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  1. MilburnCreek

    Is Missing a Muscle = Wasted Gear?

    Giving my shot this morning (Glute), it just seemed to go WAY to easy...usually it hurts a little as I push...but it was quick and easy today. I began to wonder if I somehow actually missed the muscle...if thats possible (1 inch 20 g pin). If I did, did i just waste my gear?
  2. MilburnCreek

    Stubborn pecs....

    Guys, I have always had a problem with my pecs. I can practically SEE my bis, tris, delts, and quads grow between workouts....but my pecs just refuse to grow. I've tried working them to exhaustion; then, thinking I was overtraining, I lowered the sets. I've done inclines and declines and...
  3. MilburnCreek

    Biceps & S L O W Negatives

    Wow...this is probably no news to most of you, but it made such an impact on me today that i just felt like sharing it with you all. We all have different genetics, and while I curse the stubborn refusal of my chest to grow, I have been blessed with biceps that respond readily to workouts...
  4. MilburnCreek

    Looking for Thanksgiving ideas....

    Unlike every year for the last 5 decades, I have absolutely no plans to be with family for Thanksgiving, and that means I'm cooking at home for 2. It also means I wont be stuffed with the obligatory Stuffing, potatoes & turnips, Jellied Cranberry sauce, and an assortment of fattening Pies...
  5. MilburnCreek

    This is MLS

    OK, I admit that I am copy-catting the NFL thread, but with no ill-will meant towards "American" Football. I just happened to start following - and became absolutely captivated - by Major League Soccer this year, and we are currently in the midst of the Playoffs for the season. MLS soccer has...
  6. MilburnCreek

    My adventure begins....

    52 years old, dabbled with gear a little bit (3 low-dose cycles) in the past, and just started up again today. 600 cyp, 400 deca, 900 iu hcg, 50 mgs armdx / wk. Off we go.....
  7. MilburnCreek

    My adventure begins....

    52 years old, dabbled with gear a little bit (3 low-dose cycles) in the past, and just started up again today. 600 cyp, 400 deca, 900 iu hcg, 50 mgs armdx / wk. Off we go.....
  8. MilburnCreek

    Experience with hcg?

    In addition to my current chemistry set, i have recently been prescribed hcg as part of my trt. Does anyone else have experience with this? What should I expect?
  9. MilburnCreek

    Swimming in gear, could use some direction

    So, I currently have a problem many guys wish they had...in addition to gear I had on hand, I just received prescriptions for some more. I'm getting some advice to take everything together and cruise forever, vs. most on bb boards that suggest cycles and tapering off. So...what i have is text...
  10. MilburnCreek

    Another Year, Another Board...lol

    OK, Thom here, 52 years old, been bodybuilding since I was 35ish, a few cycles under my belt, going for my most serious cycle in about two weeks. Been on many boards, including some that 'are no more.' Decided after interactions elsewhere that this board would be the best 'fit' for me, so...