That sucks. I had it about three years ago.
Hopefully it clears soon.
Thanks, it does make for an even more brutal leg
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That sucks. I had it about three years ago.
Hopefully it clears soon.
ha yea I get pretty funky with it, believe it or not they came up a ton from last year they were even worse! Shelby does both my nutrition and training as you know him and JM share a lot of training ideas so I get a bit of it. Do lots of partials, high rep and lower rep stuff, haven't done occluded be honest I'm not crazy about occluded. My training routines change every 4 weeks or so. For many of my younger years Idid not train legs often, and now it shows lolDang, get well soon Dens!
Sandpig, you really do not seem to like cardio lol But it is good to see you are getting it in!
You guys all seem like you are making some good progress...
Z28, man, you gotta get a little weird with your leg training, try busting out some super high rep sets, throwing in some drop sets, isotension, partials after your sets... just get funky with that leg training!
This has to the worst competition performance/prep I have ever done. Life just keeps throwing curve balls and setbacks. Sheesh.
Moving forward though. Weight is lower than I want. 210 this morning.
Relax bro changes won't always come. Now your talking good on about rebound, that will work well just don't go crazy on all the cheats, you gotta stay clean. Start lowering carbs now very slowly say 10g a meal, another 10 next week. Etc...... Keep the protein lower some of that mct stuff too. But do it slow don't stop it all now.Pull day yesterday One of the best pumps I've ever had in my traps.
I'm guessing it's the T-Bol or Proviron that's causing these amazing pumps. First time running either.
Weight still at 185. I know I said I wouldn't allow myself to get below 180 but I've been a little bummed the past week just because I haven't seen much change.
Thinking I might go all out for the last 3 or 4 weeks regardless of weight and then take advantage of the rebound effect when it's over.