thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Guess I'm lucky Atom. My wife digs bald.... Maybe a little topical dht inhibitor?
Glad you layed the wood to it in the gym today. I am heading outfor arms soon.Not use to training this late.. Don't feel like going as I'm running bon little sleep. Had a talk with myself. When in doubt take your(me) ass on to the gym.
Has a way of clearing my head and putting things on track.
Our guy IB is out on a kitty rescue. Come home and get some rest brother.
Brickster and the rest of the gang resting today? We sometimes need that too
Hope all are having a good day. Seeya soon... T


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Hey T, I was all rev'd up to hit back this afternoon and 2 emails at work blew my afternoon all to pieces. Damn! I'd rather train. Planning on back tomorrow and with this angst all built up.... watch out!


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Brick, We musta been under the same moon yesterday lol. I never got the arm w/o in that was planned. Missed PT as well. Had one of those extremely rare domestic skirmishes. Rare with me and mine. Happens under exhaustion and extreme stress. We are all good now. Our buddy IB's heart of gold has put him through the wringer last couple days . Make a good segment in a movie.
Anyhoo I'm heading in to redeem myself as well. Guys -face it we are forever
altered and the iron is like food air and water to us. Just essential.
Gonna up the volume on arms today. My beautiful wife got me tuned up and ready to do my thing. Where would I be without her?
i'll be jamming down on my issue 11 articles next couple days.
Life is good if we just let it be..... Now get in there and hit that shit proper
guys/gals! Thx T.


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
Got back in the gym today after a much needed rest day:) again was able to go heavy on bench and the weight felt light. Started with bench did a pyramid.
Bench set 1 warm up 20 reps. Set 2 went heavier 10 reps. Set 3 heavier again with 8 reps. Last 2 sets were sets of 5. Superset dips each set

Free weight flys 5x 12 moderate weight 65lb dumbbells superset skull crushers

Free motion incline flys 3x12 superset tri push downs

Free motion decline flys 3x12 superset tri push

Pec deck to finish


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Managed to train back today for a.... as T says, doozy! Felt great! Tomorrow, shoulders and traps.... if my job behaves. Changes happening that may increase my workload. That's OK as long as I can throw some iron.


Oct 27, 2012
Howdy fellas! Turbo, well she is going to have to like it lol I knew I was going to go bald regardless as it runs in my family. If I am going to be bald, i am going to wear it with pride and be swole doing it!

She actually had an interview down near my area today so i took off work to spend the day with her. Long distance relationships are rough, but so far we've been making it work...the weekends are always something to look forward to.

Bis and back today
BB Rev Curls (20-30RP) 15+9+5 beat LT by 3 reps
Preacher Curls (15-20RP) up 5 lbs 11+5+3
Underhand Pulldowns (15-20rp) 11+5+3 beat LT by 3 reps
Meadows Rows up 10 lbs 5x5
Freemotion 1 arm pulldown wm 21 reps
Freemotion 1 arm row WM 20reps
Spider Curl WM 21 reps

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Did back tonight. Been doing the same routine for about 5 weeks now and milking it still. Weights are up or reps, sometimes both. Really enjoying this. Being completely off everything--nothing except pre workouts, glutamine and whey proteins and food and growing. Ate 7,000 calories yesterday, extremely clean for off season and only 5,000 today, but I was nice and full and really felt powerful. My hoodies are noticably less loose than they were now, yeah baby. When I finally introduce some compounds, I'm going LIGHT on the amounts and keep riding this training high I'm on as long as I can. THIS is why I started in the first place over 20 years ago and I'm grateful hanging here with like minded individuals keeps me fired up day in and out. For that, I thank you all brothers (and sisters!).


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Ok been on a lost cat hunt outa town and after dealing with local hillbillys at the truck stop where the dang cat was lost , he decided to come out lol. 3 days of heck!
Boot camp pics. Well it's virgin camp Im not tossing tires and throwing bodies around just basic agility goofy stuff but I got to see nice ass.. Lol.

Back at it today .. Hit some chest and tossed up some good weight with all the crap food on the go I was eating.. So I had two large pizza.. So.. lol
Getting back into the groove pct is hot and I need a dietician so will find one .
Glad everyone is hitting it nicely , nothing wrong with a kojax gnome cause yettys look sexy bald so u can to.. T what u been doin at night ? Got a security gig tomorrow so I'll be suited up secret service like.. You guys like suits? Lol. I do but alterations suck..I'll protect the hospital.. Aloha..


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
You know they hate when 5 walk up and ya say this the alla ya's ?You fucked up.
Man that mace just ruins contact lenses!... lol..... I avoid getting into that I could give a f--k who you are mode in my old age..
Ok gotta hop off and head for the gym. Finishing some stuff today for newsletter 11. Hey brick I loved the ole school training flashback piece you did . Very cool.
Have great day and smile we are only here for a short while.
Be kind towards others and work the hell outta that equipment!... T


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Hey T, glad you liked that piece. I had some fun with it. I know there's more out there like that and I wanna hear about them. Cool shit happens in those old iron pits.

Hoping to hit shoulders and traps after lunch, but it all hinges on one person at work. Deadlines. I wish I controlled everything :D


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Nice leg session. Hey Got to get under the saftey squat bar and just feel a few sets after my regular stuff today was exts ham work and 7 sets of hacks .
The saftey bar sets were at the end with Eddie critiquing.
Now back to writing. holler later. T


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
The Mrs. said, "hey, let's do mountain dog legs."

Last time I listen to her training ideas. Lol.

Seriously...that's some wonderfully mean shit.


Oct 27, 2012
Grim, you off completely, meaning not even TRT? Dang brother... then again, I never felt normal until I was on TRT lol

IB, you crack me up!

Well I hit legs this morning..it was rough as I had a nasty headache when i woke up. Pretty sure dehydration headache as I was OK later on in the day as I drank more water.

Seated Calf Raises 4 sets of 10 with deep stretch
Seated Leg Curls 4 sets of 12
Lying Leg Curls 1 set of 12 then 1 RP set in the 15-20RP range
Hack Squats went up 10 lbs on all sets 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 2x6 then 1 widowmaker with partials at the end
Finished it off with a leg extension drop set

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Grim, you off completely, meaning not even TRT? Dang brother... then again, I never felt normal until I was on TRT lol...
Yessir. 100% clean right now. I really can't explain it but my BP and resting pulse are low as hell, I really have to crank up cardio to get my HR to 115 and every damn week weights are getting crushed. I was afraid I'd lose a lot, instead I'm training and gaining like it's my first ever test cycle or something bro!


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
Blasted shoulders today.
Seated dumbbell presses 5x12
Side lateral raises 5x20
Front lateral raises 5x20
Shrugs 5x30
Reverse peck deck 5x15

Getting leaner and more vascular.... I hadn't noticed the veins popping in my rear delts until this morning.... Had always had them running through the front delts, into my chest area and through my abs. I must be doing something right cause I made some good strength increases this week as well! Happy Friday everyone and hope you all have a great weekend :)


Oct 27, 2012
I woke up feeling good even though I didn't sleep much last night, but fuck was it chilly when I was opened the door. I've been in kind of a baddass training mentality lately... it tends to happen to me when I start growing.

I had chest, shoulders and tris today... killer mentality at work
Neutral Flat Db press (15-20rp) 12+5+3 beat LT by 4 reps
Incline Db Fly WM 22reps -> decided to change it up to see if I can stimulate some new growth
Nautilus Plate Loaded shoulder press (15-20rp) 12+5+3 beat LT by 3 reps
Side Lateral WM 21reps
Dead Skulls (15-20rp) 12+6+3 beat LT by 4 reps
Overhead Tri Ext WM 22 reps

I was completely fried...

I am kind of nervous about continuing to use ICL gear being that he has been unresponsive... At least I have bunch of IV-Gear stuff that I was planning on using for this cycle. I think I am going to drop the ICL stuff.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
I woke up feeling good even though I didn't sleep much last night, but fuck was it chilly when I was opened the door. I've been in kind of a baddass training mentality lately... it tends to happen to me when I start growing.

I had chest, shoulders and tris today... killer mentality at work
Neutral Flat Db press (15-20rp) 12+5+3 beat LT by 4 reps
Incline Db Fly WM 22reps -> decided to change it up to see if I can stimulate some new growth
Nautilus Plate Loaded shoulder press (15-20rp) 12+5+3 beat LT by 3 reps
Side Lateral WM 21reps
Dead Skulls (15-20rp) 12+6+3 beat LT by 4 reps
Overhead Tri Ext WM 22 reps

I was completely fried...

I am kind of nervous about continuing to use ICL gear being that he has been unresponsive... At least I have bunch of IV-Gear stuff that I was planning on using for this cycle. I think I am going to drop the ICL stuff.

Awesome brother. What type of bench angle do you use for your incline work?
As far as discontinuing a brand, hell, do whatever your gut tells you man.