Few questions


Registered User
max lift said:
you have recieved good info from some vets that know their shit and you refuse to listen to it , steroids are bad for you when your body has not developed yet at your age shutting down your natural test could cause you problems down the road , try and post that you are 17 and going to do roids on any other board and I am shure that the responce you get will not be nearly as helpfull.

Here is my advice post your weight height and BF% and mabie we can help with plan to get you going in the right direction , diet is king if you dont eat you wont grow no madder how much drugs you take ,

Excellent advice bro'....


Registered User
Jun 27, 2005
I weigh 145, height is 5foot 7inches.......My routine now is, I workout every other day I starting working out twice a day yesterday. I go in and bench press 3 sets of regular bench press and 3 sets of close grip. Then I go get 2 dumbells and get the weight i can curl about 6 times do 3 sets of those. I go to the cable machine and do the triceps 10 reps 3 sets, Preddy much those are the only muscles I concentrate on, Squats hurt my knees but I need to do something for my legs. I need strong lower body for wrestleing. So I just run about 2 miles a day, I figure running would get me ripped as well, thats about what I do everyother day and of course eat alot. What I want is just a good looking upper body, Back muscles, arms, abs, pec's
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Registered User
Jun 27, 2005
Do you think I should continue taking these pills? I dont know wtf they are now that you guys say there is no such thing as test pills.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
ok forget steroids for now what you need is a solid workout plan. The one you posted isn't enough to stimulate the muscle groups. I wrestled in high school and having a overall developed body is better than just having a strong upper body.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2005
Yeah that is correct. I just want to look bigger preddy much, I dont really care about wrestleing next year as much I dont want to go to college...heh Well Ive been reading muscle and fitness mags lately to figure out a good routine.


you need to break down your workouts into specific muscle groups for each workout. dont do more than 2 muscle groups at a time, preferibly a large & small group such as chest & tri's or back & bi's together. it should look something like this:
monday: chest & tri's
tuesday: back & bi's
wednesday: off
thursday: legs= quads, hamstrings
friday: shoulders & calves
sat & sunday: off

try to do 2 sets of light weight for the first exercise for each muscle being worked then jump to your heavy sets using weight you can move for 6-10 good reps to failure. use 2 exercises per muscle being worked & 3 working sets for each exercise.
go to the local health food store(gnc or vitamin world) and get yourself some creatine & glutamine powder and start using that instead of those supposed test pills. take the creatine 30 minutes preworkout & also immediately post workout at a dosage of 5 grams each time. the glutamine should be taken with the creatine and also 2 other times during the day at 5grams each dosage.
get a good protein powder and start drinking 2 shakes per day, one post cycle with the creatine/glutamine & the other when you get up in the morning before breakfast.
plan out 6 meals per day at an average of 600-700 cals with 50 grams of protein as the suggested dosage. eat lots of chicken, tuna, some lean beef, cottage cheese before bed, EFA'S (good fats) such as olive oil, flax oil, potatoes, brown rice, eggs(preferably the whites with only a few yokes)

this should start ya towards your goals without having to use steroids.
with what you desire to acheive, it can be done with diet & proper training techniques and without steroids. all you need to do is eat clean, add cardio to your daily routine, train hard and you will see the results you want.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2005
Nice routine man, Thanks alot Ill do a little before and after pic so we can see. Thanks... But I have one question, Wont the creatine make my muscles soft?


Registered User
May 4, 2005
Joe said:
Nice routine man, Thanks alot Ill do a little before and after pic so we can see. Thanks... But I have one question, Wont the creatine make my muscles soft?
Creatine will make some people hold a little more water, but it's nothing to worry about because you're going for mass, it's pretty hard to gain mass and get ripped and hard at the same time. Spend some time to gain the mass and then you can cut the creatine to get rid of the water.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2005
Alright, What about about Ripped fuel? Will that help with the ripped part?


Registered User
May 4, 2005
I'm not familiar with the ingredients, but I think it's just for energy. When you're trying to gain mass you're inevitable going to put on a little fat because you're eating so much, you just burn that off later with cardio.


Registered User
May 5, 2005
joe, if your going to do steroids you need to take this seriously. you need to know what your taking, the company who makes it and how to treat the side effects. all these side effects are real, I personally have tiny balls because of testosterone and I know another guy with boobs. another guy I know has stunted his growth bigtime, its sad because he has good bulk but he's very short.

also what do you consider a good cycle? this is not something you can just take and then stop whenever.
all im asking is to do a little more research.


Joe said:
Nice routine man, Thanks alot Ill do a little before and after pic so we can see. Thanks... But I have one question, Wont the creatine make my muscles soft?
just remember joe, there will always be people here who want to help but you must at least exhibit the desire to listen and learn from all us veterans who have tried it all and have a good working knowledge of not just gear usage but also nutritional needs & training protocol(just ignor ar spellin :D )
to many of our young generation come on message boards with the attitude that either they know it all or they dont care about potential side affects from gear. you have at least shown that you can change your beliefs if the info is presented in a positive way.

for your workout routine i also wanted to add that you should go heavy for about 4-5 weeks then switch up and drop your poundages by about 30% and up the reps to the 12-15 range. do your workouts like this for 2-3 weeks then switch back to the low rep heavy ass weight again. this will allow your body some recovery time from going heavy all the time and will help you to continually see gains instead of hitting plateau's
ripped fuel will work for loosing fat. i actually use lipo-6 by nutrex and it seems to be working very well for me. fat loss is best done with a good cardio program to run along with a fat burner product. the results will be much better than just relying on the fat burner.
any other questions feel free to ask either here in the forum or you can pm me to talk privately. :)


New member
Mar 27, 2005
could the pills be andriol(restandol).its oral test undecanoate
i got this from another website.....................Andriol comes under the names Androxon, Understor and Restinsol. This is an oral steroid and it`s presented in little, oval-shaped, red capsules. An oil which contains the testosterone is inside of these capsules. Andriol is a unique steroid in that it is not an alpha alkylated 17 steroid. The only bad thing about this base is that it only allows the testosterone to remain active in the system for several hours. Thus frequent administration of the capsules is necessary. Aromatization is minimal with this agent. Those are 40 mg brown colored miniature "rugby balls" by ORGANON of Europe. Each oval capsule is marked DV3 ORGANON on it. Dosage is 3 to 6 caps a day, and costs about $ 1.50 a cap. Andriol is a safe oral steroid that does not supress gonadotrophins.


New member
Mar 27, 2005
more on oral test.........
Andriol (testosterone undecanoate)

Andriol is a unique oral testosterone product, developed by the international drug firm Organon. One of the more recently developed anabolic steroids, Andrioi first became available in the early 1980's. This compound contains 40 mg of testosterone undecanoate, based in oil (oleic acid) and sealed inside a capsule. Subtracting the ester weight, this equates to a dosage of approximately 25mg of raw testosterone per cap. The design of this steroid is quite different from that of most oral steroids. Drugs administered orally generally enter the blood stream through the liver. When a steroid compound is given this way without some form of structural protection, it will be quickly broken down during the "first pass". This process leaves very little steroid intact, basically deactivating the drug. Adding a methyl group (c-17 AA) to the structure is one way to protect it from this process, however stress is also placed on the liver as a result. In some instances this stress can lead to actual damage to liver tissues, so the designers of this steroid sought another way to protect the testosterone molecule. With Andriol, this was accomplished by making a form of testosterone that would be absorbed through the lymphatic system. This is due to its high fat solubility brought about by the ester, and its suspension in oil. Having the compound absorbed this way was thought to be very advantageous, as it allows the steroid to bypass the destructive first-pass through liver. This should permit the compound to enter the blood stream intact, without the need for a harsh chemical alteration. The ester breaks off once it is in circulation of course, yielding free active Pharmacokinetics of Orai Testosterone testosterone. In design this steroid appears to be undecanoate that of a completely liver safe and orally active form of testosterone.

On paper this drug seems like an ideal oral testosterone product. Clean, safe and worlds apart from other oral testosterone derivatives like the crude methyltestosterone. But as we always hear in life, if it looks to good to be true, it probably is. And there are definitely some issues with Andriol®. The first problem is that bioavailability, although clearly worlds apart from trying to take straight testosterone orally, is probably not significant next to c17alpha alkylated orals. Athletes typically find that in doses of less than 240mg per day (6 capsules) effects are generally not seen at all. 240mg of testosterone ester daily, the primary male androgen, and only a meager effect. When doses go higher, maybe 8-10 capsules (320-400mg), new muscle growth is slight to moderate at best, but no incredible bulky gains are ever reported. Logic leads one to think that only a little testosterone is making its way into circulation. Testosterone is a powerful hormone no matter what the ester or form of administration. If it were active in the blood stream, the results would have to be pronounced. When one injects an oil based testosterone ester like cypionate, a dosage of 400mg per week is more than sufficient. 400mg Andriol per day should be packing on an incredible amount of mass. Where does it all go? Individual problems with absorption may play into things here. The graph above shows the median response noted when this drug was given to a group of women. It does not however depict the striking differences in individual metabolism that were noted in this experiment. If we look at results from each of four subjects, the differences are dramatic to say the least. While one is off the scale with testosterone levels, another barely budges at all. What is even more confusing is that results were so inconsistent, that at times higher levels were achieved with a lower 20mg dose compared to the 40mg when given to the same subject. Clearly there is little to be said except that this drug is unpredictable in its ability to be absorbed and utilized by the body. While one day you might be getting great absorption, perhaps the next day you are getting very little. Studies with men were no better than with women, where again this drug was shown to be unpredictably absorbed and utilized with blood levels ranging from 11.5 to 60.1 nmol/L with 80mg twice daily49.

One might also pay interest to the "mildness" of this compound as described by other bodybuilding materials. Ar~driol® is often spoken about as some type of magic product, which to spite being a form of regular testosterone somehow allows for only minimal estrogen conversion. You should know that the way a drug is administered includes a number of factors that can slightly alter its effect, the most predominant being the speed of release. This effects the time it takes for a peak blood level to be reached, and likely the length it takes to see results. The primary reason Testosterone suspension seems more powerful than enanthate is because more drug is active on day one. At the same time estrogen builds up faster and side effects become pronounced very quickly. The ester is also part of the total weight, and 100mg testosterone contains a much larger quantity of testosterone molecules that testosterone plus ester, another reason for varying effect. But these changes do not amount to all that much. The structure of testosterone is what allows it to break down into estrogen. The only way we can really prevent an androgen from converting to estrogen is to change the base molecule, not the ester. Once free in the blood stream we cannot prevent testosterone from being aromatized without interfering with the aromatase enzyme itself. The lack of results and side effects often reported with Andriol® must be going hand in hand with poor absorption.

Most athletes today consider Andriol a very poor buy. I know other references do find use for this drug, which is defendable because some amount of steroid clearly does enter the blood stream in tact. Technically it is still an oral testosterone, and definitely does not carry the same liver-toxicity risks associated with most steroids designed for this type of administration, so all is not Post. Those specifically looking for a mild oral at times do purchase this product, and occasionally are even satisfied with their results. But for most its high price and required high daily dosages usually causes them to avoided it when crossing it on the black market. Besides, if we want a mild steroid the last thing we really should shop for is a testosterone.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2005
The pills I took were White unmarked capsules and your suppose to take 2 a day, I made the mistake of buying them and not knowing what they were I wish I could take them to a test lab or something and see what they are. They came from mexico the bottle it came in had the label ripped off the top was black and the bottle is white. Tommorow im going to go get Some creatine, Maybe the new Ce2. Im also going to get protein and glutamine like pincrusher said. I will start on my new workout routine on monday. Pin- I have seen lipo 6 in the magazines, Looks like it is $$. I think I will just get the $15 ripped fuel. I try to run everyday at least 1 or 2 miles to get ripped, Maybe this will help more. Ok so I have taken about 1 1/2 weeks worth of the Pills, Do I need to do anything? Will anything bad happen since I just stopped taking them?


Registered User
May 4, 2005
if he told you they were test pills you got ripped off, no such thing. And if he's gonna rip you off like that, i doubt he sold you any steroids, just fakes


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
Glad to see that your going at this smart and natural for now bro. I hope some of us wern't to hard on you, we just want the best for you at your age. You have A LOT of natural growing ahead of you. Pay close attention to PIN, he's one of the best here at Anasci! ;)