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    Anavar question

    Ok I'm about to add 50 mg of anavar to my cycle (tren e 200 mg, test cyp 300 and EQ 300 all 2x week). My question is will it do me any good at 50mg a day? And should I split my dose morning/evening or take all at once? Only taking 50mg a day bc I don't have a whole bunch of it. Only seeking to...
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    Test/tren cycle

    So is it really better to use a higher tren dose with a lower test dose? Or is it just a matter of opinion?
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    Is there any peptides that increase sex drive?

    I'm looking for a peptide that will give u the urge or make me horny lol really need a boost on gear at times.
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    Dosage for cjc-no dac & ghrp.

    Ok so I been using 100 mcg of each 4 or 5 times a day Getting good results but I got tired of being a pin cushion and decided to use it up faster so I started using twice as much and I'm gettin much better results. Anyone else experienced this? Is it placebo effect? Is there any harmful effects...
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    Any peptides that really heal injuries?

    Besides GH is there anything that will help heal injuries? I'm using cjc and ghrp and igf-1. I thought those night help but I pulled a groin muscle 2 months ago and it still hurts. Also I have an injury on the outside bottom of my leg close to my ankle that flares up bad every time I do tren...
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    Anybody's allergies ever flared up on gear?

    I recently added EQ for the first time to a test/tren cycle. At the injection site it got really red and shortly after my nose stopped up. I've had to use nasal spray ever since. Anybody got any insight?
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    T3 question

    Ok I'm about to throw some t3 in the mix to trim down. First before I do that I need to know, does it shut down your thyroid a natural production? And if so how can I kick start it when I'm done? Also it's my understanding that a good place to start is 12.5 mcg a day an go up from there. Is this...
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    Can I mix multiple peptides in one shot?

    I know I can mix cjc and ghrp but coul I also mix hcg and igf-1 lr3 in with it? (Not storing it only in a pin long enough to take)
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    Cabergoline question

    Does this stuff cause drowsiness? I got liquid prami the last time but man I can't stand the way it makes me feel. It knocks me out then I feel like crap half the next day. Is there any anti-prolactin that doesn't make u tired?
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    Sex drive question

    At the beginning of my last cycle (test cyp 300 2x a week tren a 100 ed) my sex drive went thru the roof. About half way thru it just dropped and shortly after I had to use letro to get rid of some lumps an my drive died. It still hasn't recovered. I'm on a new cycle of test cyp 300 2x week...
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    Equipoise question

    I read that equipoise gives u a high red blood cell count. What issues or symptoms would this cause?
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    Tren e question

    Ok I may have asked something similar before but couldn't find where i did. I'm using tren e 200 twice a week in my next cycle. I've got liquid prami for prolactin sides. How much and how often should i take the prami? That stuff made me super sleepy last time I used it so I want a little...
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    Water based test suspension questions.

    Ok I'm adding water based test suspension to the beginning of my cycle until the test cyp gets established. I was wondering since it has no ester attached, can it b shot sub-q? Also some people say one dose a day while other say 2. Would two b better being as how short acting it is? Also is it...
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    Need a new pct

    Ok so my question is: is there anything better or at least as good as clomid and nolvadex for pct? They work fine but make me so sleepy. I take them at night and can't hardly get up in the morning. The early morning is when I do the majority of my training so this isn't good being as I want to...
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    Gotta question on tren E

    I'm adding tren E into my next cycle to keep from pinning ed. It's tren E 200 mg. how long will it take to establish in my system enough to start showing results? My cycle will be tren E 200 mg twice a week Test cyp 300 mg twice a week Test prop 100...
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    Front loading opinions?

    Does front loading REALLY work? Some say yes some say no
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    Crap!!! Is my stuff ruined?

    I keep all my peptides in a mini fridge in a back room both constituted and unconstituted. Last night I guess my fridge decided to thaw and ice over in parts. The only things that may be in question is some unconstituted igf-1 lr3. About 3 vials froze to the fridge. Nothing that was constitued...
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    Acne HELP!

    Ok so I'm having a. Bad acne break out started at the end of cycle and i still have it. Is there any way to prevent this from happening?
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    I got a question for ya

    Is there any peptide that will make me more of a "people person". Just a shot In the dark here but I figured I'd ask. I'm naturally closed off kinda to myself but as for work goes I need to be a people person. I'm an Introvert but I need help being more of an extrovert.
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    Edema!! Help!

    Ok I'm on cjc no dac & ghrp 2 & 6 (alternating the two). I'm doing 100 mcg of each about 5 times a day. I'm also taking igf-1 lr3 at 60 mcg a day. My ankles have continues to swell to where now I can't see my ankle bone. I skipped today. Hoping it would help but so far nothing. What can I do...