My Gift to ALL AnaSCI Members!


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
I've only ever used Humulin-R in the past 2 times. Both times were for about 4-6 week durations. I felt it helped with recovery some, but I don't recall much size from those short runs....which obviously probably shouldn't be expected.

This was around 2005'ish. There were a couple of powerlifters and BB's who I MOD with over at AFboard who had insulin protocols given to them from Troponin, 10-20iu 3x per day. IIRC, they all used humulin-r and Humalog. I only ever used Humulin-R. Actually I did use it years prior as well, back around 2000'ish, to quicken my decent into ketosis while following a CKD. I was good board friends with Monster who posted his old Insulin Primer article over at Anabolex in the 90's. He loved insulin, and was a big ass dude.

Not sure where I am going with this post, but I've never used Lantus, but I am familiar with it from the clinics I am at. Many diabetics are prescribed it, and especially diabetic/GDM mom's who cannot control their fasting blood sugar values in the morning. A long acting insulin always made sense to me, but I never got around to trying it, and frankly, I didn't know if it would even make a difference from Humulin or Humalog. I guess I looked at it similar to Test Enanthate compared to propionate...does it even make a difference in the end? That said, I do like the fact that the onset isn't so strong that you have to stress on eating something, makes it much easier.

I'd be willing to try this shit out though. I have to get a few more projects done around the house before I selfishly return back to the gym:(

Thanks for posting all this CG!

My question to CG is this....Have you actually tried this protocol? I think you mentioned using either Humulin or Humalog on your other thread (correct me if I'm wrong though). Have you, yourself tried Lantus? How much did you actually gain from this?


New member
Jul 3, 2017
I hear you dev, and yes, Jordan is definitely "mini" marcus ruhl, lol, but just because Jordan and milos don't use lantus (or use it in this fashion), doesn't mean that a large number of successful bodybuilders somewhere else on the planet don't. there are many ways to skin a cat as you know
Of Course speeder I agree plenty ways to to skin a cat but what I am saying is if long acting was such a game changer Jordan would know. He would just know considering the circle he is in. He cant he unware of this, is what i am saying.

Jordan has said in the past, " Long acting insulin has no place in bbing" and he has done every protocol and type of insulin from small to mega crazy amounts.

So i knew his take on it anyway.

I only asked him to find out if he knew its being used as "the thing" in elite circle to get real big and he said no categorically.

If Jordan knew Lantus delivered better lets say 0.01 percent better results then say log he would NOT miss that edge of extra 0.01 percent. He is that driven and focused to maximise his size game. He would be pinning that shit and that's a given lol

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Aug 11, 2004
I've only ever used Humulin-R in the past 2 times. Both times were for about 4-6 week durations. I felt it helped with recovery some, but I don't recall much size from those short runs....which obviously probably shouldn't be expected.

This was around 2005'ish. There were a couple of powerlifters and BB's who I MOD with over at AFboard who had insulin protocols given to them from Troponin, 10-20iu 3x per day. IIRC, they all used humulin-r and Humalog. I only ever used Humulin-R. Actually I did use it years prior as well, back around 2000'ish, to quicken my decent into ketosis while following a CKD. I was good board friends with Monster who posted his old Insulin Primer article over at Anabolex in the 90's. He loved insulin, and was a big ass dude.

Not sure where I am going with this post, but I've never used Lantus, but I am familiar with it from the clinics I am at. Many diabetics are prescribed it, and especially diabetic/GDM mom's who cannot control their fasting blood sugar values in the morning. A long acting insulin always made sense to me, but I never got around to trying it, and frankly, I didn't know if it would even make a difference from Humulin or Humalog. I guess I looked at it similar to Test Enanthate compared to propionate...does it even make a difference in the end? That said, I do like the fact that the onset isn't so strong that you have to stress on eating something, makes it much easier.

I'd be willing to try this shit out though. I have to get a few more projects done around the house before I selfishly return back to the gym:(

Thanks for posting all this CG!

My question to CG is this....Have you actually tried this protocol? I think you mentioned using either Humulin or Humalog on your other thread (correct me if I'm wrong though). Have you, yourself tried Lantus? How much did you actually gain from this?

Trust me when I tell you that "most" pros use troponins protocol type.

Lol this thread reminds me of backstage at the Chicago pro talking with Kevin Jordan, brad Rowe, and John Delarosa about the stupid shit people say about what pros do, they know the "secrets" but none of them have the size and when called out they say "I just don't have the genetics". Every black guy that competed had better genetics than dorian but none of them could fuck with him. Im glad
Jordan Peters name was brought up, you ever see that monster train!!! Hint!

Marky boy

Donating Member
May 13, 2014
ok so I showed CG's post (1st post in this thread) to Jordan and Jordan text me back saying....

" He is wrong buddy . I am friends with SO many pros. Not a single one uses long insulin".

Jordan is a very successful coach and have taken the British bbing scene by a storm and he himself is Mini Markus Rhul. so not a arm chair general. He knows how to put on size on him and others. He is doing Sasan's this off-season and many other top guys. Jordan also have extensive exp working with Milos and many other elite coaches in the past as well while he was coming up the ranks.

Milos got him to 300 pounds at
*5 ft 6 n.

Man is fucking clued in with the game, a very smart guy. Dont believe me ??? Ask Dr Scott Stevenson... Homonucleous who is a member.

As already said because JP doesn't use it then what does that matter?

He uses faster acting slin multiple times a day though doesn't he? Why? Because maybe that works better for him...

JP also does not look healthy at all for his age...sure he's a fucking tank but the guy really does not look healthy.


New member
Jul 3, 2017
As already said because JP doesn't use it then what does that matter?

He uses faster acting slin multiple times a day though doesn't he? Why? Because maybe that works better for him...

JP also does not look healthy at all for his age...sure he's a fucking tank but the guy really does not look healthy.
You missed the point. He did not say he don't use it cos he don't like it personally. That's understandable we all have personal pref in super supps and its unique to an individual and don't amount much to the next person. I like this you like that next person like something else whatever.

He said none of the pros he is friends with in his circle use long insulin. Nobody he knows of he said and he knows a lot of pros and top guy so that means something.

He has people in the know in camel crew too.

James H who was coached by Evan and now by Jordan. James is good mates with both of them. Ask James and he will tell u the same thing. What so now nobody told centopani "the secret" either who is big in American scene ?

Sasan was with Aceto now offseason with Jordan

Luke sandow

Flex Lewis

etc etc

Jordan does not look healthy ??

Well Dallas does not look healthy either.

All these big guys who cant win on prettiest lines and structure play the size game. That's all they can do, this is their card to climb up the ladder bring size bring condition and that's what they are doing.

Jordan has never said there is anything "healthy" about competitive bbing.

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Marky boy

Donating Member
May 13, 2014
You missed the point. He did not say he don't use it cos he don't like it personally. That's understandable we all have personal pref in super supps and its unique to an individual and don't amount much to the next person. I like this you like that next person like something else whatever.

He said none of the pros he is friends with in his circle use long insulin. Nobody he knows of he said and he knows a lot of pros and top guy so that means something.

He has people in the know in camel crew too.

James H who was coached by Evan and now by Jordan. James is good mates with both of them. Ask James and he will tell u the same thing. What so now nobody told centopani "the secret" either who is big in American scene ?

Sasan was with Aceto now offseason with Jordan

Luke sandow

Flex Lewis

etc etc

Jordan does not look healthy ??

Well Dallas does not look healthy either.

All these big guys who cant win on prettiest lines and structure play the size game. That's all they can do, this is their card to climb up the ladder bring size bring condition and that's what they are doing.

Jordan has never said there is anything "healthy" about competitive bbing.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

I read your point but just stated my opinion. Yeah a few big old boys don't look healthy.

I don't see what you contributed to the thread? You came in name dropping and licking Jordan's arse. Maybe trying to get Jordan business I don't know? That's cool you know Jordan...

Can we not have the " I know x guy and he doesn't do it " so it's wrong bullshit in this thread for once...


New member
Jul 3, 2017
I read your point but just stated my opinion. Yeah a few big old boys don't look healthy.

I don't see what you contributed to the thread? You came in name dropping and licking Jordan's arse. Maybe trying to get Jordan business I don't know? That's cool you know Jordan...

Can we not have the " I know x guy and he doesn't do it " so it's wrong bullshit in this thread for once...

lol b-boy saw what I contributed to the thread so did Tenny but obviously a twat like you do not have the mental capacity to comprehend this.

So lets understand this right, you do not want ''I know x guy and he doesn't do it'' bullshit in this thread ?? ok cool

Now what is CG stating this whole thing on ???

I know pros, I know big guys who getting real big, I know guys in Kuwait gym they got this plugged into them and that plugged into them who are mutating by the hour, getting checked by doctors every hour. Lantus is the key

thats what essentially CG is saying right

You do realise CG is not saying...

hey look at me. I got REAL big doing Lantus.

No he is quoting ''other''random people. How the fuck is that any different ?

I dont have any issue with CG at all (never have) or him sharing his protocol etc. I am just stating another perspective for everyone to think for themselves.

and Jordan is neck deep in business. Dont need me to get him any. He doing very well for himself.


Mar 27, 2014
Could a person that does construction - landscaper- framer- form guy - so on
Could they follow the lantus schedule safely- or would you need to have a relaxed job
I asked this on page 1 but there is so much fluff on this post now.
We need to get back on track - this is a very interesting thred- a more controllable insulin.
I know many people reading a long need to learn and master the measurement of an insulin pin.
I had 1 guy the other day- he was supposed to use 4iu GH- he was at 40 iu per day
Hee went threw a 120iu v every 3 days- 1 kit every 10 days.
He would be dead with slin


New member
Sep 25, 2016
was your guy extremely lean when he started the lantus?[/QUOTE

He was between 8-10%. lean enough to notice a difference and be able to keep a close eye on what is changing. He made sure to get himself lean beforehand, knowing that the fatter you are, the fatter you'll get when taking slin.


Registered User
May 15, 2017
was your guy extremely lean when he started the lantus?[/QUOTE

He was between 8-10%. lean enough to notice a difference and be able to keep a close eye on what is changing. He made sure to get himself lean beforehand, knowing that the fatter you are, the fatter you'll get when taking slin.

Although I've admittedly never used slin, from everything I've read, it really seems like getting/being lean before using it is the most important thing you can do. (I guess technically, you could say the same thing about AAS... everything "works better" less aromatase, etc... when you're leaner)

Your post piqued my interest, as theoretically for guys who come completely off for part of the year (the very few who do lol), if they were able to run lantus or some other insulin in order to maintain (or try to maintain) their muscle mass during that "off" time and stay lean; it would be a very nice tool to have in the toolbox.
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Aug 11, 2004
lol b-boy saw what I contributed to the thread so did Tenny but obviously a twat like you do not have the mental capacity to comprehend this.

So lets understand this right, you do not want ''I know x guy and he doesn't do it'' bullshit in this thread ?? ok cool

Now what is CG stating this whole thing on ???

I know pros, I know big guys who getting real big, I know guys in Kuwait gym they got this plugged into them and that plugged into them who are mutating by the hour, getting checked by doctors every hour. Lantus is the key

thats what essentially CG is saying right

You do realise CG is not saying...

hey look at me. I got REAL big doing Lantus.

No he is quoting ''other''random people. How the fuck is that any different ?

I dont have any issue with CG at all (never have) or him sharing his protocol etc. I am just stating another perspective for everyone to think for themselves.

and Jordan is neck deep in business. Dont need me to get him any. He doing very well for himself.
Let it go bro, its going to do nothing but clutter this thread, I understand your point perfectly but not everyone is going to. Lets just keep this discussion going in a forward motion


Aug 11, 2004
Although I've admittedly never used slin, from everything I've read, it really seems like getting/being lean before using it is the most important thing you can do. (I guess technically, you could say the same thing about AAS... everything "works better" less aromatase, etc... when you're leaner)

Your post piqued my interest, as theoretically for guys who come completely off for part of the year (the very few who do lol), if they were able to run lantus or some other insulin in order to maintain (or try to maintain) their muscle mass during that "off" time and stay lean; it would be a very nice tool to have in the toolbox.
You are correct. Thats why post competition is the best time to employ slin protocols as your insulin sensitivity is sky high


New member
Jul 3, 2017
Let it go bro, its going to do nothing but clutter this thread, I understand your point perfectly but not everyone is going to. Lets just keep this discussion going in a forward motion
ok Brad got you mate cheers

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Apr 20, 2007
4) I would definitely like to hear CG's experience with the protocol. Showing before and after pictures from when he was using the protocol. As I have mentioned above this has been spoken about for years from the guys with many years of insulin experience. And many of us have read their experiences but never have tried the protocol ourselves. Would like to see the starting to finishing pics

My question to CG is this....Have you actually tried this protocol? I think you mentioned using either Humulin or Humalog on your other thread (correct me if I'm wrong though). Have you, yourself tried Lantus? How much did you actually gain from this?

i would also like to know if concreteguy has actually run this protocol as well.


New member
Jul 27, 2017
Local buddy of mine works with Aceto who had him doing lantus 5x a week, none of off days. Pretty close to what CG prescribed.

This guy tore his pec, recovered in 3 months and won his pro card in the same year. Quick google search and you can see who I'm talking about.

If this is true, that Aceto advices Lantus use, then how come Jordan Peters is unaware of any pro doing it? Surely he would have heard of it since this stuff travels fast. :D

One pro told a friend of mine that he heard Aceto advices "lots of insulin in the morning"... this is just hearsay but remembered it now, and would fit in with Lantus use. This pro hasn't used Aceto for coaching but several other known gurus.

There's probably people reading this who know for sure about Aceto for example, and hopefully they will comment.


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
If this is true, that Aceto advices Lantus use, then how come Jordan Peters is unaware of any pro doing it? Surely he would have heard of it since this stuff travels fast. :D

One pro told a friend of mine that he heard Aceto advices "lots of insulin in the morning"... this is just hearsay but remembered it now, and would fit in with Lantus use. This pro hasn't used Aceto for coaching but several other known gurus.

There's probably people reading this who know for sure about Aceto for example, and hopefully they will comment.

its actually meant to be takin at bed time......
what it was designed for.....

nowadays they are just trying to take something that is already
good...and make it better....

how can we make a better mouse trap...???

mouse traps work pretty damn good last i heard


New member
Jul 27, 2017
its actually meant to be takin at bed time......
what it was designed for.....

nowadays they are just trying to take something that is already
good...and make it better....

how can we make a better mouse trap...???

mouse traps work pretty damn good last i heard

The diabetic guy I get it from does it morning and night, 12iu morning and 14iu at night. And the Humalog at meal times of course.

Like I said I don't think lantus is a miracle or game changer at all. If fast insulin did nothing for you then the lantus wont do much either, it's just insulin after all.
But I'm stilll curious who among the pros play with it, which gurus believe in it and so on. I'm sure it's used but then it's strange that a guy like JP doesn't know about it. But then again, there was a guru/drug dealer to the pros, who a few years ago said he never heard of any pro ever doing more than 10iu of Humalog or R at a time. :D And this was more than a decade after tons of pros had done Milos' protocols. :D


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
The diabetic guy I get it from does it morning and night, 12iu morning and 14iu at night. And the Humalog at meal times of course.

Like I said I don't think lantus is a miracle or game changer at all. If fast insulin did nothing for you then the lantus wont do much either, it's just insulin after all.
But I'm stilll curious who among the pros play with it, which gurus believe in it and so on. I'm sure it's used but then it's strange that a guy like JP doesn't know about it. But then again, there was a guru/drug dealer to the pros, who a few years ago said he never heard of any pro ever doing more than 10iu of Humalog or R at a time. :D And this was more than a decade after tons of pros had done Milos' protocols. :D

that's the whole thing....

its all hearsay....ive heard it being used...but not exclusively by
these mass monsters....

as Bboy said pharma GH is the HUGE factor with any of these
guys putting on mass...


Mar 27, 2014
that's the whole thing....

its all hearsay....ive heard it being used...but not exclusively by
these mass monsters....

as Bboy said pharma GH is the HUGE factor with any of these
guys putting on mass...
Well - we will see - me and a few other members hopefully including our K1 will be giving it a go real soon
I my self am going to be taking it ex axactly how CG tells me to- hopefully he will stil work with us.
He started a few great topics and thw keep getting polluted
We wil see first hand on what it's all about-
I for 1 am very excited
CG- gonna need your guidence brotha
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Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
Well - we will see - me and a few other members hopefully including our K1 will be giving it a go real soon
I my self am going to be taking it ex axactly how CG tells me to- hopefully he will stil work with us.
He started a few great topics and thw keep getting polluted
We wil see first hand on what it's all about-
I for 1 am very excited
CG- gonna need your guidence brotha

don't you first wanna hear his experience with it...???:confused:

if at all...???

all he said was "what he heard"....

sounds scary