Search results

  1. xchewbaccax777

    Diet tips

    Choose the correct diet. An insufficient*nutrition*is often the reason why the athlete does not make any progress. What is the use of the best training, the intake of*steroids, and sufficiently long rest periods if the body does not have the right nutrients in a sufficient amount- Eberhard...
  2. xchewbaccax777

    How do i keep blood sugar levels normal when hypoglycemic and on a high protein low c

    So my wife is trying to get on 5 meals a day with a fitness plan and the high protein low carb approach is ideal but she'll get a sugar crash and start shaking and feel faint if she doesn't have enough carb or sugar between meals. What can she eat that is healthy and keep her blood sugar levels...
  3. xchewbaccax777

    Beginners question on pros and con's of coming off steroids after almost three years?

    So I started out on the 400 milligrams of testosterone cypionate per week about two and a half years ago approaching 3 years now, I used to fiddle between two and four hundred milligrams a week for my first year. I would always go to the gym at least 5 days a week and my workouts were spot on! I...
  4. xchewbaccax777

    Protein powder as main protein source? Yes or no and why?

    I'm thinking about giving up red meat and chicken for a while and going straight to powders only for my protein intake say 250 grams a day. I would like to try a vegan diet for a while to clean out my system and i was just curious if getting all of my muscle building protein needs from powders...
  5. xchewbaccax777

    CNN CBS report testosterone is causing heart attacks and clotting vessels. What do yo

    So for the past couple of weeks the big buzz on the news is that testosterone and testosterone supplements are causing heart attacks and artery clots leading to the heart. They're saying that the heart attack risk for men under 65 has tripled. I myself am 34 have been using this for about 3...
  6. xchewbaccax777

    Question regarding cutting dose in half?

    Recently went down from 600 milligrams per week of test and deca to 300 of test and 250 of DECA. Its been a month and no muscle loss of decrease in strength, in fact I feel much stronger and less rage, bloat, etc..... I always thought more was better but I guess that is not true. Do any of you...
  7. xchewbaccax777

    Dad @ pm advice on beginners using AAS

    Steroid advice for beginners! I've posted this so many times over the last few years, but since so few seem to get the message, I'll try once more. 1) To even consider using AAS, you should have AT LEAST two years of hard, consistant training under your belt. Preferably, you've trained for...
  8. xchewbaccax777

    Anybody use HOOKSTRAPS for back and neck?

    Just got the new straps with hooks in them and I thought that may help isolate the neck and back muscles and give the hands and fingers a break from all the stress and I was wondering if anyone has experience with these type of straps and could offer information or opinions on proper form and...
  9. xchewbaccax777

    Call of duty ghosts midnight release!

    Who got it...what do you think?
  10. xchewbaccax777

    Fat loss secret

    (Intended for beginners to dieting)So you're working out hard in the gym, and you are even doing cardio like a beast, you might even be taking some gear, but for some reason you just can't seem to lose that fat. I have found that we are our own worst enemies when it comes to fat loss. The big...
  11. xchewbaccax777

    Trt austin texas clinics?

    Looking for more TRT clinics in Austin Texas. If anybody knows of one please let me know. Always looking for a good script.
  12. xchewbaccax777

    My Fitness pal app?

    Does anybody use this application? If so do you like it?
  13. xchewbaccax777

    No cardio...no prob. Lose fat...

    Not in the mood for the gym today? Or, maybe ever? It's all right. There may soon be a pill for that. Scientists say experimental drug SR9009 may boost metabolic activity and running capacity -- essentially mimicking the effects of exercise. The findings, published in Nature Medicine last...
  14. xchewbaccax777

    Chest, tris, and shoulders?

    Does anybody do chest, triceps,and shoulders on the same day... labrada says this is good, never tried it usually do shoulders with biceps and then back and legs together. Just wondering if anyone has had success with this method.
  15. xchewbaccax777

    Anasci is the best

    I just wanted to thank all the brothers of this forum for always being patient and cool. I've gained a lot of knowledge from the members of the site and I am very grateful for that knowledge. I am also a member of some other forums and have experienced a lot of bro bashing and senseless internet...
  16. xchewbaccax777


    My quest for clean dieting starts Monday. lol...all tips welcome...AGAIN...Thx....
  17. xchewbaccax777

    What is your favorite fat loss diet?

    Looking for general dieting tips as I just recently got into this sport! Need to cut weight!
  18. xchewbaccax777

    Clean eating for fat loss tips.

    I am tired of chicken breast, brown rice, and broccoli... I need to lose about 50 pounds and I'm curious for some new clean eating suggestions to supplement my cardio in training program so that I can lose more fat and weight quickly without depriving my body of nutrients. Plz help this fat guy...
  19. xchewbaccax777

    Love this place

    Spent about 5 hours leaving all the forms today, very informational, thank you very much bris