Recent content by squatster

  1. squatster

    Sterilization of stoppers and vials

    Good to see you post man, you've been a member for many years. Sorry it's so empty here. Hopefully we will pick up soon. I wish I had an answer to your question. Have to admit, I'm a bad one to go by. I don't sterilize anything ever. Know I should.
  2. squatster

    Happy New Year

    Just wanted to wish everyone a happy New Year I know I'm late, sorry
  3. squatster


    Am trying to find the website that makes the labels.
  4. squatster

    It's time to get HUGE!

    Hope you feel better man. That sucks. My hip i got replaced December 2022 is hurting me for some reason, also my muscles feel like there ripping of the bone. No clue what it is
  5. squatster

    It's time to get HUGE!

    I'm still here man. Thank you for posting your log
  6. squatster

    PIP on first test e injection?

    I have the same problem with many oils.
  7. squatster

    pic of me a few years ago

    I need to find more of my pics. Had some on another website but the place got hacked
  8. squatster

    PIP on first test e injection?

    I know, old post Have you checked to see if it's crystalized ? You could warm it up first?
  9. squatster

    Erase old pm's

    How do I erase old pm's. My box is pretty dang full
  10. squatster

    Great to be back

    Everyone disappeared from here. Hope everyone is well. I miss this place and everyone that was here. I've been busy my self. I got my hip replaced in December . I'm ready for a cycle big time. I am totally out of juice now. My hip hurt so bad before surgery, I just gave up on everything. My...
  11. squatster

    It's time to get HUGE!

    That's one of my favorite ways to work out , body part every other day. mK677 is great for that. Also I used to use mast, test P and Tren A everyday
  12. squatster

    It's time to get HUGE!

    You're still looking good brotha. Wish I could stick to it my self, infact I'm going to go get some donuts now
  13. squatster

    It's time to get HUGE!

    How are you and the pup doing?
  14. squatster

    Hyaluronic Acid Benefits

    https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/hyaluronic-acid-benefits Sounds like some great stuff
  15. squatster

    Any one recognize these Tabs

    Any one? Any thing?