Search results

  1. Big-John

    Steroids boost muscles for the long haul...

    www.sciencenews.org Steroids may continue to boost muscle-building capacity long after a person stops taking the drugs, a new study of mice suggests. The finding could mean that athletes who cheat by taking anabolic steroids should be suspended from competition for a decade or longer. The...
  2. Big-John

    60 minutes about Rodriguez?

    Anyone watching the 60 minutes about Rodriguez? They are talking about him taking test tabs that will boost his test for just a couple hours right before the game? I never knew anything like that exist?
  3. Big-John


    Whenever I am tired and dont feel like going to the gym I always watch this. Powerlifting MOTIVATION - Light The Fire Beneath You - YouTube
  4. Big-John

    Powerlifting Nutrition 101

    Powerlifting Nutrition 101 By Phillip Wylie * The Average Powerlifter’s Diet Most if not the majority of powerlifters do not eat healthy. Proper nutrition is not just for those who need to loose weight. Usually, the typical diet for powerlifters is the see food diet.* You know, “Eat everything...
  5. Big-John

    New cycle new log.

    So I'm gonna try to keep a log on this cycle I started today. So here it is. Week 1-6 anadrol 50mg a day. Week 1-4 and 8-12 slin @ 20ui a day. Week 1-12 Test Prop 300mg Tren Ace 400mg Mast 400mg a...
  6. Big-John

    Legal Advice.

    Ok. I'm hoping someone here knows or has been through the same thing. So here's my question. I have joint custody with me kids and get then every other week and a week at a time. I got laid off work yesterday and may have another job but it will require me to be gone on a drill rig 2 weeks at a...
  7. Big-John

    New Robo Cop Movie!

    RoboCop Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Samuel L. Jackon, Gary Oldman Movie HD - YouTube
  8. Big-John

    God being pushed out of this coutry.

    This really bothers me and things are only going to get worse. Todd's American Dispatch: Feds forced churches to get baptism permits | Fox News
  9. Big-John

    A tribute to Brandon Lilly: The Animal

    Brandon Lilly: Animal - YouTube
  10. Big-John

    Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa

    Cant wait to watch this! :headbang: Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa - Official Trailer - YouTube
  11. Big-John

    Now We Know Why Googling 'Pressure Cookers' Gets a Visit from Cops

    Update: Now We Know Why Googling 'Pressure Cookers' Gets a Visit from Cops - Philip Bump - The Atlantic Wire
  12. Big-John

    Can You Guess What McDonald’s Food Item This Is?

    Can You Guess What McDonald
  13. Big-John

    Strange noises in the sky!

    Have any of you guys hear about this yet? Kinda freaks me out! Strange metallic sound from the sky, EDM, AB Canada July 17 2013 - YouTube Strange Sounds Heard All Across New Jersey. March 18th-20th, 2013 - YouTube Strange Sounds Worldwide: 7 Trumpets of Revelation? - YouTube Strange Earth...
  14. Big-John

    Honda's Powerful Lawnmower Can Reach 130 MPH

    Whos ready to cut some f'ing grass! :headbang: http://mashable.com/2013/07/22/honda-mean-mower/
  15. Big-John

    Batman set to join Superman In Man Of Steel Sequel-2015

    Movie Pictures | Movie Posters - Yahoo! Movies :headbang:
  16. Big-John

    How Man Of Steel Should Have Ended

    How Man Of Steel Should Have Ended - YouTube
  17. Big-John

    America no longer world’s fattest developed nation

    America no longer world
  18. Big-John

    Gh, Igf1 and Insulin discussed with Rich Piana

    gh igf1 insulin - YouTube
  19. Big-John

    Finally we can read women's thoughts!

    The Manslater: (Woman Language Translator) - YouTube
  20. Big-John

    T3 and Clen Help...

    OK so i got in my T3 and Clen for me and my wife but dont know how to dose it? Its in a spray bottle and its T3 100mcg/ml Clen 200mcg/ml... I would like to convert it over to IU's so I can just use an insulin pin.. So can anyone tell me how much I should take and how much my wife should take...