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  1. xchewbaccax777

    Dry mouth while working out??

    Sometimes when I'm lifting heavy and intense I get a dry mouth and a feeling of anxiety, you think that has to do with my heart rate going through the roof??
  2. xchewbaccax777

    Happy Holidays Brothers

    Been a while since I've posted. After having a newborn life got busier, 3rd boy. Lol. I've lost 35 lbs, and plan on losing 60 more next year. Diet and Cardio are in check for now. Had some serious digestive issues from eating shit foods, but eating mainly whole foods now, and tummy issues are in...
  3. xchewbaccax777

    Question about AI causing respiratory distress

    To make a long story short a friend of mine took some tamoxifen and then went to play in a competitive soccer match and told me that he was running super fast but he was unable to breathe heavily he could only breathe normally and then felt like he couldn't breathe at all... he says he did some...
  4. xchewbaccax777

    Is it possible for L-tyrosine and 5 htp to cause a panic attack?

    I take 5htp for anxiety and it works wonders with for some reason everytime I take L Tyrosine with it I get a f****** panic attack and I wonder if this is on my brain if the two could cause that somehow synergistically.
  5. xchewbaccax777

    How can someone stay full longer w hypoglycemia

    So my wife is breast feeding and she's hypo glycemic. Her issue is that she's trying to lose weight but she feels like she's starving all day no matter what's she eats due to the hypoglycemia and breast feeding! In order to avoid blood sugar crashes she feels like she has to eat all of the time...
  6. xchewbaccax777

    How much water is too much?

    I drink between 2 liters to a gallon in an hour or so when lifting, I feel bloated as hell when I leave, is that normal or am I drinking too much??
  7. xchewbaccax777

    So you have gut issues? IBS-C IBS-D OR SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth? )

    SO YOU WANT TO CURE SIBO, TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK? READ THIS, THEN READ IT AGAIN. We can do this together people. Before you Google anything else, let's stop and think about SIBO logically. So like you I have Sibo with IBS-C some of you have IBS-D. So we all have this bad bacterial overgrowth in...
  8. xchewbaccax777

    Can probiotics cause severe gas and bloating?

    I have had ibs c for years. Severe bloating, constipation, and distension. I recently took rifaximin antibiotics to wipe out bad bacteria and it worked, 2 days later I took an 80 billion probiotic and got severely bloated and constipated. I am also taking OIL of Oregano, neem, berberine, and...
  9. xchewbaccax777

    Any body have any ideas on how to cure SIBO through diet

    Been having trouble with severe constipation/ bloating , doctor thinks i have small intestine bacterial overgrowth prescribed some antibiotics(Xifaxin) but I'm trying to figure out how to restore gut health naturally and kill off bad bacteria?
  10. xchewbaccax777

    What is the best way to bulk up naturally in your opinion?

    I have some smaller friends that want to bulk up naturally, and they keep asking me for advice because I'm such a big guy, but I don't really know the best way to bulk up naturally as I always use AS. What is the best way to bulk up naturally for smaller people?
  11. xchewbaccax777

    Does anyone play Clash of Clans?

    Just curious if anyone here plays the game clash of clans on their phone or pc. If so join my clan DARKJEDIACADEMY, let me know you're from the forums and I'll make you co leader off the bat
  12. xchewbaccax777

    What do u know of SERMORELIN

    Just curious, it looks super affordable and was wondering if it's as good as hgh??
  13. xchewbaccax777

    Is hcg blasting better?

    I read an article somewhere stating that if you take you took the 5000 iu at once that your recovery would be better, as opposed to taking it over 3-4 weeks?
  14. xchewbaccax777

    What did you eat for dinner today?

    Looks good, 8 ounce rock fish w potato salad
  15. xchewbaccax777

    What did you eat for dinner today?

    Seared seabass with a blueberry and raspberry compote little bit of fried rice and some fire kale. Healthy and delicious oh yeah. now what did you eat for dinner today?
  16. xchewbaccax777

    What did you eat for dinner today?

    Da kine my forearm is as big as your leg.....
  17. xchewbaccax777

    What did you eat for dinner today?

    Bacon wrapped quail.....yummmy
  18. xchewbaccax777

    You ever get the "ANABOLIC SWEATS"?

    Happen to me today again after working chest and triceps really hard and getting a crazy pump, I started sweating at the gym and continue to sweat profusely nonstop for my 8 hour work shift, I call it the anabolic sweats and it's simply when you start sweating and never stop I was wondering if...
  19. xchewbaccax777

    Why did my cardiovascular workout leave me feeling tired and weak?

    I have neglected cardio for many years, & I have started to emphasize on it here lately the last couple of weeks, I've been doing about 30 minutes of intense cardio before my workouts and I found that I am completely exhausted and the cardio routine and my strength by about 25%. Is it common for...
  20. xchewbaccax777

    Apology for my drunk rant the other night.

    It's not like that lol