1 board with red minis doubled up for a max single. Warm up raww, 45,135,225,315,405. Shirt 495+bands 2 board
545+bands 2board
585+bands 1 board up and easy!
db bench 2x20
triceps 3x15-20
face pulls 4x20
flys 2x20
Easy but had no spotters for awile. So i warmed up and then waited till people came in and no one did for some time. I get it, it just sucks when i rely on needing 4 spotters ( 1 hand off, 2 sides, and one board holder.). Need a crew of guys, got something close but every body waas out today. So the young guys that were there that train with my old crew get schooled. Gym edicate needs to be spred. LOL