Did shoulders
local workout at apartment gym
gf had spin class and figure practice so i'm watchin the dog.
side flys 15dbx20 25dbx20 35db 4x15
front raise and hold for 3 seconds 10db 4x12-15
face pulls with lat bar 3 second holds 50
Alot of people ask me why the holds when i do shoulders. Well if you look at the Russian lifters no one has rotator cuff problems. THE REASON IS.............................people bench like retarded bodybuilders. Keep your elbows tucked! You dont do push ups like that why the fuck would you bench with your elbows out. The holds build up the muscles in the upper back and endurance in the delts to hold good form with heavy fuckin weight.
Keep it classy
local workout at apartment gym
gf had spin class and figure practice so i'm watchin the dog.
side flys 15dbx20 25dbx20 35db 4x15
front raise and hold for 3 seconds 10db 4x12-15
face pulls with lat bar 3 second holds 50
Alot of people ask me why the holds when i do shoulders. Well if you look at the Russian lifters no one has rotator cuff problems. THE REASON IS.............................people bench like retarded bodybuilders. Keep your elbows tucked! You dont do push ups like that why the fuck would you bench with your elbows out. The holds build up the muscles in the upper back and endurance in the delts to hold good form with heavy fuckin weight.
Keep it classy