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  1. A

    Need advice here

    Ok I'm one test cyp 300 twice a week and tren a 50 mg ed. I'm taking arimidex .25mg eod and dostinex .5 mg e3d and 250 IU of HCG twice a week along side my test injections. My problem is I'm experiencing sore nipples. NO lumps and NO itching. Just sore. I discovered it after I shaved my...
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    Side effects then no side effects!?!

    Ok so I front loaded with 2 ml of test cyp 300 mg per ml Monday. Within a few min I had a head ache, chills, and seemed like tightness in the chest. Did the 2nd shot of 2 ml today and I felt nothing. Did I do something wrong the first time or what's up? Also how long should I wait before I...
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    What's best for cutting ?

    Ok so pre-planning my cut cycle and I'm torn between test/winstrol cycle & test/Clen cycle (maybe a test/winny/ Clen cycle) but got to thinking test makes your heart grow & Clen makes your heart work harder so wouldn't that make your heart REALLY grow? Any advice?
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    having knee trouble please help

    ok guys lately i been having knee pain mainly if i squat all the way down to do something (normal squat, not working out) i went to the doc and her verdict was i am wearing out should i wrap it, stop squatting or what? i don't want to wear my knee out but i want to work my lower body so...
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    Question fellas

    Ok I posted this yesterday and it disappeared. Not sure why. But in was wondering is HGH readily available in Mexico like gear is? I was guessing no but am not sure
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    Need to know something quick

    If I went to the lab to get my test level checked would AAS namely tren be detected? Or how does that work?
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    Need advice

    So I was in the dr.s office today and mentioned I thought my test was low and then we went over symptoms and scheduled me a blood test. Now I've been taking D-aspartic Acid every day and ran out today. Now I know that it doesn't do much good but it does something. My question is how long after...
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    This may seem like an odd question....

    Ok if I have a 5000 Iu vial of HCG and I only want to take 250 Iu twice a week that's 10 weeks (70 days) I read that once mixed with water it's good for about 30 days. Is there a way that I can mix half the vial and store the other half in a sterile container until needed? Or will it damage the...
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    Help me protect my liver!

    Ok so I was looking for something pretty quick to protect my liver, something not to expensive and over the counter. I'd looked into milk thistle but found where it can hinder ur entire cycle. Seething about its effects on androgen receptors. What do u guys recommend. None of my cycle is oral...
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    Ok so I'm sensitive to DHT and hair loss I am about to add either dutasteride or finasteride to block DHT conversion but I read that it hinders some of the positive effects of the cycle. Is that true? Should I add it or leave it out I'm thinking add it so I can keep what little hair I have lol
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    AI advice

    Running arimidex while on cycle but have been reading and it seems like aromasin is needed or recommended during pct. Not very experienced here so looking to learn. What do u guys think?
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    Hcg or no Hcg that is the question

    Ok brothers. I need some advice. I got my cycle ready. 300 mg test Cyp twice a week ( 10-12 weeks) arimidex every other day on cycle, and pct of nolvadex and clomid My only problem is I don't have Hcg for on cycle and my cash is LOOOOWWWW! I hate to place an order for just Hcg when the only...
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    Winter time workout problems

    Ok is it just me or does anyone else have this problem. I workout hard and heavy all spring and summer and them as soon as the wether changed to fall and it gets cool ifs hard to get up and go. Almost like my drive drops. It's like this every year. This yeR it's worse I think bc I work full...
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    First time Cycle advice

    Ok gone natural long enough and I'm coming to the dark side How's this for a first cycle. 12 weeks test cyp 300 mg twice a week 1 cc Monday morning 1 cc Thursday evening HCG 250 ui twice a week, after each test injection arimidex every other day while on cycle and two weeks after my last test...
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    Not sure if this is the right section but didn't see one designated for it. But opinion on Clen, do u think subQ injections are more effective than being taken orally?
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    Wassup brothers

    What's happening? I'm just now getting around to introducing myself bc I been so busy with school and work. I apologize. The name is Adam I'm 33 been lifting bout 6 years. I'm seeking peeps that have knowledge to share and that r all around straight peeps