thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Ah doozy achieved. I'll be feeling that in the morning been knocking down some steak tar tar . Carved pumkins with the grand daughter.
Man what a finish for pats vs. saints. Ib doing his mr french imitation .
arms in the am . Have agood night and week ahead. Thx T....


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Lol. Yeah I'm carvin a pumpkin just to fry the seeds so my loads bigger for my girlfriend .. This kid I'm tryin to teach manners is gettin tied up. He tells me he has early release from school.. Noon! WTF ? So yeah dad forgot to tell uncle buck that.. But he's got a birthday party after so him and I ran to store for a gift card for the girl so he's has a hookup in 2 yrs.. Lol.

Clank clank for shoulders today. Im more cut than I've been since Ohhh. Hell can't remember.. Lol. Met my island chica for the hawk game and she was hanging on Ib like a fly on a steak and I miss her ... Sorry T u got no tits..


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
That kid's gonna make you really glad to be the uncle . Nice when you can return them to the rightful "owners".. LOL.. Hey you know I have not seen Bernard or Jess since 4th of july.. OK getting ready for some arm and misc
work. Still very conservative as I know this shoulder has a ways to go to heal.
The rest of you guys have a great day and start to yor week.
Brick ya get rested up? AA I;'m trying to bring my focus level up to yours
ya freak....Check back in a while. Thx T.............


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Morning freaks! I had a great wheels workout yesterday. I was fired up for some reason. Walked into the gym and tore it up. Might have been the Starbucks LOL The whole time I was training I noticed a 20-something guy over on the squat rack. Had the bar loaded to #345. I kid you not, in the hour I did an entire workout, this kid did maybe 4-5 sets, of just a couple reps each set. The rest of the time he sat there dicking around with his phone. I wanted to walk over and say... there's reason you don't look like you train much LOL
Today is chest after lunch. Lets make some noise this week brothers!


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Nice bi'tri work out. Couple guys in getting ready for wpf worlds on nov 2nd.
Vinnie @220 takking a few easy 615-620 reps on the bench.
Eddie cone squatting a set of 8 reps @540. Each rep perfect like a machine.
Guess that have the hip replacements down pat. Anyway still being conservative with any upper body work which at this point is just arms
other than abs. good work out. Glad to hear ya rocked it brick.
Thx T......


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Yeppp!! Back at it on leg day monday . After warmin up with sets of ext and hammys ..Hit the leg press for some nice sets of 20 plates and drop setted for two three sets and on to barbell lunges outside across the parking lot and man was i smoked..Hit some calves cause they are a favorite as always..
Did some stretching and some foam roller work because daddys gonna feel it tonite.. keep rippin it up gents!!


Oct 27, 2012
Looks like you guys are all doing great!!! That makes me really happy...

So just a quick little update.

Awesome weekend up the poconos with my girlfriend. Got to meet my mom and her significant other (guy is pretty much my father) and my grandparents. my mom and my girlfriend hit it off so that was awesome. We drive around in a maserati all weekend too! Had some incredible food too! We did a wine trail up there as well and I ended up getting a case lol

We (meaning my girl and I) still trained as normal. We went to my old gym and she got to meet the guy who got me first started. I had a SICK legg session today.

Seated Calfs 2 sets of deep stretching sets DC style
Standing Calf 5 sets all varying tempos and doing pauses at the bottom and top
Seated leg curls 2 high rep sets to get a little blood going
Standing Leg curls 5 sets of 12 reps with a pause at the bottom and 1 sec contraction at the top
Hack Squats all sets to absolute failure and then 2 partials 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 2x6 and then a WM drop set. Did 4 drop after the regular 20 rep WM
Then Leg Extensions. did two sets to failure then on the thir one I went to failure then did as many partials as I could at each weight all the way up the rack then went all the way back down to 10lbs



Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
Had a great training session... Back and bicepts haven't changed my training cause I am still gaining. Was able to lift heavier this morning and the weights felt light!! Gonna run with this fir a few more weeks till the gains slow ;)


Oct 27, 2012
Chest, shoulders and tris this morning. I was seriously tired as all hell this morning and I think I slept through my alarm because I got up about 15minutes after it was supposed to go off.

I took me a few minutes to get my ass moving and get to the gym, but once I got my blood flowing it was clobbering time!

Flat Neutral DB press (15-20rp) up 5 lbs 9+5+2 - Pretty good, felt strong
Scoop Fly WM sick set! Was burning like all hell
Nautilus Plate Loaded Shoulder Press (15-20rp) up 10lbs 10+5+2 - Impressed with my progress
Side Lateral WM got 22 reps then did partials at a higher weight then did a super light weight for as many reps as possible. Pump was unreal
Dead Skulls (15-20rp) Went up 5 lbs 10+5+2 another awesome set
Overhead Tri Ext WM Got 25reps then did subsequent drops doing as many reps as possible

Got my bloodwork back and all looks good with the exception of MCH and MCHC. Strange, right?

My testosterone also came back LOW (201ng/dL total testosterone with a normal Free testosterone level of 71.8 pg/mL). I did wait a full week after my last injection when I normally wait 5 days, so that is why.

Now it is time to get swole!!!


Registered User
Oct 31, 2012
Man, I got pumped as fuck watching Lee Priest win the Universe this last weekend. That's a quality physique that I seek to emulate right there.
Hit back and chest last night. Hard. Warmed up for a few sets on decline bench and then hit 345x8 and 295 for 10. Grabbed my mag grip handle and nailed three sets of close grip pulldowns. 235x6 200x7 and 160 for 10.
Did one set of bodyweight Gironda dips for 14 reps. Lastly knocked out three sets of wide grip cable rows, 220 200 and 180lbs, forgot to count reps on the first set so just said fuck it on the last two also! they were all over 10 though. I think...


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Morning fellow gym rats! Sounds like we are hitting it! Rev'in it up for my favorite workout.... BACK! Grass feed beef for lunch then deadlifting it baby! Oh! did I mention a shot of caffeine?


Oct 27, 2012
Man, I got pumped as fuck watching Lee Priest win the Universe this last weekend. That's a quality physique that I seek to emulate right there.
Hit back and chest last night. Hard. Warmed up for a few sets on decline bench and then hit 345x8 and 295 for 10. Grabbed my mag grip handle and nailed three sets of close grip pulldowns. 235x6 200x7 and 160 for 10.
Did one set of bodyweight Gironda dips for 14 reps. Lastly knocked out three sets of wide grip cable rows, 220 200 and 180lbs, forgot to count reps on the first set so just said fuck it on the last two also! they were all over 10 though. I think...

Tri, what is your training style like? I know it is low volume more HIT style...but I am curious.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Nothing but a headcold and some rest today.. Pt for the shoulder tomorrow.
Trying to be patient . Have not trained chest back or shoulders since spring.
Least legs are responding and arms too. Hope by dec for some light upper body. Have great day tomorrow. Thx T


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Right on Atom.. you needed that for the bs the governments been doing to you brutha.. thanks for sharing a fun time..
Jims back at it..cool.. hes always upbeat which i like ..
Right on Brick ! Man do i love a shot of a smokey coffee bean in a espresso shot to perk me up....and not just because the barista is the bikini variety at 7am.lol..
You are right on.Tri Terror.. killer show brutha..glad u are going after it after your hospitol stint..cool man..
Turbobusa u just need to take a break. I can run the world alone for a day ..
Blasted back on a 2 hour break and been really seeing some great odd changes i cant explain.lol.. i feel like a wound up little kid because a huge anchor of 4 yrs was cut off..
Appreciate all listening to me complain since ive joined and now i can live and train without a camera following me so weights are flying up..! Have a good am . Two more days of uncle buck T..lol..


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
Good morning
Just got home from the gym... Another great training day. Chest and tri's.... The weights are still moving up and feeling lighter so that's great news.
Warmed up with cable flys and tri kick backs

Moved to incline bench 5x8 super set skull crushers 5x12
Peck deck slow controlled movements 5x15 superset dips
Free motion incline flys 5x12 superset tri push downs
Decline flys 5x12 superset reverse pull downs

Every set to failure with about 1 minute rest between each superset. 30 minutes of treadmill and off to work


Oct 27, 2012
Nothing but a headcold and some rest today.. Pt for the shoulder tomorrow.
Trying to be patient . Have not trained chest back or shoulders since spring.
Least legs are responding and arms too. Hope by dec for some light upper body. Have great day tomorrow. Thx T

Damn Turbo, I hope you start feeling better brother... get some rest and get back to it.

Good morning
Just got home from the gym... Another great training day. Chest and tri's.... The weights are still moving up and feeling lighter so that's great news.
Warmed up with cable flys and tri kick backs

Moved to incline bench 5x8 super set skull crushers 5x12
Peck deck slow controlled movements 5x15 superset dips
Free motion incline flys 5x12 superset tri push downs
Decline flys 5x12 superset reverse pull downs

Every set to failure with about 1 minute rest between each superset. 30 minutes of treadmill and off to work

You've been killing it Jim! I love it :headbang:

I don't think I'd be able to do the chest and tri supersets... I'd be too smoked. More power to you.

How do you like some of those FreeMotion machines? I use a few of them as well. I love the single arm wide pulldown and I drive my elbows down into my hips when doing them. It seems to really work on back width.

Today was forearms, bis and back. I felt good when I woke up this morning and was ready to roll:

Hammer curls (20-30rp) 16+8+5 time to move up
BB Curls (15-20RP) 11+6+4 time to move up again!
Nautilus Plate Loaded Pulldown (15-20RP) went up 30lbs 10+4+2 not bad
BB Bent Row goal is 5x5 went up 20lbs got 7 reps on sets 1 and 2 and 6 on the rest...moving up on this again
Freemotion single arm pulldown WM 22 reps
freemotion single arm row WM 20reps
Spider Curl WM 23reps

I was torched!

ICL blast is in full effect brothers...


Registered User
Oct 31, 2012
Tri, what is your training style like? I know it is low volume more HIT style...but I am curious.

Check out my article in the newsletter, that is pretty much how I train all year. But to sum it up I hit most muscles once a week, if I feel good like I can go in and smash it I'll train a muscle again in the same week.

I do 3-5 working sets per muscle all to failure. Sometimes I pre exhaust with an iso exercise. Much of the time I just start heavy and decrease the weight for subsequent sets or exercises. My chest/back workout I posted above is a pretty typical training day. Sometimes I switch up the split though.


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
I will sneak a few pictures of the free motion machines tomorrow. I really like using them as finishers. We have quit a few at a couple if the gyms I train at. We have a fly free motion, lat pull down, shoulder press and one other one. Hammer strength are great 2. It's really nice fir me to have a good balance of free weights with some good machines to finish things off with ;) thanks for the encouragement brother! Sure helps us keep motivated!


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
3 good ones in a row so I am resting today. Back went great yesterday.... Deads, then drop set t-bar rows, hammer rows, pull downs. All heavy. Ones that make you smile and burn.

Keep it rolling brothers!
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The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Hit chest on Monday. Wasn't as inspired, schedule's a bit screwy this week - but weights were all up and in many cases so were reps from week prior. Funny (almost real bad) story is last Friday I did legs and was stronger than I've been in ages - literally years. Sat down after doing hammies to start quads and on the first warmup set, first rep I contracted my quad so hard (thought weight was gonna feel a lot heavier) that the pad left my shin and I narrowly avoided having my nose broken by it. I LOLd but that was fucked up.
Proceeded to crush everything in my path, skipped last exercise as knees felt tight and didn't want to chance anything. Stretching and foam rolling proved I was just tight and not overused/injured/etc. Love taht shit. Taking tonight off, with my kids tonight, fun stuff, book fairs, etc. Tomorrow resumes schedule with back. Can't wait for that shit son! Training frequency is by feel at this point and paying off in spades. Stay good brothers.