Concreteguy Here!

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Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
nothings being "flip flopping" around on shit....

here ill say it again..

(put on reading glasses now)


doesn't mean its the right way....doesn't mean its the wrong way...
I guess its just YOUR WAY..

your so tight assed you don't even know the point
you are trying to making....if someone don't see your way
then its the wrong way...

LOL, and no ones even fucking disagreeing with you!!!!!!
is the sad part..



Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
force feeding and slin destroyed this guys physique...
he wanted too much....too fast
and he got it...

beware guys....


  • trey-1.jpg
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Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
he had TONS of potential...
and never got on stage again...

wont happen to everyone....but it happens


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Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Doesn't even look close to the same guy in those two pics:sSig_eeeek:


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
Doesn't even look close to the same guy in those two pics:sSig_eeeek:

I think he did try to get back on stage....and looked
so bad in the line up....he just walked off the stage...

never got back up there


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I don't understand why some guys don't get the whole eat when hungry thing. If you are in an anabolic state you should be hungry all the time so it's not about eating like a bird. It's about trying to be in that anabolic state all day and that can be helped by many things (cardio, training, drugs, macros, food choices etc).

You obviously need calories to grow but overfeeding just gets you fatter. I have a much larger waist than I could have from overfeeding over the years. I guess it comes down to your exact goals. With the right knowledge you can make your body like a machine almost so it processes everything quickly and effectively but you really need to know what foods suit you best for that to happen.

Too many guys just throw calories at things thinking they will grow. That is true and personally I don't mind getting bulky but for most it's not the best way to go about things. Now if you are young and tall and skinny and walk around at 7% all year then sure throw food at things. For most it just leads to unnessary fat gain and bloated guts. Sure if you add in 200mg tren a per day and slin and a fatburner (caffeine, dnp, eca, clen etc) it will mask things and will still obviously work if someone wants to do that.

I don't want people to think I am against the thread outline of eating big to get big as that is common sense. I just don't think people need to throw as many calories from random foods as they think. Plus trust me I bet I have consumed more calories than most over the years being a natural tall skinny kid. Some of the mass monsters only eat approx 4000 calories per day... yes genetics but it shows a lot. Guys should be looking at ways to improve the utilization of the calories you consume rather than just constantly adding to them :lightbulb:

However if I was helping someone get as big as possible things would be more structured than "eat when hungry". Although the body should never really go by the clock and you need to listen to your own body but there does have to be a degree of force feeding for ultimate size gains (size can be defined as many things though).The body doesn't want to be 300 pounds of muscle... far from it... you need to force it to get to that stage. This is like Tenny posted earlier about the whole get big as fast as possible which is not a good thing. But sure if you want to be as big as fast as possible some forcing needs to be done. I would pick foods you digest quickly and eat regularly. But for best results start lower and build up slowly in every regard (macros, food volume, drugs etc).

My goals are totally different now and are more a classic physique type of look. I want to look freaky but want to be healthy too. I have a big frame (6ft 2) so I will never look small next to others even if I lose a bit of size. But over the next few months I plan to lose size around my waist and gain it in the right ones :D


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
Elvia NO.....are you disagreeing with BigA..???

I guarantee I eat more, (eating when I'm hungry)
then the guys on here who eat just to eat....

I guarantee it....



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Elvia NO.....are you disagreeing with BigA..???

I guarantee I eat more, (eating when I'm hungry)
then the guys on here who eat just to eat....

I guarantee it....


I know as I see pics of your food... big wholesome meals. 4 of those meals are more calories than most on the forums.

I doubt there has been a day in years were I have ate below 2500 calories and that includes when trying to lose bodyfat. I have ate about 3000 calories today and not been the gym or done much as just got back from my holiday. I still have at least 2 meals left in me unless I am not hungry ;):D


Registered User
Jul 9, 2017
Elvia NO.....are you disagreeing with BigA..???

I guarantee I eat more, (eating when I'm hungry)
then the guys on here who eat just to eat....

I guarantee it....

And I've seen your meals you posted like Elvia did.You eat very nutritional I don't see you eating any processed crap.I can't get into the whole slin issue I've never used insulin.Closest thing I've used to it was a supplement FX 475 and I know that wasn't even that close.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
nothings being "flip flopping" around on shit....

here ill say it again..

(put on reading glasses now)


doesn't mean its the right way....doesn't mean its the wrong way...
I guess its just YOUR WAY..

your so tight assed you don't even know the point
you are trying to making....if someone don't see your way
then its the wrong way...

LOL, and no ones even fucking disagreeing with you!!!!!!
is the sad part..


Tenny, it's always the same shit with you dude. When your pants are around your ankles all you do is start up with the fucking cheep shots. You got nothing to say but eat when your hungry and not one fucking REAL WORLD PRO to back your ass up. So you dig around and post up some poor fool that got it all wrong and try to hang it on taking slin and eating a controlled diet. Pathetic. Dude you will NEVER change my mind or the rest of the industry that gets huge. If this shit works so well why aren't you on stage and MUCH, MUCH larger?????????

Why are you the guy that always has to be right and EVERYONE else is wrong? Were is all these pro's your making? How about you put up or shut up. You think you going to bully me around with this cheep shot bitch act it aint going to happen. As I said BIGA put it in print. Just fucking read it dude and then STFU!

GO save your clients. The open forum doesn't need saving.

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Registered User
Jul 9, 2017
I posted my experience for eating when hungry and I got fluffy as shit looked like crap to me held a ton of water etc.Yeah I was big but not even off season built big,wasn't fat held max 18-20 bf%.I cant just eat when I'm hungry.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
If I Just eat when I am hungry... Can I also just eat whatever I want?

If I have to eat Chicken and Rice cakes... or drink some syrup with baby deer blood IGF then Id be Hungry as hell all the time.

I think people are different. If I only ate when I was hungry that would not work for me. I dont set a clock opr try to hit every 2 hour mark like a robot. BUT I know when I need to eat and I do not like missing meals. Hungry or not.

If I had a young beginner I was trying to get the most out of.... I would not advise him to just eat when he gets hungry.
Id Lay him out a plan, tell him to get some protein powder.
And if I seen him eating like a little bird Id say that shit does not work.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I posted my experience for eating when hungry and I got fluffy as shit looked like crap to me held a ton of water etc.Yeah I was big but not even off season built big,wasn't fat held max 18-20 bf%.I cant just eat when I'm hungry.

I don't think you are looking at eating when hungry like Tenny and BBoy are posting about. Obviously an extreme example could be a big fat person (40% bf) may think they are hungry all the time so they will eat when hungry and get really fat. People can have various mental disorders that effect their appetite. Some anorexics might feel they are not hungry but they obviously are. I think this is were people fail to grasp the whole concept as it can be complex. To me a more simple way of looking at things is simply don't overeat or forcefeed. It's no surprise people think eating when hungry are different things as it can be many things.

Anyway we need to get away from this whole vs debate and understand we all know calories are needed to grow. Some people do things differently but we shouldn't fight about it. I am eating when hungry and have had 6 meals today and staying up another few hours and my last meal will be digested quickly. So we are all doing things very similar ways but perhaps just look at them from a different perspective. We all have different goals now too. If I wanted to grow as much as possible I would be gradually increasing my food and going up to approx 8 meals per day but there is more than 1 way up the mountain.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
If I Just eat when I am hungry... Can I also just eat whatever I want?

If I have to eat Chicken and Rice cakes... or drink some syrup with baby deer blood IGF then Id be Hungry as hell all the time.

I think people are different. If I only ate when I was hungry that would not work for me. I dont set a clock opr try to hit every 2 hour mark like a robot. BUT I know when I need to eat and I do not like missing meals. Hungry or not.

If I had a young beginner I was trying to get the most out of.... I would not advise him to just eat when he gets hungry.
Id Lay him out a plan, tell him to get some protein powder.
And if I seen him eating like a little bird Id say that shit does not work.

Exactly. Tell some 20 year old who wants to pack on size but is not eating enough to eat when hungry and no surprise he will eat next to nothing. Most guys need to have a plan and it's a great way to stay accountable. If he eats 2 meals I would up to 3, 4, 5 and protein/weightgain shakes are great for your typical undereater. Eating when hungry is best for people who know their bodies and have some experience. Although it's not for everyone even if someone knows his body and is at the highest level. Most people like structure and to follow some sort of plan.
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Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
The same as CG, Until recently I have always worked a very physically demanding job. Maybe days you work 10-12 hours in the 100^ weather.
I think that of course factors in Vs say a mesomorph sitting in an office or doing something that uses little or no fuel.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2017
I don't think you are looking at eating when hungry like Tenny and BBoy are posting about. Obviously an extreme example could be a big fat person (40% bf) may think they are hungry all the time so they will eat when hungry and get really fat. People can have various mental disorders that effect their appetite. Some anorexics might feel they are not hungry but they obviously are. I think this is were people fail to grasp the whole concept as it can be complex. To me a more simple way of looking at things is simply don't overeat or forcefeed. It's no surprise people think eating when hungry are different things as it can be many things.

Anyway we need to get away from this whole vs debate and understand we all know calories are needed to grow. Some people do things differently but we shouldn't fight about it. I am eating when hungry and have had 6 meals today and staying up another few hours and my last meal will be digested quickly. So we are all doing things very similar ways but perhaps just look at them from a different perspective. We all have different goals now too. If I wanted to grow as much as possible I would be gradually increasing my food and going up to approx 8 meals per day but there is more than 1 way up the mountain.
Yeah been rereading this thread I see both the points going on.And it all boils down to growing from either side.Still an interesting thread to see all different approaches that work,like you said everyone is different,our genetics are all different.And I did read it different at first.


VIP / Donating Member
Jun 20, 2008
Not to taking Tenny's side completely, but if I ate just hungry when I felt, I be super skinny. I did one of Tenny's meal plans. At first I wasn't too hungry, then as I was going, I got hungrier and hungrier. Sometimes you have to change your meal approach when trying to be hungrier for growth.

Marvin Martian

New member
Jan 13, 2013
I am certainly no expert and realize that I may not seem as credible as others here. I just speak from my experience... I was a pretty good athlete in HS and was one of the more muscular kids. I joined the Corps - and had to run MUCH more than other Marines because I abso-fucking-lutely may have been the most genetically un-gifted runners ever (although I did hit 18:46 on pft at Quantico - digress )
So - I looked like a pow - but got out the Corps and wanted to gain muscle. So I was in a pretty hard core gym and I listened to all the dudes telling me to EAT EAT EAT... and I ate until I was 270. Now admittedly I was strong as fuck and had some muscle but I felt like shit and HATED looking that way. So I dieted and did some shows and even won my class (never an overall)
So - went through a miserable divorce - didn't even step in a gym for 12-13 years and then would start and stop for a couple of years.
I half-assed did the transformation contest on PM - and really didn't do much of shit toward the end because I had started so fat and figured what the hell

So we had a major disaster down here and I didn't train for about 9 months but read ALOT and was really intrigued by both intermittent fasting and "eat when hungry". I took pics 5 weeks ago and I am totally shocked that at 45 I made the changes. I will post before and after at the 8 week mark and maybe I will hold a little credibility.

My understanding of eating when hungry versus just eating is that you let your body dictate when you are anabolic rather than try to force an anabolic environment by eating excess.
I am 5'8" - started at about 228 and have lost literally 6 inches off my gut and weighed 223 the other night.

My wife really wants to see me compete again - we weren't together the last time and she is fascinated that my body has changed and honestly just digs muscle has watched many BB shows streaming online. She ALWAYS pics the top 3 and usually in order or close!

So I know this is a stupid long post but it just seems like maybe what BBoy and Tenny are saying is that if you do the right things - training - rest - supps - you WILL be eating a lot.. now maybe not EVERY DAY - or even ALL day.. but when the muscle needs fuel it will ask for it...

Then again - maybe I have no clue what they are trying to say.
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