My Gift to ALL AnaSCI Members!


Donating Member
Jun 16, 2015
I used to be all into what the pros are doing and trying to find out. But pretty much all the info is out there now. Now I'm just trying things one at a time and seeing what works best for me.

I could care less what pros X and Y are doing. Mostly because I'm not Pro X or Y.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Well - we will see - me and a few other members hopefully including our K1 will be giving it a go real soon
I my self am going to be taking it ex axactly how CG tells me to- hopefully he will stil work with us.
He started a few great topics and thw keep getting polluted
We wil see first hand on what it's all about-
I for 1 am very excited
CG- gonna need your guidence brotha

Yes, I did say that I would be in a position to try this protocol in September if all the information was out there...But there are a couple factors involved in that and you should think the same:

1) If there are going to be people running this then they should also be logging their use of it openly...At this moment this thread equates to the same thing that Devenidas has stated regarding Jordan (Jordan says ALL the Pros are not running this type of protocol, CG says that a single Pro gave him this information and that ALL Pros are gaining their freakish size from this): Both are hearsay...Again like mentioned before, none of this is breaking news and I have seen Big A, Dad and MANY others talk about it freely many times over. So anyone that decides to run this protocol should be openly logging their progress to see the gains made even on a smaller dosing scale. No more "hearsay"!

2) Also as has been mentioned and ALL OF US KNOWS insulin CAN KILL YOU! There is not one person in this thread that can dispute that, period! So if anyone is going to be running this protocol you better damn well believe that it better be guided by someone that has actually experimented with it themselves...Other then that, what is it really - a cut and paste comment that was given to one person by another?!! Sounds a lot like what we have been bred to believe, we are suppose to be giving the govt a percentage of everything we own for life...Because someone told us that was the right thing to do all those years ago (but obviously that's an analogy for another thread lol). So...

3) Has CG actually tried this protocol or something similar using Lantus?! I'll ask the same to bboy, have you tried this protocol or something similar using Lantus?! I'll ask anyone in this thread (in case I missed it), have any of you actually run this protocol or something similar using Lantus?! Because I could make a thread right here and now and give you a breakdown of what many Pros have taken for their cycles that I have spoken with over the years (could post emails or pm's for everyone of them and could even tell you the sources they were using, whether overseas guys getting shit from the local pharm or the US guys getting them from off these boards)...But I have never run any of their cycles either (see my point)?!

Obviously there are other factors but I am not even going to bother getting into those...Just a waste of finger muscles typing on those as that horse has been beaten to death 10x over the past couple weeks:rolleyes:


New member
Jan 2, 2017
Exactly insulin is insulin..In my opinion the way to get the most out of it is to introduce it when lean and don't go crazy on carbs but up the protein,EAAs and glutamine to prevent going hypo(always have some fast carbs on hand though)


Registered User
Apr 3, 2013
I've used small amounts of lantus in keto to activate the fat shuttling ability of injectable l-carnitine and never had a single episode of hypo even on virtually zero carbs.

I may give this a try also and see what happens but im waiting on my gh before I start.....no matter what some say I truly believe the gh multiple times a day while on insulin is a MUST. I've tried many insulin protocols and got fat very fast....but then again im a natural endomorph, the ecto guys may be able to run it and stay lean without gh. Although I dont look too good on slin I will say the strength gains I felt were the best ever, got noticeably stronger every week.


Registered User
May 15, 2017
I've used small amounts of lantus in keto to activate the fat shuttling ability of injectable l-carnitine and never had a single episode of hypo even on virtually zero carbs.

I may give this a try also and see what happens but im waiting on my gh before I start.....no matter what some say I truly believe the gh multiple times a day while on insulin is a MUST. I've tried many insulin protocols and got fat very fast....but then again im a natural endomorph, the ecto guys may be able to run it and stay lean without gh. Although I dont look too good on slin I will say the strength gains I felt were the best ever, got noticeably stronger every week.

nice feedback...

yes, I think it's a no-brainer to include l-Carnitine in their program if they are running any kind of slin. would think it would really make it a lot easier to stay lean/keep fat gain at bay on the slin, as well as increase androgen receptor sensitivity among other things


Registered User
Jun 27, 2016
@concreteguy, very good post and good read brother you definitely hit the nail right on the head with everything you have said here. including what's going on on over in Kuwait.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


Registered User
May 15, 2017
I've used small amounts of lantus in keto to activate the fat shuttling ability of injectable l-carnitine and never had a single episode of hypo even on virtually zero carbs.

I may give this a try also and see what happens but im waiting on my gh before I start.....no matter what some say I truly believe the gh multiple times a day while on insulin is a MUST. I've tried many insulin protocols and got fat very fast....but then again im a natural endomorph, the ecto guys may be able to run it and stay lean without gh. Although I dont look too good on slin I will say the strength gains I felt were the best ever, got noticeably stronger every week.

Lewy, when you were running lantus while on a keto diet, were you just eating lower carbs or were you running more of a "true" keto diet (i.e. fat intake >60%+ of total calories)?

Reno 911

Donating Member
Nov 28, 2014
New to this board. Stopped over from PM- very nice thread here. This has def re-peaked my interest on slin use. I also went back and re-listened to the Collette Nelson interview w/ Palumbo (link below) discussing long acting insulin.

Being that I don't compete and push things too hard. The 3 protocols below is what I have toyed with in the past.

1) Humulin R 8iu w/ meal 1, 6iu w/ meal 3
*This is kind of the old school Palumbo method. Def worked for putting on size but I also got fatter on it as I was pushing the carbs/cals quite high. Weight during the times I did this method was a soft 265-285

2) Log 10iu 15 min Preworkout
* This seems pretty standard these days. I have only done this protocol when I have been under 8% body fat. At this body fat with the proper diet and cardio, I stayed lean and the log def made me fuller. Normally for carbs on this I'll do 60g about 90min pre workout, 75 HBCD w/ 40 EEA Intra workout, 10 glut, and then 60-80 carbs post workout. Never had any issues going hypo.

3) This protocol below seemed to be the most "magical" for me. I have only done it once due to the difficulty with work schedule doing fasted cardio and then 2 weight sessions during the day.

Training Session 1:
10iu Log Post workout:
75g whey iso
70g HBCD
30 min after post workout shake:
5 oz chicken breast 40g Pro
2 bagels 100g Carbs

Training Session 2:
5iu Log Pre Workout
75g HBCD
40g EEA

Immediately after training:
10iu Log
50g whey iso
155g carbs from Quaker Oatmeal squares.

* The above protocol I did for 4 weeks and took me from 6-1 lean 235 to 247 and just as lean but super full and round (3D looking.)

Insulin Applications in Bodybuilding with Colette Nelson - YouTube

Marky boy

Donating Member
May 13, 2014
I think the ones wanting to try this including myself just need to bite the bullet and give it a go. It's all trial error.

Obviously start off on the lower side maybe 20iu Lantus? And build up from there.

Then assess over say 12-16 weeks on how it was with a couple of logs.

Then possibly try another method of say faster acting slin 3x a day 3x a week and log that also.

Would give us something to compare and the different effects it has on people.

Would be good to see the advantages and disadvantages of both.


Aug 11, 2004
New to this board. Stopped over from PM- very nice thread here. This has def re-peaked my interest on slin use. I also went back and re-listened to the Collette Nelson interview w/ Palumbo (link below) discussing long acting insulin.

Being that I don't compete and push things too hard. The 3 protocols below is what I have toyed with in the past.

1) Humulin R 8iu w/ meal 1, 6iu w/ meal 3
*This is kind of the old school Palumbo method. Def worked for putting on size but I also got fatter on it as I was pushing the carbs/cals quite high. Weight during the times I did this method was a soft 265-285

2) Log 10iu 15 min Preworkout
* This seems pretty standard these days. I have only done this protocol when I have been under 8% body fat. At this body fat with the proper diet and cardio, I stayed lean and the log def made me fuller. Normally for carbs on this I'll do 60g about 90min pre workout, 75 HBCD w/ 40 EEA Intra workout, 10 glut, and then 60-80 carbs post workout. Never had any issues going hypo.

3) This protocol below seemed to be the most "magical" for me. I have only done it once due to the difficulty with work schedule doing fasted cardio and then 2 weight sessions during the day.

Training Session 1:
10iu Log Post workout:
75g whey iso
70g HBCD
30 min after post workout shake:
5 oz chicken breast 40g Pro
2 bagels 100g Carbs

Training Session 2:
5iu Log Pre Workout
75g HBCD
40g EEA

Immediately after training:
10iu Log
50g whey iso
155g carbs from Quaker Oatmeal squares.

* The above protocol I did for 4 weeks and took me from 6-1 lean 235 to 247 and just as lean but super full and round (3D looking.)

Insulin Applications in Bodybuilding with Colette Nelson - YouTube
Protocol #3 = "what most ifbb pros do" :lightbulb:


New member
Jul 3, 2017
Yes, I did say that I would be in a position to try this protocol in September if all the information was out there...But there are a couple factors involved in that and you should think the same:

1) If there are going to be people running this then they should also be logging their use of it openly...At this moment this thread equates to the same thing that Devenidas has stated regarding Jordan (Jordan says ALL the Pros are not running this type of protocol, CG says that a single Pro gave him this information and that ALL Pros are gaining their freakish size from this): Both are hearsay...Again like mentioned before, none of this is breaking news and I have seen Big A, Dad and MANY others talk about it freely many times over. So anyone that decides to run this protocol should be openly logging their progress to see the gains made even on a smaller dosing scale. No more "hearsay"!

2) Also as has been mentioned and ALL OF US KNOWS insulin CAN KILL YOU! There is not one person in this thread that can dispute that, period! So if anyone is going to be running this protocol you better damn well believe that it better be guided by someone that has actually experimented with it themselves...Other then that, what is it really - a cut and paste comment that was given to one person by another?!! Sounds a lot like what we have been bred to believe, we are suppose to be giving the govt a percentage of everything we own for life...Because someone told us that was the right thing to do all those years ago (but obviously that's an analogy for another thread lol). So...

3) Has CG actually tried this protocol or something similar using Lantus?! I'll ask the same to bboy, have you tried this protocol or something similar using Lantus?! I'll ask anyone in this thread (in case I missed it), have any of you actually run this protocol or something similar using Lantus?! Because I could make a thread right here and now and give you a breakdown of what many Pros have taken for their cycles that I have spoken with over the years (could post emails or pm's for everyone of them and could even tell you the sources they were using, whether overseas guys getting shit from the local pharm or the US guys getting them from off these boards)...But I have never run any of their cycles either (see my point)?!

Obviously there are other factors but I am not even going to bother getting into those...Just a waste of finger muscles typing on those as that horse has been beaten to death 10x over the past couple weeks:rolleyes:

K1 check this mate..

This is on the similar lines what Tenny was saying earlier in the thread where he said he would not advice putting your body in a diabetic state all day long on Lantus, having your blood sugar chemically altered over the course of the day.

This is from my UK bbing board by a vet there, NABBA pro and Mr Universe...

''I'm really unconvinced about Lantus use- the reason is maybe you have a constant need to eat carbs to avoid hypo.. but you don't use your own insulin as much.. with the short acting, you can take it in, wait for the spike, eat carbs, when the spike subsides, eat more carbs and get another insulin spike from your own pulses (which come every 10-15mins).. so I think it makes more sense to use short acting numerous times rather than lantus once; of course some pros take lantus, AND short acting pre/post workout.. but I think the lantus is excessive, as it just suppresses your own insulin over a long period, where as your own insulin secretion is barely affect by humalog/actrapid.

So this ties up to what Tenny was saying as far as I can see it, health implications wise atleast. Serious shit putting your body in a diabetic state all fucking day long and hey nobody getting a 6 figure £££££££ here lol

Diabetes is not hip and cool. Ask Anth Bailes 212 IFBB pro from UK.

Marky boy

Donating Member
May 13, 2014
K1 check this mate..

This is on the similar lines what Tenny was saying earlier in the thread where he said he would not advice putting your body in a diabetic state all day long on Lantus, having your blood sugar chemically altered over the course of the day.

This is from my UK bbing board by a vet there, NABBA pro and Mr Universe...

''I'm really unconvinced about Lantus use- the reason is maybe you have a constant need to eat carbs to avoid hypo.. but you don't use your own insulin as much.. with the short acting, you can take it in, wait for the spike, eat carbs, when the spike subsides, eat more carbs and get another insulin spike from your own pulses (which come every 10-15mins).. so I think it makes more sense to use short acting numerous times rather than lantus once; of course some pros take lantus, AND short acting pre/post workout.. but I think the lantus is excessive, as it just suppresses your own insulin over a long period, where as your own insulin secretion is barely affect by humalog/actrapid.

So this ties up to what Tenny was saying as far as I can see it, health implications wise atleast. Serious shit putting your body in a diabetic state all fucking day long and hey nobody getting a 6 figure £££££££ here lol

Diabetes is not hip and cool. Ask Anth Bailes 212 IFBB pro from UK.

There is a risk with doing anything in this sport/hobby though.

Surely running Lantus for say 3/4 weeks on and off for maybe a 12-16 week cycle monitoring yourself you'd think you would be alright and return to normal. Obviously I'm saying surely as it's not 100%.

But using it say 4/5x a week max over the course of a 16 week run with time off every 3/4 weeks and using Met/berberine would be interesting to see.

Trial and error really isn't it. Although the sounds of say short acting slin 3x a day at maybe morning, pre and post workout do seem very appealing too.


Donating Member
Jun 7, 2012
What i find funny is guys trying to be healthy and huge in a sport, that is the most unhealthy sport there is... let me juice my brains out and keep my blood work perfect...thats dam comical...or the other side of the coin where guys claim they are getting huge of very low doses....i have many different hobbies but bb is by far the biggest liars next to politicians I have ever seen... having said that i go back to big A's post at pro muscle "the truth" ..
Imo CG is right on it makes logical sense...how to get big, big doses, of hgh,slin, t3, androgens and anabolics. And eat like a animal.
sure some have great genetics but the ones that dont can overcome... ronny coleman sure as hell didnt het big eating 6oz of chciken and 6 oz of rice

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


New member
Jul 27, 2017
Diabetes is not hip and cool. Ask Anth Bailes 212 IFBB pro from UK.

What happened to that guy, did his pancreas shut down permanently? Does he blame insulin for the diabetes?

I know Rockell went diabetic, but it's hard to get details... if their pancreas was damaged or if it was eventually reversible Type II and so on.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I could go on about alsorts but no point. To me the most important things are has CG actually used this himself and what were the results. Do you have before/after pics? Personally if I hear about something that interests me the first thing I would do is experiment on myself and see for myself then tell others if it worked or didn't work.

Is the source of your info an actual pro who has been to Kuwait. I hope it's not your ex sponsor who would write he supplied various pro's but didn't he end up scamming loads of people so his views can't be trusted unless you have spoken with these pro's directly. I remember your ex sponsor hinting about lot's of thing about "pro's". I trust CG but I wouldn't trust hearsay from certain sponsors.

I have heard about a few guys taking huge doses of Lantus but that's it I just heard about it. I don't know anyone in real life who has used say 150-200iu lantus in a day. A few guys on the forums over the years have told me they have and they loved it but can't remember the full details. I guess it would make an interesting experiment but some people will fuck themselves up trying it. It makes scientific sense to me why it would work better but guys please be careful and start low and build up the dose.


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
I mentioned that I was gonna ask my Persian friends from there.
They are not gym goers all at but medical students.
I'm a no body here but I got an answer.
I was told bodybuilders there are on a lot off insulin for muscle gain and hgh only to keep fat down from insulin. I didnt get the ground breaking answer I was hoping for or the protocols. I did however hear that they're monitored by doctors a lot. I tried lol.


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
I could go on about alsorts but no point. To me the most important things are has CG actually used this himself and what were the results. Do you have before/after pics? Personally if I hear about something that interests me the first thing I would do is experiment on myself and see for myself then tell others if it worked or didn't work.

Is the source of your info an actual pro who has been to Kuwait. I hope it's not your ex sponsor who would write he supplied various pro's but didn't he end up scamming loads of people so his views can't be trusted unless you have spoken with these pro's directly. I remember your ex sponsor hinting about lot's of thing about "pro's". I trust CG but I wouldn't trust hearsay from certain sponsors.

I have heard about a few guys taking huge doses of Lantus but that's it I just heard about it. I don't know anyone in real life who has used say 150-200iu lantus in a day. A few guys on the forums over the years have told me they have and they loved it but can't remember the full details. I guess it would make an interesting experiment but some people will fuck themselves up trying it. It makes scientific sense to me why it would work better but guys please be careful and start low and build up the dose.

Wasn't it you that said a big guy you know takes 6ius of slin with most meals?


Donating Member
Jun 16, 2015
New to this board. Stopped over from PM- very nice thread here. This has def re-peaked my interest on slin use. I also went back and re-listened to the Collette Nelson interview w/ Palumbo (link below) discussing long acting insulin.

Being that I don't compete and push things too hard. The 3 protocols below is what I have toyed with in the past.

1) Humulin R 8iu w/ meal 1, 6iu w/ meal 3
*This is kind of the old school Palumbo method. Def worked for putting on size but I also got fatter on it as I was pushing the carbs/cals quite high. Weight during the times I did this method was a soft 265-285

2) Log 10iu 15 min Preworkout
* This seems pretty standard these days. I have only done this protocol when I have been under 8% body fat. At this body fat with the proper diet and cardio, I stayed lean and the log def made me fuller. Normally for carbs on this I'll do 60g about 90min pre workout, 75 HBCD w/ 40 EEA Intra workout, 10 glut, and then 60-80 carbs post workout. Never had any issues going hypo.

3) This protocol below seemed to be the most "magical" for me. I have only done it once due to the difficulty with work schedule doing fasted cardio and then 2 weight sessions during the day.

Training Session 1:
10iu Log Post workout:
75g whey iso
70g HBCD
30 min after post workout shake:
5 oz chicken breast 40g Pro
2 bagels 100g Carbs

Training Session 2:
5iu Log Pre Workout
75g HBCD
40g EEA

Immediately after training:
10iu Log
50g whey iso
155g carbs from Quaker Oatmeal squares.

* The above protocol I did for 4 weeks and took me from 6-1 lean 235 to 247 and just as lean but super full and round (3D looking.)

Insulin Applications in Bodybuilding with Colette Nelson - YouTube

So the protocol that worked the best you used the most insulin. Hmmm. Interesting.


Mar 27, 2014
Quick question - HBCD??
Every time I look it up I keep getting some very toxic shit?