AON1's journey to 290


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Got my shit to hit workouts at work finally so should make a big difference. Hit a good chest arms delts workout last night after work was hard to push through but felt good. Hitting it again today and in morning as hard as possible. When I get more time I'll put up the lifts I'm doing now but anyone reading along knows how I train by now.

Moved into third phase of cycle and feels good . I fucked up and ran out of primo so took a week to get back in but now running sust,primo,npp,tren,t3 going to bring in the t4 hgh and an oral just as soon as I get time to get them in.

With the diet it's basically the same as I started with but more meals think I'm going to start throwing in a fasting day every couple weeks where I just take in water teas ect. no food 24 hrs and see what it does . I just feel with all the food my system needs a break if you will.

When this run is done I will be stage ready
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Hitting weights at work is working out great .....have started growing again finally.... have found the food is working better by running as many meals as possible on work days then eat clean but like a normal person on off days , like 5 meals on days off from work and the one massive cheat meal a week

Got a new gym ....family said it was time to work out at there gym ....don't care for it ....it's always full of normal people that look at you like what the fuck is he eating lol but not all bad they have a fuckn decline bench ...it's the oldest bench there but it's still there ...I think I'm the only guy using it while I have been there anyway.....there are a few real lifters I've seen so I'd say it gets used some

As far as cycle is going , I've eased back the sust a bit the closer i got to the gram mark the less I like the way I felt....and primo is supposed to be a feel good run but I'm probably on to much other shit to notice .....I will say when I ran out of the primo I felt the difference....adding it back in was a positive but I did up it at that point so may have helped


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Finally got a minute to update my thread ......cycle is taking some changes I'm not used to but still rolling along....bumped the primo up to 1120 and instead of getting that primo good feel it has kinda kicked in the tren agitation which I never really get so not really pissed but toward bed time I've really had all of the world I want to put up with ,pretty much that slap the next idiot that says something to me feeling lol...sweats have upped since increasing the primo also....and I can take some pip,have always ran short esters but if I don't really watch how I'm injecting it's friggn hell for the next couple days even in glutes .....but I am running npp,tren a, sust and primo in one shot may need to bust it up.

Work outs at work are good but hate the new gym I just can't seem to get in a groove with the weekend work outs...but I will get it done

Food is becoming hell....not sure what changed ....my appetite has just left but if I don't force it in on schedule i start dropping out ....my first time with t3 wondering if this is the issue because my metabolism had went through the roof before I started it so may be over kill....

Anyway that's where I'm at with the run at this point hope everyone is growing well and doing well


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Going to be a kill it day today hitting heavy chest and back then going back this afternoon and hitting shoulders and legs...

It seems no matter what I do this cycle has changed to a recomp ....I have an appointment with the beach over the holidays so I might say fuck it and go with it instead of fighting my body....I see other guys do mini cuts on long cycles, and by the time this run is done it will have been around a year and a half with little short cruises thrown in ...from this point out even cruises will be gram primo/ low tren/ no test.....I've never shreaded allnthe way down so I think I'm going to shread down for last 6 weeks of the year...should hit around 230-40 lean.....play on holiday come back fresh and lean and bulk for all I'm worth just to change it up because it doesn't seem to matter at this point what I do my body wants to recomp.....now I know what the skinny kids in school that couldn't gain felt like lol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Another good heavy day at the gym... I'm a little aggravated with my weight going up to I think around 275 then back down on this phase of the run but my wife tells me I'm bigger and leaner so is what it is....

So progress to this point

1. Diet: leaner and bigger still need to cut to get where I need to be

2. Drugs: I didn't really notice it till the last couple weeks but my strength gains have really progressed for example my bench has been a week point because of issues from years of construction but I'm up 120lbs on my rep sets, I don't do 1 rep max , I'm at the age a bad injury could end my lifting.

3 training: I've changed my training because work schedule and the change up is actually promoting progress. During the week is dumb bells ,body lifts for reps ect. then weekends are heavy for all I can get. It's a different progress but the change is working out a positive other than hating my new gym more each day....lol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Not much new hit a heavy full body today felt good I hate work not letting me over train any more, I really love the training it just takes you out of life for minute and puts you at your best...battle the iron.....only had couple cc of npp left so just stuck it in the tren bottle and upped the tren....havnt slept right since lol so now at 1400 primo 700 sust 700 tren t3 ....I played with the doses through the run and that seems to be the right spot but I'm either going to have to start eating till I'm sick or cut and shread


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Havnt posted any progress pics because honestly until I'm my vision of perfect there's no real point but feed back is always useful this is kind of a shity pic from couple months back I think but it doesn't show my tats ect so it's what I got


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Sep 17, 2003
Any chance someone can resize and turn that pic....I don't have a clue how

Resized. Looking thick aon!

To resize just save the pic to your desktop - right click on it and open it with 'paint' (every comp comes with it) - click on resize - click save - done.

If you are posting from a phone, no clue, don't use or carry a phone that much at all:eek:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Resized. Looking thick aon!

To resize just save the pic to your desktop - right click on it and open it with 'paint' (every comp comes with it) - click on resize - click save - done.

If you are posting from a phone, no clue, don't use or carry a phone that much at all:eek:

Thanks... I used my phone I don't do pics much but will use laptop next time ..the way you explained it I think I can get it


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
In that pic I think I'm 273 ......any opinions if my shape is fitting the weight....if that makes sense......I know in my head that I've made tons of gains from the sack of shit I let myself become before I started but I just don't see myself as big enough for what I'm wanting .....I guess for 273 I think I should look bigger


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
In that pic I think I'm 273 ......any opinions if my shape is fitting the weight....if that makes sense......I know in my head that I've made tons of gains from the sack of shit I let myself become before I started but I just don't see myself as big enough for what I'm wanting .....I guess for 273 I think I should look bigger

Remember, we're never quite as big as we should be, no matter how big we get. It's a bad mental trap to fall into. You can only fight your body so hard for so long. Always take a minute to step back and give yourself some credit for what you've achieved and how far you've come. It's harder than most people could ever understand.

With regards to the pic, it's hard to say cuz it's so blurry. But, leaner is always better. A lean 220 still looks better than a fat 300. You gotta do you, but maybe it's time to start that hard cutter and get lean so you can see where you're truly at.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Well I've come to realize now that I'm at the higher doses of supposed primo that it probably some sort of mast blend the sides I'm getting now line up to alot of mast.....I've never ran primo or mast but these higher doses don't feel like what I've read on primo.....I've asked about how it should be but really no response .....so I guess if I'm going to run primo I'm gonna have to start testing it when I start a new source....on the other hand this explains alot about how my cycle went sideways in part, I was as heavy as 275 give or take then no matter what I did leaned back down to 255 - 260 so I guess I'm going to do the mini cut wich shouldn't be hard If I drop at most 10% I'd be shreaded because I can see my abs now just really soft ....any way mini cut wich I believe will have be better set to start bulking with everything I can throw at it after ....I'm going to keep it lean as possible I've put alot of good muscle on this year if I can do even the same gain this next year I'll be lean heavy weight..

Anyway going to keep lifting heavy and start keto ....I've considered using the carb cycle lay out in the other section but really dont know....I know keto works for me so will probably stick with what works


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Killed it today in the gym .....chest keeps getting stronger seems I'm hitting new personal best as far as rep weight every week.....I'm working out alot less and gaining alot more strength and lean size is following .....

had my first ever tren moment today ....I don't like my new gym anyway and this douche thought he was something grabs a weight in front of me ....doods beside me had that look on there face they were getting ready to see ol boy beat like a.bitch I payed for...I guess I had that look .... I was in control but first thing in my head was beating the no respect for gym educate mother fucking punk in the head with the plate i had in my hand until his fucking brain drained out his fucking eyes......I guarantee he seen where he was about to go and started lifting on the other side of the room like I say I was in control and no chance of losing it but never had a moment like that

Starting keto tomorrow going to suck but I think it's needed at this point to return to gaining the way I'm after....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Really forgot how much I hate keto but it is what it is.....almost time for a short cruise again but trying to pic a winner for a new source is like playing the fuckn lottery ....under dosed orals ....mystery batch primo ect lol I'm almost at the point of saying fuck it .. cruising gram test feeling like shit or not then running couple grams of cattle juice for the next blast.....may not be the best approach but least I know what I'm running....who knows I think being on this long is starting to wear on me.......whatever it takes right lol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Not much to update .....On much earned vacation time with family....What it's about as far as I'm concerned......Dropped everything and now cruising on gram test e and 350 test p......Will run this till mid Jan then back on bulk......Gram primo,gram test bumping up until uncomfortable,anadrol to start then heavy tren then finish with halo,, running hgh- slin-t3,t4...As many clean cals a day as I can shove in until mid summer or so then cut and try to be stage worthy by Sept....will probably pull out all stops toward end of run and go just as extreme as it takes to get it done.....dnp ,mast, extra orals will probably be added in as needed up to the point I feel it's doing permanent damage to my health....I won't trade a future with my kids for one day of glory but I will take it as close as possible......


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Back from a much deserved and awsome vacation so I guess it's time to get back to the bulk ..Upping the gear in a few then bringing in the food.....I think this break was needed I feel better and think I look better than before heading out ...Didn't drop any muscle and always seem to gain quicker after not working body parts for a bit so should get a big jump in size after getting back after it...onward to the prize


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Well after laying off I got a really good workout today after the cutting and test cruise my body fat is down but still lifting the same weight but not as many reps for the sets, still feeling good......Turned the gear back up and getting a new work schedule so going back to overtraining.....fuckn yes....Starting the growth as soon as I get time to get it tested to make sure how much I need to run ....Not planning on over doing the growth just enough for anti aging and fat loss