Search results

  1. MilburnCreek

    Cod Beijing

    Real Asian food (rather than that syrupy crap you get for take out) Ingredients 1 pound of fresh Cod 10 Garlic cloves 1 pound (medium bunch) of Bok Choy (greens and white stalks) 8 oz fresh mushrooms 2 T. Soy Sauce 2 T. Rice Vinegar 2 T. Canola Oil Spice Mix: 2 T. Chili powder 2 T. Sesame...
  2. MilburnCreek

    Mustard Chicken

    Easy, one-pan, Lo-Carb cooking with an amazing vitamin punch. Ingredients: 6 Crushed Garlic Cloves 2 T. Olive Oil Two pounds of skinless Chicken Breast, cut into one-inch cubes 1 t. cayenne powder 1.5 cups chopped Broccoli florets .5 Cups shredded Lo-Fat Cheddar Cheese 2 T Brown Deli-style...
  3. MilburnCreek

    Chicken-Bacon Mix

    Created by throwing together ingredients leftover at the end of a camping trip.... Ingredients 4 one-pound boneless, skinless Chicken Breasts 1 T. Cajun Spice Mix 3 Crushed Garlic cloves 1 Cup chopped Sun Dried Tomatoes 1 Large chopped Onion 1 T. Mixed Italian seasoning (Oregano, thyme...
  4. MilburnCreek

    "Backwards" dips?

    Working Tris/Chest today, I decided to finish with 100 dips. I got to 80, and then . . . I don't know, I got bored? inventive? adventurous? I did my last 20 'backwards,' ie, facing outside the open end of the "V" instead of in towards the point of the "V" on the dip stand. It very, very...
  5. MilburnCreek

    Derby day!

    OK, I'm a crazy man for the Triple Crown Races.... My money's on Revolutionary to Win and Normandy Invasion to Place . . ..
  6. MilburnCreek

    Test/Eq Proportions

    Looking ahead to Cycle #3....I have used 600mg/wk Test Cyp for my first two cycles. Was thinking of upping that a bit to 800, and adding Eq (I had been using deca). Looking around at some of the guys on board, it seems that some use less eq than test (like an 800/600 proportion), while other...
  7. MilburnCreek

    THANKS, Anasci bros.....Ending Cycle II, Cruising, Healing

    Wow...was time to end Cycle II after 10 weeks (I had to spend a week in NYC with my students, and have spent the last few days at USCG training and 'on alert' for call to Boston), so I was out of the gym and down to 200mg/wk test cruising level for the last 12 days. My lifts for every single...
  8. MilburnCreek

    Coming off-cycle and balls hurt....

    Just finished a 9 week cycle of 600mg/test cyp and 400 mg/deca. Dropped it down to cruise level of 200 cyp last week (still taking 700 iu/wk hcg per TRT, and started 25mg aromasin, which I;ll be dropping to 12.5 due to dizzying effects). Question: the boys are big and full ... and hurt...
  9. MilburnCreek

    Dizzy from Aromasin?

    Just took my first dose of liquid aromasin (25, about 3/4 dropper measured with a slin needle first) and I am dizzy as hell...is this typical?
  10. MilburnCreek

    Moroccan Lamb Tangine

    This dish is not for the faint of heart when it comes to cooking: it takes two days (one to prepare, and one to cook) - but it is delicious and worth learning to do right. If you're not crazy about the unique taste of lamb, this dish is for you: the spices change the taste considerably. And if...
  11. MilburnCreek

    New Squat Record for me...

    OK, this aint nothing like that 805 high school kid...and I know a lot of you gyus are younger and bigger and stronger than me...but for this old man, this has made my day. November 5 - with shitty form and bad knees, was able to to do 6 reps at 130 pounds. Big freaking deal. Started my First...
  12. MilburnCreek

    Unexpected Consequences: My shirts....

    Yeah, it's been cool to have people (including my partner) tell me that my shirts are stretching a bit too tight across the chest, that my sleeves no longer fit my arms, and that I'm not "leaving anything fr the imagination." I'll be the first to admit I love it. What I'm loving a little less...
  13. MilburnCreek

    Liquid Aromasin Dosing Q

    Based on what some of you wrote in response to my earlier question, O am thinking of switching from my 1mg dex tabs (every 3-4 days) to liquid aromasin 25mg/ml. I understand that 25 mg aromasin = 1 mg dex tab (correct me if I am wrong). What I dont see anywhere is how to best *administer*...
  14. MilburnCreek

    Need Anastrazole dosing help

    OK, so my TRT Doc prescribed 200mg/wk of Test Cyp, and 1MG Anastrazole tablet every three days. I will basically use this as my "cruise"... ...but right now I'm on Blast. I am on a cycle of 600 mg/wk test cyp, and I am wondering how much Anastrazole I should be taking throughout. I've begun...
  15. MilburnCreek

    Wrist Straps?

    I have gotten to the point where my back is able to continue to more reps and heavier weights on a deadlift (I'm at 245), but my fingers can'thold the damned olympic bar; my fingers are giving out (and I do mix directions my palms are facing) before I am. I've been looking online for 'wrist...
  16. MilburnCreek

    Indulge the Old Man....

    My forearms were so full today i couldn't bend my elbows and I fucking loved it!
  17. MilburnCreek

    London Broil with Tequila-Shroom Sauce

    Ingredients 1 T Olive Oil 3 Cups sliced fresh Mushrooms 16 Cloves fresh Garlic 1/4 cup Coconut Oil 1.5 pound London Broil 2 T black Pepper (may substitute Cajun Spice mix) 1 12-ounce can Black-eyed peas with liquid 2 T Worcestshire sauce 1/2 Cup Gold Tequila 1/2 Cup Instant Mashed Potatoes...
  18. MilburnCreek

    Biceps: Cycle II, Week 4

    2 inches growth since November (14.5 >16.5). Not bad for an old man.
  19. MilburnCreek

    Island Fish Sautée (AND my personal Cajun Spice recipe)

    This is 'bulky' when being cooked, so you should use a very large wok with a domed cover, or, better yet, a stock pot. It is especially good for those who are not crazy about fish, but are looking for a delicious high-vitamin, low-fat meal. And as an extra tip, I include my personal Cajun...
  20. MilburnCreek

    Back Attack...

    So, here is the picture I took on Feb 3 (12 days ago) when I asked you guys for advice: I've been working on tightening up my midsection, and have hit my back three times since then (with two major squat/deadlift days in between). Here's today's photos... (Feb 15). Unfortunately a different...