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  1. Robin Hood

    In LOVE with Juice...:-)

    Hi guys 'n dolls...Well, i'm sorry to say this, but i just HAD to go back on cycle....I'm gonna do Anadrol ( 3 weeks ) and Test ( 10 weeks )...I was thinking....seeing Anadrol gives u a lot of water retention, what would happen if i drink Latex Water pills ( 1 a day )???...shit, i'm SURE it will...
  2. Robin Hood

    Using Test-Cyp ONLY!!

    Hi ppl...Well, i still have 10x Amps of Test-Cyp left ( 200ml/amp )...I was thinking, because i had a major drawback as most of you know, I was thinking of doing a 5 week Cycle ONLY..( 400ml/week ). Do you think i will notice anything?? tia PS: Donno whats wrong with me, but i eat like it's...
  3. Robin Hood

    First day at gym AGAIN!!

    Hi to all the guys and doll's on this board..As most of you know, i had a draw-back and layed off gym for nearly 2 months..Well, i just did my first session this morning, and i can tell you....I was SUFFERING!!...Shit, i could only do about HALF the weights i used to do...lol..But i'm sure it...
  4. Robin Hood

    Starting BB next week.

    Well, after a month and a half delay, i'm finaly going back to the Gym...Gonna start of VERY mild to see if my body is ok...Was thinking of going FULL OUT this time....wanna show these guys what it's all about...lol
  5. Robin Hood

    Will resume training soon..

    Hi guys.....you wont believe it....i now only weigh 125lb's..:-( Will resume training beginning of May...shit....i hope i will regain...Keep thumbs..:-(
  6. Robin Hood

    Robin had a Heart attact..

    Hi guys and dolls...just thought i'd let you know i was in hospital for nearly 2 weeks.....heart attact...:-( I'm busy recovering strongly....might pick up gyming in due coarse..:-)
  7. Robin Hood

    Sticking with my chemist

    I have decided to stop getting juice from the net....either the stuff has expired, too long in the sun, fakes, etc etc....As most of you know, i got my stuff from a site in South Africa, but it seems the only thing that works is the Anabolin-10 ( Dianabol 10mg/tab ). The ppl's prices are good...
  8. Robin Hood

    Throbbing pain with curls

    Hey guys...what do you think the cause can be for me getting one HELL of a throbbing pain in my left arm when doing curls...It's as if my fore-arm wants to explode..It sorta feels like the same as when your bones get cold..
  9. Robin Hood

    If this aint bullshit, then i dont know..

    Here is something i read in an article posted on the web...This is the most bullshit i have EVER read... :twisted: --Why Do People Abuse Anabolic Steroids?-- One of the main reasons people give for abusing steroids is to improve their performance in sports. Among competitive bodybuilders...
  10. Robin Hood

    Anasci's Avitar

    Hey ppl, i just thought of something...What will you choose?? 1) Anasci.org's Avitar as your woman or 2) Rather use Juice? he he
  11. Robin Hood


    Do you know Anabolin? Anybody familiar with this Anabolin??..i believe it is some sort of D-bol.. ( sorry for the bad pic...only one i have )
  12. Robin Hood

    Which steroids gives acne??

    Does all steroids give acne, or just certain ones...
  13. Robin Hood

    Heard some interresting stuff

    I just heard some interresting stuff from my pharmisist...She recons that lets say you get some juice that is mixed with a sertain subject..ie salt, your body might reject it, althoug the juice is legit....where as if it was mixed with lets say sugar, yous body would accept it.....so it's...
  14. Robin Hood

    Drug kick-in..

    I just saw a post about the duration of drugs, and i was thinking...could you guys maby post some drugs INCLUDING the time they start to kick-in??? ...ie 1) Test Cypionate ( 4-5 weeks ) 2) Dianabol ( 100 years ) etc etc lol
  15. Robin Hood

    This D-Bol SUCKS!!

    No D-Bol for me ever again...The past 3 weeks i had swallowed more than 100 ( 5mg ) tabs THAI, and still no gains...I am now just waiting for my Deca and Test to kick in......this is my 3rd week on cycle, so keep thumbs this aind fuckin fakes as well.....( or there is something DRASTICLY fuckin...
  16. Robin Hood

    Easiest way to check legit D-Bol

    Drop them in sulfuric acid (car battery acid you can buy at auto-parts store) and they are supposed to react and cause a brownish haze in the acid around the pill. Fakes will not do that. Unfortunatly i don't know how LONG you must have the tab in the solution before you'll see the diff :( The...
  17. Robin Hood

    Dianabol activation routine..

    As i am on my 2nd week of D-bol, Test and Deca, i hardly norice any diff...My weight went up by 2 lbs, just to drop by 2lbs in 2 days again......back to square 1 :( What i would like to know is... 1) What is the FIRST thing you notice with D-bol and how long does it take to notice?? 2) What is...
  18. Robin Hood

    How many cycles so far?

    Out of curiosity....how many cycles have you guys had already?
  19. Robin Hood

    Addicted to juice??

    I think you can not be addictive to juice....only to the pic you see in the mirror when ON juice...;)
  20. Robin Hood

    Can't wait for test to kick in :)

    Starting Monday, i'll be on my 2nd week of test...havn't kicked in yet..I also was without any Deca, but i just received my Deca200 today....Just to clear something up...DR, this IS what you recommended, not so?? ( or sort of ) week 1-4 ( D-Bol 20mg ED ) week 1-12 ( Test Cypionate 400mg/week )...