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  1. Big-John

    5 Essential Bodybuilding Training Tips for Tall Guys

    5 Essential Bodybuilding Training Tips for Tall Guys Iron Man Magazine / Posted 04.22.2012 How best to put on size if you’re over 6’ tall? All right, tall dudes, let’s face it: We can dunk a basketball, throw a football and baseball pretty far and usually line up first in school if they’re...
  2. Big-John

    Man of Steel - Trailer 3

    Man of Steel - Official Trailer 3 [HD] - YouTube
  3. Big-John

    My next cycle. Maybe?

    If I can afford it in the next 6 months this is what I am looking to do. And would love it if some of the vets could chime in and help out. HGH Months 1-3 @ 2iu a day in the am / Slin @ 5iu a day post workout month 1 on then month 2 off then run it again month 3 @ 5iu again. HGH Months 3-6 @...
  4. Big-John

    A little Diet help please.

    OK So I have been bulking and its time to cut. I am 6'4 225 as of right now. I have no problems eating clean what so ever but not sure how many calories to cut out and not over do it. I lift 4 days a week on my lunch break and its about 45min a day. I do not have a lot of time to do cardio as of...
  5. Big-John

    Car crashes into gym!

    Who else here would do this? lol
  6. Big-John


    Are they any powerlifters here that would be willing to share there routine? Im just trying to train for it and have ran Wendlers 5/3/1 and had some good results but seems like I am at a stop right now.
  7. Big-John

    Pain & Gain

    I don't know about you guys but I can not wait for this movie to come out! Pain & Gain Trailer 2013 Michael Bay Movie - Official [HD] - YouTube I use to push a Fiero around in 96 just like the one is this movie. lol
  8. Big-John

    A Dozen Gym No-No's

    A Dozen Gym No-No's - YouTube
  9. Big-John

    You Lift Like A Girl!

    You Lift Like A Girl - YouTube
  10. Big-John

    Merry Christmas!

    After today I will not be on in a few days so I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! :cool:
  11. Big-John

    New Shirt For My Son!

    What do you guys think?
  12. Big-John

    Heavy On My Mind..

    Thought i would share this. A girl I dated all through high school & college took her life a few weeks ago for unknown reasons. Its has really bothered me the last few weeks but its not something I can talk to the wife about. Me and her was dating again right before I meet my wife a couple years...
  13. Big-John

    Dear John Witherspoon: "Steroids"

    Dear John Witherspoon: "Steroids" - YouTube
  14. Big-John

    The Science of Anabolic Steroids

    NatGeo - Science of Anabolic Steroids - YouTube
  15. Big-John

    HGH Expectations – Month by Month

    Everyone wants to know how long it will take to start seeing any results from HGH supplementation. Different people notice different results with homeopathic GH. Some people see immediate, dramatic results, while others experience more subtle benefits. With proper diet and exercise, the results...
  16. Big-John

    HGH Expectations – Month by Month

    Everyone wants to know how long it will take to start seeing any results from HGH supplementation. Different people notice different results with homeopathic GH. Some people see immediate, dramatic results, while others experience more subtle benefits. With proper diet and exercise, the results...
  17. Big-John

    10 Ways to Build Muscle Mass...

    1. Pursue Progressive Overload. The law of progressive overload simply says that you must increase the amount of reps or the weight lifted every single workout (or as close to this as humanly possible) in order to ignite muscle growth. The body adapts to stimuli, so how do we use this...
  18. Big-John

    10 Ways to Build Muscle Mass...

    1. Pursue Progressive Overload. The law of progressive overload simply says that you must increase the amount of reps or the weight lifted every single workout (or as close to this as humanly possible) in order to ignite muscle growth. The body adapts to stimuli, so how do we use this...
  19. Big-John

    FST-7 Fascia Stretching Training Overview

    By: Daniel Alpa I first came across FST-7 not knowing that the top two bodybuilders, Jay Cutler and Phil Heath, were doing it. I was giving DC Training a try and stumbled across FST-7, created by Hany Rambod, as I further researched more about DC Training. I was having decent results with DC...
  20. Big-John

    Steroid Chart

    I just put this up on another board and thought I would share here. This should help some beginners out.