml deca. I randomly swop test esters so my dose is either 1ml test e (300mg) or 1ml test c (250mg). What has really helped is I have added in 20mg aromasin twice weekly (injection nights) and 20mg nolva daily. On top of that nearly 3ml synthetine preworkout every training day and that has really helped with everything.

Just those little changes with the new diet and I have transformed over the last week. My plan for the next few weeks is to do approx 3 low, 3 moderate and 1 high carb day each week. On top of that I will add in 2ml syntheselen into my preworkout protocol. I got new pics done and I look bursting full even on these lower carb amounts I am just that sensitized to them. The best thing is I plan to finish with a bang and will add in adrol and winny so those with everything else and my current diet and I will only get fuller and tighter over the next month.

Training is still Pull, Push and Legs. Probably asking for trouble but I have been rack pulling, stiff leg deadlifting and squatting (albeit in the smith) recently and my lower back hasn't gone (doing various things to prevent it). My last 2 training session looked like...

Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Raises... 1 working set.
Chest Supported T-Bar High Row... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Lat Pulldown... 1 working set.
Unilateral Seated Cable Row... 2 working sets for each side.
Machine Row... 1 working set.
Rack Pulls... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Seated EZ Bar Curls... 2 working sets.
DB Hammer Curls... 2 working sets the last being a drop set with 3 drops in weight.
DB Wrist Curls... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).

Cable Laterals supersetted with Cable Front Raises... 2 working sets for each arm.
DB Lateral Raises... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight.
High Incline Smith Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Flat Bench Cable Flyes... 1 working set.
DB Chest Press... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Dips... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Skull Crushers... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight.

Oats made with oat milk, 1 banana and 1.5 servings of chocolate brownie protein powder.
Rump steak, jasmine rice and pineapple.

INTRA (EAA's, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and Mediterranean vegetables (courgette, red pepper, yellow pepper, cherry tomato, aubergine and red onions).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and Mediterranean vegetables (courgette, red pepper, yellow pepper, cherry tomato, aubergine and red onions).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and Mediterranean vegetables (courgette, red pepper, yellow pepper, cherry tomato, aubergine and red onions).
Low fat cottage cheese with raspberries and blueberries.

Those 3 meals post workout were made in a giant pan with 600g raw chicken breast, 1 pack of jasmine rice (around 80g carbs) and 1 whole pack of frozen vegetables (70g carbs) so it's 150g for the 3 meals so 50g per meal. The 1st 2 meals are approx 130g carbs each and the last meal around 40g carbs so in total it's around 450g carbs. On moderate days I am keeping it simple and basically having chicken and berries afterwards. 1 day I literally had blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries with chicken for 4 meals. The other 2 meals were oats and jasmine rice earlier on so around 300g for the day. I love blue dragon's sweet chilli sauce but even the low sugar version is loaded in sugar so whilst it's not ideal for many meals I have that with chicken and it works out about 30g carbs/sugar. As long as I keep fats low I am gtg. A long winded post but a lot to cover for the last 6 weeks.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I hope this pic comes out well. It was taken last night about 90 mins after training. I am much fuller and feeling good and in a great place to progress from here.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I trained legs today. Pretty basic stuff and I usually tell myself don't go too hard then always get in the zone and push it to the extreme. Although I should be having 2-3 days off the gym now so lot's of recovery time.

Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses... 2 working sets.
Seated Calf Raises... 2 working sets.
Machine Calf Extensions... 2 working sets.
Seated Leg Curls... 1 working set.
Squats... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Unilateral Lying Leg Curls... 2 working sets for each leg.
Leg Press... 1 working set (rest paused to 50 reps).
Leg Extensions... 1 working set.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am moving along nicely. It's a very relaxed and easy approach for me. I am trying to really push the training intensity but because of that I have been feeling it more so I am adding in an extra rest day most weeks. I even started deadlifting from the floor which I haven't done for years and I am loving it. I have only gone up to 3pps but for my lower back that is heavy and I doubt I will push the weight much further. I also started a machine squat the other day and will be looking to progress with that over the foreseeable future. During my last pull workout I done a super set of t-bar rows with t-bar stiff leg deadlifts. I definitely need to keep a close eye on lower back loading because it has been tight the last few days and seized up one day I was walking Flex so I will take it easier this week.

My diet is pretty much chicken, rice and/or fruit 3 times daily, cottage cheese with berries once daily and for my other meal (breakfast) I usually have cereal (high protein and fibre) with blueberries and almond milk. Although today my first meal was rump steak, jasmine rice and a handful of grapes. I ran out of protein powder so I haven't been having my usual oats in the morning but once I buy a new tub I will add it back in every day because I enjoy it. I usually add sweet chilli sauce to my chicken and soy or maggi sauce to my rice. After all my chicken (meat) meals I usually have a handful of berries. If I have no rice I will have more fruit to compensate. Cottage cheese before bed every night is the low fat version and usually with raspberries and/or blueberries. I sometimes throw in a few babybel light pre bed as well. It's pretty much the same stuff every day and for me low fat with everything else fairly moderate but I push carbs more on certain days. Today I ate...

Rump steak, jasmine rice and purple grapes.
Chicken breast, sweet chilli sauce, jasmine rice and blueberries.

INTRA (EAA's, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
Chicken breast, sweet chilli sauce, jasmine rice and 1 banana.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and Mediterranean vegetables (courgette, red pepper, yellow pepper, cherry tomato, aubergine and red onions).
Low fat cottage cheese with raspberries.

I have been using test e recently so it's been 300mg test e, 100mg primo e and 150mg deca twice weekly. I have added 25mg adrol and 50mg winny preworkout as well. Nolva is dosed at 20mg daily, proviron at 25mg pre workout and aromasin at 20mg twice weekly.

Training is fairly high volume but my PUSH workouts recently have usually just included 2 movements for chest and shoulders. Today I had a great workout and was rushed for time so really pushed it and added in a few drop sets to push the intensity/loading in a short time.

Warm up with Cable Laterals and Cable Front Raises.
DB Lateral Raises... 2 working sets the last being a drop set with 3 drops in weight.
Machine Shoulder Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Low Incline DB Chest Flyes... 1 working set.
Hammer Strength Iso Lateral Chest Press... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight.
Close Grip Bench Press Supersetted with Machine Tri-cep Dips... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Skull Crushers... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight.

The new EAA's I am using intra workout are very good and I definitely feel the added pumps from the L-Citrulline Nitrate and Amentopump etc.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I should have named this thread how to maintain your look even though you like to party :eek: You only live once so have some fun. Although one day I will grow up a little and will learn to not go overboard when I do go out. I went to Blackpool for a big night out and that wrecked me for about 4 days but I was back to normal after that short rest. I won't be going out again until the end of Sept as I should be going to Benidorm for a short holiday around that time. I trained hard 5 days in a row this week and I am improving fast but I have rested over the weekend as my body needed it.

I was gonna come off but I decided to drop all orals and deca and I have been doing 500mg test per week. I was getting really bad boils (acne) and ingrowing hairs on the back of my head and it's starting to annoy me. It's from the inj adrol I was taking preworkout. Not a fan of guaiacol and it didn't feel like it belonged in my body so it's been dropped. Every inj felt like I had been punched in the shoulder and it smells like crap. I was using 20-25mg preworkout but in the future I am just going to stick to tabs. I liked the fullness from it but this week after dropping everything I started looking better. The back of my head is really bad and I have some acne on my back as well so changes have been made. The rest of my body is always fine but if I do get anything it's always the back of my head and/or my upper back. I couldn't even touch the back of my head it was that bad so I have used isotretinoin gel the last few days and it's always effective.

I would like to push AAS more but the side effects are annoying. I could push primo but not a massive fan (various reasons). Push deca and whilst it will help make me get bigger I don't like the acne I get from higher doses. Tren even tiny doses and I get bad anxiety. Test I look and feel worse if I go really high. I do have about 5 vials of NPP so I will probably add that it during the winter but the dose will be pretty standard. I had 2 vials of boldenone which I haven't used for years due to anxiety. I planned to see how I was with it awhile back but after trying tren and it doing what it done I just left the boldenone. I would love to be on something like 750mg test and 750mg eq now but I know my limits. Anyway so a few days ago I added about 0.3ml eq to my 1ml test so that's about 90mg eq and so far so I ok. Next inj I will do 0.4ml (120mg) eq and go from there. I will probably just up it by 30mg every injection if I feel ok until I am at a decent dose. I might be stupid at times but I do value my liver/kidneys so no orals for the foreseeable future.

Last time I trained it was PULL and I was so amped up even before I took preworkout. I got to the gym late and only had 55 mins to train and my plan was to just go mental. Downstairs when you walk in there is a small area with some cable machine so I figured warm up but I ended up doing working sets for high cable rows, lat pushdowns and seated cable rows (v handle). As a result the order was random but it felt good and I went up to the main area and done my usual incline bench rear delt flyes and finished those with 1 working set. 1 working set for chest supported t-bar row then 1 working set for lat pulldowns. Then 2 working sets for unilateral seated cable rows really connecting with my lats hard. I done 2 working sets for t-bar rows going heavy. Then some heavy rack pulls. This time the rack pulls were from just above my knees (very high) so all lower back and I pushed the weight. I have to be careful with my lower back but I get bored sticking to machines and heavy barbell work really amps me up and I love it so I didn't care and just pushed it to the max. My lower back has been tight this weekend but it was worth it :D

I had just over 5 mins to train bi-ceps so I walked over the the fixed barbells and I ended up doing a crazy sequence. I picked up the 20kg and done 10 reps, no rest and picked up 25kg and 10 reps, 30kg and 10 reps, 35kg and 10 reps and 40kg and 10 reps. By the 40kg I had failed and would rest pause it to 10 reps. Then back down so 35kg for 10 reps and 30kg etc until I was at 20kg again. I tried to have no rest the whole way through but by the last few sets my arms were on fire. The sweat was dripping off my face and I love that feeling. I even ran over to the db's and done a quick drop set (1 drop) of hammer curls to finish off. I couldn't move my arms properly for about 10 mins they were that pumped.

My diet has mainly consisted of chicken and rice with fruit recently. It's been very basic and today just chicken or beef with rice a few times. I have snacked on melon between meals so higher carbs, moderate protein and low fat. Pre bed I will have low fat cottage cheese with some berries. 6g high epa fish oil today as well. I will start posting more in this log now and some decent stuff because I have a few plans. Insulin and igf-1 lr3 etc are going to be added back in so more on that soon.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
How are you and the pup doing?

We are really good. Thanks for asking. Flex has been bulking so has put a bit of weight on :D

I was looking for a new pic but came across this one from about 3 years ago which has both of us in...



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are going good. My 2nd dose was 250mg test and 120mg boldenone and I have been fine. Next dose will be 150mg boldenone and the plan is to keep on increasing. I will inject that combo every 3 days now. Once the bold gets to 210mg I will up the test to 300mg every 3 days and carry on upping the bold by 30mg every 3 days and so on. If everything goes well I don't mind extending things for longer and just moving up with both compounds until I am at a decent dose. I need to order more slin pins and once they come I will add in some slin and maybe hgh.

Chicken soup with potatoes, cannellini beans, chickpeas, carrot, celery and spinach.
Rump steak, jasmine rice and mango.

3ml synthetine and 2 scoops of CBUM's thavage preworkout.
INTRA (1 scoop of EAA's and 10g glutamine).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and pineapple.
King prawns, basmati rice and vegetables (beansprouts, cabbage, water chestnuts, bamboo shoots and red pepper).
Cottage cheese and raspberries.

Hack Squat Calf Raises... 3 working sets.
Seated Calf Raises... 2 working drop sets.
DB Tibialis Raises... 1 working drop set.
Seated Leg Curls... 1 working set.
Hammer Strength Split Squat... 2 working sets for each leg.
Unilateral Lying Leg Curls... 2 working sets for each leg.
Hack Squats... 2 working sets (1 facing backwards and 1 facing forwards).
Leg Extensions... 1 working set.

I didn't have long to train so I really pushed the intensity because rest periods were minimal. Everything feels good and I just have to keep an eye on my lower back and if that holds up I don't foresee any issues at all. My push workout 2 days ago was very basic but effective. After warming up it was lateral raises then seated db shoulder press. For chest it was a mixture of cable flyes and presses then db flyes and a smith press. Tri-ceps were cable overhead extensions and db skull crushers. If my back is feeling rested I will train pull tomorrow and I am looking forward to it.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
The test and eq is giving me a really good look. Well I think it's more just dropping the other stuff but my body is definitely liking this combo much more. My back is still bad but it's improving daily and I hope I am acne free in the next few weeks. The isotretinoin gel I have is too strong so it makes my skin peel badly but it has helped a lot. I have been feeling fine so just going to carry on slowly increasing.

My diet has been really basic the last few days. It's effective but I don't like eating meals void of micronutrients. An example for 3 meals today and yesterday I ate chicken, rice and sweet chilli sauce. I prefer adding different colours to my plates and incorporating fruits and vegetables but sometimes I just want it to be basic and I didn't stock up on fruit and veg this week. I have been snacking on honeydew melon most days though. Today I had 2 nectarines as well so I still had a little fruit. I am going to add a few raspberries to my pre bed cottage cheese as well.

Training was higher volume yesterday and today and it felt good. Today was push day...

Cable Laterals... 1 working set with each arm.
Cable Rope Front Raises... 1 working set.
DB Lateral Raises... 2 working sets the last being a drop set with 3 drops in weight.
DB Seated Shoulder Press... 1 working set.
Machine Chest Flyes... 1 working drop set with 3 drops in weight.
Hammer Strength Iso Lateral Chest Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Chest Dips... 1 working drop set (25kg bag between legs then bodyweight).
Tri-ceps... about 15 mins of many exercises. It wasn't planned but I just kept on going. Minimal rest (10-20 secs) between all sets. Tri-cep dips (bodyweight and machine), incline bench db skull crushers, close grip bench press, barbell overhead extensions and cable pushdowns).

Nothing was really heavy apart from the chest press. My loading for that was 5pps for 7 reps and my drop off was 3pps for about 15 reps (all slow and controlled). Most working sets were around 12-15 reps. Even though my tri-ceps were basically a giant set I still lift heavy apart from the close grip bench. I started with bodyweight tri-cep dips then moved over to incline bench db skull crushers going up in weight. Then over to the close grip bench with 15kg each side for 1 set. Then 1 set of overhead extensions. Then I done a drop set of incline bench skull crushers and used 25kg, 20kg, 18kg, 14kg and 12kg DB's then went straight over to the close grip bench and repped out 15kg per side for about 15 reps. Next was the dip machine with 90% of the rack for about 15 reps then 70% for about 10 reps then onto push downs with about 80% of the rack then 65% and 45% so it was intense.

I will have slin pins in a few days so I will add some slin around training. I usually have intra carbs (around 40-60g) but haven't for awhile but I will add in a small amount because I was planning to up carbs anyway. Pre workout slin will be low and probably 5iu max and with that a banana and 3ml synthetine then 60g HBCD's, EAA's and Glutamine. Post workout I can push it more so 10-15iu before my usual post workout meal (chicken breast, jasmine rice and pineapple).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I haven't updated in awhile but things are good. I have been moving along nicely. Nothing extreme and I am enjoying life and trying to be as healthy before I go away with my mates at the start of Oct. I have upped training volume and incorporated more hard sets (less crazy sets I go extreme with) and it feels good. I prefer this style of training when I want to look my best. When I want to just grow it's all about getting as strong as possible and whilst volume isn't low it's controlled. My training now is just fun but brutal so I regularly add in drop or super sets just for the fun of it. I could talk about training all night but will keep it to that for now as it's late here.

I am still using test and eq and I got up to 300mg test and 240mg eq every 3-4 days. I have kept the eq dose at 0.7-0.8ml (210-240mg) and haven't upped it yet. I started feeling a bit anxious but nothing bad so just kept things the same. I will up test to 350mg soon and go from there. I did start HGH at 2-3iu but for a change I quickly moved up to 5iu and since doing that the joint pain has been really bad. It's a side effect I don't see mentioned a lot but it's common and perhaps some people don't realize it's from their HGH. Within days of being at 5iu my knees and hips were really bad. It's negatively effected my quad training because I can't leg press even moderate weight without pain. I warm up and by 3pps all I can feel is my knees and by 5pps (which is usually light for me) my knees are really bad. Even just sitting at this desk when I am here for a few hours it's hard moving back and standing up my knees feel numb. The fatigue is also bad at this dose but nothing I can't handle and I will continue at 5iu and just see how I am in another week or 2 and go from there. I forgot to mention within 1-2 days of starting HGH at 5iu I also developed gyno and it's only ever hgh that causes it for me these days.

My diet is the same and mainly protein and carbs and I am full and fairly lean right now. I have another week of this before starting 1 cap of our DNP daily for a mini cut and will be consuming low carbs/fats during that time before I fill back out.

Oats, whey protein (sticky toffee pudding flavour), banana and almond milk.
Chicken breast, basmati rice and sweet chilli sauce.
Rump steak, jasmine rice and mango.

3ml synthetine and 2 scoops of CBUM's thavage preworkout.
INTRA (2 scoop of EAA's, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and pineapple.
Chicken breast, basmati rice and sweet chilli sauce.
Cottage cheese, blueberries and raspberries.

Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Raises... 1 working set.
Reverse Pec Deck... 1 working drop set.
Chest Supported T-Bar High Row... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Lat Pulldown... 1 working set.
Plate loaded Machine Row... 1 working drop set.
Unilateral Machine Row... 1 working set for each side.
Rack Pulls... 2 working sets.
Standing DB Curls... 2 working sets.
DB Hammer Curls... 2 working sets the last being a drop set with 3 drops in weight.
DB Spider Curls... 1 working set.

Cable Laterals... 1 working set for each arm.
DB Lateral Raises... 2 working sets the last being a drop set with 3 drops in weight.
Incline Bench DB Y Raises... 2 working sets.
High Incline Smith Press... 1 working set.
Pec Deck... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Machine Chest Press... 2 working sets.
Chest Dips... 1 working set (bodyweight).
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Skull Crushers... 1 working set.
Overhead Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.
Machine Extensions... 1 working set.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I trained legs today and went hard. Same issue with my knees leg pressing but nothing overly bad but I kept it to 6pps because they still hurt a lot so I really focused on form, tempo and done high reps. All other movements felt fine and I pushed everything and went heavy on most movements. I added in quite a few drop sets today for fun and to hit many effective reps in a short time period.

Standing Calf Raises... 2 working sets.
Seated Calf Raises... 2 working sets the last being a drop set.
Lying Leg Curls... 1 working drop set.
Seated Leg Curls... 1 working drop set.
Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
Leg Press... 2 working sets.
Smith Squats... 2 working sets.
Leg Extensions... 1 working drop set.

Oats, whey protein (chocolate peanut butter flavour), banana and almond milk.
Chicken breast, basmati rice and sweet chilli sauce.
Rump steak, jasmine rice and pineapple.

3ml synthetine and 2 scoops of Dorian Yates Blood and Guts.
INTRA (2 scoop of EAA's, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and black grapes.
Chicken breast, basmati rice and blueberries.
Cottage cheese and raspberries.

If anyone wonders if I have mango or pineapple with rice I have the fruit in the rice and it tastes amazing. I also like to eat pineapple with steak. Pineapple tastes amazing when cooked but for the bromelain content I usually don't cook it. If I have blueberries, raspberries or grapes then I usually eat them when the rice is cooking (I usually eat the meat first) or just after the meal. I usually have half a pack but it varies and on average for blueberries or raspberries I have anywhere between 100-250g per meal and for grapes or strawberries I have 200-250g per meal.

Tomorrow will be a day off but I will have a big PULL day on Thursday and I look forward to it. I will add in a stiff leg deadlift amongst other things. I am also going to start using 3ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen preworkout for the rest of this month. I will start DNP this weekend and run that at 1 cap per day for about 9 days. That will give me a few days then another week to fill out before I go away.
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