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  1. Big-John

    National Geographic Explorer Testosterone Factor

    National Geographic Explorer Testosterone Factor - YouTube
  2. Big-John

    National Geographic Explorer Testosterone Factor

    National Geographic Explorer Testosterone Factor - YouTube
  3. Big-John

    3 Ways to Grow More Muscle..

    3 Ways to Grow More Muscle A Stimulating Article by Christian Thibaudeau Why does a person decide to lift weights? No doubt for one or more of the following reasons: • To gain muscle mass • To gain strength • To improve one's sports performance • To rehabilitate an injury • To get leaner...
  4. Big-John

    3 Ways to Grow More Muscle..

    3 Ways to Grow More Muscle A Stimulating Article by Christian Thibaudeau Why does a person decide to lift weights? No doubt for one or more of the following reasons: • To gain muscle mass • To gain strength • To improve one's sports performance • To rehabilitate an injury • To get leaner...
  5. Big-John

    Why food is more important than aas!

    I see a lot of guys saying they have run this and that and not responding to the gear they are using? When most of the time there diet and or training is not in check. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Of the 20 amino acids that comprise the structure of proteins, 10 are...
  6. Big-John

    Facts About Glycemic Index

    Question: What is the Glycemic Index (GI)? It is simply a measure of how much a food will contribute to a person's blood sugar level. The higher the index of a food item, the more rapid the increase in blood sugar level is. 'Sweet' food like maple syrup, chocolate, ice cream and 'starchy' food...
  7. Big-John

    Sleep is Ananbolic

    Sleep is Ananbolic
  8. Big-John

    Post Exercise Carbohydrates

    Post Exercise Carbohydrates May Be Counter-Productive
  9. Big-John

    Phase Shift Diets

    Phase Shift Diets - Back to the Future
  10. Big-John

    LipoFlush & Radical Diet Combo

    LipoFlush and the Radical Diet Combo
  11. Big-John

    Anabolic Synergism

    Anabolic Synergism - Amino Acids and Exercise
  12. Big-John

    How Steroid Hormones Work

    How Steroid Hormones Work Steroid hormones cause changes within a cell by first passing through the cell membrane of the target cell. Steroid hormones, unlike non-steroid hormones, can do this because they are fat-soluble. Cell membranes are composed of a phospholipid bilayer which prevents...
  13. Big-John

    Avatar Problems?

    Anyone else tried to upload an avatar and its not working. I wonder if this has something to do with there db problems? :confused:
  14. Big-John

    Eraser security tool for windows.

    Posted this over at promuscle. Highlights: Eraser is an advanced security tool for Windows which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns... Eraser Always do your own research before downloading if...
  15. Big-John

    New Member!

    Just wanted to say hello!
  16. Big-John

    4 Simple Leg Workouts to Spur New Growth

    By: Moutaindog - John Meadows Summer is many a bodybuilder's favorite time of year. The sunny skies and warm temperatures affords an easy opportunity for us to strut our stuff and expose that superhero physique we've been building all winter. But if you exercise your Iron Right to do the...
  17. Big-John

    Anavar Research

    Quotes posted by: Muay Thai
  18. Big-John

    Training for General Health and Wellness – Q&A

    BY LYLE MCDONALD Question: Obviously folks wanting to change body composition (lose fat or gain muscle) or maximize strength gains have to put in a proportionally larger amount of training to reach their goals but my question is this: what if my goals are simply basic overall health and...
  19. Big-John

    Best Pharmaceutical or Herb for Blunting Appetite – Q&A

    BY LYLE MCDONALD Question: Love your articles…keep up the great work! What is most efficient pharmaceutical/herb for blunting appetite? Lyle McDonald: Well, assuming you’re not talking about prescription types of drugs, I still have to say that the good old ephedrine/caffeine stack is one of...
  20. Big-John

    Anti-histamines and Fat Loss/Muscle Gain – Q&A

    BY LYLE MCDONALD Question: I have three of your books and find them very informative. I have a question you do not address in your books. Does taking Benedryl (dyphenhydramine) negatively affect either muscle building or fat loss? Lyle McDonald: Chronic anti-histamine use can negatively affect...