Few questions


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
Joe said:
Yeah I know what your saying, I dont really know what im going to do now. I will see Im not going to take any more of these pills though they suck

Now your "Learning" ;)

MaSTa LifTa

Registered User
Apr 29, 2005
You need to learn a lot before you start messin' around with testosterone. Not a drug to be taken lightly.


Joe said:
Well, Im trying to get really big I want to be a body builder when I grow up. Alot of my friends use them its preddy much the cool thing to do. Its not cool but Im going to do it so I get to the size I want
yeah, well going into school with a gun and shooting people seems to be a cool thing to do with kids right now so does that mean you will do it also?

just because something is cool amongst ill-informed kids does not mean its ok to do it. how much do you value your future health?


it seems your gym source is so intent on selling you some gear that he has not educated you at all on how to use it properly or what to use with it. this way he can keep selling you more gear without you ever knowing if you are taking it correctly.

before you allow anyone to stick a needle in your backside, you better find out all you can about nutritional needs when on steroids because without having a proper meal plan in place, those shots will do nothing more for ya than cause some irritation to your derrier.
do you really think that just taking steroids will make ya get huge? you need to eat huge to get huge and not just take steroids.


Registered User
May 4, 2005
He's gonna do it no matter what we say, he's made up his mind. I only hope he doesn't fuck himself up, not for his sake, but i don't want to see another damn story on the news about some skinny ass punk ass teenager using steroids incorrectly and causing themselves great harm. Good luck bro, and you better hope that if you fuck up the news doesn't find out about it.


Registered User
Buddy, i caught this thread so late and I wish I had seen it ssoner. At your age you can do a lot mroe damage to your body by experimenting with AAS than if you were to wait. You can screw up your receptors for ever and thats just the beggining. Best recomendation that every one seems to be telling you is to wait. Educate your self and learn what is right and wrong. It's sad that so many kids now days seem to think that AAS is a magical pill or shot taht will make you grow miraculously huge muscles. I hate to be the beareer of ill tidings but this is so far from the truth. If you wanna grow especially at your age then eat eat eat eat eat....by thew way, did i mention eat. Propper diet and training along with rest are teh best anabolics you can do for a few yrs. I wish i still ahd the same natural test levels now that i did at 17. Knowing is half the battle little bro'...stick to the site and learn, educate your self on the propper implicatiojn of a diet and trainging plan and put it to use. Md


Registered User
pincrusher said:
it seems your gym source is so intent on selling you some gear that he has not educated you at all on how to use it properly or what to use with it. this way he can keep selling you more gear without you ever knowing if you are taking it correctly.

before you allow anyone to stick a needle in your backside, you better find out all you can about nutritional needs when on steroids because without having a proper meal plan in place, those shots will do nothing more for ya than cause some irritation to your derrier.
do you really think that just taking steroids will make ya get huge? you need to eat huge to get huge and not just take steroids.

Yup Pin, I couldn't agree with you more...this kids gym source sounds more like a street level pusher selling recreational drugs at the play ground of the local elementry school. Md


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
MdTNT said:
Buddy, i caught this thread so late and I wish I had seen it ssoner. At your age you can do a lot mroe damage to your body by experimenting with AAS than if you were to wait. You can screw up your receptors for ever and thats just the beggining. Best recomendation that every one seems to be telling you is to wait. Educate your self and learn what is right and wrong. It's sad that so many kids now days seem to think that AAS is a magical pill or shot taht will make you grow miraculously huge muscles. I hate to be the beareer of ill tidings but this is so far from the truth. If you wanna grow especially at your age then eat eat eat eat eat....by thew way, did i mention eat. Propper diet and training along with rest are teh best anabolics you can do for a few yrs. I wish i still ahd the same natural test levels now that i did at 17. Knowing is half the battle little bro'...stick to the site and learn, educate your self on the propper implicatiojn of a diet and trainging plan and put it to use. Md

Couldn't have said it better than you and PIN. Although I will stress that taking steroids at 17 years old could actually stunt your bodies natural ability to grow. I did almost 2 years of research before my first cycle at the age of 29. I'm not going to flame you bro, but do some F---ing research. You obviously haven't read much or you would realize the harm and side effects you could cause to your body at your age. I'm sick of young PUNKS always taking the easy road. Have you even tried a good diet and a well structured lifting plan? Your going to cheat your body of years of NATURAL growth. Wise up bro!


Registered User
Jun 27, 2005
My source is a guy that just graduated from my highschool he was about the smallest kid there until he did some steroids. Im trying to get real cut not really BIG, Steroids would give me the body I wanted for modeling and shit. My source said he would teach me how to do it right. He looks like he did it right I know hes done at least 2 cycles maybe even 3. Eversince I got these pills ive been eating ALOT at least 6 meals a day sometimes healthy sometimes not. I just figured I would get bigger faster with steroids. Ive been reading alot about steroids I just havnt found any information on where and how to inject yourself. What I need to do while im on the cycle and what to do after the cycle. I know I have to be on a good diet etc. Im trying to get ripped before I got back to school for the lady's. Ive got from here till august 17th.

MaSTa LifTa

Registered User
Apr 29, 2005
Well, those pills had nothing to do with you eating A LOT. Testosterone taken orally will not get into your system in any significant amount. There isn't even a pill form of testosterone that you can swallow produced. I don't know what your source gave you, but it wasn't testosterone, and if it was it won't do you any good.


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
Joe said:
My source is a guy that just graduated from my highschool he was about the smallest kid there until he did some steroids. Im trying to get real cut not really BIG, Steroids would give me the body I wanted for modeling and shit. My source said he would teach me how to do it right. He looks like he did it right I know hes done at least 2 cycles maybe even 3. Eversince I got these pills ive been eating ALOT at least 6 meals a day sometimes healthy sometimes not. I just figured I would get bigger faster with steroids. Ive been reading alot about steroids I just havnt found any information on where and how to inject yourself. What I need to do while im on the cycle and what to do after the cycle. I know I have to be on a good diet etc. Im trying to get ripped before I got back to school for the lady's. Ive got from here till august 17th.

Here's my advice bro, read up on on a good diet and training. Then get off your dead ass and get to the gym and train HARD! As for steroids, you'll get no advice from me. Your to young and obviously imature. Hopefully you will wait at least 2 years, and in that time you will eat right, train right and most important, come up with a better reason to do AAS than "getting ripped for the ladies"!

MaSTa LifTa

Registered User
Apr 29, 2005
This webpage and website are for informational reasons only. To enter anasci.org you must be at least 18 years old.

That's from the start page of the website. There's a reason for that being there.


Registered User
May 4, 2005
That's why I hate those punk ass kids, They ask for advice, but when they don't hear what they want they just say "I DON'T NEED YOU" I bet his daddy bought his car and he tells him the same thing. He must have a pretty big allowance to afford those TEST pills. He just doesn't want to work hard at getting big, so he thinks steroids are magic juice. I hope he wastes his money and gets nothing out of gear other than shrunken nuts and a stunted growth.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2005
Your so wrong, Ive been lifting weights On and off since 7th grade. I pay for everything my self I have a job at a golf course that makes just enough to pay for my gas and insurance and a little extra, Nice how you can talk shit about a 17 year old kid over the internet. I bet you feel real big doing that. My parents dont pay for anything I get ZERO allowance. I have been lifting weights and I am just not impressed anymore with the results. Im not going to take them anymore Ive read up on some better diets im going to try out. If they dont work as well as I want then im going to go buy some shots.

max lift

Registered User
Feb 24, 2005
you have recieved good info from some vets that know their shit and you refuse to listen to it , steroids are bad for you when your body has not developed yet at your age shutting down your natural test could cause you problems down the road , try and post that you are 17 and going to do roids on any other board and I am shure that the responce you get will not be nearly as helpfull.

Here is my advice post your weight height and BF% and mabie we can help with plan to get you going in the right direction , diet is king if you dont eat you wont grow no madder how much drugs you take ,
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Registered User
May 4, 2005
Yeah, probably a little harsh what i said. Too much testosterone. But seriously, at your age if you're not gaining then you're doing something wrong. The diet is a big factor, you should take in around 4000 calories a day, and try to get 2 grams protein per pound of body weight. also you might not be lifting hard enough, or you could be doing the same workout too much. Try switching your routine, switch the days, or change your split. If you're using high reps(over 8) do weights that you can lift for 3-6 reps for a while, or if you're doing low reps do the opposite. Don't train any body part more than once every 5 days. Any of this could be your problem, but at your age your body is producing so much TEST that it's like your on gear already, so no need to take any because that'll just make your body stop making it's own.