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  1. MilburnCreek


    My lard-ass pic from 2012...and where I am today after my third cycle since then...
  2. MilburnCreek

    Basic explanation thread?

    On another thread in AAS, it was suggested that I look into Peptides for my next cycle(s). There is a shitload of information in this forum...but is there a plain-language, basic FAQ thread on what peptides are, how they work, how they are administered, etc? Just the basics for someone new to...
  3. MilburnCreek

    Lessons in Blood Pressure, Progress & Disappointment

    OK, in Week 12 now of my third cycle at the age of 54. Started w/ 500test cyp & 300 eq for about the first 5 weeks. Saw good growth, and got impatient and maybe wreckless. Increased it to 750 test cyp and 600 eq. Surprised myself with strength gains at about week 9-10. At the same time...
  4. MilburnCreek

    Week 9: Feel like shit, BP through the roof...cut back?

    Well, this is week 9 of my third cycle. I bumped it up to 750 test cyp and 600 eq per week. After feeling GREAT and seeing great gains, I have felt like crap since Sunday - flu-like symptoms, tired (more like exhausted), foggy head - couldnt hit the gym Monday-Tues-Wed. Went in today (feel a...
  5. MilburnCreek

    Cuban Chicken

    Another way to eat chicken when tasteless, boneless, skinless chicken breasts are about to drive you crazy.... (All quantities are approximate - you can increase and decrease as necessary - but have a BIG pot, a BIG frying pan, and a BIG baking pan at hand. Also, it has a very 'gentle'...
  6. MilburnCreek

    The Amazing Disappearing Testicles...

    OK gents...entering my 7th week of cycle III, and my jewels are fading away - this didnt happen at all with cycle I or II. I am behind on stocking up on my hcg, and need to grab some...outside of that, what is the chemical of choice to keep the boys visible?!
  7. MilburnCreek

    Taking the Board's "Communal" advice....

    OK, ramped up to 750 test cyp / 600 Eq this week. Went out and bought a shitload of natty PB, bananas, liquid egg whites, steel cut groats...and cottage cheese (I freaking love cottage cheese.) I have been aiming for 5% improvements in weights with every workout, and so far I have met or...
  8. MilburnCreek

    Best Shake Powder?

    I'm looking for mass-building shake powders that are going to up the calories I need, without running me $100/week in powder alone at GNC...any of our board sponsors have something I can buy in bulk? Any of you guys recommend something in particular to help with mass?
  9. MilburnCreek

    Switch from Eq to Tren?

    Feel free to tell me I'm crazy...or on the right track. I'm almost 55, and on my third cycle, using 500mg test cyp & 400mg Eq per week. I started mid-Sept, and was planning on blasting all the way through May. I shoot for 3000 cal/day, a min. of 100 gms protein. My goal is to be a Bull Moose...
  10. MilburnCreek

    Hobbit Stew (for crappy meat, scrap veggies, and cheap wine)

    OK, there's no Hobbits or Hairy feet in this stew. But there is a shitload of vitamins and the taste rocks. This is a recipe when you have a cheap hunk of meat and would like to eat it without feeling like you're chewing on your sneaker after a workout. Basic Ingredients 3-4 Pounds of Cheap...
  11. MilburnCreek

    Hakurei Cod

    OK, I admit it. I like natural, in-season, farm-fresh veggies. I also fucking despise turnips. Until I discovered all-white, nutrient-packed, low-cost "Hakurei" Turnips. So here's a recipe that marries strong and mild tastes that is high-proetin and low-cal over all. (Photo: Raw Hakureis:)...
  12. MilburnCreek

    Q re: Glute injections

    The easiest place for me to pin is in my glutes; I use a 1.25 inch 23g. Crazy question: How do I know that the fuel is going into my muscle and not just my ass fat (or more precisely, my fat ass?) I'm about 15% bf, and I inject where all the guides say to...but sometimes it seems to go REAL...
  13. MilburnCreek

    Fall Chicken Casserole

    We have a "Farm Share," which means that every Tuesday we get a box of fresh veggies, and never quite know what's going to be in it. As a result, we've been creating many new recipes based on the food that suddenly arrives, rather than by "going to the store to pick out ingredients." This is...
  14. MilburnCreek

    Back in the Game!

    I used to post more regularly (check out some old Recipe threads!), but I havent been on a lot lately...and in fact, I've been out of the gym for 15 months due to some shit that hit the fan in my life. Fortunately, *everything* changed this summer...and I've been doing some...
  15. MilburnCreek

    Need help with HCG dose calcs

    I am used to having a large vial of bariostatic water; I would withdraw the water, inject it into the powder, and then use that, taking out maybe 12 ius in an insulin pin am once a week. I have a new supplier, and am pretty flummoxed. It's a tablet, and a tiny, tiny bottle of water maybe half...
  16. MilburnCreek

    Bariostatic Water OTC?

    In picking up some HCG for my next cycle, I have to go elsewhere for the water...is this something easily obtainable (OTC) or available from a Board Sponsor in small quantities?
  17. MilburnCreek

    Peppered Pork

    You'll swear this is beef - tender beef at that. This can be eaten as is, with a side dish of spinach sprinkled with lemon & parmesan (pictured), or, for more carbs, over a dish of pasta. This is my EASIEST recipe EVER. Ingredients 1 1/4 lbs Pork Tenderloin, sliced into 'medallions' 2 Cups...
  18. MilburnCreek

    Fall Pork w/ Apples & Kale

    Gentlemen, I admit it right up front: I EAT my way through the fall, because all my favorite foods are available and fresh right off local farms. This recipe is one of my latest inventions...I've had it three times this week, and it's just as good each time. It is Fall eating the way God...
  19. MilburnCreek

    One-pan, BBQ Chicken

    OK, so its not like fat-dripping on the outdoor BBQ...but it is a healthy, easy, indoor substitute. Minutes to Prepare: 5 Minutes to Cook: 15 Number of Servings: 2 Ingredients 2 large skinless, boneless Chicken Breasts 6 slices Turkey Bacon 1 minced Jalapeno Pepper 2 T. Ketchup 2 T.Brown...
  20. MilburnCreek

    Popeye's Salmon Brunch

    Add spinach to a fish dish and you have a powerful vitamin punch. A little smoky flavoring from that Pipe, and you've got taste bud orgasms too. Introduction Minutes to Prepare: 5 Minutes to Cook: 25 Number of Servings: 2 Ingredients 4 slices low-fat Turkey bacon 1 pound Fresh Wild...