Concreteguy Here!

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Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Look, Anasci is full of some what new lifters. These guys aren't going to get/understand "eating when your hungry. Telling them if they shit more than once a day their wasting money is fucking ridiculous. The faster you process food the faster you grow. Shelby had me taking laxatives just to keep me shitting while we where bulking. Just saying this stuff simply doesn't make it so. Why in the world are you two pounding this. Noone else does this guys. It's ridiculous. If your hard core building muscle.



Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
Look, Anasci is full of some what new lifters. These guys aren't going to get/understand "eating when your hungry. Telling them if they shit more than once a day their wasting money is fucking ridiculous. The faster you process food the faster you grow. Shelby had me taking laxatives just to keep me shitting while we where bulking. Just saying this stuff simply doesn't make it so. Why in the world are you two pounding this. Noone else does this guys. It's ridiculous. If your hard core building muscle.


what your not understanding is......eat to STAY HUNGRY....:lightbulb:

smaller meals...the right foods....the right amounts and one could
eat 6 or 7 meals and be hungry for every one of them....

20s and 30s.....I stayed hungry....no matter what I ate....
now, not so much the case.....cant eat like that not more...
forcing food is not good for your organs.....


Mar 27, 2014
I've been lifting for 34 years now - I have always been like a seagull- put food in my mouth and I need to shit
B boy - great pic brotha


Mar 27, 2014
what your not understanding is......eat to STAY HUNGRY....:lightbulb:

smaller meals...the right foods....the right amounts and one could
eat 6 or 7 meals and be hungry for every one of them....

20s and 30s.....I stayed hungry....no matter what I ate....
now, not so much the case.....cant eat like that not more...
force food is not good for your organs.....
When you put it like this it all starts to make sense.
But with most forums you need to put it in black and white- most clients - or people following all this need it written out like you just did.
I my self have been lost till now on eat when hungry
Glad you wrote this man


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Maybe I'm missing the message as B-Boy says. Please explain why you wouldn't FEED the totally devastated body as much the next day. It doesn't need the nutrients?lol I have trained so hard I had no appetite at all. Did I do something wrong in the gym to not get this anabolic appetite? Hey news flash, go out off shore fishing on my boat some time and watch your ababolic appetite blow through the roof......ROFLaughing.
But if I did have an appetite after training it becomes an "anabolic appetite" and the food I eat during this time becomes more nutritional to my cells than any other time consuming the same exact meal? IT DOESNT WORK THAT WAY. And without slin your limited on how much food your going to actually use during your gorging's. Why O why does JM have guys eating before they train? They sure as hell have no anabolic appetite then. Why was the most important meal pertaining to training 1-1/2 before training? No anabolic hunger going on then guys.
If this was the antidotal facts, after training eating a pizza would be less fattening than eating it the next day lol. If human bodies actually had caloric needs and swing requirements as your describing we would have evolved completely different when it comes to digestion.

Do the math and except the facts. All slin does is POUND nutrients into you piggy backed on sugar. Slin allows your body to except more nutrients than humanly possible without using it. Slin brought us the new HUGE bodies that rule the stage. Like it or hate it, IT's HUGE AMOUNTS OF MUSCLE that slin alone has brought.

Then in your corner your eating when you get hungry.This can and will work but the same can be said about a race car with a governor on the throttle. It can and will work, just not near as well. You guys that can make it work, Great. I would never hope or wish bad on you. I want you guys to get big and win shows and make lots of client. Really I do. Forums are for discussion. That's all this is about. So before we start going to science based prof lets just start listing the REALL IFBB PRO"S, as in the top fifty and how they eat. Do they use slin...............can you see where this is heading?

I know neither of you guys have real world experience using big amounts of slin. I have spoke with you in depth on this subject when you were helping me with my prep Tenny. If you did you would understand what an anabolic hunger feels like. There is nothing that brings on hunger like slin. More is more when it comes to food and slin. Now obviously you got big and this is working for you. But why is the gold standard of eating, a controlled diet then? Why are you and Brad right and everyone else is wrong? Why did it work for me and so many others as well as REAL world IFBB pro's, if you guys are right and there all wrong?

Guys, I guess you missed my post telling you when Phil is put under real world conditions the "eat when your hungry" shit goes out the fucking window. This was under a prep condition. I can't imagine what the hell is on Phils menu when it's time to grow. lol

Is this just a huge façade the industry is pulling on the public showing all the pro's preparing their meals and what they eat. I can see Colman or Ronny or ANY well known IFBB pro standing around saying "Ya dude it's as easy as just eating when I get hungry" Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " see, I train hard and then get this secrete 'anabolic hunger' and I just start hammering food and grow. But if I'm not training the next day I eat less than half the same amount of food but my body is growing just fine on less than half." " The most important thing I can share with you is (Tell us Dorian?) " if you shit more than once a day your just flushing undigested food down the toilet and wasting your money"

Go ahead and blow your loads. I can just see the blood pressure building. But I don't give one shit my friends. At some point the rubber meats the road and this is that moment.



Registered User
Jul 9, 2017
Maybe I'm missing the message as B-Boy says. Please explain why you wouldn't FEED the totally devastated body as much the next day. It doesn't need the nutrients?lol I have trained so hard I had no appetite at all. Did I do something wrong in the gym to not get this anabolic appetite? Hey news flash, go out off shore fishing on my boat some time and watch your ababolic appetite blow through the roof......ROFLaughing.
But if I did have an appetite after training it becomes an "anabolic appetite" and the food I eat during this time becomes more nutritional to my cells than any other time consuming the same exact meal? IT DOESNT WORK THAT WAY. And without slin your limited on how much food your going to actually use during your gorging's. Why O why does JM have guys eating before they train? They sure as hell have no anabolic appetite then. Why was the most important meal pertaining to training 1-1/2 before training? No anabolic hunger going on then guys.
If this was the antidotal facts, after training eating a pizza would be less fattening than eating it the next day lol. If human bodies actually had caloric needs and swing requirements as your describing we would have evolved completely different when it comes to digestion.

Do the math and except the facts. All slin does is POUND nutrients into you piggy backed on sugar. Slin allows your body to except more nutrients than humanly possible without using it. Slin brought us the new HUGE bodies that rule the stage. Like it or hate it, IT's HUGE AMOUNTS OF MUSCLE that slin alone has brought.

Then in your corner your eating when you get hungry.This can and will work but the same can be said about a race car with a governor on the throttle. It can and will work, just not near as well. You guys that can make it work, Great. I would never hope or wish bad on you. I want you guys to get big and win shows and make lots of client. Really I do. Forums are for discussion. That's all this is about. So before we start going to science based prof lets just start listing the REALL IFBB PRO"S, as in the top fifty and how they eat. Do they use slin...............can you see where this is heading?

I know neither of you guys have real world experience using big amounts of slin. I have spoke with you in depth on this subject when you were helping me with my prep Tenny. If you did you would understand what an anabolic hunger feels like. There is nothing that brings on hunger like slin. More is more when it comes to food and slin. Now obviously you got big and this is working for you. But why is the gold standard of eating, a controlled diet then? Why are you and Brad right and everyone else is wrong? Why did it work for me and so many others as well as REAL world IFBB pro's, if you guys are right and there all wrong?

Guys, I guess you missed my post telling you when Phil is put under real world conditions the "eat when your hungry" shit goes out the fucking window. This was under a prep condition. I can't imagine what the hell is on Phils menu when it's time to grow. lol

Is this just a huge façade the industry is pulling on the public showing all the pro's preparing their meals and what they eat. I can see Colman or Ronny or ANY well known IFBB pro standing around saying "Ya dude it's as easy as just eating when I get hungry" Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " see, I train hard and then get this secrete 'anabolic hunger' and I just start hammering food and grow. But if I'm not training the next day I eat less than half the same amount of food but my body is growing just fine on less than half." " The most important thing I can share with you is (Tell us Dorian?) " if you shit more than once a day your just flushing undigested food down the toilet and wasting your money"

Go ahead and blow your loads. I can just see the blood pressure building. But I don't give one shit my friends. At some point the rubber meats the road and this is that moment.

CG very much agreed with you on this.Yeah i'm new to this board but by no way new to Bodybuilding.CG glad this came from you at least it'll hold Credit from a Veteran.If I just ate when I was hungry i'd never be able to hold 10-12% bf year round yes on bulk like to stay lean.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
what your not understanding is......eat to STAY HUNGRY....:lightbulb:

smaller meals...the right foods....the right amounts and one could
eat 6 or 7 meals and be hungry for every one of them....

20s and 30s.....I stayed hungry....no matter what I ate....
now, not so much the case.....cant eat like that not more...
forcing food is not good for your organs.....

Please explain why you have to be hungry for any one of them? The five that I listed at the opening of this thread is as good as it has to get to build mass. You want to turn a diet into a technical event fine. It just doesn't have to be all that shit.

Over at PM I listed out "The Bowl Diet" and in a nut shell all it was was a slowly titrating up meal plan that would generate growing hunger. BUT THATS not what the thread is about. It was about putting your best "GROWING diet in print". A titrating meal plan is no big epiphany my friend.



Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
CG very much agreed with you on this.Yeah i'm new to this board but by no way new to Bodybuilding.CG glad this came from you at least it'll hold Credit from a Veteran.If I just ate when I was hungry i'd never be able to hold 10-12% bf year round yes on bulk like to stay lean.

LOL, you had better buckle up my friend. I see dark clouds on the horizon. :)



Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
Maybe I'm missing the message as B-Boy says. Please explain why you wouldn't FEED the totally devastated body as much the next day. It doesn't need the nutrients?lol I have trained so hard I had no appetite at all. Did I do something wrong in the gym to not get this anabolic appetite? Hey news flash, go out off shore fishing on my boat some time and watch your ababolic appetite blow through the roof......ROFLaughing.
But if I did have an appetite after training it becomes an "anabolic appetite" and the food I eat during this time becomes more nutritional to my cells than any other time consuming the same exact meal? IT DOESNT WORK THAT WAY. And without slin your limited on how much food your going to actually use during your gorging's. Why O why does JM have guys eating before they train? They sure as hell have no anabolic appetite then. Why was the most important meal pertaining to training 1-1/2 before training? No anabolic hunger going on then guys.
If this was the antidotal facts, after training eating a pizza would be less fattening than eating it the next day lol. If human bodies actually had caloric needs and swing requirements as your describing we would have evolved completely different when it comes to digestion.

Do the math and except the facts. All slin does is POUND nutrients into you piggy backed on sugar. Slin allows your body to except more nutrients than humanly possible without using it. Slin brought us the new HUGE bodies that rule the stage. Like it or hate it, IT's HUGE AMOUNTS OF MUSCLE that slin alone has brought.

Then in your corner your eating when you get hungry.This can and will work but the same can be said about a race car with a governor on the throttle. It can and will work, just not near as well. You guys that can make it work, Great. I would never hope or wish bad on you. I want you guys to get big and win shows and make lots of client. Really I do. Forums are for discussion. That's all this is about. So before we start going to science based prof lets just start listing the REALL IFBB PRO"S, as in the top fifty and how they eat. Do they use slin...............can you see where this is heading?

I know neither of you guys have real world experience using big amounts of slin. I have spoke with you in depth on this subject when you were helping me with my prep Tenny. If you did you would understand what an anabolic hunger feels like. There is nothing that brings on hunger like slin. More is more when it comes to food and slin. Now obviously you got big and this is working for you. But why is the gold standard of eating, a controlled diet then? Why are you and Brad right and everyone else is wrong? Why did it work for me and so many others as well as REAL world IFBB pro's, if you guys are right and there all wrong?

Guys, I guess you missed my post telling you when Phil is put under real world conditions the "eat when your hungry" shit goes out the fucking window. This was under a prep condition. I can't imagine what the hell is on Phils menu when it's time to grow. lol

Is this just a huge façade the industry is pulling on the public showing all the pro's preparing their meals and what they eat. I can see Colman or Ronny or ANY well known IFBB pro standing around saying "Ya dude it's as easy as just eating when I get hungry" Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " see, I train hard and then get this secrete 'anabolic hunger' and I just start hammering food and grow. But if I'm not training the next day I eat less than half the same amount of food but my body is growing just fine on less than half." " The most important thing I can share with you is (Tell us Dorian?) " if you shit more than once a day your just flushing undigested food down the toilet and wasting your money"

Go ahead and blow your loads. I can just see the blood pressure building. But I don't give one shit my friends. At some point the rubber meats the road and this is that moment.


I think you are MIND FUCKING your own perception about this whole

who the fuck said "you are wrong" about anything!!!!!????
how the fuck do you know that these "pros" are or arent hungry!!!!???
and eating when they are....??? so they make meals ahead of time

why is this shit so hard for you to understand...???

you wanna force feed stuff your face....go ahead....no one cares..
do your thing....post some of your own pics of your force feeding??
anybody else wants to try it....go ahead...see how it works for you..

eating food just for the sake of eating food, "to get big" then taking
laxitives to shit all day is the most retarded thing ive ever heard of...

ever think that for normal humans...this shit takes time..???

again....the key to all this shit IS TO STAY HUNGRY....ALL THE TIME.
when your full..what do you do..?? keep eating??? why...???
eat meals that keep you HUNGRY....but satisfy you anabolic needs...




Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
BTW: if that's you in the avatar. WOW.......just wow. You defiantly have no idea what the hell your talking about.



Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
CG very much agreed with you on this.Yeah i'm new to this board but by no way new to Bodybuilding.CG glad this came from you at least it'll hold Credit from a Veteran.If I just ate when I was hungry i'd never be able to hold 10-12% bf year round yes on bulk like to stay lean.

how do you know this...???

you've tried it..???


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
Please explain why you have to be hungry for any one of them? The five that I listed at the opening of this thread is as good as it has to get to build mass. You want to turn a diet into a technical event fine. It just doesn't have to be all that shit.

Over at PM I listed out "The Bowl Diet" and in a nut shell all it was was a slowly titrating up meal plan that would generate growing hunger. BUT THATS not what the thread is about. It was about putting your best "GROWING diet in print". A titrating meal plan is no big epiphany my friend.


I have a meal plan too....

and guess what.....I eat them when I get hungry....lol

this is turning into a 3rd recess discussion now..
chasing tails no one will ever catch...


Donating Member
Jun 16, 2015
If using insulin is it ever really force feeding then??? I know a dozen units of log and I'm starving, no matter how long ago I ate.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
I think you are MIND FUCKING your own perception about this whole

who the fuck said "you are wrong" about anything!!!!!????
how the fuck do you know that these "pros" are or arent hungry!!!!???
and eating when they are....??? so they make meals ahead of time

why is this shit so hard for you to understand...???

you wanna force feed stuff your face....go ahead....no one cares..
do your thing....post some of your own pics of your force feeding??
anybody else wants to try it....go ahead...see how it works for you..

eating food just for the sake of eating food, "to get big" then taking
laxitives to shit all day is the most retarded thing ive ever heard of...

ever think that for normal humans...this shit takes time..???

again....the key to all this shit IS TO STAY HUNGRY....ALL THE TIME.
when your full..what do you do..?? keep eating??? why...???
eat meals that keep you HUNGRY....but satisfy you anabolic needs...



OK Tenny, now I get it. It all makes perfect sense now.

Being hungry is a good thing. All the other points I made are accusations(mind fucking)I just made up.

Look dude, you jump in my thread with all these criptic posts about this and that. You colure with Brad that the way to go is only eat when hungry and when your called out you blow a fucking rivet and just scream "Staying hungry is key to adding size". Ya but eating a lot of food over five meals isn't just as good or MUCH better for putting on muscle? So you put down the knife and fork looking at a half of a stake to stay hungry. God forbid you walk away from the table feeling like you fucking ate a full meal. R U SERIOUS with this crap?



Registered User
Jul 9, 2017
how do you know this...???

you've tried it..???
Yes I have ate every time I was hungry not always the most nutritional meals.And I got up to around 330# and was very fluffy.Learned I did not like feeling like that at that size.I've seen your pictures your a good size and very good build.But do you really just eat when hungry all the time and I mean over eat not nutritional.You said you only eat 2-4 times a day also if I read correctly.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
If using insulin is it ever really force feeding then??? I know a dozen units of log and I'm starving, no matter how long ago I ate.

Look the same thing happened with BIGA's "The truth" post. AS it unrolled a bunch of guys jumped into it and shit all over great info. After the opening post it was best to just click over it from that point on.

How to grow and grow fast is all in your face guys. How about you try it instead of believing crap you read? If it doesn't work then come back and call me out. But if you do try it, please feel free to hit me up for advice. I want to see you achieve your goals as much as you want them.

Not much good can come from this thread any longer. I can only tell you whats going on it the real world of making muscle and you can measure that against all these experts and there opinions.

Shit always flies when you don't stand at attention and fall in line. God forbid....... :)



Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
By the way it sounds bboy and tenny for the most part they are doing the same thing but it all varies from day-to-day?! But they aren't bound by the restraints of timing and amounts...Train heavy and you'll be hungry all day, off or slow days and just cut it back (which the heavy days make up for).

I mean both ways make sense and there are arguments for both sides of the aisle...I think it all depends on your will power, schedule throughout the day and plenty of other variables...I mean for example:

1) bboy's sleep point - I cannot remember the last time I stayed in bed for 10hrs straight let alone slept for that long...At a given time I am lucky to get 4hrs in tops (even as far back as I can remember when I would pass out from partying too hard). So that recovery time is not there for most depending on work and life schedules...Having to go the heavy food/drugs route is the only way some can make up for that lost recovery period?!

2) CG's mass calories point - Can work if you are disciplined enough with the drugs and training! BUT those two factors have to be on point or you ARE going to get fat, plain in simple! But if you have those two factors in place you are going to put on mass much faster then tenny/bboy's theory!

3) tenny's schedule point - Is also a good idea because is removes those restraints you have by forcing yourself to have to take in the food by the clock...Monday you have an off day, are vegged out with the wife by the pool, not moving yourself that much, there's no need to eat by the clock, because you won't be as hungry and are less active, so best to keep the calories lower...Like bboy said, after a heavy leg day you're going to be eating heavy! Those work days are going to keep your appetite hammered all day long!

Sad thing is you need two guys starting at the same time running it both ways and after a set time both getting weighed and bf checked (also before starting) and see who put on the most "quality" mass in that time frame...But for the most part because of everything from genetics, to life, timing, schedules, sleep, drugs, etc, everything plays a factor in building mass and everyone is different.
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