Search results

  1. Robin Hood

    2nd Cycle

    What do you guys think i should try on my 2nd cycle...I still need to bulk heavy..On my first cycle, i used deca and test cypionate, with EXCELLENT results ( i think ). I picked up +-12 lbs with hardly any water in 5 weeks and still have ALL my gains, believe it or not...At the bottom of this...
  2. Robin Hood

    Little present---> My Biorythms program

    This is a good "indicator" how you will perform in the gym...give it a try..I don't know if you guys believe in this shit, but here is the download url anyways---> hxxp://www.mybiorhythms.net/zipfiles/biorhythms32010.zip xx=tt enjoy :) ( i will post the registration code l8tr if you are...
  3. Robin Hood

    Shoulder pain

    I have shoulder pain nearly since i started bb..Last night a friend gave me a shot of "cortisone"...do u think it will help??.....I went to a doc, but i think he was f'n stupid....didn't even ask me to go for x-rays......any ideas??
  4. Robin Hood

    BodyBuilding Advantages :-)

    I just HAD to share......ppl....i have NEVER felt so good about myself in 44 years.....Never had it actually bothered me how i looked, but now that i started, i realised...how i NEVER looked...lolol...Best thing of all....ppl seems to look at you with respect.....mmm....never felt it that...
  5. Robin Hood

    Is this true??

    1) One guy at the gym told me that Steroids makes your bones "brittle"...if this is true, why does the BIG bbuilders stil have their legiments attatched??...lol Would like to hear your comments on this one...2) He also told me that he WAS on roids, then lost EVERYTHING after discontinuiing...
  6. Robin Hood

    Happy New Year To All!!

    GET OFF YOUR FAT ASSES AND START WORKING OUT!!....he he....just kidding...May all you Guys and Dolls have a super 2005.....and may all your dreams come true...may the best of 2004, be the worst of 2005 :)
  7. Robin Hood

    Large Pimple on cheek

    I am on my 3rd week after my first cycle, and noticed a large f'n pimple on my left cheek..I am now going to start my PCT with Nolva.....will it help to prevent further pimples??
  8. Robin Hood

    Weight Gain Supplements

    I noticed that i'm shitting more than i'm gaining....i use Muscle Mass Fuel from USN....i have even tried Mega Mass 4000....but STILL no luck....any ideas?? :twisted:
  9. Robin Hood


    Hi to all the good folks and friends here..I need some advice bro's.. Currently, i started using vitamins to help me where i loose out on certain foods...Vitamin B-Complex ( 1x day ), B12 ( 2x day ), C ( 1x day ) and Iron Tabs ( 1x day ).....is this ok?? I take the Iron to replace ( only...
  10. Robin Hood

    stopped picking up weight

    I started BB about 2 months ago at 54kg.....i now weigh 60kg, but it seems that i have stopped picking up weight.....I use USN's Muscle Fuel Mass Supplement, but no luck...I have tried eating more quantity of food, but my system just rejects it and then i'll just shit it out....ie the other day...
  11. Robin Hood

    Progressing pics of members

    Hey ppl, i was just wondering...How about some of us guys post some pics of ourselfs on this board to see how we are growing???...could be a nice little boost/Challange for some, don't u think?? ( as long as there are no negitive remarks )
  12. Robin Hood

    a question...

    I have just finished with my first cycle of Test and Deca..I have heard that test sucks up water, but if i feel my muscles, they're as hard as rock...How will a guy know when he has water in his muscles??.....and also, this water business.....could it be that you only get it when you use test...
  13. Robin Hood

    Same steroid over and over..

    Was just wondering..I can only get hold of Depo-Test and Deca. Could a person stay with it for keeps as a cycle, or DO you have to change to some other roids??....i COULD get some sust250, but the prices in our country is hay-wire...If i have to order from overseas, the price is basicly a...
  14. Robin Hood

    This is my Workout

    Day 1. Chest & Calves Sets: Reps: 1. Bench press 4 6 - 10 2. Incline bench press 4 6 - 10 3. Flat fly's 4 6 - 10 4. Peck Deck 4 8 - 10 5. Crunches 4 15 - 20 6. Standing calves 4...
  15. Robin Hood

    Is Methyl Testosterone Anabolic??

    Is methyltestosterone ( Male hormone pills ) anabolic??..I ask this, as here in South Africa you can buy them in the dozens for VERY cheap...Also, if it IS, how much should a person gobble down the throat to make it effective?? thx :)
  16. Robin Hood

    New Testing for Anabolics

    Look for the "Bald Look" to be more than a fashion statement in the near future! Title: Detection of anabolic steroids in head hair. Researchers: Deng XS, Kurosu A, Pounder DJ Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Dundee, Royal Infirmary, Scotland. Source: J Forensic Sci 1999...
  17. Robin Hood

    Shoulder Pain :-(

    Sorry, i don't want to make this an INJURY board, but i would like to ask you guys something as well....Each bladdy morning when i wake up, my SHOULDERS pain like HELL...( this is happening for the past 5 weeks now, nearly since i started BB )...Then, after a while, it will go away....Could it...
  18. Robin Hood

    Good info on NOLVADEX

    This remedy is somewhat different from others since it is not an anabolic /androgenic steroid. For male and female bodybuilders, however, it is a very useful and recommended compound which is confirmed by its widespread use and mostly positive results. Nolvadex belongs to the group of sex...
  19. Robin Hood

    4 weeks workout, 1 week off WORKS!!

    I just HAD to share this....From now on, after every 4 weeks of training, i'm gonna rest 1 week....I've tried it for 2 months now, and it works ( for me that is )....I've noticed an INCREASE of muscle AND strenght.....maby this is the "missing link" to bodybuilding??? :eek:
  20. Robin Hood

    Un-trained muscles emerge...

    I have noticed that i get abs muscles, although i hardly trained them...Is it possable to increase muscle-size while only training it a little??...what i mean is, can roids make muscles appear that you hardly train?? ( i hardly trained my abs muscles due to a small injury i had ) tia