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  1. Robin Hood

    Competition Poses

    Where on the net can a person get some good pose-sequenses on video??...or even some short clips.. :)
  2. Robin Hood

    Will this work?

    This is my current cycle.... 400mg Test Cypionate/week ( week 1-12 ) D-Bol 20mg ED ( week 1-4 ) Deca 200mg/Week ( week 6-12 ) My concern is the Deca....Will it seem fit to only start it on week 6 as i want to use it to keep most of my muscle, or can i throw it in...
  3. Robin Hood

    Some protien/carb info link

  4. Robin Hood

    D-Bol from Thai kicking in?

    I am on my 4th day of D-Bol, and havn't noticed anything yet....I also had my first shot of Test yesterday...When do you guys think the D-Bol will kick in, and when it does.....how do a person know it???....tia
  5. Robin Hood

    So far so good :)

    Well, i had my first 200mg Depotrone shot today, went to the gym, and tried to workout my chest.....To my supprise everything went a-ok :) ( Although i have to admit...i take it very slowely, and will gradually build up to heavier weights )...There is one question though, I am also using...
  6. Robin Hood

    Deca and Tendons ???

    50% ppl on the Net says Deca can strengthen Tendons, and 50% says Deca CAN'T....which is correct?? ( was thinking of throwing in some Deca in my next cycle due to Tendons being f'up )
  7. Robin Hood

    To take, or NOT to take, that's the q

    Was thinking..Due to the fact that my f'n shoulder is STILL f-up, is it visable to go on cycle??..Because i'm still on the "small" side, i was thinking of doing a cycle, just to pick up weight..I will still carry on doing my workout, but on a VERY LIGHT bases...wherever possable...sertain...
  8. Robin Hood

    Good cycle needed

    Hi...i am in the process of getting a) 20 x Depotrone 2ml vials @200mg/Mil and b) 200 Tabs Dianabol @5mg/Tab.... Now consider my weight of 134lbs, in what dosages should i take it and for how long???...Also, should i use Nolvadex WHILE on juice?? thx :rolleyes:
  9. Robin Hood


    Anyone have experience with Anaplex?
  10. Robin Hood

    Check out this woman..

    Holy shit.....check out this woman...
  11. Robin Hood

    a "Must Read!!"

    Muscular Enhancement Newsletter July 1997, Issue 6 Web-site created by Live Wire Designs, contact: [email protected] You would think a driver dumb if he started a race with a cold engine, then why would you start lifting heavy weights with cold muscles!! This issue was put...
  12. Robin Hood

    Electric-Puls Muscle builders

    I could not help noticing an advert on tv about Electric-Puls Muscle builders that builds buscles...All you see is these HUGE mothers with this devices attatched on their abs etc......Do you think this stuff will REALLY work???....i doubt it, and yet, ppl buy it....I think they actually BUY body...
  13. Robin Hood

    Deca Water/Oil-based effectiveness?

    just a smal q, what is the active time and duration of Deca Water-based, and Deca Oil-based?? I mean which gets activated the quickest, and how long does it last....ie 1x 2mil Amp
  14. Robin Hood

    Shit to be off the juice :(

    Don't you guys just HATE it to be off the juice??....Shit, i'm struggling my ARSE off just to lift what i used to....lol...Can't wait for next month.....just have to get the monies together..lol
  15. Robin Hood

    best muscle-pain reliever?

    What pills/medicine would you guys recommend for severe muscle-pain?...ie lets say an over-trained muscle.....Seems like Voltarin Tabs does not help a lot :(
  16. Robin Hood

    Sunny Orange Shake

    3/4 cup vanilla-flavored yogurt 175 mL 2 tbsp skim milk powder 25 mL 1/2 cup orange juice 125 mL Per Serving: Calories 262 Carbohydrate 50.8 g Protein 10.8 g Fat 1.9 g
  17. Robin Hood

    Shoulder pain continues

    I was thinking of seeing another doctor. The pain i have seems everlasting. In actual fact, i don't feel it so much in the shoulder anymore, it's as if it goes from the shoulder-head, down to my elbows. It actually only pains when i lift up my arms sideways ( both of them ). Shit guys, hope it...
  18. Robin Hood

    More on PCT

    Veterans’ Consensus Statement on Post-Cycle Recovery© Anabolic/androgenic steroids are used widely in human and veterinary medicine, and are increasingly useful to the training methods of elite athletes. Benefits of the intelligent use of anabolic/androgenic steroids include enhanced quality of...
  19. Robin Hood

    Nolvadex causes lower back-pain?

    I have been on a short cycle of Depo-test and deca for 6 weeks only...After 2 weeks after my cycle, i started using Nolvadex....Now, 2 weeks AFTER i started Nolvadex, i get one HELL of a lower back pain.....can it be because of the Nolvadex??
  20. Robin Hood

    What is calories excactly

    This is what i got from a website---> Carbohydrates and protein provide about 4 calories per gram, while fat (bother saturated and unsaturated) yields about 9 calories per gram...My question now is ( it might sound stupid lol )....why not eat more fat???...thereby you KNOW you got enough calories..