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  1. xchewbaccax777

    Apology for my drunk rant the other night.

    I was hammered the other night and I was talking shit that may have offended some people, if so I apologize brothers. Just wanted to humbly apologize for spewing puke the other day. Won't happen again braddahs
  2. xchewbaccax777

    What's the longest time you've stayed on juice for?

    I've been on for four years,but just at 400 mg test a week for the most part. I want to hear about your experience coming off cycle after a long time?? Thinking about a break soon...
  3. xchewbaccax777

    Why is my left trap so much bigger than my right?

    So my left trap muscle is much larger than my right when flexed, I do have a small hand injury on my right hand or my tendons and ligaments were sliced through so I can not curl the tips of my last two fingers on my right hand in, and that means I do not have a complete grip on the dumbbell but...
  4. xchewbaccax777

    Back to clean eating tomorrow

    Lost 40 lbs then gained back 20...I was doing fine on salads,quinoa, brown rice, and meats....then those fuckers at Haggen Dasz and Ben and Jerry's got me again. Anyway brothers just wanted to say I fucked up AGAIN...Back to a whole foods tomorrow, I really want to take myself from 325 to 255 in...
  5. xchewbaccax777

    Question about GI relations to anxiety.

    Why is it that when I get constipated or bloated and certainly almost always gives me a panic attack? Also makes me feel like I'm having chest pains in the upper left area of my chest? Just seems that stomach issues for me also cause mental problems I am very confused by this?
  6. xchewbaccax777

    GI Issues and Dietary Considerations

    is this the product you were referring to?
  7. xchewbaccax777

    GI Issues and Dietary Considerations

    5 pounds a king crab was probably a little excessive. Lol just kidding but I probably eat at least two pounds of that tonight
  8. xchewbaccax777

    What did you eat for dinner today?

    haggen dasz, 2 croissants, 1lb cookies , 1lb NY strip, 4 butter butter.....I fucked up.lol
  9. xchewbaccax777

    What did you eat for dinner today?

    steak lobster and crab...lol #CHEATLIFE
  10. xchewbaccax777

    What are you eating

    I love how our two "what did you eat threads are going head to head. Everyone be sure to stop by my dinner thread as well. Lol
  11. xchewbaccax777

    What did you eat for dinner today?

    Recipie magnus*** for me it was gus's world famous fried chicken and Austin Texas tonight #cheatlife