Been a busy couple days. Life seems to know when you're needing to focus on something, and throws distractions at you left and right.
Weight has been holding steady at 245 the last week, even though my diet has fallen apart.
Today was chest, tris and delts. Changed up the order of my workout again, and felt really good about it. Did decline chest press first and was really strong, with everything except the final failure set in the 20 rep range. Delts felt good, form was on point. I've been doing pec-deck single a single arm at a time, and I'm really liking the additional range of movement and strength of contraction. It really seems to hit the center of the chest where the pectoral muscles meet better.
Yesterday was legs, and I'm having an odd issue. My squat and leg press lifts are going down for a weird reason. I think, as my gut gets smaller my range of motion increases and I lose that extra compression from having my legs wedged against my abdomen at the bottom of the motion. It's not discouraging, just something to get used to. Suddenly I'm putting up a lot less weight, but on the other hand, my stomach is flattening out nicely. I'll take the smaller gut.
Gotta get my diet back on track, and drop a few more pounds before the end of the contest.
On a side note, does anyone get shakey from T3? My hands have been shakey, and my legs have felt almost unstable the last few weeks. Like walking up a flight of stairs is getting to be an iffy prospect. I suspect it's from the T3, just not 100% sure.