Is it really "just that easy" ?


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
the placebo is just the power of the mind....I think most successful body builders are pretty interested in the power of the mind........but I'm the idiot, you're right

Your comment on power of the mind is completely arguable. But not very likely. Nothing changed but the diet. Nothing. When the protein went threw the roof my recovery was unbelievable. The first week in a knew something was vary different. My strength has gone up and so has my weight. When you talk about the power of the mind. I believe in staying positive. I believe in a mind muscle connection. I also believe it's possible and has been proven many times over that you can have a placebo effect on many different conditions. Because I have so much experience in exactly this and the duration of the training and response to training. I feel the results fare out way and kind of placebo effect. After all the shit talking about high protein I was concerned I was wasting my time. I wasn't feeling positive about it at all.
Genetics? This was your second question. Are you saying I have a genetic predisposition to protein and the amount I taking? Maybe. That would make much more sense than the previous guess. But I believe running the numbers up will work for most of the guys that have tried everything else and just never got huge. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it!



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Besides the increase in protein have you increased the number of meals you have in total? This may sound stupid but it's not (really). Due to my metabolism I often found if I increase the number of meals I have I get bigger and leaner provided my hormonal support is adequate. These meals have to be fairly clean but can consist of all macronutrients. The regular feeding simply ramps everything up and my body burns everything much more effectively. This is observed when I have 6-7 meals per day... anymore and it would probably go the opposite way due to digestion issues. I can even feel my body getting warmer through the weeks and my gf is often amazed how hot I am even when it's freezing outside :D

I am gonna do the same and add in a few more shakes for results and convenience. I am only consuming about 4 whole food meals now so I need to ramp things up again. Truth be told I can't be bothered eating another few meals so shakes it will be. Mine will mainly consist of beef isolate with pineapple or whey isolate with berries. I mix the fruit up in my nutribullet and they taste amazing. The pineapple for when I need more of a boost and around training as I use about 50g worth of carbs from pineapple (I like to add lemon juice too). The berries are very low carbs and I just feel healthier consuming them.

Good thread :)


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
ok ok geeze, I was making sure you weren't just hell bent on proving b-boy wrong for saying he would never eat 500 grams of protein lmao...

he eats what 1.25grams? and you're eating what like 3 grams of protein per pound of body weight??

how can he swear by one and you swear by another, boggles my mind
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Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Besides the increase in protein have you increased the number of meals you have in total? This may sound stupid but it's not (really). Due to my metabolism I often found if I increase the number of meals I have I get bigger and leaner provided my hormonal support is adequate. These meals have to be fairly clean but can consist of all macronutrients. The regular feeding simply ramps everything up and my body burns everything much more effectively. This is observed when I have 6-7 meals per day... anymore and it would probably go the opposite way due to digestion issues. I can even feel my body getting warmer through the weeks and my gf is often amazed how hot I am even when it's freezing outside :D

I am gonna do the same and add in a few more shakes for results and convenience. I am only consuming about 4 whole food meals now so I need to ramp things up again. Truth be told I can't be bothered eating another few meals so shakes it will be. Mine will mainly consist of beef isolate with pineapple or whey isolate with berries. I mix the fruit up in my nutribullet and they taste amazing. The pineapple for when I need more of a boost and around training as I use about 50g worth of carbs from pineapple (I like to add lemon juice too). The berries are very low carbs and I just feel healthier consuming them.

Good thread :)

That's a good question. Yes drinking the shakes added proly three more feedings per day. I'm thinking about adding many different types of protein sources to keep it more diversified to my system. But the number will remain the same.



Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
ok ok geeze, I was making sure you weren't just hell bent on proving b-boy wrong for saying he would never eat 500 grams of protein lmao...

he eats what 1.25grams? and you're eating what like 3 grams of protein per pound of body weight??

how can he swear by one and you swear by another, boggles my mind

I'm sure we are both telling the truth. Have you seen pics of B-Boy as a young teen? I guarantee as a kid he looked better than you will ever look on any amount of drugs, in your entire life. What works for him MAY not come close to working for you or me.
And thanks for making sure I wasn't picking on poor little Brad.lol

Maybe you should get yourself a bike and ride around town yelling
"respect my Authoritaaa" ? lol hahahahha

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Registered User
May 1, 2015
He wrote at the end. Make sure and eat 500grams of protein. All steroids do is make you convert protein to muscle. SO THE MORE YOU EAT THE BIGGER YOU WILL GET.

I did not read all four pages of the thread. I can say, without a doubt, that the more fat and carbs you eat, the bigger you will get - but in a very bad way.

Now, since AAS turns protein into muscle (over simplification, but accurate enough for our purposes), it would stand to reason that the more protein you eat the more muscle you would get.

There is a study about sedentary people and protein - it says a sedentary person cannot process more than 50g of protein in a single meal. More than that is just wasted. However, there are no studies at all on how much protein a body builder can process, let alone a body builder taking AAS. So it is quite possible a body builder on AAS can process over 100g of protein from a single meal.


Nov 20, 2012
Hell, all of you guys look fantastic. I would keep doing whatever the hell you guys have been doing.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
I'm sure we are both telling the truth. Have you seen pics of B-Boy as a young teen? I guarantee as a kid he looked better than you will ever look on any amount of drugs, you entire life. What works for him MAY not come close to working for you or me.
And thanks for making sure I wasn't picking on poor little Brad.lol

Maybe you should get yourself a bike and ride around town yelling
"respect my Authoritaaa" ? lol hahahahha


very funny! I would like to issue you a written citation for taking 20 years to learn how to eat to grow haha


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Maybe we could move this towards the most efficient way to get huge protein values down the trap? Are there any aids we can take to help our kidneys slamming this much protein? Or do you think it's OK?
I'm not kidding, Johnnies got a new par of shoes baby. I'm going to walk this walk...........


Johnnie has a new pair of shoes! I like it.
as for health look at 90% of America eating fast food and pigging out on fat and sugars. Many getting so fat they are almost handicap.

I am interested and watching! I think your walking the rite path.

I have heard/read the 40 50 gram limit in a setting.
I seen Phil heath mention recently on video he aims for Ingesting 60
at a time.

Just like Big Ron Coleman says....
secret ith... I found out what the other guys do. And I do more


Registered User
May 1, 2015
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
There is a study about sedentary people and protein - it says a sedentary person cannot process more than 50g of protein in a single meal. More than that is just wasted. However, there are no studies at all on how much protein a body builder can process, let alone a body builder taking AAS. So it is quite possible a body builder on AAS can process over 100g of protein from a single meal.

Actually, there are studies on bodybuilders about protein intake. There was actually a study to determine if large amounts of protein would increase fat gain in bodybuilders. They had bodybuilders eating 500 grams of protein a day(I'm working from memory on this, so I might be off on the numbers). The study wasn't actually looking at protein synthesis, but the conclusion was that large amounts of protein have no effect on fat gain. Basically confirming that protein, even if it is far in excess of the persons caloric needs, cannot be turned into fat in the body.

The research had been done on this and it shows that protein is never wasted. If the protein consumed is in excess of the amount needed for muscle building(protein synthesis) the rest is oxidized. Oxidized means burned for energy by the body. It may not be directly used for building muscle, but that's not the same thing as it being wasted or not being digested or whatever bro science superstition is constantly being spouted. It will be used for building muscle, or for keeping you alive, but it will never be passed through as waste without being used for anything.

I'll dig up the studies in a couple days if I get some time off. 2 jobs and 100 hours a week on a short week doesn't leave much time for searching for obscure scientific studies.


Registered User
May 1, 2015
Very sweet, thank you for that! My google fu must have been low when I did my search. :)


Nov 1, 2012
If hormones are good, more protein should help, 350 - 400 gr is the most I can use.(I'm 200lbs) If you're digesting it well and grow keep bumping it up. 500 Is 2gr per lb if you're 250.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
you mentioned EAA.
Maybe I am old school and not up to date. I still just Know protein powder.
I know it means essential amminos.... But what product exactly are you using for EAA and can you explain it to me a bit?

I have always been the steroid guy and not the nutrition guy.


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
The 30g /meal is greatly skewed. The study took the average absorbtion rates of various proteins. Whey digests at a rate of around 9-10g/hr whereas eggs digest at a little over 1g/hr. They then took the average absorbtion of various proteins which is 5g/hr and took it times the average time it's in the digestive tract which is 6 hours, and you get 30g. I can honestly say I've personally seen no difference in 3-100g protein meals and 6-30g protein meals.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
I'll never forget mike katz, I think it was lol...pulling a can of tuna from his pocket and eating it while waiting on his giant burger or giant steak, can't remember which lol in Pumping Iron...right then I knew, eat as much protein as physically possible! they had to be getting somewhere around 500 grams a day and they looked great


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
I'll never forget mike katz, I think it was lol...pulling a can of tuna from his pocket and eating it while waiting on his giant burger or giant steak, can't remember which lol in Pumping Iron...right then I knew, eat as much protein as physically possible! they had to be getting somewhere around 500 grams a day and they looked great

See that would piss me off if he was my training partner.
Perfect example of "doing a little more then the other guys"


Nov 1, 2012
you mentioned EAA.
Maybe I am old school and not up to date. I still just Know protein powder.
I know it means essential amminos.... But what product exactly are you using for EAA and can you explain it to me a bit?

I have always been the steroid guy and not the nutrition guy.

I use Prime or TN both good quality. Some use it in place of protein, I would only do that intra workouts unless you have kidney issues.

I prefer to use 10 grams pre meal. In layman's terms it triggers your muscles to absorb the protein you're about to eat. Via insulin, glut4. Sorta like a post workout window every meal. So 10 grams 20min before a 50 gram protein meal gives the protein synthesis you wish an 80 gram meal would. Less is burned as energy .