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    Got a feeling clen on cycle is a bad idea

    Judging by the way clen affects the heart and how gear makes the heart grow. I feel like the two in combination is really bad. I added clen to the end of my cycle and I think I'm gonna have to leave it out cause my chest feels crazy. Anybody got any input?
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    Going with nolvadex and clomid for pct. Would anyone suggest ostatine in the mix?
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    Out of breath on tren/test cycle

    Ok I'm on test cyp 300 twice a week and tren-a 100 ed Almost done with the cycle but I stay out of breath a lot. I can manage most of the time but my cardio is suffering something serious. Is there anything that will help this? I found a supplement call O2 gold that increases the body's use...
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    Need an answer to a question pretty quick

    I got some peptides on the way (ghrp-2 & cjc no dac). I was planning on doing them when income off cycle which I'm currently on. My question is this, is it a good idea to do it off cycle or should I wait until next cycle to do them?
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    Help me out with something

    So I'm currently on cycle. I am on test cyp 300 2x a week and tren a. 100 mg ed & hcg 250 2x a week. I finish out exactly 4 weeks from now and 2 weeks later start pct. My question it, I want to try to get put on trt so when would b the best time to get my level checked. I was thinking in the...
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    Letro & gyno

    I had a little bit I gyno flare up and I started letro at 2.5 mg a day for 10 days now and the gyno seems to to b completely gone. When would it be safe to switch back to aromasin? And at how much? My joints are not hurting but my sex drive has gone down the toilet. I'm on 300 mg test cyp 2x...
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    Winny advice

    Ok so I'm planning my next cycle of test cyp 300 tren e 200 and winny 100. Juggling the idea of the winny at 50 ed or 100 ed. Heck I may do 75 ed lol but my question is, I read it's hard on joints and deca helps out with that. How much deca would I need STRICTLY to help joints?
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    Considering brewing for first time

    Can anyone give me step by step home brew method for water based test suspension?
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    Need some info on test suspension

    I just ordered some test suspension. I have never used it before and I'm adding it to my next cycle for a little extra kick. How frequent and what dosage should it be used and what size pin should I use. Will it go thru. Slin pin? My next cycle is test cyp 300 twice a week. Tren E 200 twice a...
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    Thoughts on site injection

    Is there any gear that works for site injection? I heard winny does but is there any others?
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    Thoughts on site injection

    Is there any gear that works for site injection? I heard winny does but is there any others?
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    Chest not symmetrical !!!! HELP!!!

    Ok so one side of my chest is bigger than the other. How can I fix this?
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    Swollen knee

    So I injected my tren 100 mg into my quad just like always and the next day I have swelling just above my knee and it's really swollen. What is this? And how do u fix it? I'm assuming it will just go away
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    BeSt PCt. Help me out

    On just the test cyp 300 I used clomid at 100 first two weeks and at 50 the last two weeks along with nolvadex at 40 first two weeks and 20 last two weeks. All started 4 days after my last hcg pin with was two weeks after last test pin. This time I'm on test cyp 300 twice a week for 14 weeks and...
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    Just noticed lumps!!

    Ok I'm about a month and a half into a test 300 and tren a 100 cycle. Using hcg 250 and anastrozole along side. I notice a very small hard spot behind my nipples. How much nolvadex should I add to combat this?
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    Need some expert advice

    So I usually run tren-a at 100mg ed. I got some tren-e so I didn't have to pin as much. It's 200mg per ml. How much do I pin so that I get 100 each day or should i mix tren a with it.
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    Time on Vs. Time off

    Ok I know it's a general rule of thumb to take a break that's equal in length of your cycle + pct. my question is if I cycle jan feb & march. Would it be ok for me to do a small short cutter about June and then take about a 6 month break? Feedback please
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    Need advice on tren-e and winny

    Not to take together but I was planning on ordering tren-e and winny The tren-e is 100 mg per ml. How would u does that to equal 50 mg per day or would I need to run tren-a with it? If so how much? I was going to try out se winny in a cutting cycle. Never tried it before. I read that it...
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    Need advice on tren-e and winny

    Not to take together but I was planning on ordering tren-e and winny The tren-e is 100 mg per ml. How would u does that to equal 50 mg per day or would I need to run tren-a with it? If so how much? I was going to try out se winny in a cutting cycle. Never tried it before. I read that it...
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    Caber alternative

    I have a seriously bad reaction to caber. I'd hopes it would go away after a little while bit it doesn't. I just can't take it. It makes me sick with sinus issues, nauseaus to where I can't eat and so lethargic I can't get up and do anything on top of all this it makes me stay pissed off for...