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  1. Robin Hood

    Parabolin alias ??

    What is the other name or should i say common name for PARABOLIN??....my pharmisist could help me, but she says i must give her another name for parabolin.....maby then she could help.........thx :)
  2. Robin Hood

    Opti-Joint by MuscleScience

    I have tried these satchets ( looks like "Cool Aid" ) to help with my joints, but it seems i have problems shitting myself to DEATH, than actually repairing my joints....What good "Joint Helper" medication is there on the market as my joints are KILLING me when it comes to heavy weights The...
  3. Robin Hood

    torn muscle under short-rib

    Hey guys....I think i have torn a muscle under my short rib......its FU@KEN sore and i can barely move....Any ideas how a person can treat something like this, and also how a person can sleep without turning???.......( shit..and i JUST started my 2nd week of my cycle :( )
  4. Robin Hood

    need help...lol

    Howdy board.....i really need some help....Today was my 2nd week of cycle, and i felt SO shit, i could hardly lift any weight...is this normal????...i am on Test and Deca.....thanks hey... :rolleyes:
  5. Robin Hood

    Can injections leak out?

    I was just wondering if juice can leak out after injection....Also if it can, what is the MAX in mil you can inject at a time?? ( in your bum-cheek ) thanks :thinking:
  6. Robin Hood

    Reason to become a bodybuilder...

    Why a bodybuilder? I was a thin guy all my life....After getting a bit bigger ( due to workouts ), i realise a persons self-image rises a lot as well as courage ( fucking up the guy who always thought he was mr WONDERFULL )...Best thing off all was, al my fights ( lost about 99% ), was with big...
  7. Robin Hood

    Is it me, or the roids ??

    tought i just HAD to share this..I started BB 5 weeks ago, with a little deca, then this monday, had a shot of Depo + Deca..I am building like its going out of fasion...lol......Is this the roids, or is it just because im a beginner and short..1.65m..This to me is just f'n unbelievable... (...
  8. Robin Hood

    persentage lost after cycle??

    If you do your pct correctly, how much Persentage loss could a person expext??....ie say you picked up 20lb muscle-mass..
  9. Robin Hood

    Need some clearence

    Ok...This might sound stupid to all you pro's out there, but please clear up something for me...I know about all the PCT etc etc, but i would just like to know something... 1)What actually makes you keep your gains after a cycle of lets say Depo-Testosterone and Deca???...is it the Clomad...
  10. Robin Hood

    ping Admin

    Hi admin....i posted a thread of a .pdf file with some interresting "steroid" information for these guys on the board, but i see it has been deleted..Could you please advise if it is not suited for this board??...it was called "Complete Steroid Handbook 2004 Edition"...thanks :rolleyes:
  11. Robin Hood

    Excellent Steroid Info to read

    I came across this site......and it answered a lot of my questions.....Im sure it will be in everyone's interrest http://www.bodybuildingpro.com/pct.html or you can go to the homepage here ---> http://www.bodybuildingpro.com/steroids.html http://www.bodybuildingpro.com/sitemap.html ;)
  12. Robin Hood

    Deca vs water??

    Ok....i know a lot of ppl will say deca is shit, but that is not my question...I just want to find out if, after using Deca, does your muscle-mass drop??....cause i believe thats what TEST does......just a mtter of interrest...:-)
  13. Robin Hood

    Small joke

    An old guy was sitting in the bath, holding his dick in his one hand and just starring ahead....He was thinking about the past...He then looked down and murmered..."yeah Dick.....Just to think of it....we really had some good times together"......he looked up again....After about 2 min, a tear...
  14. Robin Hood

    Any limit to the amount of cycles??

    Is there any limit to the amount of cycles a person must apply to??...ie, 6weeks on, 6 weeks off, 6 weeks on, 6 weeks off, etc etc??...or can you carry on, but just have to change to different type of steroids....
  15. Robin Hood

    Cypionate and Enanthate

    Anybody know the pharmisist name for Testosterone-Cypionate and/or Enanthate???...I have a contact, but need the pharmicy name for it.....they dont know what it actually is by the chemical name....thanks a bunch
  16. Robin Hood

    Sastron 250mg

    Sastanon 250mg Im going on a cycle--DepoTestosterone + Deca as of 25 okt 2004....I am going to do a 6week cycle, and then use Nolvadex to recover..then, back on Sastanon 250....What i want to know is, 1) can i use Nolvadex WHILE i am on cycle?? 2) Do i only need to inject Sastron TWICE in 1...
  17. Robin Hood

    Horse steroids used...

    Hi.....a friend of mine recently had horse-steroids that he wanted to inject himself with, but at the end, threw away the stuff...I believe, that some ppl have tried this before and apparently, as rumors have it, you build like an ox...lol...Anyone know what these type of sterois's name are...
  18. Robin Hood

    M-Test = Testasterone??

    I recently bought some Methyl-Testasterone...It is a very small white pil...Is this Testastarone???.....i see a lot of ppl talk about using "Test".....tia
  19. Robin Hood

    Small question to the pros

    If you use Deca and M-Test, can you train EVERYDAY, or do you still have to take a break for rest?? I ask this, cause i do get tired after a heavy workout, but feel NO pain.........i believe ( from a friend of mine ) that you HAVE to have pain......that way you know your muscle is torn and...
  20. Robin Hood

    100mg deca 2 much??

    After reading how much Deca you guys use, i thought to get some from a pharmisist....He nearly had a heart attac when i told him i need +-100mg per week.......He says im too light....56kg......What do u guys think???...i have to admit im just starting out...thx