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    What's good for the female libido?

    My lady and I were looking at something thing the other day while browsing GNC, and she thought about getting it. The name was steel libido for women. It seemed to be overpriced,and way to many pills to take. Not sure if it even works. So what's good?
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    Is there anything besides just time off that u can do between cycles to make the next cycle better?
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    Huperzine A dosages?

    I'm currently running cjc no dac & ghrp 2 & 6 at 100 mcg each about 5 times aday. Plan on running it thru this next cycle coming up and finishing off with cjc dac at 2mg per week and ghrp 6 at 5 mg per week during pct. I got 3 bottles of huperzine a 200mcg tablets on the way How much do I take...
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    Bread question

    Ok so I'm currently trimming and cutting. I haven't had any bread in about 5 months ( among other things) but my question is when I come off this cut phase and normal out then go into a bulk where I allow myself some bread (still limited) what is the best kind of bread that I can eat as far as...
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    Help me out. May have screwed up

    I'm running cjc no dac with ghrp 2 & 6. I took my dose earlier and about 4 hrs later come back to take another dose and discovered I left the cjc vial on top of my mini fridge in the closet. It was in the dark but room temp. Did I ruin it? Or just shorten the life span? I use it pretty quickly.
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    Need advice

    I'm getting my testosterone levels checked next Monday. What is the time of day when it will b lowest? And should I work out before I get it checked or will that effect it?
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    Cjc no dac/ ghrp side effects

    Ok so I've been on cjc no dac & alternating ghrp 6 & 2 for about 2 months. I've been taking 5 to 6 shots of both everyday. I wake up all thru out the night anyway so I do them then to. Very consistent. I've noticed a lot of stiffness, and a little achy-ness in my joints. Also I feel fluidy too...
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    Test suspension question

    Ok got 13 vials I water based test suspension on the way. So what's the smallest gauge needle this stuff will go thru? Do I have to warm it up for it to flow?
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    How to prevent winny hair loss

    Hairliss hasn't even been THAT big of an issue. Never on test or tren but I'm adding in winstrol and it may or may not effect it. Is there any way to prevent it or maybe soften the blow if it does effect me that way?
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    How much cjc with dac

    Currently on cjc no dac and a mixture of ghrp 2 & 6 I go on cycle in about 6 weeks and plan on using cjc with dac and a ghrp during pct. My question is how much cjc with dac do I need to take?
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    GH question

    Ok so I've been reading up on GH and I've seen people that say u can see results in 3 months others say no it has to be 6 months some say over 3 but not quite 6 is good while others say 9 months to a year. What's the deal here? I know it's a matter of opinion some what but what's the shortest...
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    Need some advice

    I'm pretty much to the size I want to be (if like to let certain parts catch up with other but not bigger) mainly bc I'm in a public position and don't need the extra attention and people to peg me as being on gear. However, I love cycling and training. So how do i continue without growing a...
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    Igf-1 lr3 question

    I'm currently running 60 mcg per day some days a tad more (I will use 3mg in 40 days or so. After this I will have four 1mg vials left. Should I do a run of about 80mcg a day (give or take) or should I do two separate runs of 40 mcg a day(give or take)?
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    I think I'm changing plans. Advice please

    I've not long been off a 15 week cycle of test cyp 300 2x a week, with tren a 100 thrown in for 5 weeks about half way thru. With hcg 250 Iu 2x a week. I was planning on running test cyp 300. 2x per week with tren e 200 2x per week for 10 weeks with winny 100 for the last 4 weeks or so of that...
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    Considering HGH for the first time. Need advice

    I'm plotting on hgh first time. I was looking at a 500iu pack. How much would I need to take how often? I know I need it for 3-6 months but what's the injection protocol? Also what's the good/bad side effects? See a bunch I stuff online but would rather ask people that know what they are...
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    Proapoptotic peptide?

    So does anyone have dosing info on this? I found a source with 5mg vials but I don't know how to dose it
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    Igf-1 lr3 injection pain

    Anybody else have post injection pain with igf-1 lr3? It's sore for days. Almost like my body doesn't want it or something.
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    Quick question

    This may be the wrong section, I so I apologize but I'd like to know if there I anything that will get rid of fat cells once they are formed. It's my understanding that after the cell swells to a certain size during weight gain that the cell splits then it grows and splits and so forth making it...
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    Igf-1 lr3 question

    I just ordered 3 mg of igf-1 lr3. I didn't know u were supposed to reconstitute it with acetic acid so I didn't order any. My question is do you HAVE to have the acetic acid or will BA water work alone?
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    Ghrp-6 & cjc question

    Ok so I read that if somatostatin is present in your system that the peptides won't do any good. So how do you know if it's present or not?