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  1. xchewbaccax777

    Attention atom ant

    Sorry but for some reason I can't private message anyone on this application anymore it just won't let me I don't know why so here is my question to you: Just got diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome going to change my eating a hundred percent already lost 30 pounds but I'm curious in your...
  2. xchewbaccax777

    WHATS THE Best diet and protein for lifters with IBS?

    Recently diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome wondering if anyone else has the same problem with severe constipation and bloating and such, I have been advised to eat the FODMap diet, pretty much have to give up gluten mostly and lactose and gas causing veggies like cabbage cauliflower and...
  3. xchewbaccax777

    I've lost 25 lbs in 3 weeks by quitting junk food..

    2-3 weeks ago I was 347 weighing around 320 to 325, I got constipated and got really afraid that I have some type of gastric disorder so I started eating super clean I'm still a little constipated again I feel like that is from opiate use which I am currently tapering down on and going to quit...
  4. xchewbaccax777

    Upper GI endoscopy, colonoscopy, anyone ever had one?

    I have been issues with gas and bloating for a while now and my gastroenterologist wants to do a upper GI endoscopy and colonoscopy which requires sedation I have great fears about this because I have severe obstructive sleep apnea and I am wondering about the safety of these procedures for...
  5. xchewbaccax777

    Just downed my 1st bottle of mag citrate

    Now hopefully this magnesium citrate will get rid of the bloating that I have had for 6 months, and after I clear my guts out I'm going to eat clean for the first time in my life. Lol time to lean out...
  6. xchewbaccax777

    What are you eating

    Spaghetti squash with turkey marinara
  7. xchewbaccax777

    Weird chest injury, any thoughts...

    So my buddy was on the bench I need that stuck without a spotter and strained himself not being able to get the bar up, now for the last month he says the muscles are hurting chest but it feels like the tendons and ligaments are about to snap every time you chose to work upper body any thoughts...
  8. xchewbaccax777

    How to detect liver issues. How well do you know your liver?

    The classic*symptoms of liver disease The most frequent and common*symptoms of liver disease*include: Bad breathBlack circles beneath the eyesBad body odorBrown blemishes on the skinCoated tongueDiscolored stoolsFlushed facial appearanceInflamed palms and soles of feetSwollen...
  9. xchewbaccax777

    Anavar first run

    I have a bunch of 20 milligram pills hundred fifty to be exact and I'm going to run anavar for the first time, I've been on test and EQ and other things for years but this is my first time with anavar still being a large powerlifter at 330 pounds are there any concerns I should have and what...
  10. xchewbaccax777


    Show us what you had for dinner!. Turkey and Veggies for the Chew
  11. xchewbaccax777

    Beginner's view on fat loss

    (Intended for beginners to dieting)So you're working out hard in the gym, and you are even doing cardio like a beast, you might even be taking some gear, but for some reason you just can't seem to lose that fat. I have found that we are our own worst enemies when it comes to fat loss. The big...
  12. xchewbaccax777


    Copied off steroid website... *off Steroids How to Come off Steroids When it comes to performance enhancement, most will spend quite a bit of time learning about*anabolic steroids, searching out proper supplementation practices and every last aspect they can as it pertains to remaining safe...
  13. xchewbaccax777

    2 part test and GH question

    I am wondering about the benefits of taking testosterone and human growth hormone together I have never done growth before but will likely start soon? 2nd question, I have been on gear at around a 400 to 600 milligram a week dose sometimes lower for over 3 years and plan on coming off before...
  14. xchewbaccax777

    Need a little help with dieting on the road

    Love the canned idea....get it som
  15. xchewbaccax777

    Critique my leaning diet

    . 6 ft 2 335 lbs and I want to cut to 260 in a year. Any advice helps.
  16. xchewbaccax777

    Critique my leaning diet

    Proposed leaning diet: So I'm the strongest fucker I know and I still have the beer gut. I'm gonna start prepping next week. I work nights , here's the plan. Meal 1: noonish- 2 cups oatmeal, berries and a dymatize shake Meal 2- 3 pm-preworkout salad with 8 ounces of chicken, beef, fish or...
  17. xchewbaccax777

    What's everyone doing thus weekend.

    Just curious to see what the brothers are doing this weekend? I've got a poker tournament tonight and tomorrow night and that's about as exciting as it will be for me... Might as well lose some money on my rest days