Concreteguy Here!

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Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Ok, so again the topic will go back to the "drugs"...Can't be helped because obviously with both points of view that's pretty much the only agreeing factor...I may be off on what I've taken from the post so correct me if I am (maybe I'm just high today...Been out in the sun too long this week lol):

I will stick with eat when hungry, if you are anabolic you will be hungry, if you are anabolic you will GROW. Stuffing food will just make you fat and think your getting big, getting fatter will put you in a hormonap environment not conductive to muscle building. All you guys probably eat more than john meadows in the offseason but ask your self why none of you carry anywhere near the muscle he does?

So I have to ask B...You're saying that genetics aside, food only when you're in an anabolic state (hungry) and continuing to raise the drugs as needed, that is how to grow.

Although I can't see how you can continue to grow over time (even with upping the drugs), without upping the food?! I mean are you just upping the amounts per meal or are you just disagreeing with CG's point of using shit like fastfood to hammer in massive amounts of calories and then using the slin to push it everywhere quickly before it metabolizes to fat?!

Look Brad, how about you post up some pics of when you were 15 years old? I saw them and guess what dude? Because of your genetics you can eat like a jackass and still put on muscle with gear. The rest of the world needs food to make muscle and just eating when your hungry is joke.


And you CG...You're saying that to grow, you need to keep the food and drugs heavy...You're not going to grow if there aren't constants of both.


Aug 11, 2004
Ok, so again the topic will go back to the "drugs"...Can't be helped because obviously with both points of view that's pretty much the only agreeing factor...I may be off on what I've taken from the post so correct me if I am (maybe I'm just high today...Been out in the sun too long this week lol):

So I have to ask B...You're saying that genetics aside, food only when you're in an anabolic state (hungry) and continuing to raise the drugs as needed, that is how to grow.

Although I can't see how you can continue to grow over time (even with upping the drugs), without upping the food?! I mean are you just upping the amounts per meal or are you just disagreeing with CG's point of using shit like fastfood to hammer in massive amounts of calories and then using the slin to push it everywhere quickly before it metabolizes to fat?!

im saying only eat when you are hungry, to not eat by the clock and do not eat when you are not truly hungry, your body will tell you when you definetly need to eat, if you are anabolic then the hunger signal will be stronger and more frequent you eat and you grow, when there is no anabolic signal and you just eat every 3 hours trying to put on scale weight then the mass majority of what you are going to be putting on is adipose tissue. every notice how after a really fucking good leg workout you are starving an hour later... THAT IS THE ANABOLIC SIGNAL, ever notice how you are hungrier when you are on tren...THAT IS THE ANABOLIC SIGNAL, ever go to bed early and have a nice long sleep (10+ hours, that your body has had to repair and grow) you wake up starving...THAT IS THE ANABOLIC SIGNAL, you eat when you have the signal to eat, if you are just randomly forcing food down your fat fucking throat you not fucking big your just a fat bastard. :) :action-smiley-030:

some days I might eat 2500 calories, some days I might eat 5500. it all depends on the hunger signal (anabolic or not)
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Aug 11, 2004
things I do to get bigger

1. tear the most amount of muscle tissue in the least amount of time when I am in the gym
2. sleep as much as I possibly can and also skip breakfast
3. stay on a low dose of GH
4. keep a satisfactory hormone environment
5. ketogenic diet keeping me in a fat burning mode and less in a fat storing mode
all these lead to inceased hunger especially through the recovery mode of muscle building and repair


New member
Jun 30, 2017
things I do to get bigger

1. tear the most amount of muscle tissue in the least amount of time when I am in the gym
2. sleep as much as I possibly can and also skip breakfast
3. stay on a low dose of GH
4. keep a satisfactory hormone environment
5. ketogenic diet keeping me in a fat burning mode and less in a fat storing mode
all these lead to inceased hunger especially through the recovery mode of muscle building and repair
What about the critical window (20 minutes to 2hr) after training?
I've never knew if this is true or false. And what about eating a Hershey chocolate bar after training, just before you eat for the critical window, to spike insulin? All true or false?


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
im saying only eat when you are hungry, to not eat by the clock and do not eat when you are not truly hungry, your body will tell you when you definetly need to eat, if you are anabolic then the hunger signal will be stronger and more frequent you eat and you grow, when there is no anabolic signal and you just eat every 3 hours trying to put on scale weight then the mass majority of what you are going to be putting on is adipose tissue. every notice how after a really fucking good leg workout you are starving an hour later... THAT IS THE ANABOLIC SIGNAL, ever notice how you are hungrier when you are on tren...THAT IS THE ANABOLIC SIGNAL, ever go to bed early and have a nice long sleep (10+ hours, that your body has had to repair and grow) you wake up starving...THAT IS THE ANABOLIC SIGNAL, you eat when you have the signal to eat, if you are just randomly forcing food down your fat fucking throat you not fucking big your just a fat bastard. :) :action-smiley-030:

some days I might eat 2500 calories, some days I might eat 5500. it all depends on the hunger signal (anabolic or not)

things I do to get bigger

1. tear the most amount of muscle tissue in the least amount of time when I am in the gym
2. sleep as much as I possibly can and also skip breakfast
3. stay on a low dose of GH
4. keep a satisfactory hormone environment
5. ketogenic diet keeping me in a fat burning mode and less in a fat storing mode
all these lead to inceased hunger especially through the recovery mode of muscle building and repair

Gotcha...Make sense now.

Intake varies from day-to-day, depending on the need...It's not trying to use more drugs to offset the lower amount of calories.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Lol the only old pick you seen of me I was in my early 20's and just got out of the military and use to run 3 miles daily and lift weights, I wad shredded and I had a great deal of muscle cause I had been lifting weights non stop since I was 13 yrs old. People are always quick to throw out the genetics comment and it makes me laugh my ass off, if I showed everyone a pick of me when I was about 10 years old and showed pics of both my parents I guarantee no one would ever let the word genetics fly out of their mouth when talking about me, both my parents are short and fat and I use to have to buy husky size jeans when I was 10yrs old cause I was short and fat just like my parents, at 13 yrs old I decided I wanted to play football and be a running back (I was very fast for how short and thick I was) and my coach told me I needed to muscle up and loose some chub and then I became a possessed kid as I truly wanted to be a running back so I begged my mother to buy me some weights and a bench and the rest is history. I look the way I do because I have been forged by iron since age 13 genetics have zero to do with it as that actually was working against me.

No Brad. You have great genetics coupled with being short. On top of all of that THE Superman Blk gean. Not all Blks have it but when it's there its undeniable. Had my ass kicked at the Nats too many times by it to not know it when I see it. Game, set and match. And don't even go there, some of my best friends at the gym are blacks. There is NO better combination. The "clean pics you put up as a kid was ridiculous. Better than 90% of the forum ON gear. Look at Leveron after his early pro career. Guy looked skinny fat with no muscles at all. It was literally hard to believe he was the same guy. P Dittet is another example. And it was the combination of your two parents that made you Brad. The sweet spot is to be found in there some where.
Don't make me dig up ALLLLLLLLL the times I quote Brad saying "I have to thank my Mom and Dad for giving me my genetics" Dude you said that in open forum more times than I have fingers and toes.

I.M.O. honestly, you could be pinning Coolaid, taking Gummy Bears for orals and training on an elliptical, doing pushups and look better than 98% of this forum hands down. My point isn't to discredit you or say it came easy to you. My point is what works for you just isn't going to apply to the other 98% of us normal humans.
I don't doubt your just eating when your hungry.lol Hearing that is like sault in a wound. But its not the real world.

BTW: I never told you "Good job on your card!" Well deserved.



Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
the bottom line is...

everything STOPS working at some point...

and that's when you need another approach,
that's when one needs to look at things from
another angle....attack things a different way...

if somethings working for you....then hell ya...do it up..
but when it stops....what will the excuses be...???

when it is working, we never stop to think "how long is this
going to last??"...lol, maybe some of us do.....

I also have a problem with people that don't try hard or long
enough for something new to actually work...they are so
brainwashed into what they WERE doing and how well THAT worked
that they simply CANNOT open their mind to explore something else..



Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Ok, so again the topic will go back to the "drugs"...Can't be helped because obviously with both points of view that's pretty much the only agreeing factor...I may be off on what I've taken from the post so correct me if I am (maybe I'm just high today...Been out in the sun too long this week lol):

And you CG...You're saying that to grow, you need to keep the food and drugs heavy...You're not going to grow if there aren't constants of both.

I have never said or implied you need to keep the drugs high. You need to have carefully tracked your gear use and know what amounts are required for you to grow. Your never going backwards if your seriously trying to grow. And sitting around wondering "if" your hungry and then when you decide you are and head to the kitchen, at what point do you call it a 2500 calorie day or go on to the 5000? If your going to base the decision on weather it was a training day or not it's starting to sound like a controlled diet. Say you train at 3pm when you get home from the gym? OK well them after you train is that when you get all this sudden anabolic hunger? so you eat like an un-anabolic bird going into the gym and them gorge yourself for the next six hours till bed? lol Common man. This at the very best will compromise your growth and that's if your an IFBB pro like Brad. If your not absolutely in touch with your hunger senses and modify it before training regardless of your hunger it's crazy.

Look, every buddy come back down to plant Earth and return to how you get big. IT takes big calories to properly drive nutrient. ALL gear does it drive nutrients. Maintain your gear use to only whats necessary to grow and optimize your diet to the absolute limit you can take in with out getting fat.

OR PLAN ....B I'm not here to make anyone happy.

You can always opt for the accelerated growth plan witch is over eating to a point that would gain opprox 4lbs a week and take it back off at the same time with clen,T-3 and caffeine tabs.

You know, I gotta laugh when I hear this "eat when your hungry" shit. And this isn't a shot at Brad. I never told you guys but this, But it's the Gods honest truth. Phil Hernon prepped me for the Mr Pa that I handedly won. He had me eating meal after meal of Chicken and broccoli. I would wash it down with just about all the test no ester and D-bol I could stand. The food was on a schedule. Breakfast to dinner it was chicken and broccoli. When I bitched he would laugh and ask me how bad I wanted to win? Long story short: I looked about as good as this guy has ever looked. But I was also pissing blood.
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Registered User
Apr 10, 2017
I've tried both with the same amount of gear (no slin or growth) and put on close to 15lbs each time with barely any fat gain.
Ive always been relatively skinny and lanky which is why I'm assuming it's difficult for me to put on size.
With the force feeding I went from 188 to 204 in just under 3 months. Took a break for 2 months and then tried eating only when hungry. Went from 202 to 216, eating the cleanest I ever have, but it took me just over 6 months...
I may have added fat the first time and over that 6 month course I may have burned alot of it, I don't exactly know.

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Mar 27, 2014
B boy- great to see you here- you look incredible in the pics man- you know I am a big fan brotha.
Not trying to ay any one is wrong.
Sorry - I agree with Concreteguy- you need to eat your meals.
I my self hardly ever get hungry- i can go most of the day with out getting hungry.
I would have no muscle.
It may work great for some but not many.
I really don't agree with slop food either.
I do my best gains at 80grams pr meal of protien with no more then 3 hours inbetween- mostly foods- I tend to keep my carbs high also.
Just my 2 cents


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
B boy- great to see you here- you look incredible in the pics man- you know I am a big fan brotha.
Not trying to ay any one is wrong.
Sorry - I agree with Concreteguy- you need to eat your meals.
I my self hardly ever get hungry- i can go most of the day with out getting hungry.
I would have no muscle.
It may work great for some but not many.
I really don't agree with slop food either.
I do my best gains at 80grams pr meal of protien with no more then 3 hours inbetween- mostly foods- I tend to keep my carbs high also.
Just my 2 cents

imagine if you were hungry for all those meals....???

wonder what the difference would be......



Donating Member
Jun 16, 2015
the bottom line is...

everything STOPS working at some point...

and that's when you need another approach,
that's when one needs to look at things from
another angle....attack things a different way...

if somethings working for you....then hell ya...do it up..
but when it stops....what will the excuses be...???

when it is working, we never stop to think "how long is this
going to last??"...lol, maybe some of us do.....

I also have a problem with people that don't try hard or long
enough for something new to actually work...they are so
brainwashed into what they WERE doing and how well THAT worked
that they simply CANNOT open their mind to explore something else..


So in your opinion, with a long background and now coaching, how long is long enough to see results? In an offseason I'm speaking. I take pics every Saturday morning. I wake up, take a leak, get my weight, and take pics of my FDB and BDB. I have pics of EVERY week all the way back to first week in November of '16. Obviously pictures will tell the biggest story, but what other markers do you use, and when does the trigger get pulled that says "time to eat more, pin more, etc".... always track my lifts as well. THATS what I use as my number one tool, if I'm getting stronger and progressing in the gym, how can I NOT be progressing as a bb'er?

Long story short, when do you say "ok eat more"?

And this question goes out to everyone reading, let's get some opinions out there. And what do you increase first? Gear? Food? Insulin? Myself, my gear goes up a few hundred mgs every four weeks, with the last four weeks of my cycle being barely above my all time high. Ill add food if one of two things don't happen, 1.) my lifts aren't going up. They have to be completely stagnant. An extra rep or even a 2.5 on each side increase is good enough for me. Or 2.) my weight has stayed the same or even regressed over the last two weeks.


Aug 11, 2004
imagine if you were hungry for all those meals....???

wonder what the difference would be......

its frustrating they don't get it tenny. You not being hungry is whats holding you back from being fucking huge, force feeding yourself every 3 hours is shitting in the win, you must face the anabolic problem and you will see that eating thousands upon thousands of calories isn't a fucking problem, I have to actually hold myself back as I don't ever want to compete in the open class, plus I put fat on very easily, so I even pull back on the leash every so often out of fear. when you are tearing a fuck ton of muscle fibers and the hormonal environment is there for both growth and recovery then you will be fucking hungry as thats the fuel for the process.


Donating Member
Jun 16, 2015
its frustrating they don't get it tenny. You not being hungry is whats holding you back from being fucking huge, force feeding yourself every 3 hours is shitting in the win, you must face the anabolic problem and you will see that eating thousands upon thousands of calories isn't a fucking problem, I have to actually hold myself back as I don't ever want to compete in the open class, plus I put fat on very easily, so I even pull back on the leash every so often out of fear. when you are tearing a fuck ton of muscle fibers and the hormonal environment is there for both growth and recovery then you will be fucking hungry as thats the fuel for the process.

I think a lot of it comes down to training hard too. If I do a bunch of pump sets, I'm really not too hungry. But if I do legs and grind out squats to the point of puking, I can eat a house after, then eat again an hour after, and again and again etc even the following day I'm hungry all day!

The question isn't "why are you eating when not hungry?" But rather "why aren't you hungry?"


Aug 11, 2004
Stay anabolic, stay hungry.

Last night at the gym, trained hard as fuck to complete failure, did 30 min of ass kicking cardio and was fucking starving to death when I got home, I could have eaten the paint off the walls


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Aug 11, 2004
concrete guy.... bravo as this is actually a good fucking thread!!!


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
So in your opinion, with a long background and now coaching, how long is long enough to see results? In an offseason I'm speaking. I take pics every Saturday morning. I wake up, take a leak, get my weight, and take pics of my FDB and BDB. I have pics of EVERY week all the way back to first week in November of '16. Obviously pictures will tell the biggest story, but what other markers do you use, and when does the trigger get pulled that says "time to eat more, pin more, etc".... always track my lifts as well. THATS what I use as my number one tool, if I'm getting stronger and progressing in the gym, how can I NOT be progressing as a bb'er?

Long story short, when do you say "ok eat more"?

And this question goes out to everyone reading, let's get some opinions out there. And what do you increase first? Gear? Food? Insulin? Myself, my gear goes up a few hundred mgs every four weeks, with the last four weeks of my cycle being barely above my all time high. Ill add food if one of two things don't happen, 1.) my lifts aren't going up. They have to be completely stagnant. An extra rep or even a 2.5 on each side increase is good enough for me. Or 2.) my weight has stayed the same or even regressed over the last two weeks.

one MAJOR thing you didn't mention....

how do you feel..???

this is the first question I ask everyone..
first and foremost


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
its frustrating they don't get it tenny. You not being hungry is whats holding you back from being fucking huge, force feeding yourself every 3 hours is shitting in the win, you must face the anabolic problem and you will see that eating thousands upon thousands of calories isn't a fucking problem, I have to actually hold myself back as I don't ever want to compete in the open class, plus I put fat on very easily, so I even pull back on the leash every so often out of fear. when you are tearing a fuck ton of muscle fibers and the hormonal environment is there for both growth and recovery then you will be fucking hungry as thats the fuel for the process.

exactly right...

the other thing I ask people is....

how many shits a day...???

when I hear 3 and 4....I LOL you are not anabolic what so ever...

ONE SHIT a day....that's it....if you are doing more than that...
you are wasting money on food.....literally RIGHT DOWN THE



Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
I eat when hungry....always have..
sometimes only 2 meals....sometimes 4...

I'm not MR.O......but at 40+ I can hang..



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Oct 26, 2012
This has a been a good thread thus far and definitely appreciate some other points for people to consider when trying to make improvements. I always eat every 3-4 hours (when I was younger it was more like 2-3 hours), so, it's interesting to hear the 'eat when hungry' perspective--now, I know I heard that before (Hernon?)...but never implemented it...and candidly, still don't really know what that means.

So, for those conditioned to eat every 3 hours, what does it mean to 'eat when (really) hungry'? I guess that's a pretty elementary question, but, when it comes to learning something new--I'd be interested in actually understanding what physically you would feel (growling/headaches/etc???).

And then, once you understand that, how much are you eating during that (one) sitting? I see the calories can be vastly different depending on the day as well and how much you are 'hungry.'

Fascinating discussion, seriously. But, as I get older, I really want to focus more on 'getting better', but really, staying leaner and obviously, healthier.

Thanks again for the discussion....

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